Publications: Johannes A. Buchmann

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Publications: Johannes A. Buchmann

Publications: Johannes A. Buchmann


 Daniel J. Bernstein, Johannes Buchmann, Erik Dahmen (Eds.) Post Quantum Cryptography Springer Verlag, 2008, 245 p

 Johannes Buchmann, Jintai Ding (Eds.) Post-Quantum Cryptography, Second International Workshop, PQCrypto 2008, Cincinnati, OH, USA, October 17-19, 2008, LNCS 5299 - Contents, Proceedings Springer, 2008, 231 p

 Johannes Buchmann, Ulrich Vollmer Binary Quadratic Forms - An Algorithmic Approach Series: Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, Vol. 20 Springer Verlag, 2007, 318 p

 Johannes Buchmann Einführung in die Kryptographie, 4., durchges. u. erw. Aufl., Springer-Verlag, 2008, 278 p.

 Johannes Buchmann Einführung in die Kryptographie, 3., durchges. u. erw. Aufl., Springer-Verlag, 2004, 266 p.

 Johannes Buchmann Einführung in die Kryptographie, 2., durchges. u. erw. Aufl., Springer-Verlag, 2001, 230 p.

 Johannes Buchmann Einführung in die Kryptographie, 1.Auflage, Springer-Verlag, 1999, 229p.

 Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, translation to French.

 Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, translation to Polish.

 Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, SecondEdition, Springer-Verlag, 2004, 335 p.  Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 2001, 281 p.

 Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, translation to Farsi, 2003 .

 Johannes Buchmann Introducao a Criptografia, Editora Berkeley, 2002, 312 p.

 Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, translation to Japanese, 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, 2001.

 Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, translation to Japanese, Springer-Verlag, 2001.

 J. Buchmann, T. Hoeholdt, H. Stichtenoth, H. Tapia-Recillas (Eds.) Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas Springer-Verlag, 1999, 259 p


 Johannes Buchmann, Erik Dahmen, Michael Schneider Merkle tree traversal revisited Proceedings PQCrypto 2008, Springer LNCS 5299, (2008), 63-78

 Johannes Buchmann, Richard Lindner, Markus Rückert Explicit hard instances of the shortest vector problem Proceedings PQCrypto 2008, Springer LNCS 5299, (2008), 79-94

 Lucie Langer, Axel Schmidt, Johannes Buchmann Secure and Practical Online Elections via Voting Service Provider Proceedings ICEG 2008, (2008), 255-262

 Sebastian Rohde, Thomas Eisenbarth, Erik Dahmen, Johannes Buchmann, Christof Paar Fast Hash-Based Signatures on Constrained Devices Proceedings CARDIS, Springer LNCS 5189, (2009), 104-117

 Jintai Ding, Johannes Buchmann, Mohamed Saied Emam Mohamed, Wael Said Abd Elmageed Mohamed and Ralf-Philipp Weinmann MutantXL Proceedings SCC 2008, Birkhäuser MCS, (2009)  Sebastian Rohde, Thomas Eisenbarth, Erik Dahmen, Johannes Buchmann, Christof Paar Efficient Hash-Based Signatures on Embedded Devices SECSI - Secure Component and System Identification 2008

 Johannes Buchmann, Martin Döring, Richard Lindner Efficiency Improvement for NTRU Sicherheit 2008, LNI 128 GI 2008

 J. Buchmann, E.Dahmen, E. Klintsevich, K. Okeya, C.Vuillaume Merkle Signatures with Virtually Unlimited Signature Capacity ACNS´07, Springer LNCS 4521, (2007), 31-45

 Stefan Georg Weber , Roberto Araujo, Johannes Buchmann On Coercion-Resistant Electronic Elections with Linear Work Proceedings ARES´07, IEEE Xplore subscribers, (2007), 908-916

 Johannes Buchmann, Alexander May, Ulrich Vollmer (Eds.) CLC2006 - Workshop on Codes and Lattices in Cryptography CLC2006 Preproceedings, (2006)

 J. Buchmann, E. Dahmen, A. May, U. Vollmer Krypto 2020 KES - The Information Security 5, (2006), 74

 Johannes Buchmann, Alexander May, Ulrich Vollmer Perspectives for Cryptographic Long-Term Security Communications of the ACM Vol. 49(9), 2006, 50-56

 Johannes Buchmann, Andrei Pyshkin, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann A Zero-Dimensional Groebner Basis for AES-128 Proceedings FSE 2006, Springer, LNCS 4047, (2006), 78-88

 Johannes Buchmann, Andrei Pyshkin, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann Block Ciphers Sensitive to Groebner Basis Attacks Proceedings CT-RSA 2006, LNCS 3860, 2006, 313-331

