Dudley Kingswinford RFC

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Dudley Kingswinford RFC

Dudley Kingswinford RFC Founded 1928

Tour Application and Administration Pack

DUDLEY KINGSWINFORD RFC Heathbrook, Swindon Road, Wall Heath, Kingswinford, West Midlands, DY6 0AW. Tel & Fax: 01384 287006 Web site: www.dkrfc.co.uk An Overview It has become increasingly obvious in recent years that voluntary workers are being held more accountable for their actions in terms of the responsibility they take on. It is an unfortunate aspect of our society that every year an increasing number of law suits and litigations are being brought against companies, professionals and individuals who provide opportunities for youngsters, in some cases, on a voluntary basis. It is also right however, that parents / guardians should expect a high level of care and attention in the organisation and running of trips involving their children. We fully accept that by producing this pack it might be seen as a criticism of past trips, this cannot be further from the truth. We have all been involved in trips and tours before we know how much effort and time is put into organisation and the care and consideration given to the safety of the children placed in our care. It is felt however, that a measure of protection is required, not only for the participants but also for the organisers. This Pack seeks to:

 Help and assist in the organisation of a trip  Define the role of the Party Leader in terms of organisational responsibilities  A measure of the responsibility belongs to the Club and not entirely on the shoulders of the organisers.  In the event of a serious problem occurring during the trip procedures must be in place to guarantee that it will be dealt with quickly and efficiently as possible  In the event of litigation being brought against the organisers / Club it will provide evidence of thoughtful organisation  These procedures are based on those approved by Local Authorities and the DfE

 Players are covered under the RFU insurance policy for travel to and from a destination and whilst playing. There is no insurance however for other activities and free time during the trip. All approved trips should carry suitable insurance cover (including medical) for all eventualities.

We do not want to stop trips / tours; in fact we strongly believe that they are an important part of the ‘Rugby’ experience. This pack is to; hopefully, help provide peace of mind to parents / guardians, participants and organisers of future trips in terms of the organisation and safety of trips.

Original authors and officers John Slater, Brian Platts and Paul Bissell CHECKLIST

Section A – Your team and tour information Age group and year (i.e. Under 14, 2010/2011)

Coach / Managers / trainers names

Date and place of tour Section B – Player registration statement All touring players are fully registered and paid up club members Coach / Manager signature

Section C – Responses to “DKRFC information pack” Sign when completed Tour Coordinator Confirmation in principle of tour Form To be submitted at start of tour planning. TA1 Coach / Manager Parental consent form / Player Agreement Form A completed form for each touring player. TA2 Tour Coordinator Coach/ Manager Medical consent form Form A completed form for each touring player. TA3 Tour Coordinator Coach / Manager Risk assessment Form To include all fund raising activities as well as tour. TA4 Tour Coordinator Coach / Manager Emergency contact information / ID Cards Form A list of DK club and tour contact information. TA5 Tour Coordinator Coach / Manager Summary of information Form At a glance list of all players. TA6 Tour Coordinator Youth Chairman Clearance for tour “go ahead” Form Tour Coordinator Final clearance from club committee TA7 Club Committee Coach / Manager Evaluation of tour Form Record events, successes and incidents etc. TA8 Tour Coordinator Section D – Accounting for tour money (fund raising and payment of bills). Accounts audit update Committee sig. & date  All money to be paid into DKRFC accounts via Andy  Gallis.   Identify your money with “Tour fund” and “age group”   Accounts to be submitted to Andy Gallis for committee approval at regular intervals (i.e. monthly). Section E – Additional insurance RFU insurance only covers games, training and related Coach / Manager signature travel played within UK. Overseas trips must have additional Tour Coordinator insurance provided by Marsh. Initi al approval of proposed rugby tour

Final approval will only be considered by the Club Committee when a fully completed “Risk Assessment” folder is submitted no later than 14 days before start of tour.

Age group / Team

Group Leaders / coaches The group leader should complete this form as soon as possible so that it can be passed through to Senior Committee for their consideration to approve tour. When permission is obtained from Senior Committee a copy shall be retained in Tour Folder and one copy given to the Youth Tour Chairman. Any changes made to tour details after approval has been given must be made in writing to Youth Tour Coordinator. Purpose of tour

Place of tour

Is it an overseas If YES obtain application form for North Mids and RFU to approve. This is a long Yes / No winded process as the form passes from club to region to RFU HQ and back. event Allow time for this process. Dates and times of tour Departure date Return date Departure time Return time Transport arrangements – include name of the transport company. Ensure coach company is experienced in transporting groups of children and comply with necessary legislation (seat belts etc)

Organising company / agency (if any). Include license reference number if the body is registered with The Adventure Activities Licensing Authority.

