Forest Avenue
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Welcome to Second Grade
Forest Avenue Academic Magnet Dear Parents,
Welcome to a new school year! We are excited to have your child in second grade and look forward to working with you this year. This will be an exciting and challenging year for you, your child, and us. We look forward to meeting you and getting acquainted with your children!
Enclosed in this Parent Pack are study guides, important information and other helpful materials. Feel free to print a copy of this handbook for your reference. A hard copy will not be provided.
We hope you are as excited as we are about what is ahead for your child this year. Here’s to a great school year!
Sincerely, Second Grade Teachers
What is a Forest Avenue Parent?
A Forest Avenue parent realizes that this is an academically accelerated program and understands that their child will be challenged. In fact, they want their child challenged; that is why they chose this school for their child! A Forest Avenue parent is supportive of their child’s teachers and contacts the teachers first and immediately when there is a concern or question. A Forest Avenue parent helps their child go over each homework calendar on Monday nights. A Forest Avenue parent initials their child’s homework each night. A Forest Avenue parent helps their child keep up with due dates and requirements for projects, field trips, events, etc. A Forest Avenue parent provides minimum help on their child’s projects, if needed. A Forest Avenue parent does not take the blame (or guilt) when their child does not have something signed, at school, or on time. A Forest Avenue parent keeps up with the snack calendar; although the bag doesn’t make it home, there are hungry second graders the next day!
Forest Avenue: A School of Academic Excellence Expectations for Second Graders
Forest Avenue is an academically accelerated program dedicated to academic excellence. Second graders at Forest Avenue are expected to uphold and maintain a standard of excellence in their work and behavior. We know Forest Avenue second graders are capable of reaching these standards. We expect Forest Avenue second graders to: Write neatly and legibly, forming letters correctly. This encompasses both manuscript and cursive, when taught. If letters are formed incorrectly or illegibly, the word will be marked as incorrect or a deduction taken. Head their papers as required by the teacher. Missing or incomplete headings will result in a grade reduction. Headings must include first name, last name, date, and student number. Spell words correctly on all work when the words are on the page such as in a word bank, in the directions, or in a question. Points will be deducted for misspelled words. Check their work carefully before turning it in. Students should take an extra few minutes to read over their work, checking each number to be sure all has been completed and double checking the directions to be sure they have been followed. Not following directions will result in a deduction of up to 5 points. Be ready for the day before announcements begin. Have their homework each day. Homework is minimal in second grade but it is to be completed, initialed and returned when expected. Do their own work on projects and reports. Parents may certainly guide their children, and we encourage this. However, all work should be the student’s creativity, handwriting and language. Students should understand and be able to explain any aspect of their work if questioned. Adult language and phrasing that a student cannot read or explain in his or her own words is not acceptable and points may be deducted.
Second Grade Discipline Plan
The person your child becomes is more important than the grade earned. It is important that children understand excellence in behavior is expected whether in the classroom, lunchroom, hallways, or with specialists. The child’s behavior must be deserving of the grade earned. Good behavior is essential for a positive learning environment.
Grade Level Rules
1. Follow all directions. 2. Be prepared for class. This means having all necessary items at their desks. Students are not allowed to go back to their book bags once class has started. 3. Observe “no talking” and “stay seated” times. 4. Keep hands, feet, unkind words, and objects to yourself. 5. Respect others. 6. Use equipment and materials correctly. 7. Exhibit appropriate behavior in hallways, in restrooms, in car pool and bus line, and on field trips.
Possible consequences for non-compliance of second grade rules
1. Sign name on board. 2. Second signing or check by name on the board in same day = signing the conduct log. 3. Second single signing (ex. once on Monday and once on Thursday) in a single week = signing the conduct log. 4. Student-teacher conference. 5. Parents informed by conduct calendar/report, note, email, or conference. 6. Student may be referred to counseling. 7. An Office Referral is an automatic letter grade drop.
