Launch of New 160 Million Specialised Housing Fund (England)
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Funding Insight
Keeping you up to date with the latest funding opportunities
The weekly funding e-magazine from 5th November 2012
New Funding Opportunities...... 2
Launch of New £160 Million Specialised Housing Fund (England)...... 2 Department for Education’s National Prospectus Grants Programme (England)...... 3 Big Lottery Fund Announces £165m Fulfilling Lives: A Better Start Initiative (England)...... 3 Big Assist to Open on the 5th November 2012 (England)...... 4 Strategic Legal Fund for Refugee Children and Young People (England & Wales)...... 4 Funding to Enhance Community Facilities (England, Scotland and Wales)...... 5 Advice Services Transition Fund (England)...... 5 Recovery from Waste - Call for Catalyst Grants (UK)...... 6 Educational Endowment Fund (England)...... 6 Nesta Impact Investments (UK)...... 7 New Fund for Scotland’s Entrepreneurs (Scotland)...... 7 UK – German Challenge Fund (UK)...... 8 Wellcome Trust Small Arts Awards (UK)...... 8 Funding to Promote Events in Scotland (Scotland)...... 10 Film Culture Lottery Fund Opens for Applications (England Outside of London)...... 11 Artists International Development Fund (England)...... 11 Sky Arts - Futures Fund (UK)...... 12 Legacy 2014 Active Places Fund Opens for Applications (Scotland)...... 12 New £200,000 Fund to Develop Business Improvement Districts (Wales)...... 13 Call for Proposals for Social Policy Experimentations (UK)...... 13 The British & Foreign Schools Society (UK & Worldwide)...... 14 £60 Million Specialised Housing Fund (London)...... 14
Funding Reminders...... 15
Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Foundation (UK)...... 15 Funding to Develop the Offshore Renewable Energy Supply Chain (UK)...... 16 Funding for Breakfast Clubs (UK)...... 16 Help The Homeless (UK)...... 17 McDonald’s KickStart Grants (UK)...... 17 The Fidelio Trust Grants Programme (UK)...... 18 New Programme to Help UK Charities Support People into Employment (UK)...... 18 Idlewild Trust (UK)...... 19 Government Launches Future High Street X-Fund (England)...... 19 Santander Launches Community Plus Fund (UK)...... 20 Healthy Hearts Grants (UK)...... 20 Grants for Schools for Mathematics Enrichment Activity (UK)...... 21 Young Persons Volunteering Fund (England, Scotland and Wales)...... 21 Support for Cultural Entrepreneurs (Scotland)...... 22 Recycling on the Go (Wales)...... 1 22 New Funding Opportunities
Launch of New £160 Million Specialised Housing Fund (England)
The Department of Health (DH) has announced that it is seeking applications for funding to develop affordable homes for older people and adults with disabilities or mental health needs.
Over five years from 2013/14, the Department of Health is making available £160m capital funding for specialist housing providers to bring forward proposals for development of specialist housing to meet the needs of older people and adults with disabilities outside of London. This funding may be supplemented by up to a further £80m capital funding in the first two years of the programme. The programme will be delivered and managed by the Homes and Communities Agency. The funding is available to all organisations who are, or intend to become, qualified as HCA Investment Partners. This includes:
Housing associations Local authorities Private sector developers Community groups among others.
The closing date for applications is the 18th January 2013.
Concurrently with the launch of the affordable housing bid round, DH are also inviting responses to help inform development of the second phase of the funding which will aim to stimulate development in the wider private market.
Providers are invited to submit their ideas for proposals by 5pm on Friday 14 March 2013. housing-fund
2 Department for Education’s National Prospectus Grants Programme (England)
The Department for Education’s National Prospectus Grants Programme 2013- 15 is now open to applications.
Not for profit organisations including charities, social enterprises, voluntary and community groups, etc are invited to submit proposals to improve outcomes for children, young people and families with a particular emphasis on early inter- vention and supporting the most disadvantaged. The funding will provide up to £30 million for each year in 2013-14 and 2014-15. There is no minimum or maximum level of grant funding, but the Department of Education would expect the majority of bids for grant funding to be between £100,000 and £750,000 in each financial year.
Grants can be used for revenue funding (i.e. paying for staff costs, premises overhead costs and materials) but we will not fund any capital purchases.
