From a Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology (10Th Ed s1

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From a Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology (10Th Ed s1



Robots Robotic takeover


Ackerman, Diane. "When Robots Weep, Who Will Comfort Them?" In Ackerman, The Human Age: The World Shaped by Us. New York: Norton, 2014. 208-25.* _____. "Robots on a Date." In Ackerman, The Human Age: The World Shaped by Us. New York: Norton, 2014. 226-31.* Aldiss, Brian W. "Robots: Low-Voltage Ontological Currents." Preface to The Mechanical Gods. Ed. Thomas P. Dunn and Richard D. Erlich. Westport (CT), 1982. Ares, Félix. El robot enamorado: Una historia de la inteligencia artificial. Barcelona: Ariel, 2008. Bertalanffy, L. von. Robots, hombres y mentes. Barcelona: Guadarrama. Benzon, Bill. "The Robot as Subaltern: Tezuka's Mighty Atom." The Valve 11 Nov. 2008. _tezukas_mighty_atom/ 2008-11-11 Canty, D. Etres artificiels: Les automates dans la littérature américaine. 1997. Castellanos, José A., and Juan D. Tardós. Mobile Robot Localization and Map Building: A Multisensor Fusion Approach. Boston: Kluwer, 1999. Chapuis, Alfred. Les Automates dans les œuvres d'imagination. Neuchatel: Ed. du Griffon, 1947. Cohen, John. Human Robots in Myth and Science. 1966. Coriat, Benjamín. La robótica. Madrid: Editorial Revolución. _____. "The Android and the Human." Essay. Vector. (Britain); SF Commentary (Australia) (March 1972). Rpt. in Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd. Ed. Bruce Gillespie. Melbourne, 1975. Dudda, Ricardo. "La serpiente robótica." El Mundo 26 March 2013.* 2.html 2013 Dunn, Thomas P., and Richard D. Erlich, eds. The Mechanical Gods: Machines in Science Fiction. Introd. Brian W. Aldiss. Westport (CT), 1982. Fievet, Cyril. Les robots. (Que sais-je?). Foster, Thomas. "'The Sex Appeal of the Inorganic': Posthuman Narratives and the Construction of Desire." In Centuries' Ends, Narrative Means. Ed. Robert Newman. Stanford (CA): Stanford UP, 1996. 276-301.* Huyssen, Andreas. "4. The Vamp and the Machine: Fritz Lang's Metropolis." In Huyssen, After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism. London: Macmillan, 1986. 65- 81.* Levy, David. Love and Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human- Robot Relationships. Harper, 2007. Moraec, H. Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1988. Sagan, Nick, Mark Frary and Andy Walker. You Call This the Future? Elwin Street, 2007. (Travel and transport, Computers, cyborgs and robots; Communications; Weapons and security; Lifestyle, health and sex). _____. ¿Y esto es el futuro? De la ficción a la realidad. Trans. Jesús de Cos. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 2008.* Warwick, Kevin. March of the Machines. Century, 1997. (Robots).


Robots in Masquerade: Robots in the Media 2012-08-12 Films

Bicentennial Man. Dir. Chris Columbus. Screenplay by Nicholas Kazan, based on a short story by Isaac Asimov and the novel The Positronic Man by Asimov and Robert Silverberg. Cast: Robin Williams, Sam Neill, Embeth Davidtz, Wendy Crewson, Hallie Kate Eisenberg, Stephen Root, Lynne Thigpen, Kiersten Warren, Oliver Platt. Music by James Horner. Costumes by Joseph G. Aulisi. Visual effects by Dream Quest Images. Ed. Neil Travis. Prod. des. Norman Reynolds. Photog. Phil Meheux. Prod. Wolfgang Petersen, Gail Katz, Laurence Mark, Neal Miller, Chris Columbus, Mark Radcliffe and Michael Barnathan. USA: Touchstone / Columbia, 1999. (Family robot). _____. El hombre bicentenario. Spanish VHS. Columbia Tristar, 2000.* Blinky. Online at YouTube 9 Nov. 2011. 2014 Eva. Dir. Kike Maíllo. Cast: Daniel Brühl, Claudia Vega, Marta Etura. Spain, 2011.

See also Androids.

