Welcome to Master Program in Accounting and Control

On behalf of Karlstad Business School we have the pleasure to welcome you to the Master program in Accounting and Control. The program will start with an introduction on the 27th of August in Room 9c203 at 08.15. At 10.30 the University has a ceremony in Aula Magna. The actual courses will start according to the courses schedule.

The first courses on the programme

Course title: FEAD25, 22144, Accounting and Control FEAD11, 22138, International Financial Accounting

Date and time: Please check the course homepage for information.

Place: Please check the course homepage for information.

The schedule will be posted there at least two weeks before the course start date.

Course details and schedule will be published on the course homepage. Click on the link below and find the course by choosing subject, or enter the course application code (5 digits): http://www.student.kau.se/kurstorg/

You must register for the course that you have been admitted to via ”My Page” at http://www.kau.se/en/current-students. If you are a new student at Karlstad University, you must first access your student user account. In order to do so, follow the instructions under the New students tab. Students who already have a user account but have lost their NetIDs or passwords should contact the local IT support service at [email protected]. Please read the information on web registration available under New students > Roll call and web registration. For the course FEAD25 and FEAD11 web registration will be open one week before and one week after the course starts.

If your admission is conditional (indicated by a VI in your acceptance letter), you must prove your eligibility for the course before registering. In this case, contact the course administrator before the course start date to have your conditional status removed.

Itslearning is used as the Internet platform for course information and hand-in assignments. The course folder will be opened and appear on your Itslearning dashboard about a week

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before the actual course begins. Instructions on how to activate your Itslearning account are available at http://www.kau.se/en/current-students/it-support/itslearning.

Please notify the course administrator as soon as possible if you are no longer planning to take the course.

Contact persons Course administrator: Franciszka (Frania) Johansson, [email protected] Course convenor: Sven Siverbo, [email protected], 054-700 13 52 (Accounting and Control) Johan Lorentzon, [email protected], 054-700 13 68 (International Financial Accounting) Student advisor: Eva Hallgren, [email protected], 054-700 11 42

IT Student support E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 054 - 700 16 95, Mon-Fri 11:00 - 13:00 You can also consult us at the Welcome Centre in building 1E, open Mon-Fri 11:00 - 13:00. Bring a valid ID if you want to access your student user account.

Itslearning support E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 054 - 700 20 00, Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-15:00