The closing date for applications is the 30th November 2012. untary-and-community-sector-prospectus
Big Lottery Fund Announces £165m Fulfilling Lives: A Better Start Initiative (England)
The Big Lottery Fund (BIG) has announced that it is to invest £165 million in improving the life chances of over 10,000 of England’s most vulnerable 0-3 year olds.
BIG will invest between £30 and £50 million in three to five local authority areas over the next ten years and gather evidence to demonstrate the benefit of support in the early years for children, society and the economy. BIG will ask local authorities and their partners to plan and invest for the long-term. BIG
3 aims to work with all new parents in a target area and then to focus more support on the 20-30 per cent most in need. Local Authorities will be able to express an interest in their area being long-listed to apply for a development grant. Development grants will be awarded to a shortlist of 10-15 areas. Final grants will be awarded to voluntary and community sector-led partnerships. The partnership will involve relevant local public agencies, including the local authority and local health agencies. Letters will go to Local Authority Chief Executives and Directors of Children’s Services inviting them to express their interest in taking part in the Big Lottery Fund Early years initiative.
Big Assist to Open on the 5th November 2012 (England)
The £6 Million Big Assist programme, which aims to develop the capacity of local infrastructure organisations that support the work of local voluntary and community sectors, has announced that it will open on the 5th November 2012.
Infrastructure organisations will be able to register, start a self-assessment, and apply for funded vouchers which they can use for consultancy, training, e- learning or other forms of support. These will be awarded in categories including:
Strategy and planning Financial sustainability Developing strategic relationships.
Typical awards are expected to be in the region of £2,000 – £ 7,000. Delivered by National Council for Voluntary Organisations under contract to the Big Lottery Fund, the programme will run for an initial period of three years. voluntary-sector
Strategic Legal Fund for Refugee Children and Young People (England & Wales)
The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, Trust for London and Migration
4 Work CIC have announced the launch of a new 12 months pilot fund to support strategic legal work.
The Strategic Legal Fund for Refugee Children and Young People (SLF) will test a new model for supporting legal work in the UK (initially working in England and Wales) by providing flexible and responsive funding. It will distribute up to £300,000 to eligible providers of specialist level legal services to undertake a non-profit making piece of work which does not qualify for public funding. Initially, cases in areas of law relevant to refugee children, including asylum, immigration, human rights, community care, housing, education, discrimination and health, may be supported. Eligible organisations can apply for funding of up to £30,000. For information on how to apply, please click on the link below.
The deadline for applications is the 3rd December 2012.
Funding to Enhance Community Facilities (England, Scotland and Wales)
Under the Sita Trust’s Enhancing Communities Programme Core Fund, grants of up to £60,000 are available to not for profit organisations, community groups, parish councils, local authorities and charities for projects that make physical improvements to community facilities and historic buildings / structures. SITA will accept applications from projects which are within 3 miles of qualifying SITA UK waste processing sites. Grants of up to £20,000 are also available through their Fast Track Fund for projects with an overall cost of no more than £40,000. Projects on school or pre-school sites where the facilities will primarily benefit the school are not eligible. However, an application may be considered from a school if it can be clearly demonstrated that:
The wider community has significant opportunities to use the facility The facility is run by an organisation that is separate from the school (although the school may be represented) Access to the facility for community use must be via an entrance that is separate from the school.
The next closing date for applications is 10 am on the 2nd January 2013 for the Fast Track Fund (formerly Small Grants Scheme) scheme and 5 pm on the 26th
5 November 2012 for the Core Fund (formerly Large Grant Scheme).
Advice Services Transition Fund (England)
The Big Lottery Fund (BIG) and the Cabinet Office have announced the launch of a new £65 million fund to enable local advice services to continue to give vital help to people and communities.
The Advice Services Transition Fund will provide grants of between £50,000 and £350,000 to help partnerships of advice organisations to identify new ways of delivering and funding their services in the future. Partners should be organisations that provide free advice, help and support to people about their rights and responsibilities. Partnerships can include other not-for-profit organisations where you can show that they will strengthen your proposal. The range of advice providers within the partnership should reflect the full needs of the people and communities in your area. BIG expect this to include the provision of advice on welfare benefits, debt, housing and employment.
The closing date for applications is 12 noon on the 28th January 2013. regioncode=-uk
Recovery from Waste - Call for Catalyst Grants (UK)
The Natural Environment Research Council is inviting bids for Catalyst Grants to its programme Resource Recovery from Waste.
