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Department of Management Services

People First Team

University Conference Call Minutes

DATE June 12, 2008

TIME 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

LOCATION Tallahassee, Florida


NOTE TAKER Verla Lawson

ATTENDEES Florida A&M University, Florida State University, University of Florida, University of Central Florida, University of West Florida, University of South Florida (Tampa, St. Pete and Sarasota-Manatee Campuses), University of North Florida, New College, University of North Florida, Florida Gulf Coast University, Jimmy Cox, David DiSalvo, Verla Lawson, Janice Lowe, Brian Andrew, Carol Broome, Shelby Jefferson, James West and Keith Young


Verla Lawson opened the meeting and introduced the Department of Management Services (DMS) team and the Convergys team.


Amendment 10 was signed on May 28, 2008. There are five key elements to Amendment 10: 1. License to use and modify intellectual properties: Before Amendment 10, the state would have to build a new HR system from the bottom up. After Amendment 10, the state has a choice to either build a new HR system from the bottom up or use and modify the existing People First system. The state’s options for the future would be to stay with current system, in source all responsibilities, outsource again or create a hybrid system bringing portions of the outsourcing in house.

2. There will be 135 system work items. Release highlights include: . SAP upgrade . User role code security matrix . Interagency movement process (PAR) . Timesheet enhancements . Leave payout screen . Data warehouse and reports redesign . Sign in and homepage redesign

3. New Security improvements will provide for the following: . Background checks will be more stringent . Annual affidavits of compliance


. Subcontractor approval . Security breach notification . Dedicated security officer . System security improvements


Jimmy Cox updated everyone on the priorities following the signing of Amendment 10. Anticipated date to implement the User Role Code Security Matrix is April 2010. This update will give HR staff the ability to see benefits across agency/university lines before an employee transfer takes place. It will also allow HR staff to view retiree’s coverage after they retire. This will allow for better interagency movement and improve BNI/BNO file transactions. There should be a smoother transaction and coverage drops should lessen. The next release is anticipated for July 2008.

The following reports will be developed to further assist HR benefits staff and the release dates are: . Premium history Report March 31, 2009 . Benefits Underpayment Report March 31, 2009 . Dependent Documentation Report July 31, 2010 . Benefits Cancellation Report July 31, 2010 . Benefits Change Report July 31, 2010 . Benefits Early Effective Date July 31, 2010

The releases in 2010 will clear up many of the universities’ issues. The current SAP platform is six years old. The SAP upgrade will take approximately 18 months and several enhancements are linked to this upgrade.


All universities are asked to send Verla the names and e-mail addresses of individuals as soon as possible who should participate on the open enrollment IT call. The calls will take place every other week and switch to once a week as we get closer to open enrollment. The first IT call is tentatively scheduled for July 7, 2008. Update: The IT contact person at Convergys is Lawrence Roberts: (904) 636-1147 or [email protected]

CONVERGYS CUSTOMER SERVICE REDESIGN: Brian Andrew, Senior Director, Convergys

Brian Andrew communicated the present and future initiatives for improving customer service and issue resolutions at Convergys. Brian introduced his team: Shelby Jefferson, Service Center Site Leader; Carol Broome and Keith Young, Client Services Team; and James West, Operations Manager. Brian asked for feedback and suggestions from the university benefits staff.

Convergys identified the following as the top People First functions performed for universities:  Fiscal – Posting off-cycle payments and move monies  Error table process  Process QSC and enrollment forms

Brian expressed to the universities that Convergys is committed to listening and solving their issues in a timely manner.

Critical Issues: Based on previous university feedback and consensus, Brian identified the following:  Cases are created too often – less routine requests are not resolved on the first call


 Faxed documentation – tendency to be lost, overlooked or delayed in processing  Communication and ownership – case status is not regularly communicated through conclusion  Delays and perceived lack of responsiveness  Inaccurate information given on status

Callers were asked if there were other experiences Brian may have missed.  In terms of the security questions when HR staff calls the service center, UCF, FIU, FAU, UWF, UF, and New College were still having problems. Jimmy will check with Convergys IT staff to find out why these universities are experiencing problems.  Within the last 60 days FGCU and UF have experienced issues with the life insurance premiums. Employees on leave without pay enrolled in basic life and experienced a slight overpayment in June when the premium increase went into effect. There was no change in salary and they need to know why this is happening. There is a calculation issue with Convergys’ system. Jimmy said that DMS is aware of this issue and he is currently working with the IT staff to get this corrected.  FSU asked if life insurance will show on an over/under report. Currently, there is a threshold of $10 an employee must reach before they show on a report if one is generated. When the reporting enhancements are implemented, all underpayments will be captured by the system and a report will be generated for the universities. James explained that the $10 threshold is a DSGI rule and would require their approval to make any changes. Verla will forward an e-mail to DSGI asking for a response to the life under/over payments. David asked Jimmy to make sure to bring in FSU, UF on the Team before the over/under reports are released to the Universities.  UCF has had issues with new hires not being loaded into the People First system and not receiving notification for Convergys that there were problems. Jimmy is currently looking into this issue for several other universities with new hires and terminations and will report back as soon as possible.  UF asked if implementation of Amendment 10 will improve the way Convergys currently enrolls employees in the Spouse Program. Jimmy expressed that the long-term implementation will improve the process.  Brian was very pleased with the feed back from the universities on those issues and he promised that his team would continuously provide updates on their progress in these areas.

