Birds Seen in Western Yunnan, China

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Birds Seen in Western Yunnan, China

Birds seen in Western Yunnan, China.


The present annotated list summarizes observations of birds made in the course of roughly five months in Yunnan Province, China, during 14-26 Jan 1988, late December 1994 to mid-February 1995, March-April 1996, and March-April 1999. While Lijiang has received considerable attention from travelling birdwatchers since the mid- 1980's, the areas further west (and Zhongdian, to the north) have only been "open" since early 1992, and prior to my arrival only Jan H. Christensen (JHC) had made the effort to get there, pioneering Ruili. JHC was so convinced of the potential of the area that he decided to join me on the second of the visits dealt with here, and we met up at Ruili on 28 January after I'd explored Baoshan and Wanding. After some ten days at Ruili we moved on to Tengchong, throwing in an afternoon at Yingjiang en route. At Tengchong we explored a wooded hill adjacent to the town, and Yungfengshan. On the third trip I used Tengchong as a base, thoroughly covering the wooded hill, Yunfengshan, and a section of the Gaoligongshan before travelling to Wanding and Ruili. En route back to Kunming, the provincial capital, I broke the journey at Dali, spending a day on the mountain above town and a morning in fields in the direction of Erhai. On the fourth trip I covered Wanding, Ruili, the Tengchong area, Dali, Lijiang and Kunming's Xishan in the pleasant company of Nick Dymond, David Johnson, and Paul Thompson; then I returned to Ruili after more visits to Xishan, and finished with another couple of mornings there before departing.

Strictly speaking birds seen at Xishan, Kunming, may not belong under a Western Yunnan heading, but they're included here for convenience. Stott (1993), reporting a number of additions to the Kunming area list made by members of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, indicated the frequency with which 177 species (of the 328 listed for the area) had been recorded as 1) rarely recorded, 2) uncommonly recorded, 3) often recorded, 4) commonly recorded, and 5) recorded on almost all visits. While a paper such as this is a handy and welcome reference for visitors to the area readers should bear in mind that these "records" are in fact no more than unassessed reports. Although individual "records" are not initialled in the paper's Annotated List of New Species section it is easy to work out from the dates who saw what, and it turns out that seven of nine problematical species (ie. sufficiently surprising and/or difficult-to-identify to warrant scrutiny by a records panel), namely Spotted Wren Babbler Spelaeornis formosus, Rufous- winged Fulvetta, Striated Yuhina, Pale-footed & Manchurian Bush Warblers, Slaty-blue Flycatcher and "Chinese Greenfinch" Carduelis sinica, were all reported by an observer making - I happen to know - his first visit to S Asia and who by his own admission was further disadvantaged by the unavailabilty then of a decent field guide. Streak-throated Fulvetta and Blue-throated (=Chinese) Blue Flycatcher are also problematical.

No. of species recorded at the main localities:

Lijiang - 105 Dali - 110 Wanding - 148 Ruili - 318 Tengchong - 145 Yunfengshan - 180 Gaoligongshan - 170 Xishan - 95

The list is intended to form the baseline for an article, is thus best considered preliminary, and should not be cited without the author's permission.

In the species list the concept "bird-days" is used - it is the avian equivalent of man-hours: for example, separate flocks of ten and 15 Asian Dowitchers moving through score 25 bird-days, as would the same single individual seen daily for 25 days. The sum of day totals - a handy measure of relative abundance, no more.


Ali, S. and Ripley, S. D. (1987) Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan. Compact (2nd) edition. Delhi: Oxford University Press. Alstrom, P. and Olsson, U. (1999) The Golden-spectacled Warbler: a complex of sibling species, including a previously undescribed species. Ibis 141, pp545-568. Cheng Tso-hsin (1987) A Synopsis of the Avifauna of China. Beijing: Science Press. Chu Xinlou, ed. (1989) Yunnan Annals vol. VI: Fauna of Yunnan Province. Kunming. [At hand whilst preparing 1996 report only] - in Chinese. Clement, P., Harris, A. and Davis, J. (1993) Finches and Sparrows. London: Christopher Helm. Grimmett, R. and Inskipp, C. and T. (1998) Birds of the Indian Subcontinent. London: A & C Black. Han Lianxian (1996) Notes on Slender-billed Scimitar-Babbler Xiphirhynchus superciliaris in Yunnan, China. Forktail 11, pp168-169. Harrap, S. and Quinn, D. (1996) Tits, Nuthatches & Treecreepers. London: Christopher Helm. King, B. F. and Han, L. (1991) Field Notes on Birds recorded from the Simao Area in South Central Yunnan Province, China. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Bird Report 1990. Lekagul, B. and Round, P. D. (1991) A Guide to the Birds of Thailand. Bangkok: Saha Karn Bhaet. Lewthwaite, R. W. (1996) Forest birds of Southeast China: Observations During 1984-1996. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Bird Report 1995. Stott, R. D. E. (1993) Birds New to the Kunming Area. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Bird Report 1992. Yan Zhongwei et. al. (1995) A Field Guide to the Birds of China. Taipei:[in Chinese]

For information about tours in the area (and elsewhere in China) please contact the author at:

Bei Ling 3 Qu Building no. 1 Apartment 3-402 Beidaihe 066100 Hebei Province China

Tel/fax +86 335 403 4587 E-mail [email protected]

Species list.

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Lijiang: 65 on Wenbi lake on 16 Jan 1988. Seen daily at Park in winter 1994/95 and Mar 1999, max ten birds. Lijiang - Dali: two on 27 Mar 1999.

Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Lijiang: three on Wenbi lake on 16 Jan 1988.

Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Lijiang: one at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. Ruili: one at Jie Le Reservoir on 24 Jan 1995. Gudong - Tengchong: ten on 29 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan: two on 17 Mar 1999.

Cinnamon Bittern Ixobrychus cinnamomeus Wanding: one on 18 Apr 1996. Ruili: two on 24 April 1996.

Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Lijiang: up to six birds roosting at Park in 1995. Yunfengshan: ten disturbed at roost in ridgetop pines on 23 Mar 1996. Ruili: three on 20 Apr 1996.

Little Green Heron Butorides striatus Lijiang: one at Park on 14 Jan 1988. Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995.

Chinese Pond Heron Ardeola bacchus Dali: one on 14 Jan 1995. Ruili: 1-11 noted on eight days in 1995 and 1996.

Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Yingjiang area: ten on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan area: a few en route on 13 Feb 1995, in 1996 55 on 22nd & ten on 29 Mar, and in 1999 15 on 14 Mar. Ruili: in 1996 singles on 18+24 Apr, and 33 on 26th.

Great Egret Egretta alba Ruili: one on 1 Feb 1995, and 1-17 on five dates 18-26 Apr 1996. ***The only Yunnan locality given for the species by Cheng (1987) is Mengzi (ssp. modesta, breeding), in the SE of the province.

Intermediate Egret E. intermedia Yunfengshan - Tengchong: six on 29 Mar 1996, three on 17 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 1 Feb 1995, 8-14 on three dates 18-26 Apr 1996.

Little Egret E. garzetta Ruili: in 1995 eight (at Jie Le Reservoir) on 29 Jan, and 30 on 1 Feb; in 1996 11-15 on three dates in Apr. Ruili - Tengchong: three on 12 Mar 1999. Yingjiang: eight on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan area: up to 40, mainly at colonies, on three dates in 1995 & 1996; three on 14 Mar 1999. Yungfengshan - Tengchong: ten on 17 Mar 1999.

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea Lijiang: 16 at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. Dali: ten on 14 Jan 1995.

Black Stork Ciconia nigra Zhongdian: one on 5 Jan 1995.

Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea Lijiang: 290 at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. Zhongdian: two on 5 Jan 1995. Yingjiang: nine on 8 February 1995. Yunfengshan area: one at Gudong on 13 Feb 1995.

Spotbill Anas poecilorhyncha Lijiang: in Jan 1988 275 at Wenbi lake on 16th & 100 at Lashiba lake on 17th. Ruili: two on 18 Apr 1996.

Mallard A. platyrhynchos Lijiang: in Jan 1988 675 at Wenbi lake on 16th & "many" (c4,000 ducks present) at Lashiba lake on 17th. Zhongdian: one on 4 Jan 1995.

Common Teal A. crecca Lijiang: 400+ at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988.

Gadwall A. strepera Lijiang: 15 at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988.

Pintail A. acuta Lijiang: 100+ at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988.

Shoveler A. clypeata Lijiang: 100+ at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988.

Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca Lijiang: 40 at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988.

Goosander Mergus merganser Lijiang: in Jan 1988 ten at Wenbi lake on 16th & six at Lashiba lake on 17th.

Osprey Pandion haliaeetus Ruili: one migr. on 19 Apr 1996. ***Not recorded for W of Salween by Cheng (1987), who included the species for Yunnan only as a migrant (at Tunhai). Stott (1993) listed a winter record from Kunming.

Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus near Dali: one on 13 Jan 1995. Ruili: one on 28 Jan 1995 [JHC]; in Apr 1996 two on 24th, one on 26th. Tengchong outskirts: two on 18 Mar 1999. Lijiang - Dali: one on 27 Mar 1999. Dali - Kunming: two on 28 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) considered the species rare, with the only Yunnan localities being Kunming, Puwen, and Tengchong.

Crested Honey Buzzard Pernis ptilorhyncus Wanding: in Jan 1995 two (ad + 2nd cy) on 27th, one 2nd cy on 28th; in 1996 one imm. on 16 Apr. Ruili: in 1995 singles (different 2nd cy birds) on 30 Jan and 2 Feb; in 1996 1-5 on four dates in Apr (incl. one at Jie Le Reservoir on 20th, and one in display flight over Ridge on 25th); in 1999 nine bird-days: two on 9+10 Mar, singles on 3+8th & three on 9 Apr. Tengchong: one on 21 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan: one on 15 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 1 Apr. ***Listed as rarely recorded in the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Black Kite Milvus migrans Lijiang - Dali: two on 13 Jan. Ruili: up to four on three dates in early 1995. Ruili - Yingjiang: two on 8 Feb 1995. Yingjiang: two on 8 Feb. Yunfengshan area: singles on 13 Feb 1995 and 29 Mar 1996. ***Cheng (1987) considered Black Kite to be the commonest Falconiformes in China.

White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla Zhongdian: two adults on 5 Jan 1995. ***Not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987) though included for the province by deSchauensee (1984).

Lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus Zhongdian: one 2nd cy bird on 5 Jan 1995. ***Cheng (1987) included NW Yunnan in list of sporadic records.

Himalayan Griffon Gyps himalayensis Zhongdian: 1-3 daily. Tengchong: one imm. on 21 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan: one ad. on 28 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: one moved N on 11 Apr 1996. ***In Yunnan, Cheng (1987) listed the species for Menglon, in the SW but well E of the Salween. Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus Wanding: One on 28 Jan 1995. ***Very rare in China and not previously recorded for Yunnan (Cheng 1987).

Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis cheela Gaoligongshan: one on 7 Apr 1996. Ruili: one on 25 Apr 1996.

Eastern Marsh Harrier Circus (aeruginosus) spilonotus Gaoligongshan: one male migr. on 11 Apr 1996. Wanding: one male on 17 Apr 1996.

Hen Harrier C. cyaneus Lijiang: single ringtails on three dates in winter, one male on 18 Jan 1988. Lijiang - Dali: one male on 13 Jan 1995. Dali: two 2nd cy birds on 14 Jan 1995. Ruili: one on 28 Jan 1995 [JHC]. Yunfengshan - Tengchong: one male on 17 mar 1999.

Pied Harrier C. melanoleucos Gaoligongshan: seven bird-days 5-11 Apr 1996, involving four males and two females. Tengchong: one male flew S on 13 Apr 1996. Wanding: one imm. migr. on 17 Apr 1996. Ruili: one female on 18 Apr 1996. Dali: one female on 30 Apr 1996.

Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis Ruili: singles on 31 Jan and 2 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: singles on 13+14 Feb 1995 & 28+29 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: singles on 3+7+9 Apr 1996.

Shikra A. badius Ruili: one at Jie Le Reservoir on 29 Jan 1995. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Japanese Sparrowhawk A. gularis Gaoligongshan: two migr. on 11 Apr 1996. Ruili: one on 2 Apr 1999. ***Not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987) who considered the taxon conspecific with A. virgatus.

Besra A. virgatus Gaoligongshan: singles on 3+10 Apr 1996. Tengchong: one pair present 13-15 Apr 1996.

Eurasian Sparrowhawk A. nisus Lijiang: singles on 15+17 Jan 1988 & on YL (an adult) on 11 Jan 1995. Ruili: singles on two dates in winter, one on 19 Apr 1996. Tengchong: in 1995 one on 11 Feb; in Mar 1996 one on 20th, two (a pair in display flight) on 21st; in 1999 one on 21 Mar. Yunfengshan: singles on 13 Feb 1995 and 28 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: singles on four dates in Apr 1996, incl. one migr. on 11th.

Crested Goshawk A. trivirgatus Gaoligongshan: two on 10 Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 one on 18th, two on 19th. Wanding: one on 17 Apr 1996. Ruili: two on 21st, two (a pair display-flighting) on 25 Apr 1996; singles daily 9-11 mar 1999. Yunfengshan: one display-flighting on 16 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) considered the species locally fairly common. ***Accipiter sp. Gaoligongshan: singles on three dates in April 1996, of which one (on 2nd) was either a Shikra or a Chinese Goshawk A. soloensis. Tengchong: one on 12 Mar 1999.

Common Buzzard Buteo buteo Lijiang: in Jan 1988 singles on four dates; in winter 1994/95 3+ present in Park area, and two at YL on 11 Jan 1995; in 1999 two present over 24-25 Mar. Dali: one on 23rd, two on 24 Mar 1999. Dali - Lijiang: three on 24th, two on 27 Mar 1999. Wanding: one on 7 Mar 1999. Wanding - Ruili: one on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: singles on two dates in winter, on 19 Apr 1996, and on 8 Apr 1999. Tengchong: one present in Feb 1995, 1-2 noted on seven dates 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996, while Mar 1999 yielded singles on 12+13th & three on 21st. Yunfengshan: 1-2 daily in Feb 1995, one on 23rd & two on 28 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan - Tengchong: one on 17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: in Apr 1996 singles on 4+12th, two on 5th; in 1999 singles on 19+20 Mar. Xishan: in 1999 singles on 29 Mar & 1 Apr, two on 30 Mar. ***Cheng (1987) listed both sspp. vulpinus & japonicus for Yunnan. Stott (1993) listed it as recorded on almost all visits to the Kunming area.

Upland Buzzard B. hemilasius Zhongdian: singles on 4+6 Jan 1995.

***Buteo sp. Gaoligongshan: one migr. on 10 Apr 1996 was possibly a Long-legged Buzzard B. rufinus.

Grey-faced Buzzard Butastur indicus Gaoligongshan: one on 19 Mar 1999. ***Xishuangbanna was the only Yunnan locality for which Cheng (1987) recorded the species.

Black Eagle Ictinaetus malayensis Yunfengshan: one on 14 Feb 1995; in Mar 1999 singles on 14+16th & two on 15th. Gaoligongshan: in Apr 1996 singles on five dates 3-11th & two on 6th (one on 6th was in display flight); two birds were seen over 18-19 Mar 1999, on 18th on size considered to be male and female. Ruili: in 1996 one on 19th & two on 25 Apr; in 1999 singles on 11 Mar and 6 Apr. ***Cheng (1987) considered the species "very rare, being confined to Fujian & Taiwan Provinces". Lewthwaite (1996) reported three sightings from Guangdong.

Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis Lijiang: two (ad. + imm.) on 17 Jan 1988. Zhongdian: five on 5 Jan 1995. Ruili: two on 1 Feb 1995. Yingjiang area: nine on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: 1-2 over river on 15 Feb 1995, one imm. on 15 Mar 1999. ***Not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Imperial Eagle A. heliaca Ruili: singles on 28 Jan 1995 [JHC] and 10 Mar 1999. The latter was considered to be a 4-5th cy bird. ***Not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus Tengchong: one dark morph bird on 20 Mar 1996. ***Listed for Yunnan (Xishuangbanna) only by Chu et al. (1989). Mountain Hawk Eagle Spizaetus nipalensis Wanding: one on 25 Jan 1995. Tengchong: one on 21 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: in Apr 1996 one ad. on 10th, one imm. on 11th. ***Cheng (1987) listed S. n. nipalensis as being resident in the Himalaya to NW Yunnan (Lijiang).

Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Lijiang: singles on 15+17 Jan 1988 & 7 Jan 1995. Lijiang - Dali: three on both 13 Jan 1995 and 24 Mar 1999, five on 27 Mar 1999. Zhongdian: singles daily. Dali: two on 14 Jan 1995. Dali - Kunming: one on 28 Mar 1999. Baoshan: one on 18 Jan 1999. Wanding - Ruili: one on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: singles on two dates in winter. Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan area: three present in Feb 1995. Gaoligongshan: singles on 7+9 Apr 1996 & 19 Mar 1999.

Merlin F. columbarius Lijiang: one female at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988.

Amur Falcon F. amurensis Gaoligongshan: one female on 11 Apr 1996. Ruili: three females at Jie Le Reservoir on 20 Apr 1996. ***Listed as a migrant in Yunnan by Cheng (1987), but considered rare away from the "breeding regions".

Northern Hobby F. subbuteo Ruili: in Apr 1996 singles on 22+24th, 2-3 on 25th.

