Beer Parish Council s3
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Beer Parish Council
The Parish Council Meeting was held on Tuesday 2 February 2016 at 7pm at the Mariners’ Hall. Copies of minutes and reports are available on request.
Present: Cllr. D Clinch Cllr. M Graham Cllr. M Green Cllr. U Makepeace Cllr. G Pook Cllr. M J Richards Cllr. L Vine Cllr. M Westlake
In attendance: A Dallaway (Clerk); Cllr. J Knight (DCC); one member of the press
1. Apologies accepted by the Council: None received.
2. Declarations of Interest: There were none declared.
3. Items to be dealt with after the public, including the press have been excluded: Councillors agreed that there were none.
4. Public participation: There was one member of public in attendance at the meeting who queried the land ownership of the strip of land adjacent the Fore St Car Park. Cllr Pook will clarify this matter. ACTION: CLLR POOK. The member of public also expressed concern about the excessive car parking charges in the village, specifically in the winter months.
5. Approval of minutes: The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 12 January 2016 were approved and signed as a true record. Action points from the meeting: 12/01/2016/5. A report is due to go to EDDC Cabinet in March to request the allocation of 2 parking spaces for Townsend House medical staff in the Central Car Park for the afternoon surgeries in July and August. 12/01/2016/5. EDDC will be erecting a sign in Fore St Car Park discouraging motorbikes from parking on the pavement adjacent the car park. The sign will direct motorbikes to the Central Car Park and indicate that free parking on the hatched areas is permitted for motorbikes as long as they do not cause an obstruction. 12/01/2016/5. A design is in hand for a suitable grate to be installed where the brook flows under the road at the bottom of Fore Street.
6. Police Report: PCSO Sam Slater was in attendance at the meeting and reported that there had been two recorded crimes for Beer in January – one incident of theft by finding and one drunk in charge of a vehicle. PCSO Slater also reported that the Have Your Say police surgeries will in future run in conjunction with the Mobile Library service in Beer at Barnards Farm.
7. Reports – Chairman, Clerk Chairman’s Report: The Chairman reported that he had received several reports of dog fouling. EDDC has applied “PLEASE PICK UP” stencils to the pathway along Pig’s Path and stickers have also been supplied for lampposts to remind people to pick up dog mess. It is not possible for EDDC to organise a patrol of problem areas within the village but EDDC is keen to encourage people to report dog fouling on 01395 517528 or by email at [email protected]. The Clerk will request further stencils for the path between Park Road and Underleys. ACTION: CLERK Clerk’s Report: A Parish Council surgery was held on 16 January 2016 at the Horticultural Society Table Top Sale at the Mariners’ Hall. Matters raised included a blocked drain at Underleys, an overhanging tree on Starre Bank and a broken seat in the top cemetery. All matters have been reported to the appropriate agencies. The next Parish Council surgery will take place at the Horticultural Society Table Top Sale on 5 March.
Bpcmins0202016AD 1 Investigations are on-going regarding the flooding on the road into Beer (near Hangman’s Stone), which is exacerbated by mud from the fields. Cllr Knight advised that Highways Officers were monitoring this situation and would be meeting with the landowner in order to draw up a plan of action. EDDC is keen to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday by acknowledging local councils’ achievements within the community. Community, Youth and Local Service Awards are available with an application deadline of 15 April 2016. The next deadline for the Parishes Together Fund is 12 February 2016. Discussion took place regarding a potential application for funding for additional gully sucking and drain clearance within the parish. The Council noted that it would not be necessary to demonstrate joint working. The Clerk will submit the application. ACTION: CLERK EDDC has been advised that there is a vacancy on the Parish Council and the appropriate signs have been displayed to enable 10 or more electors to request an election. If no election is necessary, the Parish Council will make the necessary arrangements to co-opt a new member. The Clerk highlighted the Flood Resilience Fund and advised that the parish was not currently in need of any additional flood resilience equipment. The Parish Council already provides sandbags and the Workman has suggested the purchase of a dumpy bag of sand for local residents to access in the event of a flood. The Clerk will clarify the application criteria for this fund and feedback as appropriate.
