Publications: Johannes A. Buchmann
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Publications: Johannes A. Buchmann
Daniel J. Bernstein, Johannes Buchmann, Erik Dahmen (Eds.) Post Quantum Cryptography Springer Verlag, 2008, 245 p
Johannes Buchmann, Jintai Ding (Eds.) Post-Quantum Cryptography, Second International Workshop, PQCrypto 2008, Cincinnati, OH, USA, October 17-19, 2008, LNCS 5299 - Contents, Proceedings Springer, 2008, 231 p
Johannes Buchmann, Ulrich Vollmer Binary Quadratic Forms - An Algorithmic Approach Series: Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, Vol. 20 Springer Verlag, 2007, 318 p
Johannes Buchmann Einführung in die Kryptographie, 4., durchges. u. erw. Aufl., Springer-Verlag, 2008, 278 p.
Johannes Buchmann Einführung in die Kryptographie, 3., durchges. u. erw. Aufl., Springer-Verlag, 2004, 266 p.
Johannes Buchmann Einführung in die Kryptographie, 2., durchges. u. erw. Aufl., Springer-Verlag, 2001, 230 p.
Johannes Buchmann Einführung in die Kryptographie, 1.Auflage, Springer-Verlag, 1999, 229p.
Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, translation to French.
Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, translation to Polish.
Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, SecondEdition, Springer-Verlag, 2004, 335 p. Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 2001, 281 p.
Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, translation to Farsi, 2003 .
Johannes Buchmann Introducao a Criptografia, Editora Berkeley, 2002, 312 p.
Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, translation to Japanese, 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, 2001.
Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Cryptography, translation to Japanese, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
J. Buchmann, T. Hoeholdt, H. Stichtenoth, H. Tapia-Recillas (Eds.) Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas Springer-Verlag, 1999, 259 p
Johannes Buchmann, Erik Dahmen, Michael Schneider Merkle tree traversal revisited Proceedings PQCrypto 2008, Springer LNCS 5299, (2008), 63-78
Johannes Buchmann, Richard Lindner, Markus Rückert Explicit hard instances of the shortest vector problem Proceedings PQCrypto 2008, Springer LNCS 5299, (2008), 79-94
Lucie Langer, Axel Schmidt, Johannes Buchmann Secure and Practical Online Elections via Voting Service Provider Proceedings ICEG 2008, (2008), 255-262
Sebastian Rohde, Thomas Eisenbarth, Erik Dahmen, Johannes Buchmann, Christof Paar Fast Hash-Based Signatures on Constrained Devices Proceedings CARDIS, Springer LNCS 5189, (2009), 104-117
Jintai Ding, Johannes Buchmann, Mohamed Saied Emam Mohamed, Wael Said Abd Elmageed Mohamed and Ralf-Philipp Weinmann MutantXL Proceedings SCC 2008, Birkhäuser MCS, (2009) Sebastian Rohde, Thomas Eisenbarth, Erik Dahmen, Johannes Buchmann, Christof Paar Efficient Hash-Based Signatures on Embedded Devices SECSI - Secure Component and System Identification 2008
Johannes Buchmann, Martin Döring, Richard Lindner Efficiency Improvement for NTRU Sicherheit 2008, LNI 128 GI 2008
J. Buchmann, E.Dahmen, E. Klintsevich, K. Okeya, C.Vuillaume Merkle Signatures with Virtually Unlimited Signature Capacity ACNS´07, Springer LNCS 4521, (2007), 31-45
Stefan Georg Weber , Roberto Araujo, Johannes Buchmann On Coercion-Resistant Electronic Elections with Linear Work Proceedings ARES´07, IEEE Xplore subscribers, (2007), 908-916
Johannes Buchmann, Alexander May, Ulrich Vollmer (Eds.) CLC2006 - Workshop on Codes and Lattices in Cryptography CLC2006 Preproceedings, (2006)
J. Buchmann, E. Dahmen, A. May, U. Vollmer Krypto 2020 KES - The Information Security 5, (2006), 74
Johannes Buchmann, Alexander May, Ulrich Vollmer Perspectives for Cryptographic Long-Term Security Communications of the ACM Vol. 49(9), 2006, 50-56
Johannes Buchmann, Andrei Pyshkin, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann A Zero-Dimensional Groebner Basis for AES-128 Proceedings FSE 2006, Springer, LNCS 4047, (2006), 78-88
Johannes Buchmann, Andrei Pyshkin, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann Block Ciphers Sensitive to Groebner Basis Attacks Proceedings CT-RSA 2006, LNCS 3860, 2006, 313-331
J. Buchmann, L.C. Coronado Garcia, E. Dahmen, M. Döring, E. Klintsevich CMSS -- An Improved Merkle Signature Scheme Proceedings Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2006, Springer, LNCS 4329, (2006), 349-363