Benefits Process Improvement: Convergys is currently in the process of reviewing the service center processes to make them better and to provide more efficient customer service. Brian provided the universities with call volume trends. Employees responded with the following first quarter results:  Overall Quality Experience was 71 percent  Incoming calls were down; only 45,000 were received last month  The specialist rating on the survey was 76 percent  February and March were the highest months for call volume  Calls due to Web site issues were down

Right Fax Administration: Convergys has moved the Center of Excellence team from Jacksonville to the Tallahassee Service Center to determine why the process is currently a major issue with the university system and state agencies. This team administers the right fax system, transfers forms to client services for input and determines where all documents received are to be routed.

Documents are constantly lost or misplaced. The Service Center doesn’t contact the university benefits office if they receive a document and it appears a page may be missing from the information received; instead, the problem lingers without any contact from the service center. Universities have to call the service center three or more times to see if a document arrives. Universities have to fax the same document three or more times because, for some reason, it cannot be found in the right fax system.


Convergys is conducting a complete process analysis of the right fax system. They hope to identify problems and develop an implementation strategy for corrective action within the next few weeks. They have partnered with two universities to conduct a study and determine why faxes are not forwarded to correct folders for processing and how often a service center representative downloads the information received. There are many other aspects of the function they’re reviewing as well.

Reinstatements and Appeals: Convergys is conducting a process analysis of their internal processes and anticipates recommendations for corrective action by June 20, 2008. They identified the following as concerns which delay processing and cause case escalations, reinstatements and appeals:  Enrollment and actions compliance  Deductions submitted for incorrect plan codes  Late terminations and retirements should occur on the BNI file, which will reduce overpayments, cases and improve DSGI’s over/under forecasting  Delay in submission of payroll files from non-warrant agencies  Move money request submitted with inaccurate information  Communication of plan/rate/rule changes that impact individual payroll systems  Action process for file transfer of retroactive actions  Contacts for the A, H and S role team

Refunds, Retirees, Surviving Spouses and Fulfillment Documentation: Refunds are not processed in a timely manner. If there is a problem with a refund request, the service center does not contact the university to let them know there is a problem. If the university overpays for an employee, there is no contact from the service center letting them know of the overpayment. The refund process appears to be very slow. The anticipated date for an update on the process analysis review for refunds is June 30, 2008.

At first glance, there may be a need to create a separate retiree team;  The process is currently under review.  Convergys is studying how retiree and surviving spouse packages are mailed and processed.  They are trying to determine new and innovative ways to enhance this process.  They want to determine what’s behind why the service center has a problem with the process and how can it be corrected.

University Issues with Enrollment and Action Compliance:  UF continues to experience issues with new hires from other countries who have not received a social security number. UF has faxed a form to the service center to secure an effective date, but the forms are not processed in a timely fashion and they have to constantly repeat the process to get the person in the system with a temporary ID until the employee receives a social security card.  USF, St. Petersburg Campus, continues to experience issues with nine-month faculty and benefits during the summer months if they terminate employment before new contract begins.  HR Action forms are not currently processed in a timely manner. All universities appear to be experiencing problems with new hires and processing multiple actions in the PF system.  Universities asked DMS to send to them a spreadsheet of the deadlines for inputting before vendor files are transmitted.  All universities have experienced continuous issues with employees who are rehired. Each enrollment must be work through Org. Management because the universities have to perform multiple actions in the system to get the employee in the PF system and to get them enrolled with benefits.


Convergys Addressed Universities’ Issues:  Convergys will work with all universities to develop a strategy to get actions corrected on their initial contact with the service center.  Convergys asked each university to send recommendations on what they thought would be helpful to make their work day more productive. .  Convergys is studying the process flow of the service center and anticipates implementing future changes once all issues have been identified.  It is imperative that Convergys communicate problems in a more timely fashion. Their goal is to keep the universities informed and make contact within 24 to 48 hours on all issues whether they can be resolved on the initial contact or not. If universities continue to experience a delay in contact, they are to send an e-mail to Verla who will pass it on to Convergys management team for a response.  Continue to provide representation at university conference calls.  Continue to communicate upgrades through DMS.  Prevent potential process errors  Reduce cases and better serve the employees of the State University System.

