Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency
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Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency Regular Monthly Board Meeting Monday, September 16, 2013 • 5:00 p.m. Pocahontas, IA
President Dean Saunders called the regular meeting of the Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency Board of Directors to order at 5:09 p.m. The following board members were present: Gary Astor, Bruce Bahnson, Clifford Garvey, Todd Lundgren, Steve Jimmerson, Dean Saunders, and Linda Twait.
Linda Fandel, Special Assistant for Education to Governor Branstad Linda reviewed the Education Reform package passed by the legislature this year. Early literacy work is important. It is crucial that the DE, AEAs, and LEAs have a laser like focus on raising student achievement and a common understanding. Twenty-five to twenty-nine states have passed IA in math and reading in 4th and 8th grade. Need high expectations for all kids today. There will be a teacher leadership system for every district in the state. $3.5 million in planning grants are available. Districts have to apply this year and all that apply will get funded. There will be a phase in of teacher leadership and compensation plans by 2016. AEAs will disseminate planning information. Plans may not be same for all districts. Secondly, AEAs will help districts to understand how to implement teacher leadership. Fifty plans are already approved. There is not one model - teacher career path, instructional, and comparable plan model. Task forces that came out of legislature are: 1. Assessment Task Force; 2. Education Development and Evaluation; and 3. Competency-based Grant program.
Discussion followed. Fandel stated teacher leadership and compensation package is teachers helping other teachers. There will also be a need to work with administrators. Hope to have a Principal Academy in place for coaching. What does it mean for “all kids to be college or career ready”? Career academies, post-secondary, STEM focused schools and classrooms are taking root, but different in all communities with a locally adapted approached.
Board members commented that most kids learn automatically. Some have a barrier to learning – this is what AEAs are about. Governor’s dollars is seen as saying it is ok to leave those barriers in place, doing a poor job with kids who are special need kids. Gov. Branstad was heard to say he took away funding because there are too many superintendents.
Fandel indicated there is a lot of work to do – teacher leadership will help with individualized instruction. Fandel stated they don’t hear from the AEAs often, there is not a clear understanding about the role of AEAs and mission and how the dollars are focused. Is effectiveness high? The DE needs to work more in concert with AEAs. AEAs need to all be on the same page. Most mixed messages are with School Improvement. There needs to be a common understanding of priorities. Fandel has seen how valuable the AEA is to families with children with a variety of special needs. AEAs need to take time to deliver the message and need to decide what that message is. When asked if the Governor would be interested the idea of categorical funding for AEAs, (ex. X amount for Early Childhood, Math & science), Fandel responded with “you need to identify focus or priority areas. Must have a clear proposal of what will be done with the money. What will you have to show for it? Need to have a concrete case and here are the results. Districts should set a region goal. All kids deserve a world class education. Be clear about what cuts have meant.”
Board approval was given to the agenda as presented by Chief Administrator Jeff Herzberg. On a motion by Todd Lundgren, seconded by Linda Twait, board approval was given to the minutes of the August 19, 2013, Regular Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously
Linda Harms, Behavior Strategist-School Social Worker, began her presentation by acknowledging the presence of Linda Linn, of the Learning Supports Team, and Connie Johnson, a member of the CIRT Team. Learning Supports laid the ground work to address crisis intervention and the role the agency might take. Harms discussed the development of PLAEA CIRT and the role of the Critical Incident Response Team within our Agency. A situation when there is an unusually challenging event is known as a critical incidence. CIRT currently has thirteen members representing all job categories, office location, and leadership. It’s about people. The training focuses on assessment of need following an event or critical incident and continuum of interventions. Members follow a training protocol to create resistance, enhance resiliency and speed recovery following the critical incident. The CIRT addresses critical incidents within our agency.
On a motion by Gary Astor, seconded by Clifford Garvey, board approval was given to the bills as presented. The cash flow report was reviewed by M. Dowd.
On a motion by Bruce Bahnson, seconded by Steve Jimmerson, the board approved hiring of Laura Beshaler, Audiologist, West Region-Storm Lake office, 144 days (remaining of 193 day contract year), PHD/3, start October 21, 2013, (contingent upon IA Dept. of Public Health and IA Board of Education Examiners licensure). Motion carried unanimously.
J. Herzberg informed the board of a non-bargaining new hire position - Linda Ankeny, License Renewal Coordinator, Agency-wide-Spencer office, 109 days - .5 FTE, $30,000, start September 3, 2013.
On a motion by Clifford Garvey, seconded by Todd Lundgren, the board waived the second reading and moved the adoption of Board Policies 201.5 (Membership), 201.6 (Term of Office) and 204 (Board Meeting Procedures), as amended. These amendments address the change in the number of directors from nine to seven. Motion carried unanimously.
On a motion by Todd Lundgren, seconded by Linda Twait, the board waived the second reading and moved the adoption of Board Policy 600 Series - Early Access as presented. These board policies are being revised to align with the new federal IDEA Part C regulations. Motion carried unanimously.
On a motion by Steve Jimmerson, seconded by Gary Astor, board approval was given to the districts as listed requesting transportation across district lines. Motion carried unanimously. Chapter 285.9 of the Code of Iowa requires that the AEA board approve bus routes, which go outside local school districts’ boundaries into another school district. These transportation agreements must be renewed yearly.
On a motion by Linda Twait, seconded by Bruce Bahnson, the board approved the 2013-14 Teacher/Librarian Agreement with Gilmore City-Bradgate CSD for $7,329 for 15 days of service by Dorothy DeGroot, Instructional/ Media Consultant. Motion carried unanimously.
Recognition of Excellence: Acknowledging all PLAEA staff members who serve children with disabilities. We have such an impact on the lives of the children, families and educators we serve and our staff accomplishes it with great professionalism. All of our PLAEA staff who has done work on the IACore. Scott McLeod for Ted Talk – very well done examples for teachers and educators to see how kids are using the power of technology: video-from-fear-to empowerment.html? utm_source=buffer&utm_campaign=Buffer&utm_content=buffer63a6d&utm_medium=twitter Pam Ahlrichs and Diane Jackson for their Universal Design for Learning pilot project for one of our districts (PAC Elementary) and collaborating with NWAEA and AEA267. A lot of positive comments and momentum being built for this work. Print and production department has done a remarkable job this summer getting the printing needs of our districts finished and delivered to the schools. Kudos to Bill Heileman, Dennis Ellwanger, Jenifer Krischel, Patti Meyer, Kelli Miller, Kim Geisler and Kathy Petersen. Thank you to the following board members for their years of dedicated service and contributions in making an impact on the lives of children, families, educators, and staff of Prairie Lakes AEA : Cliff Garvey – 3 years; Linda Twait – 4.5 years; and Bruce Bahnson – 16 years of service. Herzberg presented plaques to these members and Dean Saunders offered thanks from the rest of the board for their service.
Upcoming Staff Presentation Schedules include: October 21, 2013 – C4K Literacy Leadership; Lesa Nauss and others November 18, 2013 – Wendy Parker and Regional Administrators
Upcoming Dates – Information Item – IASB New Board Member Orientation - 6-9:00 pm. o October 1, 2013, Emmetsburg. o October 2, 2013 – Carroll o October 24, 2013 - Webster City. IASB Annual Conference November 20-21, 2013, Des Moines AESA Annual Conference December 4-7, 2013, San Antonio
The October board meeting is scheduled for Monday October 21, 2013 – 5:00 pm., Pocahontas.
There being no further business, the board adjourned at 7:21p.m.
Dean Saunders Ginger Hoffman Board President Board Secretary