M. Lippert, V. Karatsiolis, A. Wiesmaier, J. Buchmann Lifecycle management of X.509 certificates based on LDAP directories Journal of Computer Security 14(5) (2006), 419-439
S. Fritsch, V. Karatsiolis, M. Lippert, A. Wiesmaier, J. Buchmann Towards Secure Electronic Workflows Proceedings EuroPKI 2006, Springer, LNCS 4043, (2006) 154-168
Johannes Buchmann, Markus Kaiser Computer Proven Correctness of the Rabin Public-Key Scheme Proceedings World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Volume 21, Vienna, Austria, 2007
Markus Kaiser, Johannes Buchmann A Formal Approach for Proof Constructions in Cryptography International Journal of Computer Science(IJCS), Volume 1 (2006), 195-203
Markus Kaiser, Johannes Buchmann Computer Verification in Cryptography Proceedings ICCS´06 , Vienna, Austria, Volume 12, 2006
Johannes Buchmann, Christoph Ludwig Practical Lattice Basis Sampling Reduction Proceedings ANTS 2006, Springer, LNCS 4076 , (2006), 222-237
U. Rauchschwalbe, A. Wiesmaier, C. Ludwig, J. Buchmann Digital Signierte Wägeresultate - Neue Wege in der Sicherung eichfähiger Messwerte,
"WDM - Wägen, Dosieren, Mischen", Ausgabe 3/2006, (Mai 2006), 23 - 27
A. Wiesmaier, U. Rauchschwalbe, C. Ludwig, B. Henhapl, M. Ruppert, J. Buchmann Intrinsically Legal-For-Trade Objects by Digital Signatures Proceedings Sicherheit 2006, LNI 77 GI, (2006), 218-221
T. Straub, T.-A. Ginkel, J. Buchmann A Multipurpose Delegation Proxy for WWW Credentials Proceedings 2nd European PKI Workshop, Canterbury, Springer LNCS 3545, (2005), 1-21
M. Lippert, V. Karatsiolis, A. Wiesmaier, J. Buchmann Directory Based Registration in Public Key Infrastructures Proceedings 4th International Workshop for Applied PKI ( IWAP 2005)
A. Wiesmaier, E. Karatsiolis, M. Lippert, J. Buchmann The Workshop -- Implementing Well Structured Enterprise Applications Proceedings SERP 2005 , CSREA Press, (2005), 947
A. Wiesmaier, M. Lippert, E. Karatsiolis, G. Raptis, J. Buchmann An Evaluated Certification Services System for the German National Root CA -- Legally binding and trustworthy Transactions in E-Business and E-Government Proceedings of "The 2005 International Conference on e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, e-Government, and Outsourcing (EEE 05), CSREA Press, (2005), 103-110
A. Wiesmaier, M. Fischer, M. Lippert, J. Buchmann Outflanking and securely using the PIN/TAN-System Proceedings of "The 2005 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM´05)" CSREA Press, (2005), 313-319
J. Buchmann, C. Coronado, M. Döring, D. Engelbert, C. Ludwig, R. Overbeck, A. Schmidt, U. Vollmer, R. Weinmann Post-Quantum Signatures Proceedings of The Third International Workshop for Applied PKI (IWAP2004)
Vangelis Karatsiolis, Marcus Lippert, Alexander Wiesmaier, Anna Pitaev, Markus Ruppert, Johannes Buchmann Towards a Flexible Intra-Trustcenter Management Protocol in The Third International Workshop for Applied PKI (IWAP2004)
Johannes Buchmann, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Ulrich Vollmer Number Field Cryptography IN: High Primes and Misdemeanours: Lectures in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Hugh Cowie Williams, volume 41, (2004), 111-125
Harald Baier, Johannes Buchmnann, Christoph Busch Aus- und Weiterbildung in IT-Sicherheit Tagungsband IT-Sicherheit im verteilten Chaos, 8. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress des BSI 2003, SecuMedia Verlag,( 2003), 179-190
Johannes Buchmann, Kouichi Sakurai, Tsuyoshi Takagi An IND-CCA2 Public-Key Cryptosystem with Fast Decryption Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC'01), LNCS 2288, (2002), 51-71
J. Buchmann, C.Ludwig How secure can security possibly be in Safety of Modern Technical Systems, (2001), 587-594
Johannes Buchmann Wie sicher kann Sicherheit sein? in Sicherheitskonzepte für das Internet, G. Müller und Martin Reichenbach, (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, (2001), 45-54
Johannes Buchmann, Safuat Hamdy A Survey on IQ Cryptography in Public-Key Cryptography and Computational Number Theory, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York, (2001), 1-15
Harald Baier, Johannes Buchmann Efficient Construction of Cryptographically Strong Elliptic Curves Proceedings INDOCRYPT 2000, LNCS 1977, Springer-Verlag, New York, (2000), 191-201
