Colton City Council Meeting September 21, 2010 s1

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Colton City Council Meeting September 21, 2010 s1

Humboldt City Council Meeting Minutes

The Humboldt City Council met in regular session on Monday July 13, 2015 at Humboldt City Hall. Mayor Ritchy Griepp called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with the following members present for roll call: Adam Lund, Theresa Muth, Heather VanZee and Allen Schmeichel. Amanda Siemonsma was present for city personnel. Steve Lias and Jon Brown with Stockwell Engineering were also present. A motion was made by Muth and seconded by VanZee to approve the minutes for the regular meeting held on June 22, 2015. Motion passed with Griepp abstaining and the other 4 members voting aye. A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Muth to approve the minutes for the special session held on June 29, 2015. Motion passed with Lund abstaining and the other 4 members voting aye. Short open discussion was held to discuss the Lawn Mower Poker Run. The fundraising event would like access to the city park on the day of the event. No one on the council saw any problems with event happenings in the park. BUSINESS: Steve Lias was present to ask the council permission to add a new underground drain abutting into the city storm sewer. The elevator would cover the cost of any work to be done along with getting the proper permits necessary to document the work. With no need for a motion, the council approved Lias’ request. Lias left the meeting at 7:17pm. Dallas Peskey was not present to discuss the 5th Avenue drainage issue. The council further discussed this issue and were in agreement with Brown that the drainage issues need to be handled by the residents and the board will only get involved if a mutual agreement couldn’t be reached amongst the residents. The idea of adding in camping spaces next to the park was discussed. After some discussion the council agreed that adding in 4 spaces for camping at the park where the basketball court would be a great addition to the park. There is enough interest in this addition to make the decision to add in the spaces. The town would incur little to no debt in adding in the spaces. The board felt the town would bring in business in offering the spaces at no cost therefore allowing the campers to shop at local businesses. According the SDCL 1-25-2, the council entered into executive session at 7:42pm to discuss the purchase options for the Matheiu’s land. The council exited executive session at 8:04pm. Department Reports: Sheriff: 45.61 hours were logged for the month of June. The full report is on file at the Finance Office. Finance Officer: Siemonsma presented the council with the monthly complaints that were filed in the office. She was advised to proceed according to the ordinance book on how to abate the nuisances. She also presented the council with the list of disconnect notices. The council instructed Siemonsma to proceed with any disconnects if payment in full is not received by the date stated on the notice or if an agreement is made between the resident and herself on payment options. All claims were approved on a motion by Schmeichel and a second from Lund. Motion passed with all members voting aye. List of claims in the amount of $45,607.92 are as follows: A1 ELECTRICAL 551.26 services; ADDY 50.00 garbage; AMANDA SIEMONSMA 400.00 ins; ANDERSON PUB 153.47 ads; CENTERPOINT 905.94 ng supply; CITY OF COLTON 471.90 leave cover; CITY OF SF 7658.55 tire disposal; DARYL SIEVERDING 400.00 ins; DEPT OF REVENUE 230.00 fees 2016; FARMERS ELEVATOR 539.00 fuel; FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8213.51 bond; FRIENDLYS 352.72 gas; G&K 256.39 cleaning; GARREY HARDWARE 249.90 sale; GILLESPIE 238.45 supplies; GOLDENWEST 173.49 phone/fax; GTS 2219.20 ng system review; HBC 616.25 supplies; HEATHER MADISON 316.68 fo cover; HELPLINE 103.03 ng phone; HEUMILLER SEPTIC 465.00 pumping; HILLYARD 147.35 supplies; JOHN DEER FINANCIAL 168.02 supplies; KOLBACH 400.00 fo rent; MARC 1594.46 chemicals; MARCO 115.88 printer svc; MEIERHENRY 36.00 attorney; NOTHDURFT 4160.58 park/ball field cement; PAUL CLARKE 150.00 inspections; PAYROLL 5227.65 payroll; PITNEY BOWES 117.00 postage meter; SAMS CARD 751.86 charges; SD PUC 1617.12 pipeline safety; SD TREASURER 390.55 tax; SIOUX VALLEY ENERGY 2704.83 electric; SSC 24.50 services; TOWN OF HUMBOLDT 18.60 utilities; UNEMPLOYMENT INS 29.78 ins; ZACHARIAS CONSTRUCTION 3389.00 tire removal. The first reading for Ordinance # 15-07-01 was approved on a motion by Griepp and a second from VanZee. The ordinance is to change the structure of the sewer rate charges and surcharges. Motion passed with all members voting aye. With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:42pm on a motion by Griepp and a second from Muth. ATTEST: Amanda Siemonsma City Finance Officer

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