Peregrine F. peregrinus Lijiang: one flew over Park on 1 Jan 1995. Wanding: one ad. male on 28 Jan 1995. Ruili: One female of ssp. calidus on 20 Apr 1996. Tengchong: singles on 12 Feb 1995 [JHC] & 13 Mar 1999. The latter was seen twice. Yunfengshan: one on 14 Feb 1995. ***Ssp. calidus may not previously have been recorded for Yunnan.

Szechenyi's Monal Partridge Tetraophasis szechenyii Lijiang: one taped at YL on 26 Mar 1999 [ND, PT]. ***Confirmation of the species' continued presence at this site was most welcome.

Chinese Francolin Francolinus pintadeanus Tengchong: 1-2 birds calling on four dates 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996. Wanding: in Apr 1996 two on 17th, one on 18th. Ruili: 36 bird-days in 1996: max nine heard calling almost daily from 19 Apr. In Apr 1999 two on 5th (at roadside), singles on 6+8th. ***The advertising call is a brayed, rhythmic, Eared Pheasant Crossoptilon-like , given at 10-15 seconds' interval.

Japanese Quail Coturnix japonica Ruili: two seen on 22 Apr 1996. 2-3 birds heard calling on 26th were possibly also this species. ***In Yunnan listed only for Zhongdian and Lijiang by Cheng (1987).

Common Hill Partridge Arborophila torqueola Gaoligongshan: 72 bird-days in total for 2-12 Apr 1996 and 18-21 Mar 1999 - max ten heard daily; less than ten seen in total. In addition, two Arborophila sp. on 8 Apr. Ruili: in 1999 14 bird-days logged 11 Mar & 2+4+5+7+9 Apr, max seven on 4th. Yunfengshan: singles heard daily 15-17 Mar 1999. ***The call is a ventriloqual, slightly drawn-out, ghostly double hoot repeated every few seconds. The species was listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Rufous-throated Hill Partridge A. rufogularis Ruili: in Feb 1995 heard on 4th, one seen on 6th; in Apr 1996 two seen on 19th; in 1999 one heard on 9 Apr. Gaoligongshan: three seen on 7 Apr 1996. In 1999 two were noted on 18 Mar [ND]. Yunfengshan: Hill Partridges heard on 23+26 Mar 1996 were considered to be almost certainly this speciees. ***Listed as rare, with ssp. intermedia recorded only for Luxi and Yingjiang, by Cheng (1987).

White-cheeked Hill Partridge A. atrogularis Wanding: 1-2 seen briefly on 25 Jan 1995. Ruili: one heard on 21+23+25 Apr 1996. ***Listed as very rare (and only for Yingjiang) by Cheng (1987).

Mountain Bamboo Partridge Bambusicola fytchii Wanding: three on 22 Jan 1995. Mangshi - Wanding: one was hit by our taxi on 6 Mar 1999. Ruili: singles seen on three days in Feb 1995, 1-6 heard on 11 dates in Apr, incl. five at Jie Le Reservoir on 20 Apr 1996. Tengchong: in 1996 & 1999 1-6 noted on nine dates in Mar/Apr, with some heard only. Gaoligongshan: in Apr 1996 six bird-days at c2,485m, probably involving two pairs. In Mar 1999 c5 flushed on 20th, heard on 21st. ***The species was listed only up to 2,100m by deSchauensee (1984) while Chu et al. (1989) notes that the range is 500-3,000m, though rare above 2,500m. The advertising call is a "hruet, gra-grah"; not brayed like Chinese Francolin's.

Koklass Pheasant Pucrasia macrolopha Yunfengshan: one male at monastery rubbish tip on 29 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: six bird-days in Apr 1999, involving 4-5 birds. ***Listed only for NW Yunnan (Deqen & Lijiang) by Cheng (1987).

Sclater's Monal Lophophorus sclateri Gaoligongshan: one female seen extremely well at c2,485m on 7 Apr 1996. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987), with an altitudinal range given variously as 2,500-3,400m (Chu et al. 1989), 3,400-3,600m (deSchauensee 1984), or (for Arunachal Pradesh) 3,000-4,000m (Grimmett et al. 1998).

Silver Pheasant Lophura nyctemera Gaoligongshan: one female at c2,485m on 11 Apr 1996; one male on 20 Mar 1999 [ND]. Yunfengshan: three (a male w/ two females) at c2,295m on 16 Mar 1999. Five pheasants seen on 16 Mar 1999 was either this species or Koklass. Ruili: in Apr 1999 one female on 5th, one male on 9th. ***deSchauensee (1984) gives the upper distributional limit as 2,135m. Cheng (1987) considered the species "generally common or very common, varying with different subspecies in different localities; also rare in case of some isolated subspecies".

Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus Ruili: two on 4 Feb 1995, five on 25 Apr 1996, 1-5 on six dates (17 bird-days) in Mar/Apr 1999. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987).

White Eared Pheasant Crossoptilon crossoptilon Lijiang: one heard at YL on 26 Mar 1999. ***Ssp. lichiangense was named by Delacour as recently as 1945. Under "status" Cheng (1987) writes: "being not molested by Buddhist faith, the bird is fairly common in most parts of its distributional range".

Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus Lijiang: one female at Wenbishan on 16 Jan 1988. Tengchong: one on 10 Feb 1995, and 1-5 noted on seven dates 18 Mar - 15 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: singles on 23+26+29 Mar 1996. Dali: two on 29 Apr 1996. ***Not listed for Dali by Cheng (1987).

Lady Amherst's Pheasant Chrysolophus amherstiae Lijiang: five (of which one male) at YL on 11 Jan 1995. Baoshan: in Jan 1995 three (one male) on 19th, two (one male) on 20th; in 1996 one heard on 28 Apr 1996. In addition, three female pheasants flushed from tea plantation on 19 Jan 1995 were perhaps also this species. Yunfengshan: in Mar 1996 six bird-days, involving four individuals (incl. one male). In 1999 five bird-days over 14-17 Mar, involving at least two calling males and one female. Gaoligongshan: 12 bird-days in Apr 1996, involving 5-6 individuals. Tengchong: one male noted daily 13-15 Apr 1996. Three (a male w/ two females) seen on 13 Mar 1999 [ND]. Dali: eight on 29 Apr 1996, four of which were calling males; two males heard calling on 23 Mar 1999. Xishan: at least one male present 12-13 Apr 1999. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987), and as rarely recorded in the Kunming area by Stott (1993). The advertising call is a triple bark, with emphasis on the first note. Alarm call is explosive, suggesting a squirrel or, less so, a thrush or a babbler.

Barred Button-quail Turnix suscitator Wanding: one on 28 Jan 1995.

***Turnix sp. Ruili: two on 20 Apr 1996.

Common Crane Grus grus Lijiang: 67 at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988.

Black-necked Crane Grus nigricollis Zhongdian: eight on 5 Jan, one of which was a 2nd cy bird.

Slaty-legged Crake Rallina eurizonoides Ruili: two on the dewy morning of 8 Apr 1999. ***Glimpses only, but similar species ruled out on habitat and voice. Quiet (though sometimes louder and perhaps slightly longer) booming, sonar- or Geiger counter-like series of 7-8 accelerating, then slowing "chut" notes. Listed only for Guangxi, Taiwan and (as a straggler) Hainan by Cheng (1987).

Black-tailed Crake Amaurornis bicolor Ruili: one on 23 Apr 1996. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987), and recorded only for Yuxi, Lijiang and Lincang by Chue et al. (1989).

White-breasted Waterhen A. phoenicurus Ruili: 1-2 on three days in Jan/Feb 1995, 1-3 on 19+20+25 Apr 1996, and two on 3+5 Apr 1999. Wanding: seven on 17 Apr 1996.

Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Lijiang: 11 at Park on 14 Jan 1988 & one there on three dates in winter 1994/95. Ruili: two present in Apr 1996. ***Not recorded for W of Salween by Cheng (1987).

Pheasant-tailed Jacana Hydrophasianus chirurgus Ruili: in Apr 1996 three on 20th, four on 22nd, and five on 24th. ***Listed as fairly common in S China by Cheng (1987).

Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Lijiang: 50 at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988.

Grey-headed Lapwing V. cinereus Ruili: in 1995 four on 30 Jan, one on 1 Feb. Yingjiang area: two on 8 Feb 1995.

River Lapwing V. duvaucelii Yunfengshan area: three present along river in winter, heard there on 22 Mar 1996, and two seen on 14 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by cheng (1987).

Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Ruili: noted on 28 Jan 1995 [JHC]. In Apr 1996 47 birds on 20th & 35 on 22nd. Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius Ruili: seen on 28 Jan 1995 [JHC]. In 1996 up to three birds over 18-26 Apr, displaying seen on the last date. Yingjiang: 15 on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan area: along the river one on 22 Mar 1996, two on 14 Mar 1999.

Long-billed Plover C. placidus Yunfengshan area: along the river five on 13+15 Feb 1995, four on 14 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) - who lumped the species with Common Ringed Plover C. hiaticula - listed it for NW Yunnan only.

