Practicum State FFA Nature Interpretation and Wildlife Management Contests

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Practicum State FFA Nature Interpretation and Wildlife Management Contests

Ohio State FFA Wildlife Management Written Test April 2, 2005

Matching answers can be used once, twice, or not at all.

Matching –Identify the parts of this bird wing. 1. 3.

a. Primary coverts 1. b. Scapulars c. Secondaries d. Primaries e. Alula




------Matching – Identify the following trees.

4. 6. a. Beech b. Walnut c. Buckeye d. Oak e. Hickory 5.

------Matching – The method of movement can be a clue to identifying tracks. Match the animal with its tracking pattern.

7. White-tailed deer a. Hoppers – placing their back feet ahead of 8. Squirrel their front as they move 9. Beaver b. Waddlers – moving their right side and then their left c. Straight-liners – placing their back feet in the prints of their front feet. Wildlife Management 2005 Page 1 ------Matching – Match the duck with the description.

10. Dark head with large white patch at back of a. Canvasback head. Body & chest, touching water, are b. Scaup white. c. Ring-neck duck 11. White ‘comma’ reaching up in front of the d. Bufflehead wing of a primarily dark bird. e. Hooded merganser 12. Light colored back and long sloping profile. ------Matching – Match the fin with the diagram. A 13. Pectoral fin . 14. Anal fin B 15. Ventral fin . 16. Caudal fin 17. Dorsal fin E . C D . ------.------18. Which extirpated mammal was reintroduced to Ohio in the 1980s in the Grand River, 22. The family Mephitidae was recently split from Killbuck Creek, Little Muskingum River and the Mustelidae family putting these twelve Stillwater Creek? North American species in a separate grouping a. Beaver from the Mustelids. b. River Otter a. Rabbit c. Muskrat b. Beaver d. Mink c. Skunk e. Bobcat d. Deer e. Vole 19. Place the bird life stages in order from youngest to oldest. 23. What would you use to determine water a. Fledgling, hatchling, juvenile, adult clarity in a pond or lake? b. Fledgling, juvenile, hatchling, adult a. Seine c. Hatchling, fledgling, juvenile, adult b. Sling psychrometer d. Hatchling, juvenile, fledgling, adult c. Dissolved oxygen meter e. Juvenile, hatchling, adult, fledgling d. Bottom-sampling dredge e. Secchi disk 20. Which is the largest rodent? a. Woodchuck 24. Which would not be used in a weather station? b. Beaver a. Anemometer c. Eastern chipmunk b. Psychrometer d. Muskrat c. Dessicator e. Eastern cottontail d. Thermometer e. Hygrometer 21. Which trap would be best for collecting mole salamanders in a vernal pool survey? 25. This squirrel is at its most eastern range in a. Conibear trap Ohio, found primarily in prairie states. b. Minnow trap a. Southern flying squirrel c. Plankton net b. Red squirrel d. Snake hook c. Eastern fox squirrel e. Steel trap d. Thirteen-line ground squirrel

Wildlife Management 2005 Page 2 e. Gray squirrel e. C and D

26. Which turtle requires a fishing license in order 32. In March through May of this year, 80,000 of to take from a river or public lake/pond? what species of fish will be released in 45 a. Common snapping turtle inland lakes and ponds? b. Eastern box turtle a. Rainbow trout c. Midland painted turtle b. Brown trout d. Smooth softshell c. Walleye e. A and D d. Large mouth bass e. Yellow perch 27. Tracks are found in the snow showing four toes on the front feet and five toes on the back. 33. What is the maximum number of bucks a Which animal could it be? hunter may take in Ohio in one year? a. Fox a. 1 b. Skunk b. 2 c. Squirrel c. 3 d. Raccoon d. 4 e. Deer e. It depends on the county.

28. What is the recommended placement for gray 34. A new federal program to create nesting and squirrel nest boxes? brood-rearing areas along cropland corridors a. At least 20’ above the ground and facing should help increase the numbers of this bird west. in Ohio’s southern and western counties. b. No more than 20’ above the ground with a. Wild turkey the hole facing to the northwest b. Ring-necked pheasant c. In a tree with at least a 24” diameter. c. Northern bobwhite d. At least 50’ high in a tree. d. Chukar e. At least 30’ above the ground and facing e. American woodcock east or south. 35. Aldo Leopold wrote about this bird’s unusual 29. Which is an adaptation of birds that makes ‘sky dance’ of spiraling into the air during them lighter so that they can more easily fly? courtship before zigzagging back to earth. a. They have hollow bones a. Wilson’s snipe b. They lack a urinary bladder b. Virginia rail c. Air sacs are found in their bodies and c. American woodcock attached to their lungs. d. Sora rail d. All of the above e. Gray partridge e. None of the above. 36. Which is a hint for catching saugeye? 30. How long is a surveyor’s chain? a. They won’t bite in dark, muddy water. a. 50 feet b. Use a heavy jig to keep the lure close to b. 50 meters the bottom. c. 66 feet c. Minnows should not be used for fishing. d. 100 meters d. Both A and B e. 660 feet e. None of the above

31. Which animal is an insectivore? 37. Which catfish has a foreked tail? a. Meadow vole a. Brown bullhead b. House mouse b. Yellow bullhead c. Starnose mole c. Channel d. Short-tailed shrew d. Black bullhead Wildlife Management 2005 Page 3 e. None of the above e. None of the above

38. To promote fishing for families, the Ohio 44. Which of these is non-native vine? Division of Wildlife promotes free fishing a. Bittersweet days. In 2005, what are the dates? b. Blackberry a. May 7-8 c. Grape b. May 28-29 d. Honeysuckle c. June 4-5 e. Poison ivy d. It is always Father’s Day weekend, June 18-19 45. What is the color of poison ivy fruit? e. July 4 a. Red b. White 39. What species of frogs may be legally taken c. Blue with a fishing license? d. Purple a. Bullfrog e. Yellow b. Greenfrog c. Leopard frog 46. Which is a primitive fish with cartilage instead d. A and B of bones? e. Any species of frog a. Buffalo fish b. Creek chub 40. Undercover “Operation Rip-Rap” just resulted c. Lamprey in 16 convictions for what crime? d. Freshwater eel a. Dumping trash in scenic rivers e. Bowfin b. Building private piers and docks along Lake Erie 47. Which fish as introduced into Ohio? c. Commercial sale of sport-caught fish a. Yellow perch d. Netting sport fish on charter boats b. Brown bullhead e. Overcharging for charter business c. Muskellunge d. Brown trout 41. When do fishing licenses expire? e. Walleye a. One year from date of issue b. Last day of February 48. Which fish is in the Herring family? c. May 31 a. Carp d. September 30 b. Freshwater drum e. December 31 c. Gizzard shad d. Buffalofish 42. Which of the following is a type of grass? e. Black crappie a. Timothy b. Cattail 49. Which female duck as a white eye ring? c. Amaranth a. American widgeon d. Ragweed b. Scaup e. Sumac c. Goldeneye d. Blue-winged teal 43. Which is true in comparing the Eastern e. Wood duck woodrat with the Norway rat? a. Eastern woodrats have a gray belly; 50. Which upland gamebird originates from Asia? Norway rats have a white belly. a. Woodcock b. Both rats are nuisances that spread disease. b. Hungarian partridge c. Eastern woodrats have a hairy tail; c. Wilson’s snipe Norway rats have a scaly tail. d. Ringneck pheasant d. Neither species are native to Ohio. e. Ruffed grouse Wildlife Management 2005 Page 4

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