 J. Buchmann, L.C. Coronado Garcia, E. Dahmen, M. Döring, E. Klintsevich CMSS -- An Improved Merkle Signature Scheme Proceedings Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2006, Springer, LNCS 4329, (2006), 349-363

 M. Lippert, V. Karatsiolis, A. Wiesmaier, J. Buchmann Lifecycle management of X.509 certificates based on LDAP directories Journal of Computer Security 14(5) (2006), 419-439

 S. Fritsch, V. Karatsiolis, M. Lippert, A. Wiesmaier, J. Buchmann Towards Secure Electronic Workflows Proceedings EuroPKI 2006, Springer, LNCS 4043, (2006) 154-168

 Johannes Buchmann, Markus Kaiser Computer Proven Correctness of the Rabin Public-Key Scheme Proceedings World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Volume 21, Vienna, Austria, 2007

 Markus Kaiser, Johannes Buchmann A Formal Approach for Proof Constructions in Cryptography International Journal of Computer Science(IJCS), Volume 1 (2006), 195-203

 Markus Kaiser, Johannes Buchmann Computer Verification in Cryptography Proceedings ICCS´06 , Vienna, Austria, Volume 12, 2006

 Johannes Buchmann, Christoph Ludwig Practical Lattice Basis Sampling Reduction Proceedings ANTS 2006, Springer, LNCS 4076 , (2006), 222-237

 U. Rauchschwalbe, A. Wiesmaier, C. Ludwig, J. Buchmann Digital Signierte Wägeresultate - Neue Wege in der Sicherung eichfähiger Messwerte,

"WDM - Wägen, Dosieren, Mischen", Ausgabe 3/2006, (Mai 2006), 23 - 27

 A. Wiesmaier, U. Rauchschwalbe, C. Ludwig, B. Henhapl, M. Ruppert, J. Buchmann Intrinsically Legal-For-Trade Objects by Digital Signatures Proceedings Sicherheit 2006, LNI 77 GI, (2006), 218-221

 T. Straub, T.-A. Ginkel, J. Buchmann A Multipurpose Delegation Proxy for WWW Credentials Proceedings 2nd European PKI Workshop, Canterbury, Springer LNCS 3545, (2005), 1-21

 M. Lippert, V. Karatsiolis, A. Wiesmaier, J. Buchmann Directory Based Registration in Public Key Infrastructures Proceedings 4th International Workshop for Applied PKI ( IWAP 2005)

 A. Wiesmaier, E. Karatsiolis, M. Lippert, J. Buchmann The Workshop -- Implementing Well Structured Enterprise Applications Proceedings SERP 2005 , CSREA Press, (2005), 947

 A. Wiesmaier, M. Lippert, E. Karatsiolis, G. Raptis, J. Buchmann An Evaluated Certification Services System for the German National Root CA -- Legally binding and trustworthy Transactions in E-Business and E-Government Proceedings of "The 2005 International Conference on e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, e-Government, and Outsourcing (EEE 05), CSREA Press, (2005), 103-110

 A. Wiesmaier, M. Fischer, M. Lippert, J. Buchmann Outflanking and securely using the PIN/TAN-System Proceedings of "The 2005 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM´05)" CSREA Press, (2005), 313-319

 J. Buchmann, C. Coronado, M. Döring, D. Engelbert, C. Ludwig, R. Overbeck, A. Schmidt, U. Vollmer, R. Weinmann Post-Quantum Signatures Proceedings of The Third International Workshop for Applied PKI (IWAP2004)

 Vangelis Karatsiolis, Marcus Lippert, Alexander Wiesmaier, Anna Pitaev, Markus Ruppert, Johannes Buchmann Towards a Flexible Intra-Trustcenter Management Protocol in The Third International Workshop for Applied PKI (IWAP2004)

 Johannes Buchmann, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Ulrich Vollmer Number Field Cryptography IN: High Primes and Misdemeanours: Lectures in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Hugh Cowie Williams, volume 41, (2004), 111-125

 Harald Baier, Johannes Buchmnann, Christoph Busch Aus- und Weiterbildung in IT-Sicherheit Tagungsband IT-Sicherheit im verteilten Chaos, 8. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress des BSI 2003, SecuMedia Verlag,( 2003), 179-190

 Johannes Buchmann, Kouichi Sakurai, Tsuyoshi Takagi An IND-CCA2 Public-Key Cryptosystem with Fast Decryption Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC'01), LNCS 2288, (2002), 51-71