Johannes Buchmann, Markus Maurer, Bodo Möller Cryptography Based on Number Fields with Large Regulator Journal de Théorie des Nombres Bordeaux 12, (2000), 293-307
Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann, Safuat Hamdy, Andreas Meyer A Signature Scheme Based on the Intractability of Computing Roots Design, Codes, and Cryptography 25:3, (2002), 223-236 Johannes Buchmann, Markus Ruppert, Markus Tak FlexiPKI - Realisierung einer flexiblen Public-Key-Infrastruktur Tagungsband Systemsicherheit 2000, DuD-Fachbeiträge, 309-314
Johannes Buchmann, Markus Maurer Wie sicher ist die Public-Key-Kryptographie? Tagungsband Systemsicherheit 2000, DuD-Fachbeiträge, 105-116
Johannes Buchmann, Friedrich Eisenbrand On Factor Refinement in Number Fields Math. comp. 68, (1999), 345-350
Johannes Buchmann, Damian Weber Discrete Logarithms: Recent Progress Proceedings Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas, Springer-Verlag, (1999)
Johannes Buchmann Zahlentheorie und Kryptographie Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur, Mainz, (1998)
Johannes Buchmann La factorisation des grands nombres Pour la Science 251, (Septembre 1998), 88-96
Johannes Buchmann, Michael J. Jacobson, Stefan Neis, Patrick Theobald, Damian Weber Sieving Methods for Class Group Computation In Algorithmic Algebra and Number Theory, B.H. Matzat, G.-M. Greuel, G.Hiss (Eds.), Springer Verlag 1998, 3-10
Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann An analysis of the reduction algorithms for binary quadratic forms in Voronoi's Impact on Modern Science, Institute of Mathematics Kyiv, (1997)
Johannes Buchmann, Sachar Paulus A one way function based on ideal arithmetic in number fields Proceedings CRYPTO 97, Springer LNCS 1294, (1997), 385-394
Johannes Buchmann, Michael Jacobson, Edlyn Teske On some computational problems in finite abelian groups Math. Comp. 66, (1997), 1663-1687
Johannes Buchmann, Victor Shoup Constructing Nonresidues in Finite Fields and the Extended Riemann Hypothesis Math. Comp. 65, (1996), 1311-1326
Johannes Buchmann, Christine Hollinger On smooth ideals in number fields J. Number Theory 59, (1996), 82-87 Johannes Buchmann Faktorisierung großer Zahlen Spektrum der Wissenschaften 9, (1996), 80-89
Johannes Buchmann, Chr.Thiel, H. Williams Short representations of quadratic integers Math. Appl. 325, (1995), 159-185
Johannes Buchmann Algorithms in finite abelian groups Proceedings of Number Theoretic and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (NTAMCS) 1993, World Scientific Publisher (1995)
Johannes Buchmann, M. Pohst und J.v. Schmettow On unit groups and class groups of quadratic fields of signature (2,1) Math. Comp 62, (1994), 387-390
J. A. Buchmann, H.W. Lenstra jr. Approximating rings of integers in number fields Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres Bordeaux 6, (1994), 221-260
Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann, Christoph Thiel Cryptographic Protocols Based on Discrete Logarithms in Real-quadratic orders Proceedings CRYPTO 94, Springer LNCS 839, (1994), 56-60
Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann Algorithms for quadratic orders Mathematics of Computation 1943-1993, (1994)
Johannes Buchmann, Max Jüntgen und Michael Pohst A practical version of the generalized Lagrange algorithm Exp. Math. 3, (1994), 200-207
Johannes Buchmann Reducing lattice bases by means of approximations Proceedings of ANTS 94, Springer LNCS 877, (1994), 160-168
Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann Algorithms for quadratic orders Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Math. 48, (1994), 425-449
J. Buchmann, J. Loho, J. Zayer An implementation of the general number field sieve Proceedings CRYPTO 93, Springer LNCS 773, (1994), 159-165
Renate Scheidler, Johannes Buchmann, Hugh C. Williams A Key-Exchange Protocol Using Real Quadratic Fields Journal of Cryptology 7, (1994), 171-199 J. Buchmann, D. Ford und M. Pohst Enumeration of quartic fields of small discriminant Math. Comp. 61, (1993), 873-879
Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann, Bernd Meyer, Christian Thiel, Christoph Tools for proving zero knowledge Proceedings EUROCRYPT 92, Springer LNCS 658, (1993), 356-365