Kentish Plover C. alexandrinus Ruili: one on 1 Feb 1995. ***Recorded for Yunnan only from the NW by Cheng (1987).

Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta Ruili: one on 20 Apr 1996. ***Listed only for SE Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Temminck's Stint C. temminckii Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Ruili: singles on 20+24 Apr 1996.

Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus Ruili: one on 1 Feb 1995; in Apr 1996 three on 18th & singles on 22+26th. ***Not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Common Redshank T. totanus Ruili: noted on 28 Jan 1995 [JHC]. Three on 22 Apr 1996. ***Recorded only for SE Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Greenshank T. nebularia Ruili: six on 1 Feb 1996; in Apr 1996 singles on 18+20+22+26th & three on 24th. Yingjiang: three on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan area: one along river on 13 Feb 1995.

Green Sandpiper T. ochropus Lijiang: five at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. Ruili: singles on 30 Jan 1995, 22+26 Apr 1996, and 8 Apr 1999. Yunfengshan area: singles on 13 Feb 1995 & 14 Mar 1999.

Wood Sandpiper T. glareola Ruili: recorded on 28 Jan 1995 [JHC]. In 1996 56 bird-days 18-26 Apr, daily max 15 on 18th. ***Not recorded for W of Salween by Cheng (1987).

***Wader sp. Gaoligongshan: 33 migr. on 8 Apr 1996 were probably Marsh Sandpiper T. stagnatilis, a species not recorded for Yunnan by Cheng (1987). Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Lijiang: one at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. Ruili: one on 30 Jan 1995; in Apr 1996 two on 18+20th & singles on 24+25th; in Apr 1999 singles on 2+8th & three on 4th. Yingjiang: four on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan area: two present along river on 13+15 Feb; one on 14 Mar 1999. Dali: one on 30 Apr 1996.

Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola Tengchong: singles on 10+11 Feb 1995; in Mar 1996 three on 19th & singles on 20+30+31st; two on 13 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: in Mar 1999 singles on 18+19th [ND]. ***Listed for Tengchong by Cheng (1987).

Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago Lijiang: 14 at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. Ruili: one on 1 Feb 1995; in Apr 1996 three on 18th, two on 24th.

Pintail Snipe G. stenura Ruili: in Apr 1996 two on 18th, singles on 19+24+26th. ***Not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987), though included on Kunming area list by Stott (1993).

Wood Snipe G. nemoricola Ruili: one seen exceedingly well on 8 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987) considered the species to be only an exceedingly rare straggler in China, recording it for Yunnan (without locality) & Nyingchi in Xizang. The species breeds in the Wolong area, Sichuan (B. King pers. com.).

Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus Lijiang: in Jan 1988 20 at Wenbi lake on 16th & ten at Lashiba lake on 17th.

Brown-headed Gull L. brunnicephalus Lijiang: three at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. Xishan: one on 29 Mar 1999. ***Recorded for Yunnan without locality by Cheng (1987), and listed as rarely recorded in the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Common Gull L. canus Lijiang: two at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. ***Cheng (1987) listed ssp. kamtschatschensis for Yunnan (without locality) though heinei is far more common generally, and undoubtedly the one most likely to reach Yunnan.

River Tern Sterna aurantia Ruili: in 1995 three on 29 Jan (Jie Le Reservoir), two along river on 30th, and one at Lake on 1 Feb. In Apr 1996 1-7 were noted on four dates, all at Lake. Yingjiang: 35 on 8 Feb 1995. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987). Speckled Wood Pigeon Columba hodgsonii Ruili: 1-14 noted on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; in 1999 two on 9 Mar [ND] & 9 Apr. ***Listed for nowhere further S than Tengchong by Cheng (1987).

Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis Tengchong: 5-6 daily in Feb 1995; in 1996 singles on 18+30+31 Mar & 1 Apr, six on 2 Apr, and two on 13th. In 1999 one on 12 Mar. Ruili: one on 19 Apr 1996, and one heard on 10 Apr 1999. Yunfengshan area: three in foothills on 14 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan - Tengchong: one on 17 Mar 1999. Dali: one on 24 Mar 1999. Lijiang: one at YL on 26 Mar [ND, PT].

Red Turtle Dove S. tranquebarica Ruili: in Apr 1996 eight on 24th, one on 26th.

Spotted Dove S. chinensis Wanding: one on 25 Jan 1995. Ruili: one on 31 Jan 1995. Yunfengshan: two on 13 Feb.

Barred Cuckoo Dove Macropygia unchall Ruili: two on 6 Feb. ***Considered merely "rather uncommon" by Cheng (1987).

Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica Ruili: in 1999 singles on 10 Mar & 3 Apr. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Pompadour Pigeon Treron pompadora Ruili: 1+ on 6 Apr 1999. ***Diagnostic tail pattern seen when bird flew from fruiting tree. Considered very rare by Cheng (1987) who recorded it for China only from Xishuangbanna.

Thick-billed Pigeon T. curvirostra Ruili: in 1999 two on 10th [ND, DJ] & heard on 11 Mar, 2+ (with five unidentified Treron) on 6 Apr. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987).

Pintailed Pigeon T. apicauda Ruili: in Apr 1999 one on 4th, three on 7th, and two on 9th. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Red-breasted Parakeet Psitticula alexandri Wanding: one female present on 17+18 Apr 1996. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Large Hawk Cuckoo Hierococcyx sparverioides Tengchong: one seen on 11 Feb 1995; 19 bird-days in Mar/Apr 1996 (daily max four on 15 Apr); in Mar 1999 singles on 12+21st & two on 13th. Yingjiang: one seen on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: 1-11 daily 22-29 Mar 1996 (30 bird-days); 1-3 daily over 14-17 Mar 1999 (seven bird-days). Gaoligongshan: 1-2 daily over 6-12 Apr 1996; 3-4 daily 19-21 Mar 1999 (ten bird-days). Wanding: one on 16th & three on 17 Apr 1996; two on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 16 bird-days 19-25 Apr 1996, daily max five on 19th. In 1999 1-3 daily over 9-11 Mar, and 21 bird-days 2-10 Apr (daily max three on 2-5th, incl. an apparently egg-laying bird on 2nd).

Indian Cuckoo Cuculus micropterus Tengchong: singles on 20+21 Mar & 1 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: two on 23rd & one on 26 Mar 1996. Ruili: 3-5 noted on four dates in Apr 1996; 12 bird-days 2-7 Apr 1999, daily max four on 3rd - mainly heard, but calling birds seen on 2nd. ***Xishuangbanna was the only Yunnan locality for which Cheng (1987) listed the species. Common Cuckoo C. canorus Tengchong: in Apr 1996 one on 13th, three on 14th & two on 15th. Wanding: 1-3 daily 16-18 Apr 1996. Ruili: 1-4 daily over 18-26 Apr 1996; one on 7 Apr 1999. Baoshan: one on 28 Apr 1996. Dali: one on 29 Apr 1996. Xishan: one on 12 Apr 1999. ***Unrecorded by Hong Kong birders at Kunming though included for the area by Stott (1993).

Oriental Cuckoo C. saturatus Yunfengshan: singles on 22+23+24th & two on 26 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: in Apr 1996 singles on five dates 6-12th & two on 11th. Ruili: nine bird-days in Apr 1996, max three on 19+23rd; in Apr 1999 1-2 daily over 3-9th. ***Ssp. saturatus listed as breeding in W Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Banded Bay Cuckoo Cacomantis sonneratii Wanding: in Mar 1999 1-2 on 7th, one on 8th. Ruili: 12 bird-days in 1999 - two on 9+10th & two on 11 Mar, singles on 2nd & 4-9 Apr. ***Brainfever call "dee, dee, dee-dee, dee" repeated, with emphasis on second pair of notes, not described by Grimmett et. al. (1998). The usual call is similar to Indian Cuckoo's "one-more-bottle". One on 8 Apr was seen food-gleaning along mossy branches. Cheng (1987) considered the species rare, listing it only for Xishuangbanna & Huidong (Sichuan).

Plaintive Cuckoo C. merulinus Baoshan: one on 19 Jan 1995. Wanding: one on 22 Jan 1995, 1-4 daily 16-18 Apr 1996. Ruili: 1-5 daily 18-26 Apr 1996, and probably different singles at the edge of town on 7+9 Apr 1999. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Asian Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx maculatus Ruili: in 1999 one on 10 Mar [ND] & two at c1,345m on 4 Apr. ***Considered merely "uncommon" by Cheng (1987). Drongo Cuckoo Surniculus lugubris Wanding: 1-3 daily 16-18 Apr 1996. Ruili: 34 bird-days 19-26 Apr 1996 (daily max nine on 19th); 16 bird-days 2-10 Apr 1999 (max six on 2nd). ***Cheng (1987) considered the species uncommon.