 J. Buchmann, C.Ludwig How secure can security possibly be in Safety of Modern Technical Systems, (2001), 587-594

 Johannes Buchmann Wie sicher kann Sicherheit sein? in Sicherheitskonzepte für das Internet, G. Müller und Martin Reichenbach, (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, (2001), 45-54

 Johannes Buchmann, Safuat Hamdy A Survey on IQ Cryptography in Public-Key Cryptography and Computational Number Theory, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York, (2001), 1-15

 Harald Baier, Johannes Buchmann Efficient Construction of Cryptographically Strong Elliptic Curves Proceedings INDOCRYPT 2000, LNCS 1977, Springer-Verlag, New York, (2000), 191-201

 Johannes Buchmann, Markus Maurer, Bodo Möller Cryptography Based on Number Fields with Large Regulator Journal de Théorie des Nombres Bordeaux 12, (2000), 293-307

 Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann, Safuat Hamdy, Andreas Meyer A Signature Scheme Based on the Intractability of Computing Roots Design, Codes, and Cryptography 25:3, (2002), 223-236  Johannes Buchmann, Markus Ruppert, Markus Tak FlexiPKI - Realisierung einer flexiblen Public-Key-Infrastruktur Tagungsband Systemsicherheit 2000, DuD-Fachbeiträge, 309-314

 Johannes Buchmann, Markus Maurer Wie sicher ist die Public-Key-Kryptographie? Tagungsband Systemsicherheit 2000, DuD-Fachbeiträge, 105-116

 Johannes Buchmann, Friedrich Eisenbrand On Factor Refinement in Number Fields Math. comp. 68, (1999), 345-350

 Johannes Buchmann, Damian Weber Discrete Logarithms: Recent Progress Proceedings Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas, Springer-Verlag, (1999)

 Johannes Buchmann Zahlentheorie und Kryptographie Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur, Mainz, (1998)

 Johannes Buchmann La factorisation des grands nombres Pour la Science 251, (Septembre 1998), 88-96

 Johannes Buchmann, Michael J. Jacobson, Stefan Neis, Patrick Theobald, Damian Weber Sieving Methods for Class Group Computation In Algorithmic Algebra and Number Theory, B.H. Matzat, G.-M. Greuel, G.Hiss (Eds.), Springer Verlag 1998, 3-10

 Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann An analysis of the reduction algorithms for binary quadratic forms in Voronoi's Impact on Modern Science, Institute of Mathematics Kyiv, (1997)

 Johannes Buchmann, Sachar Paulus A one way function based on ideal arithmetic in number fields Proceedings CRYPTO 97, Springer LNCS 1294, (1997), 385-394

 Johannes Buchmann, Michael Jacobson, Edlyn Teske On some computational problems in finite abelian groups Math. Comp. 66, (1997), 1663-1687

 Johannes Buchmann, Victor Shoup Constructing Nonresidues in Finite Fields and the Extended Riemann Hypothesis Math. Comp. 65, (1996), 1311-1326

 Johannes Buchmann, Christine Hollinger On smooth ideals in number fields J. Number Theory 59, (1996), 82-87  Johannes Buchmann Faktorisierung großer Zahlen Spektrum der Wissenschaften 9, (1996), 80-89

 Johannes Buchmann, Chr.Thiel, H. Williams Short representations of quadratic integers Math. Appl. 325, (1995), 159-185

 Johannes Buchmann Algorithms in finite abelian groups Proceedings of Number Theoretic and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (NTAMCS) 1993, World Scientific Publisher (1995)

 Johannes Buchmann, M. Pohst und J.v. Schmettow On unit groups and class groups of quadratic fields of signature (2,1) Math. Comp 62, (1994), 387-390

 J. A. Buchmann, H.W. Lenstra jr. Approximating rings of integers in number fields Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres Bordeaux 6, (1994), 221-260

 Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann, Christoph Thiel Cryptographic Protocols Based on Discrete Logarithms in Real-quadratic orders Proceedings CRYPTO 94, Springer LNCS 839, (1994), 56-60

 Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann Algorithms for quadratic orders Mathematics of Computation 1943-1993, (1994)

 Johannes Buchmann, Max Jüntgen und Michael Pohst A practical version of the generalized Lagrange algorithm Exp. Math. 3, (1994), 200-207

 Johannes Buchmann Reducing lattice bases by means of approximations Proceedings of ANTS 94, Springer LNCS 877, (1994), 160-168

 Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann Algorithms for quadratic orders Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Math. 48, (1994), 425-449

 J. Buchmann, J. Loho, J. Zayer An implementation of the general number field sieve Proceedings CRYPTO 93, Springer LNCS 773, (1994), 159-165