Johannes Buchmann, Stephan Düllmann Distributed class group computation in Informatik, Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Günter Hotz, Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig, 1992
Johannes Buchmann, Chr.Thiel, Williams Short representations of quadratic integers CANT 1992
Johannes Buchmann, K. Györy, M. Mignotte, N. Tzanakis Lower bounds for P(x sup3 +k), an elementary approach Publ. Math. 38, (1991), 145-163
Johannes Buchmann Number theoretic algorithms and cryptology Proceedings FCT 91, Springer LNCS 529, (1991), 16-21
Johannes Buchmann, Volker Müller Computing the number of points on elliptic curves over finite prime fields Proceedings ISSAC 91, ACM Press, (1991), 179-182
J. Buchmann, V. Shoup Constructing nonresidues in finite fields and the extended Riemann Hypothesis Proceedings STOC 91, ACM Press, (1991), 72-79
Johannes Buchmann, Stephan Düllmann On the computation of discrete logarithms in class groups Proceedings CRYPTO 90, Springer LNCS 537, (1991), 134-139
Johannes Buchmann, Hugh C. Williams Some remarks concerning the complexity of computing class groups of quadratic fields Journal of Complexity 7, (1991), 311-315
J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams and R. Scheidler Implementation of a key exchange protocol using real quadratic fields Proceedings EUROCRYPT 90, Springer LNCS 473, (1991), 8-109
J. Buchmann, S. Düllmann A probabilistic class group and regulator algorithm and its implementation Proceedings of the Colloquium on Number Theory, Debrecen, 1989, Computational Number Theory, Walter de Gruyter, (1991), 54-72 Johannes Buchmann A subexponential algorithm for the determination of class groups and regulators of algebraic number fields Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, Paris 1988-1989, Birkhäuser Boston Basel Berlin, (1990), 27-41
J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams Quadratic fields and cryptography Proceedings Number Theory and Cryptology, Cambridge University Press, (1990), 9- 26
J. Buchmann, J. Sands und H.C. Williams P-adic computation of real quadratic class numbers Math. Comp. 54, (April 1990), 855 - 868
Johannes Buchmann On generalized continued fraction expansions of short period length Publ. Math. 37, (1990), 109-114
Johannes Buchmann Complexity of algorithms in algebraic number theory Proceedings CNTA 1988, de Gruyter, (Berlin 1990), 37-54
J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams A key exchange system based on real quadratic fields Proceedings CRYPTO 1989, Springer LNCS 435, (1989), 335 -343
Buchmann, Düllmann, Williams On the complexity and efficiency of a new key exchange system Proceedings EUROCRYPT 1989, Springer LNCS 434, (1990), 597 - 616
J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On the existence of a short proof for the value of the class number and regulator of a real quadratic field Proceedings of NATO ASI Number Theory and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1989), 327-346
J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On the computation of the class number of an algebraic number field Math. Comp. 53, (1989), 679-688
J. Buchmann, M. Pohst und J. v. Schmettow On the computation of unit groups and class groups of totally real quartic fields Math. Comp. 53, (1989), 387-397
J. Buchmann, M. Pohst On the complexity of computing class groups of algebraic number fields Proceedings AAECC-6, Springer LNCS 357, (1989), 122-130 J. Buchmann, M. Pohst Computing a lattice basis from a system of generating vectors Proceedings EUROCAL 87, Springer LNCS 378, (1989), 54-63
J. Buchmann, M. Pohst und J.v.Schmettow Computation of class groups of totally complex quartic fields Math. Comp. 53, (1989), 387-397
J. Buchmann, D. Ford On the computation of totally real quartic fields of small discriminant Math. Comp. 52, (1989), 161-174
J. Buchmann, J.W. Sands Leopoldt's Conjecture in parameterized families Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 104, (1989), 43-48
J. Buchmann, A. Pethö Supplement to computation of independent units in number fields by Dirichlet's method Math. Comp. 52, (1989), 1-14
J. Buchmann, A. Pethö Computation of independent units in number fields by Dirichlet's method Math. Comp. 52, (1989), 149-159
J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On the infrastructure of the principal ideal class of an algebraic number field of unit rank one Math. Comp. 50, (1988), 569-579