Internet resources

Conscious Robots (Raúl Arrabales Moreno, U Carlos III, Madrid) 2008

Superrobótica 2008

Literature Asimov, Isaac. I, Robot. Stories. Asimov, Isaac, and Robert Silverberg. The Positronic Man. Novel. Bayley, Barrington. The Soul of the Robot. Novel. 1974. _____. El alma del robot. Barcelona: Edhasa. Çapek, Karel. R.U.R. Drama. 1920. Prague National Theatre, 1921. (Rossum Universal Robots).

See also Artificial Intelligence; Computers; Cyborgs.

Robotic takeover / Robotic future

Asaro, Peter. "Ban Killer Robots Before they Become Weapons of Mass Destruction." Scientific American 7 Aug. 2015.* before-they-become-weapons-of-mass-destruction/ 2015 Ritzer, George. The McDonaldization of Society. Newbury Park (CA): Pine Forge Press, 1993.* (Social structure, US society, postmodernism, consumer society, postindustrial society, consumerism, standardization, alienation, control). _____. La Mcdonalización de la sociedad. Barcelona: Ariel, 1996. Kelly, Kevin. "Thinkism." In Kelly, The Technium 29 Sept. 2008. 2008 Kurzweil, Raymond. The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. 2005. _____, ed. The Age of Intelligent Machines. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1990. Markoff, John. "El supercerebro del futuro." From El País. In Tercera Cultura 9 June 2009. 2009 Williams, Zoe. "If Robots are the Future of Work, Where Do Humans Fit In?" The Guardian 24 May 2016.* -future-work-humans-jobs-leisure?CMP=fb_gu 2016


Barth, John. Giles Goat-Boy, or, The Revised New Syllabus. Novel. 1966. St. Albans: Granada, 1981. Crichton, Michael. Prey. Novel. 2002. _____. Presa. Trans. Carlos Milla Soler. Random House Mondadori- Plaza y Janés, 2003. Harrison, Harry. War with the Robots. Pyramid Publications, 1962. _____. War with the Robots. Britain: Dobson Books, 1967. _____. War with the Robots. (Panther Science Fiction). London: Panther-Granada, 1976. 1985.* Gibson, William. Neuromancer. Novel. New York: Ace Books, 1984. Philip K. Dick Award, Hugo Award, Nebula Award. _____. Neuromancer. London: Gollancz, 1984. _____. Neuromancer. With a new afterword by the author. London: HarperCollins-Voyager, 1993.* Miller, Frank (writer and artwork). Ronin. Miniseries comicbook 1983- 84. New York: DC Comics, 1987.*


I, Robot. 2004. (Inspired by Asimov's novel). The Matrix. Film. Written and dir. Andy Wachowsky and Larry Wachowsky. Cast: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carie- Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, Gloria Foster, Joe Pantoliano. Music: Don Davis. Photog. Bill Pope. Prod. des. Owen Paterson. Editor Zach Staenberg. Costume designer Kym Barrett. Co- producer Dan Cracchiolo. Special effects supervisor: John Gaeta. Prod. Joel Silver. Exec. prods. Barrie M. Osborne, Andrew Mason, And Wachowski, Larry Wachowsky, Erwin Stoff and Bruce Berman. Warner Bros / Village Roadshow Pictures and Groucho II Film Partnership / Silver Pictures Production, 1999. Spanish VHS: Matrix. WB, 2001.* Terminator trilogy. With Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Terminator. Dir. by James Cameron. Screenplay by James Cameron and Gale Anne Hurd, based on fiction by Harlan Ellison. Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, Linda Hamilton, Paul Winfield, Lance Henriksen, Rick Rossovich, Earl Boen, Dick Miller, Bill Paxton. Prod. Gale Anne Hurd. USA, 1984. Terminator 3: The Rise of the Machine. Dir. Jonathan Mostow. 2003.

Internet resources

Robopolis. Online store. 2006-04-15


"5 Most Advanced Humanoid Robots USA /Japan." YouTube (TopBestBox) 17 Feb. 2015.* 2015

Sautter, Violaine. "Trois années de déambulations martiennes à bord du robot Curiosity." Lecture at the École Normale Supérieure, 2 March 2016. YouTube (Ecole Normale Supérieure) 29 March 2016.* 2016

"Uncanny Lover: Building a Sex Robot." YouTube (New York Times) 2015

See also Artificial intelligence.

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