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VILLAGE OF NORTH UTICA 801 S. Clark St. North Utica, IL 61373 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees November 12, 2014
AGENDA I. 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Regular Village Board Meeting II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Consideration of Approval of Minutes: 09-24-14; 10-08-14
V. Financial Statement 1.) October 2014 Financial Stmt / Summary / Revenue Reports VI. Approval of Bills 1.) October 2014 Prepaids 2.) October 2014 A/P Bills
VII. Finance Liaison 1.) Consideration and possible action re: Illinois Municipal Insurance Renewal 2015 2.) Consideration and discussion re: Tentative 2014 Tax Levy
VIII. Appearance Request: Mr. Thomas K. Dempsey, 1083 N. 2803rd Rd. 1. Boston Action Report 2. Wind blowing silica dust at 2803rd and Osage curves.
IX. Donations / Advertising Requests 1.) 2015 Starved Rock Country Magazine - full page $1000 ½ page $500 X. Clerk’s Report 1.) Consideration and Possible Action re: Employee Health Insurance Renewal 2014 2.) Consideration and Possible Action re: 2014 meeting dates cancellations and changes 3.) Consideration and Possible Action re: 2015 Meeting Dates – Planning Commission, Committee of Whole, Board of Trustees 4.) Consideration and Possible Action re: Future Events, Insurance and Donations 5.) Utica Little League Fundraiser Rt. 6 / Rt. 178 3-14-15 8 am – 1 pm
XI. Governmental Affairs Liaison 1.) Consideration and Possible Action re: Xmas in the Village being held on 11-30-14 Expenses not to exceed $1,400
XII. Streets, Lights & Alleys Liaison XIII. Park & Recreation Liaison XIV. Water / Sewer Liaison XV. Police Department Liaison VILLAGE OF NORTH UTICA 801 S. Clark St. North Utica, IL 61373 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees November 12, 2014
XVI. Building / Zoning Enforcement XVII. Maintenance Department 1.) Update – Ongoing projects in the Village 2.) Update - Well 1 Repairs 3.) Consideration / Possible Action re: Lincoln Street Drainage Project not to exceed $4,000 4.) Update – 2014 Salt Contract
XVIII. Engineer’s Report 1.) Update - Status of Property Flood Assessments; letters to owners 2.) Update – Status of Streetscape Project and maintenance of such 3.) Update – Sidewalk Project 4.) Update - Illinois River Bridge schedule / Village participation & commitment of funds a) Discussion / Possible Action re: Sewer Discharge Pipe b) Discussion / Possible Action re: sidewalk – shared use bike path
XIX. Village President’s Report XX. Attorney’s Report 1.) Consideration and Possible Action on Ordinance re: 2014 Abatement of Bond 2.) Consideration and Possible Action on Ordinance re: CODE RED Renewal 2015 - $500
XXI. Public Comment XXII. Committee / Trustee Reports XXIII. Executive Session 1.) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal for specific employees 2.) Pending Litigation 3.) Purchase/Sale/Lease of Real Property
XXIV. Consideration and Possible Action to be taken on an Ordinance Approving Sale/Lease of Village owned Real Estate or the purchase of Property
XXV. Consideration and Possible Action to be taken regarding Executive Session Discussion including the appointment, employment, compensation, and setting of salaries for specific employees, benefits, amendments to Policy Manual
XXVI. Adjournment POSTED 11-7-14 VILLAGE OF NORTH UTICA 801 S. Clark St. North Utica, IL 61373 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees November 12, 2014
At 7:06 pm the meeting was called to Order by Village President Gloria Alvarado who then led the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were Village Clerk Laurie Gbur and Trustees Joe Bernardoni, John Schweickert, Kevin Stewart, Ron Pawlak, and Matt Jereb. Trustee Schrader arrived at 7:28 pm. Also present were Village Engineer Kevin Heitz and Village Attorney Herb Klein.
Approval of Minutes: It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee Schweickert to approve the Minutes from the 9-24-14 Committee of the Whole meeting. 5 Yes 1 Absent (Schrader) Motion Carried It was then motioned by Trustee Bernardoni, seconded by Trustee Schweickert to approve the Minutes from the 10-08-14 Board meeting. 5 Yes 1 Absent (Schrader) Motion Carried
Financial Statement: It was motioned by Trustee Schweickert, seconded by Trustee Stewart to approve the October 2014 Financial Statement and Summary. 5 Yes 1 Absent (Schrader) Motion Carried
Approval of Bills: It was motioned by Trustee Bernardoni, seconded by Trustee Schweickert to approve the October 2014 Prepaids. 5 Yes 1 Absent (Schrader) Motion Carried
It was then motioned by Trustee Schweickert, seconded by Trustee Stewart to approve the October 2014 A/P Bills. 5 Yes 1 Absent (Schrader) Motion Carried VILLAGE OF NORTH UTICA 801 S. Clark St. North Utica, IL 61373 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees November 12, 2014
Finance Liaison: Trustee Jereb spoke about the renewal of the Illinois Municipal Insurance. The cost increased in the past few years. During this time the Village has increased its’ insured capital assets and the Village had claims toward expenses to repair the building after the April 2013 flood. The cost of the insurance renewal for 2015 is $67,658. It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee Stewart to approve the 2015 renewal of Illinois Municipal Insurance; option # 2 which has payments due on November 21 and May 15 in the amount of $67,996.35. 5 Yes 1 Absent (Schrader) Motion Carried
Trustee Jereb then spoke about the Tax Levy. A draft of the Levy was provided to the Board for review. The Levy will be discussed further at the 11-25-14 Committee meeting. Trustee Jereb stated that it might be a good time for the Village to consider keeping the tax rates the same, thus benefiting from the increased EAV. This would also require a Truth in Taxation Hearing.