Name: Address:

Tel No License No Proposed cost and financial arrangements: Insurance arrangements for all members of the party, including voluntary helpers. (Include the name of the insurance company.) Insurance cover:

Address Policy No Accommodation to be used

Name: Address:

Telephone Name of centre Number manager Details of the programme of activities: Details of any hazardous activity and the associated planning, organisation and staffing: Names, relevant experience, qualifications and specific responsibilities of adults accompanying the party. (CRB checks are required for any helpers on the trip.) Name Position CRB Responsibilities on Trip

Name, address and telephone number of the contact person in the home area who holds all the information about the visit / tour in case of emergency: Name Position Phone Mobile email

Existing knowledge of places to be visited and whether an exploratory visit is intended

Size and composition of the group: Age range: No. of boys: No. of girls: No. of adults: Leader / participant ratio Names of children with special educational or medical needs: (from information already declared on current registration documents) Name Special/Medical needs

Information on parental consent:

Signatures Coach / Group leader Date Youth Tour Chairman Date Youth Chairman Date Senior Committee Date DUDLEY KINGSWINFORD R.F.C.

Team Activity / Tour / Trip Parental Consent Form


I have read the information provided about the proposed Activity / Tour / Trip.

I consent for my child to take part in the Activity / Tour / Trip and declare my child to be in good health and physically able to participate in all the activities mentioned.

I have noted when and where my child is to be released and I understand that from that point I am responsible for my child getting home safely.

I am aware of any insurance cover and the level of cover given.

I have completed the required medical form and return it with this consent form.

Please ensure any changes in circumstances are notified to the Activity / Tour / Trip leader prior to the visit.

I give my consent to my child taking part in fundraising activities in respect of the above trip.

Signature of Parent / Guardian


Post Code Telephone No. for use in emergency Home (indicate times of day if relevant) Alternative Alternative Player Agreement.

I agree to behave in a reasonable and sensible manner whilst participating in the Activity / Trip / Tour mentioned above.

I further agree to follow instructions given to me by the party leader and/or other responsible adults.

Signed: (player)


Signed Parent / Guardian: DUDLEY KINGSWINFORD R.F.C.

Team Activity / Tour / Trip Medical Consent Form

This form must be fully completed by Parents / Guardians of any player who wishes to accompany a Club trip. Any player that fails to return a fully completed form will be excluded from the trip.

All questions must be answered. Any questions which are not applicable should be marked N/A

Name of player Age group

Date of Birth Does your child suffer from any condition requiring regular treatment? YES / NO If yes, please give brief description of complaint

Please give details of any medication you are authorising your child to take on this trip. Please state dosage you are authorising and frequency of treatment.

Parents must realise that by authorising their child to take part in this trip responsibility for taking correct medication rests with the child and not accompanying adults. By prior arrangement accompanying adults may be willing to look after the medication but responsibility to take the medication will still rest with the child. 1. Has your child, to the best of your knowledge, been in contact with any YES / NO 2. Infectious or contagious diseases or suffered from anything that may be, or become, infectious or contagious in the last 3 weeks?

If yes, please give details.

3. Is your child allergic or sensitive to penicillin or any other substance YES / NO 4. which might be used in treatment?

If yes, give details

5. Has your child been immunised against the following diseases. 6. Poliomyelitis YES / NO

Tetanus YES / NO Give date of Tetanus if known Date Child Health service details Family Doctor Name (name, address and phone number) Address

Tel.No Declaration In the event of an emergency

I agree to my child being given any medical, surgical or dental treatment, including general anaesthetic and blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.

I may be contacted by telephoning the following numbers. Home Work Other My home Address is

Please state an alternative contact point: Number Name and address of contact

Number Name and address of contact

I undertake to advise the trip leader with the minimum delay, any change in circumstances referred to on this form between the date signed and the commencement of the trip.