Chestnut-winged Cuckoo Clamator coromandus Ruili: one on 7 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987) listed the species for S Yunnan without locality.

Koel Eudynamys scolopacea Wanding: one on 16 Apr. Ruili: 18 bird-days 18-26 Apr 1996 (max five on 26th); in Apr 1999 singles on 5+9th (on last date in town at 05h50). Baoshan: two on 28 Apr 1996.

Green-billed Malkoha Phaenicophaeus tristis Wanding: singles on 22+24th & two on 25 Jan 1995; singles on 17+18 Apr 1996; one on 7th & two on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 31 Jan 1995; two on 25 Apr 1996; in Apr 1999 three on 3rd (of which two at c1,485m), one on 8th & two on 10th. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Greater Coucal Centropus sinensis Wanding: three on 17th & two on 18 Apr 1996; one on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 32 bird-days 19-26 Apr 1996 (daily max six); in 1999 one on 10 Mar, 1-4 most days 2-10 Apr (max four on 3rd). ***Listed as fairly common by Cheng (1987).

Lesser Coucal C. bengalensis Wanding: one on 23 Jan 1995. Ruili: two on 2 Feb 1995; 1-4 almost daily 19-26 Apr 1996; singles on 2+3+10 Apr 1999. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987).

Mountain Scops Owl Otus spilocephalus Yunfengshan: one heard in Feb 1995. Gaoligongshan: two heard on 3+6 Apr 1996. Wanding: two heard on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: one heard on 11 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987), and not listed for Yunnan although roughly southern two- thirds of the province is included in mapped range.

Oriental Scops Owl O. sunia Yunfengshan: one seen on 22 Mar. Tengchong: one seen mobbed by 20-30 Phylloscopus warblers on 1 Apr 1996. ***Lumped with O. scops by Cheng (1987) who listed only ssp. malayanus for Yunnan; both birds seen by me could equally well have been migrant ssp. stictonotus which winters S to Thailand (Lekagul & Round 1991) but was not recorded for Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Collared Scops Owl O.bakkamoena Wanding: one heard on 7 Mar 1999. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987).

Collared Owlet Glaucidium brodiei Wanding: one heard on 28 Jan 1995. Ruili: 1-2 heard on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995 & on three dates in April 1996; in 1999 1-3 heard daily over 9-11 Mar & 23 bird-days over 3-10 Apr (all heard - max six on the last date). Yunfengshan: two noted in Feb 1995; at least four calling in Mar 1996; 1-2 heard daily over 15- 17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one heard on 6 Apr 1996; singles heard on 19+21 Mar 1999. Baoshan: one heard on 28 Apr 1996. Lijiang: two heard at YL on 26 Mar 1999 [ND, PT]. ***Cheng (1987) listed the species as "fairly common".

Asian Barred Owlet G. cuculoides Wanding: one heard on 23 Jan 1995. Ruili: one heard on 6 Feb 1995. ***Listed as common on plains & in foothills by Cheng (1987).

Jungle Owlet G. radiatum Ruili: 1-2 heard on 11 Mar 1999. The call was instantly recognized by DJ who is thoroughly familiar with the vocalizations of the species. ***Not included as a Chinese bird species by deSchauensee (1984), Cheng (1987) or Yan et al. (1995). Apparently not previously recorded further east than W Burma (at up to 4,000ft: King et al. 1975).

Brown Wood Owl Strix leptogrammica Tengchong: one seen very well on 21 Mar 1996. ***Listed for Tengchong by Cheng (1987), who considered the species very secretive and rare.

Tawny Owl S. aluco Gaoligongshan: one seen at c1,985m on 19th & heard in same area on 20 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987). Large-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus macrurus Ruili: heard on 21st (two birds) & 23 Apr 1996. Wanding: one on 7 Mar 1999. ***Listed for Xishuangbanna & the SE only by Cheng (1987), and considered very rare.

Grey Nightjar C. indicus Yunfengshan: in Mar 1996 one heard on five nights; in Mar 1999 three heard on 16th, two heard on 17th. Gaoligongshan: one at c1,985m on 18 Mar 1999. ***Not listed for W of Salween by Cheng (1987).

Savannah Nightjar C. affinis Ruili: two heard over the town on three nights 23-25 Apr 1996; one heard on 5 Apr 1999. ***Not listed for W Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Himalayan Swiftlet Collocalia brevirostris Ruili: in 1995 singles on 31 Jan & 1 Feb; in 1999 five on 11 Mar, one on 4 Apr. Yunfengshan: five on 15 Feb 1995. Wanding: five on 7 Mar 1999. Xishan: ten on 1 Apr. ***Cheng (1987) considered the species rare but recorded three sspp. from Yunnan: brevirostris from Gongshan in the far NW, rogersi from Yongde in the SW, and innominata from Kunming (where none seen by Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993)).

White-throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacuta Gaoligongshan: singles on 5+8+12 Apr 1996. Ruili: in Apr 1996 three on 19th, one on 20th, 20 on 25th & four on 26th. ***Cheng (1987) listed ssp. nudipes as a resident for Gongshan and Tengchong.

White-vented Needletail H. cochinchinensis Ruili: 13 on 10 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) recorded the species only for Hainan, where considered rare and "only seen locally during the cooler hours of the day". Lewthwaite (1996) reported sightings from Guangxi & Guangdong.

Fork-tailed Swift Apus pacificus Baoshan: one on 18 Jan 1995. Gaoligongshan: 63 bird-days in Apr 1996 (max 14 on 8th); in 1999 two on 21 Mar. Tengchong: 20 on 14 Apr 1996. Wanding: 15 on 18 Apr 1996. Ruili: three at Jie Le Reservoir on 20 Apr 1996. Dali: five on 29 Apr 1996, ten on 23 Mar 1999. ***The only Yunnan localities mentioned by Cheng (1987) are Deqin (in NW) & Kaiyuan (in SE).

House Swift A. affinis Wanding: several breeding pairs (1995+1996); ten on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: in Apr 1996 25 on 20th, four on 22nd & five on 25th; in 1999 four on 6 Apr. Ruili - Tengchong: c50 on 12 Mar 1999. Tengchong: up to c150 over town most evenings. Yunfengshan area: in Mar 1996 five on 22nd & three on 29th; in 1999 ten on 15 Mar. Gaoligongshan: a few seen on several dates in Apr 1996; four on 21 Mar 1999. Baoshan: 15 on 28 Apr 1996. Dali: in Apr 1996 "a few" on 29th & two on 30th. Dali - Lijiang: 15 on 24 Mar 1999. Xishan: in Apr 1999 30 on 1st & 20 on 12th. ***Not listed for SW Yunnan by Cheng (1987), and as only rarely recorded in the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Asian Palm Swift Cypsiurus parvus Tengchong: five on 30 Mar 1996. Ruili: 2-4 noted on three dates in Apr 1996; four on 5+7th & three on 9 Apr 1999. Red-headed Trogon Harpactes erythrocephalus Ruili: one female on 4 Feb 1995; in 1999 singles on 11 Mar & 4+5+6+8 Apr, and three on 9th. Yunfengshan: in Mar 1996 one female on 23rd & one male on 28th - both at c2,350m. In 1999 a male was taped in on 17 Mar. ***Perhaps only exceptionally recorded above c2,000m, the upper altitudinal limit given by Lekagul & Round (1991), though Grimmett et al. (1998) have it down as occurring "terai up to 1,800 m (-2,400 m)" in India.

[Indian Roller Coracias benghalensis Jinjiang - Lijiang: one seen from the bus on 13 Jan 1988. ***The species was considered rare by Cheng (1987).]

Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis Wanding: two present over 16-18 Apr 1996. Ruili: 1-7 noted on several dates in 1995 & 1996. Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995.

Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis Lijiang: 1-2 at Park on most days in winter, three at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. Wanding: one on 27 Jan 1995. Ruili: 1-6 noted on ten dates. Ruili - Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995.

White-throated Kingfisher Halcyon smyrnensis Lijiang: a single bird at Park on five dates in winter 1994/95. Ruili: two on 1 Feb 1995, singles on four dates in Apr 1996 and on 10 Mar & 2+3 Apr 1999. Yingjiang: two on 8 Feb 1995. near Wanding: one on 16 Apr 1996.

Chestnut-headed Bee-eater Merops leschenaulti Ruili: one immature on 23 Apr 1996. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Little Green Bee-eater M. orientalis Wanding: two on 27 Jan 1995, 2+ on 18 Apr 1996.

Blue-throated Bee-eater M. viridis Ruili - Baoshan: c30 on 27 Apr 1996 (just E of Salween bridge). Baoshan - Xiaguan: one on 28 Apr.

***Merops sp. Tengchong: in 1996 c15 on 31 Mar, two on 13 Apr.

Blue-bearded Bee-eater Nyctiornis athertoni Wanding: one on 16 Apr 1996. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987).