 Renate Scheidler, Johannes Buchmann, Hugh C. Williams A Key-Exchange Protocol Using Real Quadratic Fields Journal of Cryptology 7, (1994), 171-199  J. Buchmann, D. Ford und M. Pohst Enumeration of quartic fields of small discriminant Math. Comp. 61, (1993), 873-879

 Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann, Bernd Meyer, Christian Thiel, Christoph Tools for proving zero knowledge Proceedings EUROCRYPT 92, Springer LNCS 658, (1993), 356-365

 Johannes Buchmann, Stephan Düllmann Distributed class group computation in Informatik, Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Günter Hotz, Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig, 1992

 Johannes Buchmann, Chr.Thiel, Williams Short representations of quadratic integers CANT 1992

 Johannes Buchmann, K. Györy, M. Mignotte, N. Tzanakis Lower bounds for P(x sup3 +k), an elementary approach Publ. Math. 38, (1991), 145-163

 Johannes Buchmann Number theoretic algorithms and cryptology Proceedings FCT 91, Springer LNCS 529, (1991), 16-21

 Johannes Buchmann, Volker Müller Computing the number of points on elliptic curves over finite prime fields Proceedings ISSAC 91, ACM Press, (1991), 179-182

 J. Buchmann, V. Shoup Constructing nonresidues in finite fields and the extended Riemann Hypothesis Proceedings STOC 91, ACM Press, (1991), 72-79

 Johannes Buchmann, Stephan Düllmann On the computation of discrete logarithms in class groups Proceedings CRYPTO 90, Springer LNCS 537, (1991), 134-139

 Johannes Buchmann, Hugh C. Williams Some remarks concerning the complexity of computing class groups of quadratic fields Journal of Complexity 7, (1991), 311-315

 J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams and R. Scheidler Implementation of a key exchange protocol using real quadratic fields Proceedings EUROCRYPT 90, Springer LNCS 473, (1991), 8-109

 J. Buchmann, S. Düllmann A probabilistic class group and regulator algorithm and its implementation Proceedings of the Colloquium on Number Theory, Debrecen, 1989, Computational Number Theory, Walter de Gruyter, (1991), 54-72  Johannes Buchmann A subexponential algorithm for the determination of class groups and regulators of algebraic number fields Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, Paris 1988-1989, Birkhäuser Boston Basel Berlin, (1990), 27-41

 J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams Quadratic fields and cryptography Proceedings Number Theory and Cryptology, Cambridge University Press, (1990), 9- 26

 J. Buchmann, J. Sands und H.C. Williams P-adic computation of real quadratic class numbers Math. Comp. 54, (April 1990), 855 - 868

 Johannes Buchmann On generalized continued fraction expansions of short period length Publ. Math. 37, (1990), 109-114

 Johannes Buchmann Complexity of algorithms in algebraic number theory Proceedings CNTA 1988, de Gruyter, (Berlin 1990), 37-54

 J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams A key exchange system based on real quadratic fields Proceedings CRYPTO 1989, Springer LNCS 435, (1989), 335 -343

 Buchmann, Düllmann, Williams On the complexity and efficiency of a new key exchange system Proceedings EUROCRYPT 1989, Springer LNCS 434, (1990), 597 - 616

 J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On the existence of a short proof for the value of the class number and regulator of a real quadratic field Proceedings of NATO ASI Number Theory and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1989), 327-346

 J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On the computation of the class number of an algebraic number field Math. Comp. 53, (1989), 679-688

 J. Buchmann, M. Pohst und J. v. Schmettow On the computation of unit groups and class groups of totally real quartic fields Math. Comp. 53, (1989), 387-397

 J. Buchmann, M. Pohst On the complexity of computing class groups of algebraic number fields Proceedings AAECC-6, Springer LNCS 357, (1989), 122-130  J. Buchmann, M. Pohst Computing a lattice basis from a system of generating vectors Proceedings EUROCAL 87, Springer LNCS 378, (1989), 54-63

 J. Buchmann, M. Pohst und J.v.Schmettow Computation of class groups of totally complex quartic fields Math. Comp. 53, (1989), 387-397

 J. Buchmann, D. Ford On the computation of totally real quartic fields of small discriminant Math. Comp. 52, (1989), 161-174

 J. Buchmann, J.W. Sands Leopoldt's Conjecture in parameterized families Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 104, (1989), 43-48

 J. Buchmann, A. Pethö Supplement to computation of independent units in number fields by Dirichlet's method Math. Comp. 52, (1989), 1-14

 J. Buchmann, A. Pethö Computation of independent units in number fields by Dirichlet's method Math. Comp. 52, (1989), 149-159

