Present: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff Mcelfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith s1

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Present: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff Mcelfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith s1

August 28, 2017

The Southeast Local Schools Board of Education met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 28, 2017 in the High School library, 8423 Tallmadge Rd., Portage County. The meeting was called to order by Board President Lori Loudin-Smith.

Roll Call

Present: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Absent: None

247-2017 Approve Agenda

Jeff McElfresh moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education accept and approve the board meeting agenda for August 28, 2017 as corrected and with an addendum.

Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

248-2017 Approval of Board Minutes

David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion to approve the August 1, 2017 special board meeting minutes and the August 14, 2017 board minutes from the regular board meeting. The minutes are available for inspection in the office of the Treasurer.

Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

Open Communication: Attendee Justin Evans inquired about the bus routes.

249-2017 Appoint Board Delegate – Capital Conference

Mary Kaley moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education appoints David Kemble as delegate and Lori Loudin-Smith as alternate to the Capital Conference annual business meeting held on Monday, November 13, 2017.

Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

250-2017 Hire Homebound Tutor – Rebecca Dunn

David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Rebecca Dunn as a Homebound Tutor effective the 2017-2018 school year.

Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 28, 2017 (Continued)

251-2017 Designate Homeless Liaison – Robert Dunn

Jeff McElfresh moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education designate Robert Dunn as the Homeless Liaison for the 2017-2018 school year.

Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

252-2017 Designate Foster Care Point of Contact – Robert Dunn

David Kemble moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education designate Robert Dunn as the Foster Care Point of Contract for the 2017-2018 school year.

Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

253-2017 Approval for Payment of Bills

Jeff McElfresh moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the payment of bills.

Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

254-2017 Accept Resignation – High School Teacher – Stacey Hoffman

David Kemble moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education accept the resignation of Stacey Hoffman, High School Teacher, effective the 2017-2018 school year.

Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

255-2017 Accept Resignations Mary Kaley moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education accept the following resignations effective the 2017-2018 school year:

Substitute Teacher Cassandra Hale

Volleyball Assistant Coach Kelsey Shackelford

Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 28, 2017 (Continued)

256-2017 Hire - Middle School Intervention Specialist – Connie Hall

David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Connie Hall as a 5/8 day Middle School Intervention Specialist for the 2017- 2018 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria. She will be given a one year limited contract, placed on the proper step of the salary schedule with five years experience. Effective August 28, 2017.

Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

257-2018 Hire – Long Term Substitute – Victoria Bell

Jeff McElfresh moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Victoria Bell as a Long Term Substitute (First Grade) for the 2017-2018 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria. She will be paid at the Long Term Substitute rate.

Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

258-2017 Hire – Long Term Substitute – Sara Clark

David Kemble moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Sara Clark as a Long Term Substitute (High School Social Studies) for the 2017-2018 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria. She will be paid at the Long Term Substitute rate.

Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

259-2017 Hire – Long Term Substitute – Lindsay Winn

David Kemble moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Lindsay Winn as a Long-Term Substitute (Title I) for the 2017-2018 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria. She will be paid at the Long Term Substitute rate.

Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 28, 2017 (Continued)

260-2017 Acknowledge Teacher Evaluators

David Kemble moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education acknowledge the following individuals as those approved to perform teacher evaluations in the Southeast Local School District effective the 2017-2018 school year:

Robert Dunn Craig Nettleton David Kennedy Jamie Brawley Patrick Youel David Fesemyer Steven Sigworth

Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

261-2017 Designate CCIP Coordinator – John Lamanna

Jeff McElfresh moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education designate John Lamanna as the CCIP Coordinator for the 2017-2018 school year.

Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

262-2017 Designate Title I Coordinator – John Lamanna

David Kemble moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education designate John Lamanna as the Title I Coordinator for the 2017-2018 school year.

Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

263-2017 Designate Title IX Co-Coordinators

Mary Kaley moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education designate Jamie Brawley and Steven Sigworth as Title IX Co-Coordinators for the 2017-2018 school year.

Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

264-2017 Hire Homebound Tutors

David Kemble moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire the following people as Homebound Tutors effective the 2017-2018 school year:

Jessica Horning Lisa McCann Barbara Oostdyk

Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 28, 2017 (Continued)

265-2017 Hire Substitutes

David Kemble moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire the following people for the 2017-2018 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria:

Substitute Teacher Robert Altenhof, Jr. Melanie Call Gregory Chapin Sherry Cicora Beth Ann Clifford Jessica Craver David Dubinsky Nancy Finch William Foster John Gordon William Huber Cynthia Jarrett Judith Jones Elaine Leach Barbara Lundi Kirk Marsh Nancy Marsh-McGarry Neil Martino Marianne McCuen Robert Osthoff Jenna Phile Nancy Smith Carrie Sondereker John Stamm David Tomaino Elizabeth Weymer Judith Wilkins

Substitute Bus Driver Renee Aboul Robert Bader Margo Bellar Courtney Campbell Sherry Griffith Kelly Rouse Alyssa Tooley

