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Created by Kerry Moody

Created by Kerry Moody

Early Years Foundation Stage/Year 1Termly overview Newton Primary School PLC …… learning overview Year Group: Term: Teacher: KLM Class: Diamond EYFS/Y1 Diary Dates 5.11.2012 (4 days) 12.11.2012 19.11.2012 and 26.11.2012 5.11.2012 INSET Fire/Police/ School crossing patrol visit 9.11.2012 PARTAKE VISIT Primary Learning Who helps me at home? Who helps me at school? Who helps to keep me safe and healthy?  Paint/collage picture of people  Talking about and naming the  Create an ‘Emergency services’ interactive display with the poster as a Challenge: who help us at home. people who keep our school clean, centrepiece surrounded by the children’s artwork. On a table below, provide a  Role-playing in the home corner to serve our lunch, keeps us safe at selection of uniform items and artefacts, such as reflective jackets, People who help take on a variety of role and begin playtimes. Create a big book to binoculars, stethoscopes and helmets. Add appropriate captions and links us. to create thematic role-play area thank those people. relating to the (EYFS). Alternatively, display the poster in the role-play or police station and jail.  Design a new road safety sign for small world area, or hang up a laminated version outdoors, to encourage the  Making ‘People who help me at crossing patrol role play. children to set up imaginary emergency situations. Modify sit-and-ride vehicles Who are the home’ books. Focusing on writing  Share stories about a child going to with logos and signs and provide uniforms and props. different people names/labels. school for the first time. Talk about  Use the Emergency Services interactive poster to look for examples of print  Talk about & explore the people the reasons why the chn were and logos. Talk about how they help us to identify appropriate people to who help me? who visit our homes to help us e.g. worried about going to school and approach when we need help. post man, dustbin man, window the things that they looked forward  Explore road safety awareness through interactive texts and role play. cleaners through images/ to. What helped them to be happy  Visits from local emergency services to talk to the chn about their job and how interactive texts. to go to school? they help to keep people safe.  Play a game in which chn are  Involve chn in creating a number  Use wheeled and ride-on toys as props for an action game. delivering bean-bag post. frieze of pictures associated with  Make and use a simple floor map for small-world play.  Share the interactive text and the people who help us.  Ask chn to make houses with windows using self chosen resources in the poster ‘I am the Postman’ with the  Invite an adult known to the chn to construction area. Use them to compare heights and to make ladders to rescue children. Help chn to understand a come and talk about their small world people. typical daily routine of someone memories of school. Who were the  Use numbered ambulances/police cars/ fire engines / life boats etc for who delivers the mail. people who helped them? What did number recognition and ordering activities. they do to help their teachers and  Constructing own emergency vehicles on a small and large scale. other adults?  Enjoy putting actions and percussion to songs and poems which feature people who help to keep us safe Communication Stories with familiar settings and Information texts Stories with familiar settings Stories with predictable patterns & Language The Jolly Postman Non-fiction: Big Book: Firefighters. Fiction: The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch/ The Lighthouse Keeper’s Rescue by The People Who Help Us, series from Ronda and David Armitage/ A Bad Day for Thomas and His Friends + Road Literacy NF: Selection of books about people Wayland/ A Day in the Life of, series Safety Booklets who help children: from Watts/ Mathematics Counting, comparing and ordering Shape and space Counting Counting numbers Reasoning 3D shapes/ pattern Adding and subtracting Adding and subtracting Understanding Developing mouse and keyboard skills the World ICT Logging on to Purple Mash - Using 2Simple City to Encourage Independent ICT Work in the EYFS PL Early Years Foundation Stage/Year 1Termly overview Newton Primary School PLC learning overview Year Group: Term: Teacher: KLM Class: Diamond EYFS/Y1 Diary Dates 3.12.2012 10.12.2012 17.12.2012 11.12.2012 Afternoon concert EYFS/KS1 20.12.2012 Christmas Party/ Santa visit 12.12.2012 Evening concert EYFS/KS1 21.12.2012 Break up Primary Learning Who helps us to have food? How is Christmas celebrated around the World? Challenge:  Invite a shopkeeper, milk delivery  Encourage children to appreciate the importance of thanking others. person, gardener, farmer, baker  Explore and create healthy versions of a Mexican pinata. and or chef in to talk about how  Read a traditional version of the Nativity story, such as ‘The first Christmas’ story. Retell it using nativity figures as they help people to have food and props. what they do  Write letters to Santa using an interactive wordbank.  As part of baking activities, explore  Develop counting skills using gold coins. various ingredients. Talk about  ICT - Make a seasonal pop-up toy where they came from and help  Explore the taste of Christmas Pudding. children to realise that many stages  Explore a real Christmas tree. Use this as a stimulus for creating own 2D/ 3D representations. come before a product is sold in a  Role play Santa’s workshop shop.  Observe a range of fruits and veg, Other activities to be arranged: make these from playdough or  Make a variety of Christmas decorations e.g. other malleable/modelling  Christmas cards/ calendars materials.  Make mince pies/ Christmas biscuits/ decorate a yule log.  Play ‘ The Farmer’s in his den’ but  adapt the words to include the Christmas counting/ shape, space and measure activities. people chn have been thinking  Learn about the Jewish winter festival Hannukah about throughout the PLC.  Explore and learn about advent.  Create a grocery store in the maths  Talk about what Christmas means to Christians and compare this with people of other faiths area. Make posters to advertise foods on sale. age_type=&log=t&now=query&page=2&search[query]=Christmas Communication Stories with familiar settings and Poems on a theme Stories with predictable patterns Stories with familiar settings and Stories with predictable patterns & Language The Shopping Basket by John Burningham Big Book: My Christmas/ The First Christmas Literacy Poems: Winter Festivals & Christmas NF: Selection of books about food and farming Mathematics Counting Counting Measures, including time SSM - Pattern Money and Real life Problems Understanding Developing mouse and keyboard skills the World Logging on to Purple Mash - Using Using a Paint Package 2Simple City to Encourage ICT Independent ICT Work in the EYFS PL

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