8. Financial report: i) Cheques required: 001695 - £48.20 Bradfords Building Supplies (materials)
The Council resolved to approve the cheque listed above. RESOLVED
9. To approve the Internal Auditor for 2015/16 The Council approved Hilary Cozens as the internal auditor for 2015/16. RESOLVED
10. To approve external audit procedures for 2017/18 The Audit Commission has now ceased to exist and procurement procedures for external audit will change from 2017/18 onwards. An auditor will be appointed by a “sector-led body” for a 5 year period or Parish Councils can opt out and appoint their own auditor by 31 March 2016. The annual audit fee for Councils who stay “opted in” is expected to be £200. The Parish Council resolved to stay “opted in” and have an auditor appointed. RESOLVED
11. Defibrillator for the beach – to consider funding sources The money for the defibrillator has now been pledged and the Parish Council is keen to proceed with the project. Cllr Richards will approach the Coastguards to discuss the possibility of them taking on the responsibility for the defibrillator. ACTION: CLLR RICHARDS/CLERK
12. Asset register – annual review All Annual Review Forms have now been completed for all parish assets and matters for action are in hand.
13. Bus services – to receive an update A resident of Seaton has contacted the Parish Council proposing a joint representation to the bus companies and relevant agencies on behalf of Seaton, Colyton and Beer. Beer Parish Council expressed support for this local campaign but the Council will continue to make direct representation to the bus companies and relevant agencies as appropriate. Cllr Westlake advised that First Hants & Dorset Ltd is currently planning the summer timetable and it is hoped that there will be an increase in service levels.
14. EDDC asset transfer – to approve Asset Transfer Plan and Financial Model Cllr Pook presented the draft Asset Transfer Plan and Financial Model and summarised the financial data. The earliest such a transfer can begin is April 2017. Councillors agreed that the asset transfer provided a Bpcmins0202016AD 2 real opportunity for Beer to shape its own future, but acknowledged that the transfer would bring with it significant responsibilities and liabilities for the Parish Council. The Parish Council approved the documents which will be formally submitted to EDDC. Proposed by Cllr Green and seconded by Cllr Graham. RESOLVED
15. Beer Coastal Community Team – to receive an update: The draft Coastal Community Team Business Plan was approved at a meeting of the CCT Steering Group in January and the document has now been submitted to the Coastal Communities Alliance.
16. Neighbourhood Plan – to receive an update and reports from the Steering Group A Steering Group meeting is due to be scheduled to organise the launch of the draft Neighbourhood Plan and the programme of public consultation.
17. Planning: Minutes from the Planning Committee meeting held on 12 January 2016 had been previously circulated. The Council resolved to accept the recommendations of the Planning Committee. RESOLVED
18. Reports of EDDC and DCC Cllrs including matters for attention Cllr Pook, EDDC raised the following items: The East Devon Local Plan was adopted on 28 January 2016. Cllr Pook is continuing to keep abreast of developments relating to devolution for the Heart of the South West area. Arrangements for governance have yet to be determined but it is expected that District Councils will remain in place. EDDC has announced beach hut fees for 2016-2018. Cllr Pook will be making representation to EDDC regarding the disproportionate increase in fees for the beach huts in Beer.
Cllr Knight, DCC raised the following items: The Electoral Review of Devon is now complete and new electoral arrangements will be implemented at the local elections in 2017. Beer will sit within Seaton & Colyton division. The Locality Budget will once again be available for parishes within the Seaton & Colyton division and grants will also be available from the Invest in Devon fund. The top section of Common Lane is scheduled for resurfacing. It was noted that the bottom of Mare Lane needs attention. Seaton Jurassic will be opening on the 26 March 2016.
19. Reports of Parish Council representatives on other bodies: Cllr Green advised that funding may be available from the East Devon AONB Partnership for an underground cabling project in Beer. Cllr Makepeace reported that the Britain in Bloom judges would be visiting the village in July/August.
20. Correspondence/Literature: As on Appendix A.
The meeting closed at 8.40pm.
Date of next Parish Council meeting: Tuesday 1 March 2016
Date: ………………………………….. Chairman: ………………………….
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