This £6.5m, five-year programme aims to deliver the strategic science needed to accomplish a paradigm shift in the recovery of resources from waste that is driven by environmental benefits and for human health, rather than by economics alone. The programme will also forge new thinking that goes 'beyond carbon' to understand waste as a resource from the perspective of ecological rather than carbon outcomes. This first call is for Catalyst Grants (£50,000 -100,000 per grant for six months) to create the interdisciplinary community and scope the science areas ready to respond to a later Research Grant call as part of the next phase of the programme. It is anticipated that approximately 10 to 20 Catalyst Grants will be supported in this call.
6 The closing date for applications is the 12th December 2012. cookieConsent=A
Educational Endowment Fund (England)
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has announced that it is seeking applications from schools and other not for profit organisations for projects that address educational disadvantage. In particular, the Foundation is seeking to support projects that focus on the use of digital technology to improve outcomes and on scaling up projects which have a measurable impact on attainment. As part of the EEF's grant funding agreement with the Department for Education they are required to target their funds for the first two years at children entitled to free school meals attending those schools which are not meeting the Government's floor targets for attainment and progression. The Foundations would typically expect their smallest grant to be in the order of £50,000 a year and to reach at least 100 students.
The next application deadline is the 19th April 2013.
Nesta Impact Investments (UK)
Nesta, the UK’s Innovation Foundation has announced that it is looking to invest in social ventures with innovative products or services that are addressing some of the UK’s most pressing challenges. In particular, Nesta are seeking:
Innovations that have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of an ageing population The educational attainment and employability of children and young people
7 The social and environmental sustainability of communities.
Nesta providing investments of between £150,000 and £1m in early-stage ventures based in, and supplying their products and services in the UK.
For more information on the application process please click on the link below.
New Fund for Scotland’s Entrepreneurs (Scotland)
Scottish Enterprise has announced the launch of a new £1 million fund to support and encourage entrepreneurial activity in Scotland.
The Scottish EDGE fund is for ambitious entrepreneurs who wish to set up or grow their business. The businesses which shows the most potential could win awards of up to £50,000. Winners will also receive a package of support from the Royal Bank of Scotland which may include free banking, security advice, or mentoring support. Further support in the form of investment or innovation advice will also be provided where appropriate. The fund is open to small, young Scottish businesses which have the potential to achieve or increase sales by £400,000 over three years (or £200,000 in the Highlands and Islands region) and which also have the potential to create new jobs.
The closing date for applications is the 23rd November 2012. funding/scottish-edge.aspx
UK – German Challenge Fund (UK)
Primary, secondary schools and FE colleges as well as youth groups in the UK and Germany are able to apply for funding support through the UK – German
8 Challenge Fund.
This aim of the fund to develop curricular and extra-curricular projects between UK and German schools and youth groups. Grants provided through the UK- German Challenge Fund cover project costs, joint activities and reciprocal partner visits. The total amount of grant provided will be judged on a case-by- case basis, depending on the size, circumstances and numbers involved in the individual projects. The Challenge Fund provides grants of normally 50% towards the overall costs; in exceptional circumstances, the grant can cover up to a maximum of 75% of the total costs. Grants are available for both large and small projects and the amount can be to anything up to £5,000.
The closing date for applications is the 31st January 2013.
Wellcome Trust Small Arts Awards (UK)
The Wellcome Trust has announced that the next application deadline under its Small Arts Awards is the 25th January 2013. The Small Arts Awards provides grants of up to £30,000 to projects that engage the public with biomedical science through the arts. This can include:
Dance Drama Performance arts Visual arts Music Film Craft Photography Creative writing Digital media.
The aim of the awards is to support arts projects that reach new audiences which may not traditionally be interested in science and provide new ways of thinking about the social, cultural and ethical issues around contemporary science. The scheme is open to a wide range of people including, among others; Artists; Scientists; Curators; Filmmakers; Writers; Producers; Directors; Academics; Science communicators; Teachers; Arts workers; Education officers.
9 Awards/index.htm
Wellcome Trust – Society Awards (UK)
The Wellcome Trust has announced it is seeking applications through its Society Awards.
Each year, the Trust is looking to fund larger scale projects (above £30,000) that explore a specific theme related to biomedical sciences. For 2012 the theme is “Health in a changing world”.
