Moral Purity I Thess

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Moral Purity I Thess

Moral Purity I Thess. 4:3 This is the will of God - that you abstain from sexual immorality

Lust -- Excessive / unrighteous sexual appetite

II Tim 2:22 Flee youthful lusts James 4:1 Your lusts that war in your members Gal 5:16-17 The flesh lusts against the Spirit I John 2:15-17 Do not love the world 3 (G's) - The lust of the flesh - Girls - The lust of the eyes - Gold - The boastful pride of life - Glory

Fornication/adultery - Heterosexual activity between unmarried people - Heterosexual activity between people who are married but not to each other Thought activity -- fantasizing --

Matt 5:28 - If you lust after a woman in your heart..... Acts 15:28-29 ..nothing more than.... that you abstain from immorality

Homosexual / effeminate -- Sexual activity between people of the same sex

I Cor 6:9-10 Neither homosexual nor... will inherit the K of God Romans 1:26-27

Pornography / masturbation

I Thess 4:3-8 Let every man possess his vessel in sanctification and honor Job 31:1 I have made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?

Magazines / computer -- What it involves

- Fantasizing/lust -- Matt. 5:28 - If you lust after a woman in your heart....

Its effects

- "Awakens" love/sex before its time – Song of Sol 2:7; 3:5; 8:4 - Calluses/desensitizes your mental and emotional sexual drives - Robs your innocence - Saps body's physical resources - Defiles relationship with heavenly Father - Its addictive -- never says "enough" - Leads to progressively more extensive sexual activity - downward spiral - Opens door to demonic activity and harassment - Mars your readiness for future wife - Scars emotions/memories after marriage - Robs motivation for “right action” to spouse

Moral Purity (page 2) Dwelling Place Ministries 11011 Olive St, Kansas City, MO 64131 Phone: (816) 943-8813 Email: [email protected] Web: Related Words:

Debauchery -- to lead astray or corrupt morally

To give indications/gestures that you know you can't really morally fulfill

Defraud -- To take property or rights by deception To deceitfully take something that is not yours To act as if you are able to fulfill the scope of your actions I Thess 4:6 See that you defraud no man...

Licentiousness/lasciviousness -- morally unrestrained - to take license Eph. 4:17-20

To disregard your conscience / God’s standard Lust expressed or acted out

Temptation -- James 1:12-16 Every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lusts Consider using the Three Second Rule; 1) - See, 2) - Process, 3) - Decide

Concupiscence -- A strong desire, especially sexual desire; lust.

Related passages:

Psalm 25:7 God, do not remember the sins of my youth, James 4:8 Draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you I John 3: 2-3 Every man that hath this hope, purifies himself II Cor. 7:1 Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit Eph. 5:1-21 Let (them) not be named among you James 1:21-25 Lay aside all filthiness Col. 3:5-10 Mortify your members II Peter 2:7-12 Lot vexed his righteous soul Jude :7-10 Sodom and Gomorrah… suffering the vengeance of eternal fire Ps. 81:11-16 Gave them over to their own lust Rms. 1:18-32 Downward spiral of wickedness I Thess. 4:3-8 Possess your vessel in sanctification and honor I Cor. 7:8-9 Marry rather than to burn Eccl. 11:9 Let your heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth - (remember consequences) Ps. 19:12-13 Cleanse my hidden faults Ps. 119:9 How shall a young man cleanse his way Job 31:1 I have made a covenant with my eyes Philippians 4:8 Whatsoever is true, noble right, praiseworthy, - think on these things I Cor. 10:13 No temptation so great but what He has made a way of escape I John 2:1 My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.

Dwelling Place Ministries 11011 Olive St, Kansas City, MO 64131 Phone: (816) 943-8813 Email: [email protected] Web:

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