Middlefield Community Primary School Reading Policy

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Middlefield Community Primary School Reading Policy

St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School Administration of Medicines Policy

The policy is given to all parents when their child starts school, copies are sent out at intervals, to remind parents of this school policy and a copy is kept in the Policy File in the school office for inspection at any time. The policy is reviewed regularly, in line with the School Plan and with reference to the DfE Guidelines.

Legal Requirements.

St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School follows the DfE guidance in supporting pupils with medical needs. However, it must be emphasised that primary responsibility for a child’s health rests with the parents/carers.There is no responsibility which requires staff to administer medication. However, many staff are prepared to act in “loco parentis” in an emergency. In an extreme case, this may necessitate calling an ambulance before contacting a parent or trained staff.

Exchange of Information

Parents as the child’s main carer, have a responsibility to provide the school with sufficient information about their child’s medical condition, treatment and/or special care needed at school. This should be done immediately prior to entry to school. If medical treatment becomes necessary after admission, parents must inform the school immediately. They must also notify the school of any changes to medication and supply medicines in the original container, with the dispenser’s label and current directions on. Parents must inform the school of any medicines which children are allergic to and a contact person in case of emergencies. A general consent form should be filled in on entry to school.

General Administration of Medicines

It is recognised that children themselves have a role to play. In some cases, it is appropriate for them to be involved in taking responsibility for their own health care (e.g. asthma sufferers). A parental consent form should be completed. Some medicines (e.g. ventolin) need to be kept in school at all times. It is the parents’/carers’ responsibility to ensure that an adequate supply is available, that clear directions are on the label, with type, child’s name and dosage. The medication must be in date and is collected at the end of each term and renewed at the beginning of the next. For the purposes of independence, asthma inhalers are kept in a place accessible to children requiring them. In case of emergencies or evacuation of the school, an emergency inhaler will be available.

Only trained staff are able to administer medicines.

The school is prepared to administer prescription medicines only when absolutely necessary (children who are obviously unwell should be kept at home) and upon receipt of the appropriate form, or in the case of short-term administration. a) A signed letter of authority and instruction (to be kept in the office) showing required dosage; b) A signed disclaimer from parent/carer. (These forms can be found on the school website www.stmarymags.co.uk and completed at home then brought into school office).

The remainder of a course of antibiotics, only if it is to be administered four times daily, may be administered. This should be supplied as a single dose only, if at all possible. Staff cannot guarantee that children will receive their medication at an exact time. The school is unable to administer:  eye drops/cream;  suppositories;  antibiotics that need to be administered three times a day, (as doctors are generally happy that the child is given this before school, after school and before going to bed);  or any tablets.

Records of medicines

Records of medicines dispensed are kept by the member of staff responsible. It is good practice for the dosage and administration to be witnessed by a second adult – although this is not always practical.

Emergency Procedures

Injections may only be given by an appropriate medical practitioner (doctor) or someone specifically trained and authorised by a doctor or nurse. Usually only staff trained in certain procedures (such as administrating adrenaline), should do so.

Circumstances requiring an ambulance

All staff should know how to call the emergency services. All staff are responsible for carrying out emergency procedures in the event of need. A pupil taken to hospital by ambulance should be accompanied by a member of staff, who will stay with them until the parent/carer arrives. Staff should only take children to hospital in their own car in an emergency. They should be accompanied by another member of staff and have public liability insurance.

Safety and Storage

Medicines will be kept in the main office and if they need refrigeration will be kept in the small fridge. They should be provided in a single dose only, if at all possible. Any out of date/discontinued medicines will be returned to parents. Children should not carry any medicines to school, except asthma inhalers. All medication is kept in a labeled bag for each child that requires it. Non-prescription medicines will not be administered.

School Educational Visits

Medicines taken on educational visits will normally be the responsibility of the teacher in charge. When required, parents will be asked to fill in a consent form for the administration of anesthetic by a medical practitioner.

Arrangements for Children giving Particular Cause for Alarm

If a child has a special medical condition which could require emergency intervention (e.g. anaphylaxis, epilepsy, diabetes) the appropriate people (school staff, parents, and medical professionals) should agree the following at the outset:  what emergency situation could arise (indicate possible symptoms)  what action would be needed (include strategies to avoid emergencies happening, e.g. eating  certain foods)  what staff could be permitted to do (School Nursing Officer to advise)  which staff would be prepared to give assistance themselves  what training will be given  what untrained staff should do (i.e. call a colleague)  arrangements for review of procedures  arrangements for school visits and special activities (e.g. swimming)  how and when parents/carers/emergency contacts should be notified whether there are any other issues.


All medical information will be treated as confidential and the Headteacher with the parents/carers will agree who else should have access to records, etc about a child.

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