Draft - January 28 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
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Winnebago Chamber Board Meeting Minutes from May 27, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Held at Village Office
Meeting called to order at 8:01 a.m. with Elizabeth Johnson-Lovett Presiding Roll Call: Present: Michelle Cunningham, Lori Schultz, Cory Bolduc, Elizabeth Johnson-Lovett, Nichole Smith, Kevin Doyle, Jamie McGrail Absent: Renae Stevens, Michele Stanis
Kevin Doyle made a motion to approve minutes from April 29, 2014 Board Meeting with changes. Cory Bolduc – Second 7- Aye, 0- Nay, O- Abstain. Minutes were approved with changes
Jamie McGrail made a motion to approve Treasurers Report for May. Kevin Doyle – Second Roll Call – Kevin Doyle, Nichole Smith, Elizabeth Johnson-Lovett, Michelle Cunningham, Lori Schultz, Jamie McGrail, Cory Bolduc. 7- Aye, 0- Nay, O- Abstain Treasurers Report was approved.
Lori presented to the board the 2015 projected Budget completed by the Finance Committee. Michelle Cunningham made the motion to approve the 2015 Chamber Budget presented by Lori Schultz and the Finance Committee. Cory Bolduc – Second Roll Call – Lori Schultz, Cory Bolduc, Michelle Cunningham, Nichole Smith, Kevin Doyle, Elizabeth Johnson-Lovett, Jamie McGrail. 7 – Aye, 0 Nay, Abstain. Budget was approved
Michel Stanis has stepped down from the Finance Committee and Jamie McGrail will take her place.
First National Bank is the sole sponsor for the Movie in the Park. Money will be run thru the Chamber. $1,000 invoice paid for movies with First National Bank reimbursing the Chamber.
Past due invoices for membership were sent out a month ago. Kevin Doyle will call past due members.
Business of the Month- May – Anna’s Pizza & Pasta and Win-Bur-Sew Fire Department June – Cunningham Construction and German American State Bank of Winnebago
Business After Hours will be held on Thursday, June 18, 2015, 5:45- 7pm @ German American State Bank-Winnebago. Ron Huggins speaking on behalf of 4th of July Committee.
Winter Business After Hours will be held on Thursday, November 5, 2015. Cory Bolduc will be working on getting a host for this event. The next General Meeting will be a luncheon on Thursday, August 6, 2015, 12:00 PM, with Constant Contacts as the speaker. Location to be determined.
Cory Bolduc will redesign the current logo to: “Winnebago Area Chamber Of Commerce.”
Cory Bolduc made a motion to request quotes for services for the Winnebago Area Chamber from current chamber members first. Lori Schultz – Second 7- Aye, 0- Nay, O- Abstain Motion was approved.
Lori Schultz will try to get the Pecatonica business and owner’s names from the Pecatonica Village office. We will then send invitations to the businesses to come to our meetings.
The Citizen and Business of the Year nomination forms will be updated for next year.
Jamie McGrail will take the Chamber signage down from the Winnebago Plaza.
Next Board Meeting is Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 8 a.m. Next General Meeting – Lunch on August 6. Location TBD
Lori Schultz made a motion to adjourn the Board Meeting Kevin Doyle – Second. All in favor – 7 aye; 0- nay, 0 – opposed. Motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted unapproved by: Michelle Cunningham – Winnebago Chamber Secretary