Through this themed call the Trust are looking to fund projects that encourage public audiences to think about the past, present and future consequences for human and animal health in relation to climate change and an expanding human population. Society Awards can fund the scaling-up of successfully piloted projects (whether funded through People Awards or through other means) or can fund projects that are more ambitious in scale and impact than is possible through a People Award. Society Award-funded projects would normally expect to reach audiences with a wide geographical spread across the UK and/or Republic of Ireland. They can also part-fund larger projects. Organisations and partnerships that can submit applications include:
Museums and other cultural attractions Arts agencies Production companies Schools Local education authorities Universities and colleges Youth clubs Community groups Research institutes The NHS Science centres; etc.
The deadline for preliminary applications is the 25th January 2013. schemes/People-and-Society-Awards/
10 Funding to Promote Events in Scotland (Scotland)
EventScotland, the national events agency, which was established in 2003 with the aim of strengthening and promoting Scotland’s events industry, has announced that the National Events Programme round 23 is open to applications.
The National Events Programme complements the International Funding Programme and plays an integral role in developing domestic tourism across Scotland. Through the programme funding is available to support events (outside of the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow) that showcase Scotland and help to generate tourism.
Previous events supported through the programme include:
The Wigtown Book Festival which received a grant of £12,205 to create a new infrastructure for the event to increase audience capacity and grow the event.
The Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival which received a grant of £25,000 to target visitors from outside Scotland to help grow their audience numbers.
The National Funding Programme is a development programme therefore it does not provide long-term or core funding. It is designed to support additional elements or new activity specifically to help events grow.
The closing date for applications is the 1st February 2013. programme/
11 Film Culture Lottery Fund Opens for Applications (England Outside of London)
Creative England has announced that its £700,000 Film Culture Lottery Fund is now open for applications.
Applications are invited from cinemas, film archives, film festivals and other eligible organisations based in the English regions. Awards will range from £2,000 to £40,000. The fund is designed to support a range of dynamic and creative work in venues, festivals, archives and rural and community cinema schemes outside London. The Fund covers both audience projects, and also offers an organisational development strand, designed to strengthen and build capacity within cinemas, festivals and archives.
Previous projects supported include:
The Encounters Short Film & Animation Festival in Bristol The Cinema Plus film education group in Norwich Lincoln’s Media Archive for Central England.
The deadline for applications is 30 November 2012.
Artists International Development Fund (England)
The Arts Council England has announced that its new Artists' International Development Fund is currently open for applications.
12 Through the Artists' International Development Fund the Arts Council offers grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 to individual freelance and self employed artists based in England to build links with artists, organisations and/or creative producers in another country. The fund is open to individual artists, including creative producers, curators and editors. Although the Artists' international development programme is aimed at individual artists, small groups of artists who normally collaborate in their work can also apply. This could include, for example, musicians and visual artists who usually create work together, or writers and their translators.
The closing date for applications is the 1st February 2013. programmes/artists-international-development-fund/
Sky Arts - Futures Fund (UK)
Sky Arts is association with Ideas Tap, has announced that its Futures Fund is currently open for applications. The Futures Fund is offering five young artists £30,000 each to fund their work for a full year. The fund is designed to help bridge the gap between formal education and becoming a working artist. The Futures Fund is open to individual artists working in the fields of the:
Performing arts Dance Music Visual arts.
To apply, applicants must be an IdeasTap member aged 18-30 and be based in either the UK or Ireland. It’s free to become an IdeasTap member and just takes a few minutes to sign up.
The closing date for applications is the 19th December 2012. a0b700eaa974#Overview
Legacy 2014 Active Places Fund Opens for Applications (Scotland)
13 The Scottish Government has announced that its new £10 million Legacy 2014 Active Places Fund is now open for applications.
The fund is part of the Scottish Government’s Commonwealth Games Legacy 2014 programme, will give communities across Scotland more and better places to be active. Grants between £10,000 and £100,000 are available to help build or upgrade local facilities such as new bike or skate parks, outdoor adventure facilities, walking routes, or new projects within schools. The fund is open to a wide range of not for profit organisations and educational establishments such as schools and colleges.
The fund is open until 2015 and the closing date for the first round of applications is the 1st February 2013. lities/Legacy+2014+Active+Places+Fund/ m
New £200,000 Fund to Develop Business Improvement Districts (Wales)
The Welsh Government has announced a new £200,000 fund to develop Business Improvement Districts in Wales.
