Maha Manjishtadi kashayam – Benefits, Dose, Side Effects, Ingredients, Reference Maha Manjishtadi Kashayam is a very famous Ayurvedic medicine in liquid form. It is also known as Maha Manjistadi kashaya, kwatha etc. This medicine is mainly used in treatment of skin diseases. Widely used in Ayurvedic medical practice across India.

Maha Manjishtadi Kashayam benefits: It is used in the treatment of skin diseases, gout, syphilis, non healing wounds. It is also used in the treatment of obesity and hypercholestrolemia and eye diseases.

Maha Manjishtadi Kashayam dose: The dose is 12 – 24 ml, before food, at about 6 – 7am and 6 – 7 pm or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor. It is usually advised to add equal amount of water to the kashayam. It is advised to mix a pinch of long pepper powder and Guggulu to this kashayam while drinking.

It is also available in tablet form.

Pathya: Meals should be of broken rice with boiled vegetables and butter milk. Chillies, tamarind and salt must be discarded.Rock salt, ghee, bitter gourd, elephant yam, plantains, green gram, ginger and other pathya items alone are allowed. For those with indigestion this may be taken in 300 ml of water boiled with 10 gm of black cumin.


Honey, Shuddha gandhaka, Guggulu or Rasasindooram.

Maha Manjishtadi Kashaya Side Effects: There are no known side effects with this medicine. However it is best to use this product under medical supervision. Self medication with this medicine is discouraged.

Maha Manjishtadi Kashayam Ingredients: Manishta – Rubia cordifolia Musta – Cyperus rotundus Kutaja – Holarrhena antidysenterica Guduchi – Tinospora cordifolia Kushta – Saussurea lappa Nagara – ginger Bharngi – Clerodendron serratum Kshudra – Solanum xanthocarpum Vacha – Acorus calamus Nimba – Azadirachta indica Haridra – Turmeric Daruharidra – Berberis aristata Triphala – Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Amla (Emblica officinalis) Patola – Luffa acutangula / Trichosanthes dioica Katuka – Picrorrhiza kurroa Murva – Marsdenia tenacissima Vidanga – Embelia ribes Asana – Pterocarpus marsupium Chitraka – Plumbago zeylanica Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus Trayamana – Gentiana kurroo Krishna – Long pepper Indrayava – Holarrhena antidysenterica Vasa – Adhatoda vasica Bhringaraja – Eclipta alba Mahadaru – Cedrus deodara Patha – Cyclea peltata / Cissampelos pariera Khadira – Acacia catechu Chandana – Santalum album Trivrit – Operculina turpethum Varuna – Crataeva nurvala Kiratatikta – Swertia chirata Bakuchi – Psoralea corylifolia Kritamala – Cassia fistula Shakhotaka – Streblus asper Mahanimba – Melia azadirach Karanja – Pongamia pinnata Ativisha – Aconitum heterophyllum Jala – Pavonia odorata Indravaruni – Citrullus cholocynthis Ananta – Hemidesmus indicus Sariva – Hemidesmus indicus Parpata – Fumaria indica

It is added with 8 parts of water, boiled and reduced to quarter part, filtered.

Maha Manjishtadi Kashayam reference: Sharangdhara Madhyamakhand 2/137-142, Bhaishajyaratnavali.

Maha Manjishtadi Kwatha churna is the herbal coarse powder of the above herbs.