J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams A key exchange system based on imaginary quadratic fields J. Cryptology 1, (1988), 107-118
Johannes Buchmann Zur Komplexität der Berechnung von Einheiten und Klassenzahlen algebraischer Zahlkörper, Habilitationsschrift Düsseldorf 1987
J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On principal ideal testing in algebraic number fields J. Symbolic Computation, 4, (1987), 11-19
J. Buchmann, J.W. Sands An algorithm for testing Leopoldt's conjecture J. Number Theory 27, (1987), 92-105
Johannes Buchmann On the period length of the generalized Lagrange algorithm J. Number Theory 26, (1987), 31-37 Johannes Buchmann On the computation of units and class numbers by a generalization of Lagrange's algorithm J. Number Theory 26, (1987), 8-30
J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On principal ideal testing in totally complex quartic fields and the determination of certain cyclotomic constants Journal of Symbolic Computation 4(1), (1987), 11-19
J. Buchmann, H.C. Williams On principal ideal testing in totally complex quartic fields and the determination of certain cyclotomic constants Math. Comp. 48, (1987), 55-66
Johannes Buchmann The computation of the fundamental unit of totally complex quartic orders Math. Comp. 48, (1987), 39-54
Johannes Buchmann Generalized continued fractions and number theoretic computations Mathematisch-Statistische Sektion, Forschungsgesellschaft Joanneum, Bericht Nr. 269, (1986), 1-30
Johannes Buchmann The generalized Voronoi-Algorithm in totally real algebraic number fields Proceedings EUROCAL 85, Springer LNCS 204, (1986), 479-486
J. Buchmann, A. Pethö Computation of independent units in number fields by Dirichlet's method Proceedings AAECC-3 1985, Springer LNCS 229, (1986), 302-305
Johannes Buchmann Abschätzung der Periodenlänge einer verallgemeinerten Kettenbruchentwicklung J. Reine Angew. Math. 361, (1985), 27-34
Johannes Buchmann A generalization of Voronoi's unit algorithm II J. Number Theory 20, (1985), 192-209
Johannes Buchmann A generalization of Voronoi's unit algorithm I J. Number Theory 20, (1985), 177-191
Johannes Buchmann A criterion for the equivalence of two ideals EUROSAM 84, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 174, (1984), 333-340
Johannes Buchmann Zahlengeometrische Kettenbruchalgorithmen zur Einheitenberechnung Dissertation, Köln 1982 Technical Reports
Johannes Buchmann Passwörter oder Smartcards zur Absicherung von Portalen? TI-2/06
Christina Lindenberg, Kai Wirt, Johannes Buchmann Formal Proof for the Correctness of RSA-PSS Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2006/011,
Johannes Buchmann, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Ulrich Vollmer Number Field Cryptography TI-11/03
Johannes Buchmann, Tsuyoshi Takagi Kryptographie - Chancen und Risiken TI-6/03
Johannes Buchmann, Arthur Schmidt Computing the structure of a finite abelian group TI-5/03
Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann, Safuat Hamdy, Andreas Meyer Cryptographic Protocols Based on Intractability of Extracting Roots and Computing Discrete Logarithms TI-16/99
Johannes Buchmann, Douglas Squirrel Kernels of Integer Matrices via Modular Arithmetic TI-4/99
Johannes Buchmann, Markus Maurer Approximate Evaluation of L(1,chi-delta) TI-6/98
Johannes Buchmann, Stefan Neis Algorithms for Linear Algebra Problems over Principal Ideal Rings TI-7/96
Johannes Buchmann, Sachar Paulus Algorithms for finite abelian groups
Johannes Buchmann, Volker Kessler Computing a reduced lattice basis from a generating system
Johannes Buchmann, Oliver van Sprang On short representations of orders and number fields 1992 Johannes Buchmann, Ralf Roth, Matthias Diehl LiPS: A System for distributed applications
Lecture Notes
Johannes Buchmann PKI, 2005
Johannes Buchmann, Volker Mü Algorithms for factoring integers, 2005
Johannes Buchmann Informatik I, 2005
Johannes Buchmann, Volker Müller Informatik II, 2005 (Darmstadt), 1993 (Saarbrücken)
Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann Introduction to Theoretical Cryptography, 2005
Johannes Buchmann Algebra für Informatiker, 2005
Johannes Buchmann Cryptographic Protocols, 2002
Johannes Buchmann, Volker Müller Primality Testing, 1992
Johannes Buchmann, Volker Müller Einführung in die Computeralgebra, 1992.