The funding will be targeted towards the development of BIDs in several towns across Wales, where local authority support and a commitment to collaborative working have already been secured. Schemes will be supported from inception through to ballot and innovative ideas, such as thematic, tourism and industrial BIDs will also be encouraged. Funding of up to £25,000 per application will be made available to support scheme.
Call for Proposals for Social Policy Experimentations (UK)
14 The European Commission has issued a new call for proposals under its PROGRESS programme.
PROGRESS is the European employment and social solidarity programme set up to provide financial support to attain the EU’s objectives in employment, social affairs and equal opportunities. This call for proposal aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of social policies and to facilitate their adaptation to new social needs and societal challenges. Through this call, PROGRESS countries embarking on welfare reforms are offered financial support to experiment envisaged policy changes and reforms before implementing them, if successful, on a wider scale. This call is open to public authorities at national, regional or local level. The total level of funding available is €4.2 million and grant requested should be between €700,000 and €1 million.
The closing date for applications is the 15th February 2013. catId=630&langId=en&callId=367&furtherCalls=yes
The British & Foreign Schools Society (UK & Worldwide)
The British & Foreign Schools Society (BFSS), which supports educational projects in the UK and around the world by funding schools, other charities and educational bodies, has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 4th February 2013.
The Society supports organisations that reach out to children in remote or impoverished areas, improving inclusivity in education and providing much- needed facilities. The Society normally makes grants for educational projects totaling about £400,000 in any one year. Although a few grants are made to individuals, the majority (85% of grants) are made to schools, other charities and educational bodies.
15 Previous projects supported include:
A grant of £10,000 to the Bloomfield Learning Centre. The Centre assesses and teaches 6 to 16 year olds with specific learning difficulties from areas of socio economic disadvantage in London specially Southwark, Lambeth, Islington, Camden and Greenwich.
£60 Million Specialised Housing Fund (London)
The Greater London Authority has announced the launch of a new £60 million specialised Housing Fund.
The fund aims to encourage the development of new homes that provide specialised housing for London’s older people and disabled adults. Organisations can submit proposals in two phases. In phase one bids are invited for new supported housing homes that cannot be delivered without the benefit of grant funding. For phase two, expressions of interest are sought on how to address the funding needs of the affordable housing market.
Phase 2 will open for applications in the Summer 2013.
The closing date for applications for phase 1 of the fund is at noon on the 18th January 2013.
The closing date for expressions of interest for phase 2 is the 15th March 2013. housing-fund
Funding Reminders
Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Foundation (UK)
16 The Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Foundation has announced that its grants making programme is open for applications.
The Foundation supports projects in children’s hospitals and hospices throughout the UK to enrich and enhance the lives of patients. Projects that could be considered by the Foundation include amongst others:
Arts, music, play and leisure programmes Facilities to support families of children treated in hospitals or hospices Care and facilities in hospices Supporting children with physical and emotional difficulties Medical equipment (when it can be shown that funding is not available from statutory sources).
In the past, the average grant awarded was just over £9,000. Previous projects supported include:
Naomi House Children's Hospice Winchester which received funding for new play equipment and art materials.
The Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, which received funding towards a new family accommodation facility to enable more parents to stay near their children.
The closing date for applications is the 7th December 2012.
Funding to Develop the Offshore Renewable Energy Supply Chain (UK)
The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) have announced a new £1.2 million call for Knowledge 17 Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) in the field of offshore renewable energy. The aim of this targeted call is to stimulate and support innovation in the offshore renewable energy supply chain. Both the TSB and NERC are looking to support KTPs that will help the industry address challenges associated with cost reduction and risks in deployment. This includes both technology development and minimising environmental impact. NERC funding will be directed towards applications which, make use of and apply existing NERC funded research.
The closing date for applications is the 24th April 2013. renewable-energy-supply-ch.ashx
Funding for Breakfast Clubs (UK)
Kelloggs has announced that schools within the UK that have an existing breakfast club can apply for funding through its 'Help Give a Child a Breakfast' programme. Each grant consists of £450 cash and £50 Kellogg’s vouchers. There are no restrictions on how to use the money. It can pay for food, equipment, games, materials and staff time. Priority will go to children who are in the greatest need. This includes:
Breakfast clubs situated in an area designated as having special economic or social status e.g. Communities First areas in Wales or Community First areas in England Breakfast clubs in schools that have the highest percentage of Free School Meals Breakfast clubs who are ranked in areas highest in terms of need, according to that Country’s deprivation ranking index.