Appearance Request: Mr. Thomas K. Dempsey, 1083 N. 2803rd Rd., provided copies of the ‘Boston Action Report’ to the Mayor and Trustees. He also read a statement and referenced the report. He asked the Clerk that it be made a part of the record of the meeting. He also spoke about conditions of the existing Sand Mine north of 2803rd Rd. He stated that wind is blowing everything onto the residential properties located near Northern White Sand (NWS). He cited his health concerns and asked about health risks and other things related to the operation by NWS.
Donations and Advertising: It was then motioned by Trustee Schweickert, seconded by Trustee Pawlak to approve a donation to Starved Rock Country magazine in the amount not to exceed $500. All in favor Motion Carried
Clerk: It was then motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee Pawlak to approve the monthly increase of $195.21 in the 2015 renewal of Blue Cross Blue Shield employee health Insurance. 5 Yes 1 Absent (Schrader) Motion Carried VILLAGE OF NORTH UTICA 801 S. Clark St. North Utica, IL 61373 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees November 12, 2014
It was then motioned by Trustee Schweickert, seconded by Trustee Stewart to approve the remaining 2014 meeting schedule. 5 Yes 1 Absent (Schrader) Motion Carried It was then motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee Schweickert to approve the 2015 meeting schedule. 5 Yes 1 Absent (Schrader) Motion Carried
Trustee Schrader arrived at 7:28 pm.
Discussion was then held regarding the requirements for future events being held in the Village. A special event permit, notification of the Business Association, an event checklist and a certificate of Insurance meeting the requirement of the Village will be required for all events. It was motioned by Trustee Jereb, seconded by Trustee Schweickert to adopt the required documents for all future events being held in the Village. 6 Yes Motion Carried Streets, Lights & Alleys Liaison: Trustee Bernardoni stated that the Maintenance Department was doing a good job repair cracks on Hallet Road.
Park & Recreation Liaison: Trustee Stewart stated that the Plaque would be mounted on a stone and installed at Neighbor’s Park. He then introduced the new President of the Utica Little League, Shawn Svasda.
Water & Sewer Liaison: Trustee Pawlak asked about the status of the check valve that was supposed to be put in the house on the Bray property. Spayer stated that it was an approved expense but the property owner was supposed to have it installed and the Village approved reimbursement not to exceed $1,000 for a manual check valve.
Police Department Liaison: Trustee Schrader stated that the Utica Police Department did a great job managing traffic during the Canal Connection Race and the Veteran’s Day Parade.
Building & Zoning Enforcement: Mr. Schwartz, who owns property South of Rt. 6 and East of Hallet Road has requested to constructed a building of approx. 2,000 sq. ft. Engineer Heitz VILLAGE OF NORTH UTICA 801 S. Clark St. North Utica, IL 61373 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees November 12, 2014 and Attorney Klein will look at the Zoning of the property and the Village Ordinance to determine if it would be allowed or if a Variance Petition would have to be filed.
Maintenance Department: Public Works Director Spayer provided an update of ongoing projects in the Village. Lincoln St. drainage project – The estimate to clean out the debris located in the drainage area and the estimate for televising the line(s) is approx. $4,000. It was motioned by Trustee Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Bernardoni to approve the expenditure in the amount not to exceed $4,000. 6 Yes Motion Carried
Spayer also stated that the village will remain a part of the State Bid Salt Contract. It will cost approx. $86 per ton and the Village will purchase approx. 400.
Engineer’s Report: Heitz provided an update of ongoing projects in the Village. Well 1 repairs -- Heitz stated that he is waiting to hear back on the EPA Permit. FEMA – All documentation has now been submitted. Enterprise Zone- A meeting will be held on 11-13-14. Heitz will attend. Streetscape – We are still waiting for the contractor to come back and finish what they started last year. IDOT – Heitz needs to get paperwork to them regarding the existing and proposed
Regarding the items that UMINIM is willing to install, it all looks wonderful so far. They have planted trees along Lincoln Street.
President’s Report: Mayor Alvarado said Thank You to all those individuals who helped to make the Veterans Day a success.
Attorney’s Report: It was motioned by Trustee Stewart, seconded by Trustee Pawlak to approve Ord. to approve the 2015 / 2015 Bond Abatement. 6 Yes Motion Carried
It was then motioned by Trustee Bernardoni, seconded by Trustee Schweickert To approve the Code Red updated 2015 Information. 6 Yes Motion Carried VILLAGE OF NORTH UTICA 801 S. Clark St. North Utica, IL 61373 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees November 12, 2014
Public Comment:
Mr. Schawn Svsasdo said he was thankful the the Village support in his new role as Utica Little League President.
Mr. Phil Gassman: Stated that he wanted to complain again due to the blowing sand from Northern White Sand. Mrs. Dianne Gassman: Stated that there were over 40 complaints called in to the IEPA regarding the Windy Weather. She also stated that Northern White Sand does not have any plans in place to deal with their concerns; and neither does the Village. She wants something done.
Ms. Russell: Asked why the sand had not been in pits. She stated that her mother had burning eyes and some blurriness after she came out of the house and to go to the hospital via ambulance.
Ms. Cheryl Illman: Asked why there aren’t any additional air monitors to record data on the air
Mr. John Duncan, Attorney for Northern White Sand, tried to answer the questions. He Northern White Sand will be constructing a pit to put the sand if for short periods of time.
No Executive Session
With no additional business, it was motioned by Trustee Schweickert, seconded by Trustee Pawlak to adjourn the meeting. 6 Yes Motion Carried
Respectfully submitted,
Laurie A. Gbur Village Clerk