Hoopoe Upupa epops Lijiang: singles on 16+18 Jan 1988 & 25 Mar 1999. Tengchong: up to four noted on most days in Feb 1995 & Mar/Apr 1996. One had its nest inside a tomb... Yunfengshan: singles on 24 Mar 1996 & 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: singles on 8-10 Apr 1996. Wanding: one on 8 Mar 1999.

Great Barbet Megalaima virens Yunfengshan: one on 13 Feb 1995; 12 bird-days in Mar 1996 (daily max four); in Mar 1999 three daily 14-16th & one on 17th. Tengchong: singles on 10 Feb 1995 & 13 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 2-8 daily in Apr 1996, singles on 19+21 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 6 Feb 1995; ten bird-days in Apr 1996; in 1999 1-3 on 9-11 Mar & 3+5-9 Apr. ***Main call of very gull-like quality (and even rhythm). Also utters a strident screech. Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Lineated Barbet M. lineata Ruili: two on 2 Feb 1995. ***Considered very rare, and not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Golden-throated Barbet M. franklinii Tengchong: 1-2 present in February 1995. Yunfengshan: singles seen on five dates in Feb 1995 & Mar 1996; in Mar 1999 one on 14th, two on 16th & five on 17th. Gaoligongshan: 20 bird-days in Apr 1996 (max six on 10th); 23 bird-days 18-21 Mar 1999 (max eight on 18th). ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987).

Blue-throated Barbet M. asiatica Wanding: two on 23rd & one on 25 Jan 1995; 7-c10 daily 16-18 Apr 1996; ten on 7 mar 1999. Ruili: up to seven daily in Jan/Feb 1995; daily max 23 in Apr 1996; 170+ bird-days over 8-11 Mar & 2-10 Apr 1999. Tengchong: singles on 10 Feb 1995 & 13 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987), clearly in error, considered the species uncommon.

Speckled Piculet Picumnus innominatus Lijiang: one at Wenbishan on 16 Jan 1988. Wanding: 1-3 noted on six dates in Jan 1995 & Apr 1996. Ruili: 1-3 seen on four dates in Jan/Feb 1999. In Apr 1999 singles on 3+6+7+9th & three on 8th. Tengchong: singles on 19 Mar & 15 Apr 1996. ***Distinctive call is a series of insistent "zvi" notes. Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

White-browed Piculet Sasia ochracea Ruili: singles on 2+6 Feb 1995, 25 Apr 1996 & 5+7 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987) considered the species uncommon in Yunnan, rare elsewhere in China.

Grey-headed Woodpecker Picus canus Lijiang: 1-3 noted on six dates. Ruili: 1-3 noted on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; singles on 10 Mar & 2 Apr 1999.

Greater Yellownape P. flavinucha Ruili: 2-3 noted on three days in Jan/Feb 1995; one in Apr 1996. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987).

Lesser Yellownape P. chlorolophus Ruili: two on 4th & three on 6 feb 1995; two on 11 Mar 1999. ***"Rare, but more common than the above species"(Cheng 1987).

Rufous Woodpecker Celeus brachyurus Wanding: one on 24 Jan 1995, four (probably a family group) on 17 Apr 1996. Ruili: one on 3 Apr 1999. ***Considered merely uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopus major Tengchong: up to 11 birds noted daily, incl. one at nest on 15 Apr 1996. Lijiang: singles at YL on 25+26 Mar 1999. Xishan: 13 bird-days over 29-31 Mar & 1+12+13 Apr 1999. ***Commonly recorded in the Kunming area (Stott 1993).

Darjeeling Woodpecker D. darjellensis Yunfengshan: three seen well & taped on 16 Mar 1999 [ND]. Gaoligongshan: one on 20 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987) who listed it for Lijiang and Tengchong.

Crimson-breasted Woodpecker D. cathpharius Yunfengshan: one present on 14+15 Feb 1995. Gaoligongshan: two on 8 Apr 1996, two (a pair) on 21 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987).

Stripe-breasted Woodpecker D. atratus Ruili: one on 4 Feb 1995. Tengchong: two on 10 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: one on 14 Mar 1999 [ND]. ***Listed as very rare by Cheng (1987).

Rufous-bellied Woodpecker D. hyperythrus Yunfengshan: one female on 28 Mar 1996. Lijiang: one male at YL on 25 Mar 1999. ***Resident ssp. hyperythrus was listed for W, NW & S Yunnan by Cheng (1987), migratory subrufinus only for SE part of the province.

Grey-capped Woodpecker D. canicapillus Lijiang: one in Relict Pines area on 1-2 Jan 1995. Ruili: 1-2 on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995 & on five dates in Mar/Apr 1999, six on 10 Mar 1999. Tengchong: 1-2 noted on eight dates. Yunfengshan: two on 14 Feb 1995 & 23 Mar 1996, singles on 25+28 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: one on 4 Apr 1996. Xishan: two on 12 Apr 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987), and listed as rarely recorded in the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Bay Woodpecker Blythipicus pyrrhotis Yunfengshan: singles on 22+24 Mar 1996, two on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 1-2 heard daily in Apr 1996, singles on 20+21 Mar 1999. Ruili: in 1999 singles on 10+11 Mar & 6 Apr, three heard on 5th & two on 7+9 Apr. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Silver-breasted Broadbill Serilophus lunatus Wanding: singles on 24 Jan 1995 & 17 Apr 1996. Ruili: singles on 6 Feb 1995; in 1999 singles on 10+11 Mar & 6 Apr, 1+ on 5th & two on 9 Apr. ***Considered very rare and was not listed for W of the Salween by Cheng (1987).

Long-tailed Broadbill Psarisomus dalhousiae Wanding: three on 24 Jan 1995. Ruili: two on 2 Apr 1999. ***Listed as very rare by Cheng (1987).

Rusty-naped Pitta Pitta oatesi Ruili: one seen on 4 Feb 1995; in Mar 1999 one on 9th (flushed twice; barked in response to tape) & two heard on 11th (incl. same individual as on 9th). ***Listed as very rare in China, with the only previous records W of the Salween being from Yingjiang (Cheng 1987).

Oriental Skylark Alauda gulgula Lijiang: 10-120 (195 bird-days; max at Lashiba lake on 17th) noted on four dates in Jan 1988; subsequently just one, in fields bordering town on 12 Jan 1995. Zhongdian: seen daily, max 70 on 12 Jan 1995. Dali: six on 14 Jan 1995, four on 30 Apr 1996. Lijiang - Dali: five on 27 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-6 noted on each visit to paddyfields. Yingjiang: six on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan area: 3+ en route on 13 Feb 1995, one flying over on 24 Mar 1996, and three on 14 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one flying over on 11 Apr 1996.

Plain Martin Riparia paludicola Yingjiang: 20 on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan area: c15 along river on 13+15 Feb 1995, three en route on 22 Mar 1996, and six on 14 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one on 12 Apr 1996. Ruili: one at Jie Le Reservoir on 20 Apr 1996. ***Listed only for Yunnan & Taiwan by Cheng (1987) who considered it common in its breeding localities.

Crag Martin Hirundo rupestris Lijiang: up to 30 over Park on five dates in winter, and one at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. Dali: c25 on 14 Jan 1995. Baoshan: six on 19 Jan 1995. ***Thought by Cheng (1987) to be uncommon.

Barn Swallow H. rustica Lijiang: two S of town on 15th & two at Wenbishan/ Wenbi lake area on 16 Jan 1988. Dali: three on 14 Jan 1995; 15 on 29th & 20 on 30 Apr 1996; two on 24 Mar 1999. Dali - Lijiang: 20 on 24th & c200 on 27 Mar 1999. Wanding: up to c30 seen most days in Jan 1995, ten on 7 Mar 1999. Wanding - Ruili: five on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 3-50 on most days in Jan/Feb 1995; 4-50+ almost daily in Apr 1996; c202 bird-days in Mar/Apr 1999, daily max 85 on 8 Apr. Yingjiang: ten on 8 Feb 1995. Ruili - Tengchong: c250 on 12 Mar 1999. Tengchong: 2-10 seen on eight dates. Yunfengshan area: four near summit on 15 Feb 1995, two on 23 rd & 10-15 (near base) on 22+29 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: 3-28 noted daily 2-12 Apr 1996. Xishan: 1-10 noted on four dates in Mar/Apr 1999. ***Listed as often recorded in the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Red-rumped Swallow H. daurica Wanding: up to 120 daily in Jan 1995, ten on 18 Apr 1996, and ten on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 30 Jan 1995; 2-10 on four dates in Apr 1996; five on 5th & one on 8 Apr 1999. Tengchong - Yunfengshan: 18 on 22 Mar 1996. Tengchong: 5-30 noted on four dates 30 Mar - 15 Apr 1996. Gaoligongshan: singles on 8+9th, nine on 11th & six on 12 Apr 1996; two on 21 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 12 Apr 1999. ***Unrecorded by Hong Kong birders for the Kunming area (Stott 1993).

