Leap Annual Conference, 5-6 February 2016, Budapest

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Leap Annual Conference, 5-6 February 2016, Budapest



Surname Name Jurisdiction Function 1. Åkerberg Annika Sweden NGO 2. Almond Catherine Ireland Practitioner 3. Anguelov Kalin Bulgaria Practitioner 4. Arendt Lievens Belgium Practitioner 5. Arvanitis Dominique Greece Practitioner 6. Bakalović Vanja Croatia NGO 7. Bencze Mátyás Hungary Academic 8. Blackstock Jodie UK NGO 9. Bogunovic Mina Slovenia Practitioner 10 Bosak Martina Croatia Practitioner . 11 Botyriene Ingrida Lithuania Practitioner . 12 Carvalho Ines Portugal Practitioner . 13 Christopoulos Panagiotis Greece Practitioner . 14 Cooper Ben UK Practitioner . 15 Costa Almeida Ines Portugal Practitioner . 16 Costa Ramos Vania Portugal Practitioner . 17 Gámez Selma Alejandro Spain Practitioner . 18 Giannoulopoulos Dimitrios UK Academic . 19 González Maribel Spain Practitioner . 20 Grange Edward UK Practitioner . 21 Gregorczyk-Abram Sylwia Poland Practitioner . 22 Guardascione Fulvia Italy Practitioner . 23 Gutauskas Arturas Lithuania Practitioner . 24 Houliara Zoe Greece Practitioner . 25 Hrle Vladimir Serbia Practitioner . 26 Isobel Marion UK NGO 27 Jansen Gwen Netherlands Practitioner . 28 Jarzab Piotr Poland Practitioner . 29 Jimeno-Bulnes Maria Spain Academic . 30 Kadar Andras Hungary NGO . 31 Kanchev Dinko Bulgaria Practitioner . 32 Katschinka Lise Austria Itnerpreter/NGO . 33 Killinger Iris-Maria Germany Practitioner . 34 Kodrzycki Tomasz Netherlands Practitioner . 35 Kyrieleis Oliver Germany Practitioner . 36 Laciak Ondrej Slovakia Practitioner . 37 Makieła Magdalena Poland Practitioner . 38 Malpricht Marc Germany Practitioner . 39 Marchand Christophe Belgium Practitioner . 40 Marietti Susanna Italy NGO . 41 Martin-Osorio Sebastian Spain Practitioner . 42 Moerman Ellen Netherlands Interpreter . 43 Monge Sofia Portugal Practitioner . 44 Muka Ondrej Czech Republic Practitioner . 45 Namoradze Zaza Hungary NGO . 46 Neto Joao Portugal Practitioner . 47 Niblock Rebecca UK Practitioner . 48 Osik Pawel Poland Practitioner . 49 Pagonas Ioannis Greece Practitioner . 50 Palaiologou Georgia Greece Practitioner . 51 Petrov Roumen Bulgaria Practitioner . 52 Plevri Anna Cyprus Academic . 53 Polyzoidou Vagia Cyprus Academic . 54 Pournara Aikaterini Greece Practitioner . 55 Pyromallis Georgios Greece Practitioner . 56 Rammelt Jozef Netherlands Practitioner . 57 Robinson Dara Ireland Practitioner . 58 Roos Daniel Sweden Practitioner . 59 Roth Erika Hungary Academic . 60 Ryfisch Sven Germany Practitioner . 61 Sanchez Germán Spain Practitioner . 62 Scandurra Alessio Italy NGO . 63 Schons Roby Luxembourg Practitioner . 64 Sosnowska Anna Poland Practitioner . 65 Stajer Agata Poland Practitioner . 66 Tafadar Sultana UK Practitioner . 67 Tocha Adam Poland Practitioner . 68 Tochkov Ventsislav Bulgaria Practitioner . 69 Tricaud Dominique France Practitioner . 70 Tsagkalidis Alexandros Greece Practitioner . 71 Veljovic Vladimir Croatia Practitioner . 72 Wisniewska Katarzyna Poland NGO . 73 Zeman Michal Czech Republic Practitioner .


I – Brussels update / Europe focus

Ms Bärbel Heinkelmann is a member of the Criminal Procedure Unit (B1) within the Directorate- General for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality under the overall authority of Commissioner Ms Vera Jourová. This is the unit responsible for development of proposals for EU legislation on procedural rights and for the monitoring of its implementation by the EU Member States.

Dr Júlia Iván is a lawyer working for the refugee programme of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, a LEAP member. Her work covers asylum seekers’ access to international protection (border surveillance), alternatives to detention in the asylum system and the situation of accompanied minor refugees, as well as visits to immigration and asylum detention centres and advice to detainees.

Ms Vanja Bakalovic is a lawyer at the Centre for Peace Studies (CMS), a human rights organisation in Zagreb, Croatia. CMS works on a range of issues relating to refugees and in 2015 issued a set of recommendations responding to the problem of EU-recognised refugees being arrested in different Member States, including a recommendation for the establishment of mutual recognition of asylum.

Alessio Scandurra is director of research activities at Antigone, an Italian NGO committed to the protection of fundamental rights within the criminal and penitentiary system. He coordinates the Observatory on Prison Conditions in Italy and, since 2012, the European Prison Observatory (www.prisonobservatory.org), a project supported by the European Union. Currently his main research interests regard prison conditions, penitentiary policies and alternatives to detention.