The closing date for applications is the 31st January 2013.
18 Help The Homeless (UK)
Help the Homeless, a national Charity which aims to help homeless people throughout the United Kingdom to resume a normal life, is currently accepting applications from small and medium sized charities and voluntary organisations. Grants of up to £3,000 are available towards capital costs to support projects that assist disadvantaged individuals in their return to mainstream society, through residential or training facilities. Grants to larger charities may be considered if the project is suitable innovative and only possible for a larger organisation to develop it.
Previous projects supported include:
A grant of £3,000 to Spear, a charity working with homeless people in and around Richmond. As part of their services they operate a 12-bed hostel. In 2010 Help the Homeless made a grant of £3,000 to help them buy wardrobes to furnish the bedrooms in this accommodation. The Cathedral Archer Project in Sheffield which is a day centre that supports the homeless and vulnerable in Sheffield received a grant of £2,600 for them to purchase shelving and storage so they can more efficiently sort food and collate food parcels for their clients.
The next application deadline is the 31st December 2012.
McDonald’s KickStart Grants (UK)
McDonalds has announced that the next deadline for applications to its Kick Start Grants Programme is the 31st December 2012.
The aim of the programme is to support community football throughout the UK. A total of £75,000 is available in 2012 through the McDonalds Kick Start scheme and local community football teams can apply for grants of between £500 and £2,500 for activities such as:
Improving club facilities Grounds-keeping tools Training courses Pitch hire Van hire Washing machines for kit; etc.
19 Individuals can apply for a grant on behalf of their club, as long as they are recognised by their national FA, and have at least one team at or below junior (U18) level. Applicants must be over 18 and involved with the club at some level, such as a coach, volunteer or parent.
The Fidelio Trust Grants Programme (UK)
The Fidelio Trust has announced that its next closing date for applications is the 1st February 2013.
The Trust offers grants of up to £5,000 in support of the Arts, in particular the dramatic and operatic arts, music, speech and dance. The Trustees aim to help individuals and groups such as Colleges, Arts Festivals and other arts organisations who would not be able to carry out a project or activity without financial support. Funding is available for:
Tuition or coaching To participate in external competitions To be supported for a specially arranged performance To receive support for a special publication, musical composition or work of art.
New Programme to Help UK Charities Support People into Employment (UK)
Microsoft has announced the launch of Britain Works Initiative, and NGO programme which provides resources and connects UK registered charities working in the employability arena. This initiative is aimed at helping 500,000 people into employment by giving them access to vital IT skills over the next 3 years. By becoming a Britain Works NGO Programme Partner charities will be able to access resources, software, training curriculum and dedicated events and webinars. UK registered charities with an employability programme or who are looking to set up an employability programme in 2010 you can register to join the Britain Works NGO Programme free of charge. To register your interest, please email [email protected] .
Applications can be submitted at any time.
Idlewild Trust (UK)
The Idlewild Trust has announced that the next closing date for applications to its grant making programme is the 22nd February 2013.
The Idlewild Trust is a grant making trust that supports registered charities concerned with the encouragement of the performing and fine arts and crafts, the advancement of education within the arts and the preservation for the benefit of the public of lands, buildings and other objects of beauty or historic interest in the United Kingdom. During the last financial year to 31 December, 2010, the Trust received 373 applications and awarded 65 grants totalling £129,305.
Government Launches Future High Street X-Fund (England)
As part of the Government's response to the Portas Review, the Department for Communities and Local Government has announced the launch of its £1million Future High Street X- Fund.
The aim of the Fund is to reward those areas delivering the most effective and innovative plans to bring their town centres back to life. The £1million prize fund will recognise and reward locations who have undertaken the most outstanding transformations. The department will accept nominations of schemes that have been implemented since May 2011.
Nominations should include a link to a supporting video submission of 2-4 21 minutes, setting out why your area should be awarded a prize. The Department are looking for nominations that address a variety of issues, including (but not limited to):
Empty shops Parking Accessibility Public realm The evening economy.
