Caldecott and Newbery Books Wiki Assignment

Required Information This portion of the Wiki assignment builds on the Wiki you created in the first step of the assignment. Note: the guidelines surrounding the goals, rationale, sources and documentation, and evaluation criteria remain in effect for this part of the assignment. Specific Details  Choose one Caldecott book suitable for grades K-2 and one Newbery novel suitable for grades 3- 6. Be sure to read each before beginning your work.

 Create a section in your Wiki devoted to the Caldecott book and one devoted to the Newbery novel

 Include the following information for each of the two novels in the appropriate Wiki sections:

o Cover picture of novel and complete bibliographic citation

o Brief summary (one paragraph) of novel

o Cyber-hunt on author

o Four of strategy examples (must be different for each Wiki; for example you may you a Glogster only once instead of once for each book)

o Short paper (2 – 3 pages) explaining the purpose of each strategy developed (comprehension reinforcement, vocabulary development, etc.), identification of reading stage (pre, during, post) each strategy covers, and a list of 5 text-to-text connections (i.e. “if you liked this novel, you may also enjoy. . .” )

Technology Choices o Mock Facebook novel review or character page o Moviemaker o Twitter summary o Online slideshow with music o Glogster poster o Storyboard o Wordle o Setting Explorations (webquest) o Youblisher online publication o Digital Transport o Phrasr o iTunes apps and playlists o Blogger o Text messages summary o Online journal from character’s point of view o Podcast o Animoto o Any other Web 2.0 tool approved by Dr. Trent

Resources:  In-class handouts or examples posted on READ 3311 Literacy Wiki

 Glogster:

 Wordle:

READ 3311 Caldecott and Newbery Books Wiki Assignment

 Youblisher:

 Phrasr:

 Blogger:

 Online journal:

 Moviemaker:

 Online slideshow with music:

 Storyboard:

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