Universities asked if the open enrollment dates had been established. Open enrollment is scheduled to begin September 22, 2008 and end October 17, 2008. Pre open enrollment is scheduled for September 15th to September 22nd. The open enrollment verification period will be from October 17th to October 31st.

Universities asked for a breakdown of who they were to contact for issue resolution. Brian asked that they proceed as follows:  Call the toll-free number and work with the A, H and S team initially.  If issue persists, e-mail [email protected]. This mailbox is monitored all day long and a response will be provided.  You will receive an immediate answer or you will be informed that additional research is required before your request can be closed. If you continue to have problems and your issue is escalated to Verla, then she will forward an update to management team at Convergys.

Universities continue to experience issues with Colonial: Colonial continues to send letters to university employees indicating that they have been overpaying premiums and are due refunds. All universities are concerned and would appreciate guidance form DSGI on this situation. Verla will forward this request to DSGI for a response.


 DMS provided final remarks and emphasized that we are dedicated to customer service. It is our commitment to provide universities with top quality service and work with Convergys to do the same. Our main reason for visiting each university individually was to receive feedback on their issues and open the lines of communication among the universities, DMS and Convergys. It is our responsibility to serve as the liaison between the State University System and Convergys.  DMS and Convergys have identified 135 work items that will be built into the PF system as a result of Amendment 10. Many of the issues universities and agencies are experiencing will be eliminated. Many of the releases are scheduled for 2010; however, those we will implement between now and 2010 will provide some relief when processing benefit changes. The user role code matrix, interagency transfers, retiring employees, viewing an employee’s history, etc. are all part of Amendment 10 future enhancements. Now that Amendment 10 is signed, the DMS and Convergys teams have some very strict deadlines to follow to complete all work items agreed upon.



 Verla asked the universities to table discussing the takeaway log because many of the open items had already been discussed and, in the interest of time, we would discuss the log during the next call. The log will be updated with any new changes and e-mailed to everyone before the meeting.  DMS, Convergys and Universities: When will the IT Conference Calls be scheduled for open enrollment? DMS has tentatively scheduled a call for July 7, 2008. Jimmy will get back with the universities once the date is confirmed. An official meeting invitation will be e-mailed to everyone.  DMS: Universities asked who the current Convergys contact is for the State University System. Jimmy told the group that the IT contact for them is Lawrence Roberts and his back up is Casey Mann. Update: This information was e-mailed June 20, 2008.  Convergys and Universities: Convergys discussed the Customer Service Redesign and asked all universities if they had any feedback that was not discussed during the conference call to please e-mail their concerns to Verla.  Universities, DMS and Convergys: Several universities have been experiencing security issues when calling the service center. Jimmy will check with Convergys IT staff to find out why these universities are experiencing problems.  Universities, Convergys and DMS: Universities continue to experience calculation issues with the life insurance. Jimmy will work with IT to provide an update.  Universities and DMS: Universities asked if there will be a life insurance over/under report generated for distribution. Jimmy responded by saying this is on of the future reports incorporated in Amendment 10. Release is anticipated for 2010. David asked Jimmy to include FSU and UF on the User Acceptance Testing Team before this report is released.  DMS, Universities and Convergys: Several of the universities have been experiencing issues with new hires. Jimmy is currently researching this issue and will provide everyone with an update.  Convergys and DMS: General knowledge of service center staff: The universities do not trust the knowledge of the staff. DMS has been meeting with Convergys on this issue. Update: This issue was addressed during the conference call on May 14th and Convergys is currently providing training for their employees.  Universities, Convergys and DMS: Universities continue to experience issues when enrolling employees into the spouse program. They asked if the implementation of Amendment 10 would improve this process. Jimmy expressed that the long-term implementation would improve the process and will keep them updated as we approach this enhancement.  Universities, DMS and Convergys: Universities would like to have a dedicated unit to consult on employee issues. DMS and Convergys are meeting on this issue and will provide the universities an update once a decision is made.  Universities, Convergys and DMS: Universities continue to experience issues when faxing documents to Convergys. Brian explained that the Right Fax Administration was the first initiative for service center process review and they are committed to correcting the problem. Brian will continue to provide updates as they get deeper into the process and will provide an update on their recommended solutions to the problem.  Universities, Convergys and DMS: Retiring employees is a major problem with PF. There should be a dedicated unit to work with HR professionals when an employee retires. DMS and Convergys have been meeting in reference to this issue. DMS will provide updates on future decisions.  Universities, Convergys and DMS: Universities are experiencing problems with reinstatements and appeals. Convergys is conducting an analysis of this process and plans to have an update on June 20, 2008.


 Universities, Convergys and DMS: Refunds are not processed in a timely manner. Convergys is looking into this and will get back with the universities following their research.  Universities and DMS: Universities continue to have issues with Colonial. Verla will forward this request to DSGI for a response to their concerns. An e-mail requesting an anticipated date for a management advisory explaining DSGI’s stance on Colonial issues was sent June 20, 2008.


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