This could be through a range of measures including the use of incentives e.g. business rates discounts, cheap or free parking, creating opportunities to improve employment and skills, increasing community participation, or through technology, marketing and events.
The closing date for nominations is 6 December 2012.
Santander Launches Community Plus Fund (UK)
Following the launch, in September, of a new £250,000 pilot fund for charities in the South West, Santander Foundation has announced the launch of a new £1.23 million Community Plus fund to support charities helping local disadvantaged people across the UK.
UK registered charities can apply for a grant of up to £5,000. The funding must be for a specific project that helps disadvantaged people. For example this could be for a piece of equipment or to pay for the costs of a part time sessional worker. To apply, just visit any Santander branch and complete a nomination form. The completed form should be dropped into the box provided in your local branch.
There are no closing dates and entries will be regularly considered by a panel of staff drawn from across the region. Successful charities will be notified within 2 months of submitting their nomination.
Healthy Hearts Grants (UK)
22 Heart Research UK has announced the next funding round under its Healthy Heart Grants Scheme will open early January 2013.
Healthy Heart Grants support innovative projects designed to promote heart health and to prevent or reduce the risks of heart disease in specific groups or communities. Grants of up to £10,000 are available to community groups, voluntary organisations and researchers who are spreading the healthy heart message.
The types of projects supported in the past have included:
Watford and District YMCA which received funding to work with local schools to encourage children to make healthy lifestyle choices through games and activities.
The Foresight Project in Grimsby which encourages visually impaired people to take regular exercise using tandem bicycles.
There are two applications rounds per year. Applications are only accepted during January and February for the May round of grants and July and August for grants awarded in November, each year.
The closing date for the next funding round will be the 28th February 2013.
Grants for Schools for Mathematics Enrichment Activity (UK)
The Royal Institution Ri has announce the next closing date for its Mathematics Enrichment programme is the 30th November 2012.
The Royal Institution is making 72 grants of up to £500 available to teachers of mathematics to choose activities from the STEM Directories in the 2012-2013 academic year. The funding which is available to mathematics teachers within primary and secondary schools aims to raise the profile and enjoyment of mathematics in schools. The Royal Institution welcomes applications from all schools, with preference being given to state-funded schools that have not had external mathematics enrichment activities in the past two years.
There are a limited number of grants and these will be allocated at two stages.
Young Persons Volunteering Fund (England, Scotland and Wales)
The Sita Trust has announced the next funding round of its new Young Person's Volunteering Fund.
Through this new fund, the SITA Trust can provide grants of up to £10,000 for volunteering projects owned by 14-25 year olds. This fund has been created to assist young people aged 14-25 to volunteer their time to create or enhance facilities that can be enjoyed by the wider community. SITA Trust can provide funding towards the resources required by young volunteers to transform a derelict piece of land into a community green space or give a local community centre a much needed 'make-over'. Funding can be sought to provide necessary equipment such as tools, paint, plants, fencing and materials. To be eligible applicants must be able to demonstrate that young people will be fully involved in the design and development of the project and projects must be compliant with the rules of the Landfill Communities Fund.
The closing date for applications is 10am on the 2nd January 2013.
Support for Cultural Entrepreneurs (Scotland)
The Cultural Enterprise Office, Scotland’s specialist business support and development ser-vice for creative businesses and practitioners, has announced that the Starter for 6 Programme is now open for applications.
Starter for 6 is an enterprise training programme that supports up and coming creative entrepreneurs across Scotland. In addition, participants have the
24 opportunity to pitch their business idea for £10,000 of funding.
The closing date for applications is the 10th December 2012. menu=s46&page_sel=s46
Recycling on the Go (Wales)
Wrap, Cymru (the Welsh branch of the Waste and Resources Action Programme) is inviting events organisers in Wales to apply for grants of up to £50,000 to provide recycling facilities. Sports, leisure and arts venues, tourist attractions, transport hubs (e.g. railway stations), colleges, museums and hospitals are among the sorts of venues which may benefit from the funding. Organisers of events such as festivals and shows are also invited to apply. The programme is offering funding support for both capital equipment costs and communication material to promote and provide signage for your project. This can include:
Recycling units Storage containers Baling equipment Mobile plant and equipment Signage and communication material.
The final deadline for applications will be 30th November 2013.
(c) Grants Online 2012
The Funding Alert is part of the Grants Online subscription service and should not be circulated to outside organisations