There may be times, at the teacher’s discretion, that a student may sign the conduct log without a board signing first.
During the year, expectations will be raised. This means fewer chances will be given for compliance. Example of Rewards for Positive Behavior
One or more of the following depending on individual teacher: Treasure box Stickers Caught being good Stamps Special treats/privileges
Lowering of Conduct Grades
The ultimate consequence for consistent lack of compliance (breaking rules) is the lowering of the conduct grade. Appropriate documentation will be kept with the use of a conduct log.
1 to 2 signings = A 3 to 4 signings = B 5 to 6 signings = C 7 to 8 signings = D 9 to 10 signings = F
Conferences or Communication
1. First try to ask questions through emails. 2. There may be a time when you have more to discuss with the teacher than you feel appropriate through email. We welcome parent requested conferences. However, the teachers do not keep their own conference books. If you would like to schedule a conference, you must call the office (269-3673).
Math Reading Minor Grades – 35% Minor Grades – %35 *Daily Work *Daily Work *Quizzes *Select assessments *Homework *Homework *Timed drills
Major Grades – 65% Major Grades – 65% *Chapter and Mid- *Oral Reading Passages Chapter Tests *Select assessments *Timed Test *Optional AR Project (Making quarter’s AR points/average)
Science/Social Studies English Minor Grades – 35% Minor Grades – 35% *Daily Work *Daily Work *Quizzes *Select writing assignments *Homework *Handwriting
Major Grades – 65% Major Grades – 65% *Chapter and Vocab Tests *Spelling/Vocabulary Tests *Projects *Poetry Recitations *Grammar Unit Tests *Select writing assignments
For each day a project/assignment is late, 11 points will be deducted from the grade. This can refer to in- class writing assignments/projects. Additional copies of instructions, requirements, poems, etc. will not be provided. Points will be deducted after the first week of school for the following reasons: incomplete heading (first and last name, date, and student number.) misspelled word on page (i.e. word bank) or for high frequency word, such as Word Wall words or words that have appeared on spelling tests incomplete answer missing capital letter missing punctuation not following directions incorrectly formed letters incomplete sentence incomplete work Other deductions will be added to this list as the year progresses. Grading Scale A 90 – 100 B 80 – 89 C 70 – 79 D 60 – 69 F 59 - 0
Homework and Signed Papers Communication is a vital key in the success of a student here at Forest Avenue. Homework calendars are a form of weekly communication to inform you of not only homework, but upcoming tests, projects, due dates, field trips, and other events and information. Homework calendars will be sent home each week. Homework is meant to reinforce skills covered in class and should be checked at home. A parent must initial each homework assignment. This helps us know that you have reviewed the assignment and helped your child correct mistakes, noting areas where your child is having difficulty. Homework will be checked in class. If a child does not have his/her homework, they will receive an Uh-Oh note as an indication of a reduction in the homework grade (minus 5 points per missed assignment). The Uh-Oh note needs to be signed by the parent and returned to school the next day. Both the missing homework and the Uh-Oh must be returned on the next school day. Assignments must be at school at the time they are being checked by the teacher. We do not allow children to use the office phone to call parents for forgotten assignments. Signed papers, which you can expect about every two weeks, are a form of communication about your child’s work and conduct. Please review all papers with your child, reinforcing any areas of weakness, and then return the papers on the very next school day. Second Grade Handbook Note of Receipt
Please read and review ALL PAGES of this handbook thoroughly. Please visit both teachers’ websites to become familiar with the required documents available for your child, such as the spelling list, quarterly poem, etc. Please understand that paper copies of the parent handbook, spelling list, quarterly poems, etc. will not be provided by the teachers.
Your signature below indicates that you and your child have read and understood all the policies and procedures contained in the handbook, that you are aware of the required documents on the teachers’ websites, and understand that you are responsible for accessing these items. Please return this entire page with your child’s other first day paperwork. Student’s name:______
Parent’s signature:______