Striated Swallow H. striolata Wanding: two on 7 Mar 1999. ***Considered "common locally in breeding season" by Cheng (1987) who recorded it through W- SE Yunnan.

Asian House Martin Delichon dasypus Wanding: five on 25th & 50+ on 26 Jan 1995. Ruili: 10-75+ on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; in 1999 40 on 9th & 20 on 10 Mar, three on 6th & five on 8 Apr. Tengchong: two on 30 Mar 1996. Dali: eight on 29 Apr 1996. ***Listed only for NW Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava Dali: four on 14 Jan 1995, one on 30 Apr 1996. Ruili: six noted in Jan/Feb 1995; c2,160 bird-days logged on five dates at Lake in Apr 1996 (max c1,000 flying to roost in maize field on 26th). Yingjiang: 20 on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: one along river on 15 Feb 1995.

Citrine Wagtail M. citreola calcarata + M. c. citreola Ruili: two on 1 Feb 1995; 12 bird-days in Apr (daily max seven - noted on four dates, incl. males of both sspp.) Yingjiang: 20 on 8 Feb 1995.

Grey Wagtail M. cinerea Lijiang: up to five almost daily in winter, and an exceptional 38 flying to roost on 14 Jan 1988. Dali: eight on 14 Jan 1995, two (females) on 30 Apr 1996. Baoshan: 1-2 on 19+20 Jan 1995. Wanding: singles on 25+27 Jan 1995 & 7+8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-2 on three days in Jan/Feb 1995; one at Jie Le Reservoir on 20 Apr 1996; 1-2 daily over 2-5th & five 8 Apr 1999. Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: singles on 10 Feb 1995 & 14 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan area: singles on 13+15 Feb 1995, 29 Mar 1996 & 14 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one on 18 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 31 Mar 1999. ***Listed as rarely recorded in the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

White Wagtail M. alba Lijiang: up to nine daily around town in winter, all ssp. alboides, and 250 at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. Lijiang - Dali: c10 on 13 Jan 1995, three on 24+27 Mar 1999. Zhongdian: three on 4th & one on 7 Jan 1995. Dali: ten on 14 Jan 1995; two on 29th & one on 30 Apr 1996; seven on 24 Mar 1999. Baoshan: 1-2 daily 17-20 Jan 1995. Wanding: singles on four dates in Jan 1995 (incl. one ssp. leucopsis) & on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-5 seen on several days in Jan/Feb 1995 & Apr 1996. In winter both sspp. alboides and leucopsis were identified. Yingjiang: c20 on 8 Feb 1995. Ruili - Tengchong: three on 12 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan area: up to 12 birds present in foothills/ along river. Tengchong - Gaoligongshan: five on 18 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one present in Apr 1996, three on 21 Mar 1999. Xishan: three on 29 Mar 1999. ***Listed as commonly recorded in the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi Ruili: three seen in Jan/Feb 1995; 85 bird-days in Apr 1996 (daily max 25 on 18th). Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan area: three on 13 Feb 1995. Dali: 11 on 30 Apr 1996.

Paddyfield Pipit A. rufulus Ruili: two on 30 Jan 1995; up to 11 noted at Lake in April 1996, incl. one carrying food on 20th - also one near Jie Le Reservoir on 20th. Yingjiang: three on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan area: three on both 13 Feb 1995 & 14 Mar 1999. ***Call variably transcribable as "ptht", "priht", and "pirt" - clearly different from anything heard from Richard's or Blyth's. Song a fast-ish series of 5-6 "toeh" or "tove" notes. Cheng (1987) listed this taxon as resident at Gongshan, Tengchong, Dali & S+SE Yunnan.

Blyth's Pipit A. godlewskii Ruili: two on 28 Jan 1995 [JHC: call taped]; 152 bird-days 18-26 Apr 1996 (daily max 55 on 26th), some of which migr. Dali: two on 30 Apr 1996. ***Not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Olive-backed Pipit A. hodgsonii Lijiang: One S of town on 15th & two at Wenbishan on 16 Jan 1988; one at Park on 3 Jan 1995; two on 24 Mar 1999. Baoshan: 4-c15 daily in Jan 1995; two on 28 Apr 1996. Wanding: max 31 daily in Jan 1995; 4-5 daily over 16-18 Apr 1996; 12 on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: up to c15 noted on most days in Jan/Feb 1995; 1-10 on five dates in Apr 1996; in 1999 23 bird-days 9-11 Mar & 90 bird-days 2-10 Apr (max 22 on 4th). Ruili - Yingjiang: ten on 8 Feb 1995. Yingjiang: three on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: 15-21 on two dates in Feb 1995; 6-96 noted daily in Mar/Apr 1996, the species becoming more numerous from late Mar; in Mar 1999 two on 12th, c35 on 13th & five on 21st. Yunfengshan: 20 on 13 Feb 1995; 2-12 almost daily in Mar 1996; in Mar 1999 ten on 14th & three on 16th. Gaoligongshan: 3-12 daily 3-12 Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 1+ on 18th [ND] & one migr. on 19th. Dali: seven on 29th & one on 30 Apr 1996; one on 23 Mar 1999. Xishan: 34 bird-days - noted on six dates 29 Mar - 13 Apr 1999, max 20 on 12th. ***Listed as commonly recorded in the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Rosy Pipit A. roseatus Lijiang: five S of town on 15 Jan 1988; four in town fields on 12 Jan 1995. Dali: four on 14 Jan 1995. Ruili: two on 1 Feb 1995; 1-2 noted on four dates in Apr 1996. Yingjiang: three on 8 Feb 1995.

Water Pipit A. spinoletta Lijiang: 35 at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988, two on 30 Dec 1994, and one on 12 Jan 1995. Zhongdian: one on 5 Jan 1995. Dali: ten on 14 Jan 1995.

Buff-bellied Pipit A. rubescens Yunfengshan: 2+ near base on 29 Mar 1996; two on 14 Mar 1999.

Red-throated Pipit A. cervinus Ruili: one on 18 Apr 1996. Dali: one on 30 Apr 1996. ***Not mapped for W of Salween by Cheng (1987).

Large Cuckoo Shrike Coracina macei Ruili: singles on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; in 1999 two on 10 Mar & one on 10 Apr. Tengchong: one on 11 Feb 1995; two on 31 Mar & one on 1 Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 eight on 12th, two on 13th. Yunfengshan: 1-2 noted on five dates in Mar 1996; one on 16 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987) who listed the species as C. novaehollandiae.

Black-winged Cuckoo Shrike C. melaschista Wanding: 1-3 seen most days. Ruili: 2-3 noted on six days in Jan/Feb 1995 & Apr 1996; 19 bird-days 2-10 Apr 1999, max five on 4th. Baoshan: one on 28 Apr 1996. ***Cheng (1987) considered it "uncommon, but more common than the previous species".

Rosy Minivet Pericrocotus roseus Tengchong: 1-11 noted on eight dates 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996. Wanding: two on 17th & six on 18 Apr 1996; three on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: in Apr 1996 four on 19th, three on 20th (at Jie Le Reservoir) & one on 23rd; in Apr 1999 13 bird-days - 1-3 noted on six dates. Baoshan: two on 28 Apr 1996. Xishan: three on 1 & ten on 12 Apr 1999. ***Listed as rarely recorded for the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Swinhoe's Minivet P. cantonensis Xishan: two birds associating with a possible family party of P. roseus on 12 Apr 1999. ***This taxon was not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987) who considered it conspecific with P. roseus. The similar Ashy Minivet P.divaricatus was included for the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Grey-chinned Minivet P. solaris Wanding: 6-20 on three days in Jan 1995. Ruili: ten at Jie Le Reservoir on 29 Jan 1995. Yunfengshan: two on 15 Feb 1995 & 24+25 Mar 1996, five on 26 mar 1996; one on 17 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) did not indicate its status.

Long-tailed Minivet P. ethologus Baoshan: 2-4 almost daily in Jan 1995. Tengchong: five on 10 Feb 1995; 1-10 almost daily in Mar/Apr 1996; five on 12th & 10+ on 13 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: two on 15 Feb 1995; 1-2 on three dates in Mar 1996; 2-3 on 14+15+17th & eight on 16 Mar 1999. Dali: two on 29 Apr 1996 & 23 Mar 1999. Ruili: ten on 9 Mar 1999. Lijiang: in Mar 1999 two on 24+26+27th, 20 (of which ten YL, ten Park) on 25th. Xishan: in 1999 c10 on 30 Mar & 12 Apr, one on 31 Mar, and three on 1 Apr. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987), and recorded on almost all visits to the Kunming area by Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Short-billed Minivet P. brevirostris Ruili: two on 4th & four on 6 Feb 1995; 15 on 9th & five on 10 Mar 1999. Tengchong: five on 10 Feb 1995; 22 bird-days 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996 (1-9 noted on five dates). Yunfengshan: 1-7 noted on five days in Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: 1-6 seen on five days in Apr 1996; two on 18+20 Mar 1999. Lijiang: one male at YL on 26 Mar 1999 [ND]. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Scarlet Minivet P. flammeus Wanding: 5-11 on most days in Jan 1995; ten on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: two on 2nd & one on 6 Feb 1995; 33 bird-days in Apr 1996 (4-10 seen on four dates); 67 bird-days 2-10 Apr 1999 (daily max 18 on 7th). Yunfengshan: one female on 26 Mar 1996. ***Recorded up to 2,700m in Nepal (Ali & Ripley 1987) though only to 1,800m by deSchauensee (1984). Cheng (1987) considered the species uncommon.

