
In this activity your students will be creating a multimedia presentation about inventions in America. The presentation can be created in KidPix, Microsoft PowerPoint, or Timeliner.

Students should have at least one slide about each of the following topics:

1. title slide with student name 2. cotton gin a. Who invented it? b. When was it invented? c. What was its impact on life in America? 3. reaper a. Who invented it? b. When was it invented? c. What was its impact on life in America? 4. steamboat a. Who invented it? b. When was it invented? c. What was its impact on life in America? 5. steam locomotive a. Who invented it? b. When was it invented? c. What was its impact on life in America? 6. What could you invent that would change life in America? a. Draw a picture of it and include it on this slide. (KidPix or scan image) b. How would it impact life in America?