 J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On the infrastructure of the principal ideal class of an algebraic number field of unit rank one Math. Comp. 50, (1988), 569-579

 J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams A key exchange system based on imaginary quadratic fields J. Cryptology 1, (1988), 107-118

 Johannes Buchmann Zur Komplexität der Berechnung von Einheiten und Klassenzahlen algebraischer Zahlkörper, Habilitationsschrift Düsseldorf 1987

 J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On principal ideal testing in algebraic number fields J. Symbolic Computation, 4, (1987), 11-19

 J. Buchmann, J.W. Sands An algorithm for testing Leopoldt's conjecture J. Number Theory 27, (1987), 92-105

 Johannes Buchmann On the period length of the generalized Lagrange algorithm J. Number Theory 26, (1987), 31-37  Johannes Buchmann On the computation of units and class numbers by a generalization of Lagrange's algorithm J. Number Theory 26, (1987), 8-30

 J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On principal ideal testing in totally complex quartic fields and the determination of certain cyclotomic constants Journal of Symbolic Computation 4(1), (1987), 11-19

 J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On principal ideal testing in totally complex quartic fields and the determination of certain cyclotomic constants Math. Comp. 48, (1987), 55-66

 Johannes Buchmann The computation of the fundamental unit of totally complex quartic orders Math. Comp. 48, (1987), 39-54

 Johannes Buchmann Generalized continued fractions and number theoretic computations Mathematisch-Statistische Sektion, Forschungsgesellschaft Joanneum, Bericht Nr. 269, (1986), 1-30

 Johannes Buchmann The generalized Voronoi-Algorithm in totally real algebraic number fields Proceedings EUROCAL 85, Springer LNCS 204, (1986), 479-486

 J. Buchmann, A. Pethö Computation of independent units in number fields by Dirichlet's method Proceedings AAECC-3 1985, Springer LNCS 229, (1986), 302-305

 Johannes Buchmann Abschätzung der Periodenlänge einer verallgemeinerten Kettenbruchentwicklung J. Reine Angew. Math. 361, (1985), 27-34

 Johannes Buchmann A generalization of Voronoi's unit algorithm II J. Number Theory 20, (1985), 192-209

 Johannes Buchmann A generalization of Voronoi's unit algorithm I J. Number Theory 20, (1985), 177-191

 Johannes Buchmann A criterion for the equivalence of two ideals EUROSAM 84, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 174, (1984), 333-340

 Johannes Buchmann Zahlengeometrische Kettenbruchalgorithmen zur Einheitenberechnung Dissertation, Köln 1982 Technical Reports

 Johannes Buchmann Passwörter oder Smartcards zur Absicherung von Portalen? TI-2/06

 Christina Lindenberg, Kai Wirt, Johannes Buchmann Formal Proof for the Correctness of RSA-PSS Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2006/011,

 Johannes Buchmann, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Ulrich Vollmer Number Field Cryptography TI-11/03

 Johannes Buchmann, Tsuyoshi Takagi Kryptographie - Chancen und Risiken TI-6/03

 Johannes Buchmann, Arthur Schmidt Computing the structure of a finite abelian group TI-5/03

 Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann, Safuat Hamdy, Andreas Meyer Cryptographic Protocols Based on Intractability of Extracting Roots and Computing Discrete Logarithms TI-16/99

 Johannes Buchmann, Douglas Squirrel Kernels of Integer Matrices via Modular Arithmetic TI-4/99

 Johannes Buchmann, Markus Maurer Approximate Evaluation of L(1,chi-delta) TI-6/98

 Johannes Buchmann, Stefan Neis Algorithms for Linear Algebra Problems over Principal Ideal Rings TI-7/96

 Johannes Buchmann, Sachar Paulus Algorithms for finite abelian groups

 Johannes Buchmann, Volker Kessler Computing a reduced lattice basis from a generating system

 Johannes Buchmann, Oliver van Sprang On short representations of orders and number fields 1992  Johannes Buchmann, Ralf Roth, Matthias Diehl LiPS: A System for distributed applications

Lecture Notes

 Johannes Buchmann PKI, 2005

 Johannes Buchmann, Volker Mü Algorithms for factoring integers, 2005

 Johannes Buchmann Informatik I, 2005

 Johannes Buchmann, Volker Müller Informatik II, 2005 (Darmstadt), 1993 (Saarbrücken)

 Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Theoretical Cryptography, 2005

 Johannes Buchmann Algebra für Informatiker, 2005

 Johannes Buchmann Cryptographic Protocols, 2002

 Johannes Buchmann, Volker Müller Primality Testing, 1992

 Johannes Buchmann, Volker Müller Einführung in die Computeralgebra, 1992.

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