Signed Date

Print Name


DAY 1 ASPECT SATISFACTORY IS FURTHER ACTION ASPECT NECESSARY? (Comment) (Use checklist to help identify possible hazards) Yes N/A No What? By When? Completed? Departure / Transport

Comfort Breaks


Free Time


Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack: [TA.4] Places visiting

Medical Facilities

Emergency Procedures


Risk assessment done by: Date:

Party leader: Date:



Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack: [TA.4] (Use What? checklist to help identify possible Yes N/A No By When? Completed? hazards) Departure / Transport

Comfort Breaks


Free Time


Places visiting

Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack: [TA.4] Medical Facilities

Emergency Procedures


Risk assessment done by: Date:

Party leader: Date:


DAY 3 ASPECT SATISFACTORY IS FURTHER ACTION ASPECT NECESSARY? (Comment) (Use checklist to help identify possible hazards) Yes N/A No What? By When? Completed? Departure / Transport

Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack: [TA.4] Comfort Breaks


Free Time


Places visiting

Medical Facilities

Emergency Procedures


Risk assessment done by: Date:


DAY 3 ASPECT SATISFACTORY IS FURTHER ACTION ASPECT NECESSARY? (Comment) (Use checklist to help identify possible hazards) Yes N/A No What? By When? Completed? Departure / Transport

Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack: [TA.4] Comfort Breaks


Free Time


Places visiting

Medical Facilities

Emergency Procedures


Risk assessment done by: Date:

Party leader: Date:


DAY 3 ASPECT SATISFACTORY IS FURTHER ACTION ASPECT NECESSARY? (Comment) (Use checklist to help identify possible hazards) Yes N/A No What? By When? Completed? Departure / Transport

Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack: [TA.4] Comfort Breaks


Free Time


Places visiting

Medical Facilities

Emergency Procedures


Risk assessment done by: Date:

Party leader: Date:

Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack: [TA.4] D.K.R.F.C. Tour Emergency Contact Information.

Team / Age group: Mobile: Name of group leaders: Mobile: Mobile: Tour departure date: Time: Tour return date: Time: Group: Children: Adults: (Numbers) Total number: Do you have an emergency contact for everyone in this group? Yes / No [If no, obtain one and attach it to this sheet.] Emergency contact information: Coach company: Name: Phone: Hotel: Name: Phone: Insurance: Name: Phone: Club Contact: Name: Phone: Nearest medical Phone: centre: Other emergency Name: Phone: numbers: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone:

Please complete before the visit. Copies are to be held by the group leader(s), Youth rugby tour coordinator, Club contact and parents of children involved with the tour.

In case of emergencies, parents should use the club contact as their first point of contact.

Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack: Please complete before the visit. Copies are to be held by the group leader(s), Youth rugby tour coordinator and the Club contact.

Summary of Emergency Information for ……… Emergency Relevant Medical Surname Forename(s) D.O.B Address Number(s) Contact Information

Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack: Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack: Confirmation from Youth Chairman & Senior Committee for tour to go ahead

To be approved and signed off by the Party Leader, Chairman of Youth Committee and the Chairman of the Senior Committee.

Party Leader declaration

 I have studied this application and am satisfied with all respects, including the planning, organisation and staffing of the visit.  All relevant information including a final list of group members, details of parental consent, a detailed itinerary, details of insurance where necessary, details of emergency contacts and medical conditions are submitted with this approval  Any person acting as group leader or leader’s assistants is both member of DKRFC and CRB cleared  Any person participating in this club trip / tour is a fully paid up member of DKRFC  All monies collected in relation to the tour have been paid into the main club account via the Youth Section treasurer. Under no circumstances should separate tour accounts be set up.  Final tour accounts / invoices will be submitted to the club treasurer within 14 days after the party returns.  A report and evaluation of the tour, including details of incidents injuries and accidents will be submitted to the Chairman of Youth Committee, within 14 days after the party returns. Signature of tour approval

Post Name Signature Date Party Leader (1) Party Leader (2) Party Leader (3) Tour Coordinator Youth Chairman Club Chairman

Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack: Evaluation

Team / Age Group: Group Leader(s): Number in Group: Dates of Trip / Tour: Venue: Tour Company (if used):

Please comment on the Rating out of Comment following 10 Pre-visit to destination

Travel arrangements

Hospitality of clubs visited

Accommodation / food

Fund raising Evening / spare time activities Other comments including illness / injuries Incidents

Signed: group Leader(s):

Dudley Kingswinford RFC Trip Application Pack:

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