This summary document must be completed and brought to the scheduled SEED Day 1 training. District Needs Assessment Summary 2013-2014

Data Sources Reviewed: (list data sources here)

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Copyright © 2013 Region 18 ESC - Texas Center for Educator Effectiveness This summary document must be completed and brought to the scheduled SEED Day 1 training.

Summary of Strengths Summary of Identified Needs Priorities Data Sources What were the identified strengths? Where were the identified needs? What are district focus priorities? Data indicate students are exceeding the Math performance data across the district Math state performance in writing by 8 pts. indicate the majority of students are not meeting the state passing standard. Math performance is 26 pts. below the state All Students passing standard. St STAAR science state assessment performance Science u for all students needs to increase. African American, Hispanic, and White White student performance in reading is 15 White Student Reading Performance d student performance is meeting the state pts. below state passing rate. performance passing rate of 78% in social e Ethnicity studies. nt P Economically disadvantaged student Science Eco Dis. er performance in science is 20 pts. below the fo Economically state passing rate. Disadvantaged r m The special education student math Title I, Part A student performance in math Title I, Part A Performance a Special Program performance gap is decreasing. EOC is 12 pts. below state passing rates. Groups nc (Sp. Ed., CTE, Title I, Scale score expectations in all core areas Part A, Migrant, ELLs, should support ability of ELLs to reach STAAR ELL Performance e G/T, etc.) Level II standard within state-established timeframe.


Copyright © 2013 Region 18 ESC - Texas Center for Educator Effectiveness This summary document must be completed and brought to the scheduled SEED Day 1 training. Summary of Identified Summary of Strengths Priorities Needs Data Sources What were the identified What are district focus Where were the identified strengths? priorities? needs? Data indicate that the district attendance rate is 98%.


Campus data reviewed indicate the Completion Rate completion rate was 82%. Demographics

Drop-Out Rate

The graduation rate was 89%. Graduation Rate

Graduation Rate

Copyright © 2013 Region 18 ESC - Texas Center for Educator Effectiveness This summary document must be completed and brought to the scheduled SEED Day 1 training.

Summary of Strengths Summary of Identified Needs Priorities C Data Sources ur What were the identified strengths? Where were the identified needs? What are district focus priorities? ELA/R Survey data indicate implementation Observational walk-through data indicate ELAR Curriculum ri training for Voyager program has been ELA/R curriculum is not being cu a successful endeavor. implemented consistently. lu STAAR reading performance results will Reading Instruction m need to increase the average score for all , students in Category 2 and Category 3. Math Classroom observation data indicate District data indicate student Math Pre-AP and AP A successful implementation of T1-Nspire enrollment in math Pre-AP and AP ss Data Collection and MSTAR Academy courses needs to increase. training. es s Science EOC Chemistry student performance EOC Biology student performance results EOC Biology results met the state passing standard were 18 pts. below the state m performance passing standard. e nt Social Studies Social studies student performance in Grade 8 Social Studies , grade 8 was 42%. a n Student Classroom walk-through data indicate Student Engagement Levels d Engagement predominately passive/compliant student engagement levels in each curricular In area. st Differentiated Observation data indicate a need to Differentiated Instruction ru Instruction increase differentiation strategies for ct special education student in the general education classrooms (all curricular io areas). n

Copyright © 2013 Region 18 ESC - Texas Center for Educator Effectiveness This summary document must be completed and brought to the scheduled SEED Day 1 training.

Copyright © 2013 Region 18 ESC - Texas Center for Educator Effectiveness This summary document must be completed and brought to the scheduled SEED Day 1 training.

Summary of Strengths Summary of Identified Needs Priorities Data Sources What were the identified strengths? Where were the identified needs? What are district focus priorities? Advanced AP exam results indicate an increase in Data collected indicate a need to AP and Dual Credit Placement/Dual the number of students scoring level 5. increase participation and performance Credit in the AP and Dual-Credit program.

Discipline Discipline referrals district-wide decreased by 5%.

Ot he r (as applic able)

Copyright © 2013 Region 18 ESC - Texas Center for Educator Effectiveness