The interview assignment is a “mostly in-class” group project involving conducting and comparing three types of interviews. The purpose of the assignment is to compare the quantity and quality of information gathered using different interview styles. Interviews will be done in class and the total assignment is worth 10%. Since this is a collaborative project, the mark assigned will be the same for all group members.

Topics will be assigned by me in a random draw at the end of class on September 26. You may need to do a little library research on your assigned topic to familiarize yourself with the area before the next class. During the Oct. 3 class, schedules will be prepared and interviews will be conducted. The completed assignment is due Oct. 17 at the beginning of class.


1. In groups of three, prepare a) a standardized interview and b) a semi- standardized interview schedule and prepare c) a list of themes for a depth interview. In the event of unequal class numbers, if your group consists of only two members, prepare (a) a depth and (b) a semi-standardized interview.

2. Give each group member one of the schedules or the list of themes and choose members of another group to interview. Interviews should be approximately 10 minutes long. While interviewing, follow the interview tips and guidelines presented during lectures.

3. Record the answers to your questions and your reflections on the interview in detail. You may also wish to record the interviews electronically using your computers or cell phones for easy reference and transcription later on.

4. Meet with your original group to compare the responses you received. Discuss and make notes on the differences, similarities, quality and quantity of information that was gathered.

5. Type up your group notes and your joint reflections on the three types of interviews and the data that were gathered using different styles of interviewing. Submit your interview schedules and completed group report at the beginning of class on Oct. 10.