Substitute ESP Renee Aboul (Transportation) Barbara Adolphson Robert Bader (Transportation) Courtney Campbell (Transportation) Renee Croft (Transportation) Sherry Griffith (Transportation) James Hartman (Transportation) Christine Janok Tina Jones Christina Kelly Mariam Laporte Jessica McCoy Melinda McCoy Rebecca Muldowny (Transportation) Karen Murphy (Transportation) Victoria Reynolds Kelly Rouse (Transportation) Teresa Tiernan (Attendance) Alyssa Tooley (Transportation) Jamie Vrudney (Transportation)

Substitute Cook Tina Brown Catherine Bruderly Autumn Jones Tina Jones Carol Rau Lora Weingart Stacey Wilson

Substitute Custodian Tina Jones Glenna Pruitt Jamie Vrudney

Substitute Nurse William Foster

Substitute Secretary Nicole Adams Tina Brown Catherine Bruderly Rachel Ciaverella Susan Douglass Christina Kelly Heather Kennedy Jessica McCoy Melinda McCoy Victoria Reynolds Kimberly Ross August 28, 2017 (Continued)

Substitute Van Driver Renee Aboul Robert Bader Courtney Campbell Renee Croft Sherry Griffith James Hartman Rebecca Muldowney Karen Murphy Kelly Rouse Alyssa Tooley Jaime Vrudney

Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

266-2017 Hire Parent Mentor Coordinators

David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education hire Sandra Craft (Southeast) and Christina Matthews (Field) as Parent Mentor Coordinators for the 2017-2018 school year, contingent upon full and complete compliance with all State of Ohio and Southeast Board of Education employment criteria, and the final approval of the Parent Mentor Grant. They will be paid $18.00 per hour, working an average of 15 hours per week for 38 weeks. They are paid out of the Parent Mentor Grant which is shared with the Field Local School District, Southeast being the fiscal agent.

Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

267-2017 Approve Stipends – Head Cooks

Jeff McElfresh moved and David Kemble seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the following stipends for the head cooks for the 2017-2018 school year:

Lori Coss – High School - $500 Calvina Smail – Middle School - $500 Vickie Desatnik – Elementary School - $500

Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

268-2017 Approve Bus Stops

Jeff McElfresh moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the bus stops and times for the 2017-2018 school year as presented, with the Superintendent/Designee authorized to make changes as necessary.

Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

269-2017 Approve Transportation Handbook

David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the Transportation Handbook for the 2017-2018 school year as presented.

Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 28, 2017 (Continued)

270-2017 Approve Agreement – Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities

Mary Kaley moved and David Kemble seconded the motion that the Board of Education enter into an agreement between Southeast Local Schools and the Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities to provide services to students attending Happy Day School (school age) for the 2017-2018 school year:

Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

271-2017 Approve Agreement – Trumbull County Educational Service Center

Mary Kaley moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education enter into an agreement between Southeast Local Schools and the Trumbull County Educational Service Center to provide services and personnel for a student in the Hearing Handicapped Unit for the 2017-2018 school year.

Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

272-2017 Accept Donations

David Kemble moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education accept the following donations:

$300 from Southeast Youth Cheer to the Southeast Cheerleaders to be used for miscellaneous cheer needs.

$250 from Brian and Karen Guthrie to the Athletic Department to help purchase Girls Soccer supplies and equipment.

Yeas: David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

273-2017 Approve Master Contract Agreement – SELDTA

Mary Kaley moved and John Witkosky seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the ratification of the three year Master Contract Agreement between the Southeast Local School District and Southeast Local District Teachers Association (SELDTA) encompassing the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020.

Yeas: Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

274-2017 Approve Memorandum of Understanding

David Kemble moved and Jeff McElfresh seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the administrative and non-union employees.

Yeas: John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0. August 28, 2017 (Continued)

Promoting Positive Pirates – The Fall sports season started with wins in volleyball, soccer and football. The High School Band performed at the Randolph Fair where student Tanner Gordon was named Portage County Fair King. S.P.A.C.E. was recognized for their hard work and dedication to support the district.

Maplewood Career Center – Mary Kaley reported that their first day of school was today.

Legislative Liaison Report – Mary Kaley reported on SB129/HB189 which are companion bills seeking to reform Ohio Cosmetology laws.

274-5027 Executive Session

Jeff McElfresh moved and David Kemble seconded the motion that the Board of Education enter into Executive Session to consider the employment and/or compensation of a public employee. Action may be taken following the executive session. O.R.C. 121.22

Yeas: Lori Loudin-Smith, Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

The Board entered into Executive Session at 8:30 p.m.

The Board returned to Public Session at 9:05 p.m.

275-2017 Approve Amendment to Employment Contract of the Treasurer

Jeff McElfresh moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve an amendment to the individual employment contract of the Treasurer, Cassie J. Bergman, to memorialize a salary adjustment, effective August 1, 2017.

Yeas: Mary Kaley, David Kemble, Jeff McElfresh, John Witkosky, Lori Loudin-Smith Nays: None Motion Carried 5 to 0.

276-2017 Adjournment

David Kemble moved and Mary Kaley seconded the motion to adjourn the regular meeting of the Southeast Board of Education at 9:07 p.m. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.

______Lori Loudin-Smith, Board President

______Cassie J. Bergman, Treasurer

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