II – Criminal justice litigation / applying EU law in practice

Mr Udo Krause is a partner at Krause Roloff Ryfisch, a law firm in Germany, and is also registered as a lawyer in Austria. He was defence counsel in the national proceedings which became Case C- 216/14 Covaci, the first case to be referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union on the interpretation of the Roadmap Directives (a copy of the judgment is included in this pack).

Dr Katalin Hipp is Head of Section at the Department of Criminal Court Cases at the Office of the Chief Metropolitan Prosecutor in Budapest. She supervises investigations and prosecutes criminal cases before the courts at first instance and on appeal. She has extensive background prosecuting juvenile cases in the local courts and has published a range of papers on EU judicial cooperation, Europol and criminal responsibility of legal persons.

Dr Adam Bodnar is the Human Rights Commissioner (also known as Ombudsman) of the Republic of Poland, beginning his mandate in September 2015. A lawyer with a PhD from the University of Warsaw who has published and lectured widely on a range of legal issues, Dr Bodnar was formerly Head of the Legal Department and Vice-President of the Board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, the leading Polish human rights organisation with extensive strategic litigation experience in national courts and the European Court of Human Rights under Dr Bodnar’s stewardship.

Dr Tamás Matusik is Head of the Investigating Judge Department in the Central District Court of Buda, Budapest (12 judges plus subordinates). The Department is responsible for pre-trial cases, including deciding on pre-trial detention and other coercive measures, issuing European Arrest Warrants and authorising intelligence gathering. Dr Matusik attended a meeting of the Local Expert Group convened by Fair Trials in Budapest in February 2013 on the subject of pre-trial detention.

III – Current criminal defence challenges in the EU

Mr Kirill Koroteev is the Legal Director at the Memorial Human Rights Centre, one of the oldest and most respected Russian human rights organisations. Mr Koroteev also cooperates with the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre. He works extensively on litigation at the European Court of Human Rights, including cases in the North Caucasus and cases relating to freedom of assembly. He was one of the lawyers in the case Natsvlishvili and Togonidze v. Georgia, the lead case on plea bargaining.

Ms Zdravka Kalaydjieva is a lawyer from Bulgaria and was the Judge for Bulgaria at the European Court of Human Rights from 2008 to 2015, sitting in a number of important cases on criminal defence rights. Her (dissenting / concurring) opinions in some cases (including Dvorski v. Croatia and the chamber judgment in Ibrahim and Others v. United Kingdom) have drawn attention to the issue of remedies for defence rights infringements occurring during pre-trial proceedings.

Mr Christophe Marchand is a lawyer specialising in criminal law and associate researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. He is the LEAP Advisory Board member for Belgium and has cooperated with Fair Trials on individual cases raising EU law issues. He has defended a number of cases of alleged terrorism offences and has acted in leading cases at the European Court of Human Rights including El Haski v. Belgium, establishing a violation of Article 6 due to the use of evidence which there was a real risk had been obtained in breach of Article 3 of the Convention in Morocco.

Fair Trials staff

Jago Russell has been the Chief Executive of the Fair Trials group since September 2008. Before joining Fair Trials, he worked as a policy specialist at the human rights charity Liberty and worked as a Legal Specialist in the UK Parliament, assisting the Human Rights, Home Affairs and Constitutional Affairs Select Committees. Jago is a qualified solicitor and has published and lectured widely on a range of criminal justice and human rights issues.

Libby McVeigh, Legal & Policy Director, manages all of Fair Trials’ legal and policy activities. Libby is a qualified solicitor with a wide range of human rights law experience. Before joining Fair Trials, she established and managed the Anti-trafficking programme at the Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics, worked as a Legal Officer at The Equal Rights Trust and was a Litigation Solicitor at Refugee and Migrant Justice.

Alex Mik, Campaigns & Communications Manager, is responsible for Fair Trials’ core communications. Working with the Chief Executive, Alex also helps to develop Fair Trials’ public campaigning activities and coordinates public campaigns. Before joining Fair Trials, Alex worked for the Azerbaijan Migration Center in Baku, and for a busy solicitors’ practice in North London.

Jemima Harsthorn, Legal & Policy Officer (EU office), has until recently coordinated Fair Trials’ pre- trial detention research project. Jemima qualified as a judge and prosecutor in Germany and trained in different cities including Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She has also previously worked as a public prosecutor, prior to completing her LLM in Law and Governance at SOAS, University of London.

Gianluca Cesaro, Administrator (EU office), manages the daily operations of the EU office in Brussels and provides coordination and communications support for LEAP activities. Before joining Fair Trials, Gianluca worked in administrative roles for other human rights organisations based in Brussels, including the European Roma Information Office and the Open Society European Policy Institute.

Alex Tinsley, Legal & Policy Officer (Head of EU Office), is the coordinator of LEAP and represents LEAP view points to EU policy-makers in Brussels. He works on Fair Trials’ ECtHR interventions and works with LEAP members on national litigation on EU law points. He is on the editorial board of the New Journal of European Criminal Law and has published, lectured and produced various training modules on the topic for lawyers, judges and prosecutors.

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