Bar-winged Flycatcher Shrike Hemipus picatus Wanding: three on 24th & two on 25 Jan 1995; two on 16th & one on 18 Apr 1996; four on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 2-9 on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; in 1999 two on 8th & three on 10 Mar, 1-4 noted on five dates (13 bird-days) 2-10 Apr. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Large Wood Shrike Tephrodornis gularis Ruili: six on 31 Jan & 15 on 6 Feb 1995; in 1999 two on 8+11 Mar, 20 bird-days 3-10 Apr (max eight on 3rd). Wanding: three on 17+18 Apr 1996; two on 7th & three on 8 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) listed the species as uncommon.

Crested Finchbill Spizixos canifrons Lijiang: at Wenbishan two on 16th & one on 25 Jan 1988. Yunfengshan: a flock of 15 present over 14-15 Feb 1999, and seven in foothills on 15th; two on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 1-2 noted on three dates in Apr 1996; 12 on 18th & 20 (of which two migr.) on 19 Mar 1999. Xishan: four on 29 Mar & one on 12 Apr 1999. ***"Uncommon, generally confined to forests of fairly high altitude" (Cheng 1987). Listed as rarely recorded for the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Striated Bulbul Pycnonotus striatus Tengchong: one on 10 Feb 1995. ***Listed as a resident for Tengchong, Gongshan, Lijiang & SE Yunnan by Cheng (1987) who considered it rare.

Black-crested Bulbul P. melanicterus Wanding: 1-6 noted on four days in Jan 1995; two on 17 Apr 1996 & 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 30 Jan 1995; in 1999 three on 8 Mar, singles on 3+8th & five on 10 Apr. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987) who listed it only for Yingjiang, Cangyuan, Xishuangbanna & SE Yunnan.

Red-whiskered Bulbul P. jocosus Wanding: 1-26 noted on eight dates. Ruili: 1-40 noted on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 2-8 seen on three dates on Apr 1996; 30 bird- days in Mar/Apr 1999 (2-10 noted on seven dates, best day 10 Mar). Yunfengshan: two on 14 Feb 1995. ***Considered "fairly common in its range" by Cheng (1987).

Brown-breasted Bulbul P. xanthorrhous Lijiang: at Wenbishan ten on 16th & 15 on 25 Jan 1988; in winter 1994/95 up to 15 daily at Park; in Mar 1999 two on 24th & five on 25th. Baoshan: 8-15 daily in Jan 1995. Wanding: up to three noted on three dates in Jan 1995. Ruili: 40 on 30 Jan 1995. Tengchong: 30 on 10 Feb 1995; 1-17 on nine dates 18 Mar - 15 Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 two on 12th, eight on 13th & three on 21st. Yunfengshan: 2-8 noted on five dates in Feb 1995 & Mar 1996 - also 25 in foothills on 29 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: two migr. on 5 Apr 1996; three on 18 Mar 1999. Dali: 12 on 24 Mar 1999. Xishan: 20 on 29th, four on 30th & five on 31 Mar, five on 12 Apr 1999. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987), and listed for the Kunming area as recorded on almost all visits by Stott (1993).

Red-vented Bulbul P. cafer Lijiang: one on 31 Dec 1994, two on 9 Jan 1995. Baoshan: 1-3 daily (incl. three on 28 Apr 1996). Wanding: 3-20 daily. Ruili: 3-17 noted on most days (in 1999 none in Mar, 53 bird-days 2-10 Apr). Yingjiang: six on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: one on 12th & two on 13 Mar 1999. ***Listed as rare in China by Cheng (1987), occurring only in W Yunnan.

Flavescent Bulbul P. flavescens Ruili: one on 4th & three on 6 Feb 1995; one on 19th & two on 25 Apr 1996; in 1999 one on 10 Mar & two on 5 Apr. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987).

White-throated Bulbul Criniger flaveolus Wanding: nine on 23 Jan 1995, two on 18 Apr 1996, and five on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 93 bird-days (1-13 noted on 17 dates). ***Listed as rare in China by Cheng (1987). Calls include a nasal "da-da, da" and "pfuit".

Mountain Bulbul Hypsipetes mcclellandii Baoshan: four on 17th & two on 20 Jan 1995. Ruili: 2-3 seen on two dates in Jan/Feb 1995; five on 19 Apr 1996; in Apr 1999 three on 3+5+8th, 11 on 6th & one on 9th. Tengchong: 10-12 noted on both days in Feb 1995; two on 1 Apr 1996; five on 13 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: 2-17 daily. Gaoligongshan: 2-6 daily in Apr 1996, with one apparently migr. on 11th; in Mar 1999 15 on 18th, 11 on 19th & three on 20th. Xishan: one on 12 Apr 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987), and listed by Stott (1993) as rarely recorded on Hong Kong birders' visits to the Kunming area.

Ashy Bulbul H. flavala Wanding: six on 23rd & three on 24 Jan 1995; three on 17 Apr 1996; ten on 7th & one on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-5 noted on 14 dates (e.g. 23 bird-days in Mar/Apr 1999). ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Black Bulbul H. madagascariensis Wanding: 1-12 daily in Jan 1995; three on 17th & two on 18 Apr 1996; ten on 7+8 Mar 1999. Ruili: three on 4 Feb 1995; 18-37 noted on four days in Apr, most of which appeared to be on territory; in 1999 125 bird-days 8-11 Mar (max c100 on 10th) & c345 bird-days 2-10 Apr (max c80 on 2nd), mostly at fig trees. Tengchong: 5-15 on both days in Feb 1995; up to c80 noted on eight dates 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996, c190 bird- days in total; 15 on 13 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: six migr. on 11 Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 29 on 18th, two on 19th & c25 on 21st. Dali: 35 on 29th & 26 migr. (one flock of six black- and 20 white-headed morph birds) on 30 Apr 1996; c50 on 23 Mar 1999. ***"Common locally" (Cheng 1987).

Common Iora Aegithina tiphia Wanding: two noted on three dates in Jan 1995 & on two on Apr 1996. Ruili: two on 30 Jan 1995. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987).

Golden-fronted Leafbird Chloropsis aurifrons Wanding: one male on 18 Apr 1996. Ruili: one male on 25 Apr 1996; one on 10 Mar [PT] & three (one male; one pair) on 8 Apr 1999. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Orange-bellied Leafbird C. hardwickii Ruili: two on 30 Jan 1995; 1-10 noted on four dates in Apr 1996; in 1999 two on 8th & one on 10 Mar, 17 bird- days 2-10 Apr (max seven on 8th). Tengchong: two on 11 Feb 1995. Wanding: one on 17 Apr 1996, four (one male, three females) on 7 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one on 21 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus Wanding: one on 25 Jan 1995. Ruili: singles on 31 Jan 1995 & 21+25 Apr 1996, and two on 24 Apr 1996. Ruili - Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995.

Burmese Shrike L. collurioides Tengchong: two on 19 Mar 1996. Ruili: one at Jie Le Reservoir on 20 Apr 1996; seven bird-days (involving repeated sightings of fewer individuals) 2-8 Apr 1999. Wanding: one on 8 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 12 Apr 1999. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987). Listed for the Kunming area as "rarely recorded" by Stott (1987) Long-tailed Shrike L. schach Lijiang: two S of town on 15 Jan 1988. Lijiang - Dali: four on 14 Jan 1995. Wanding: singles on four dates in Jan 1995 & on 7 Mar 1999. Wanding - Ruili: one on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-5 on 20 dates (eg 24 bird-days in Mar/Apr 1999). Ruili - Yingjiang: six on 8 Feb 1995. Ruili - Tengchong: three on 12 Mar 1999. Tengchong: one on 18 Mar 1996. Tengchong - Gudong: six on 22nd & one on 29 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan: two along road to base on 22 Mar 1996. Tengchong - Gaoligongshan: one on 18 Mar 1999. Dali: three on 29 Apr 1996.

Grey-backed Shrike L. tephronotus Baoshan: one on 20 Jan 1995. Wanding: one on 27 Jan 1995. Ruili: two on 4 Feb 1995, one on 23 Apr 1996. Tengchong: three on 10 Feb 1995; two on 30+31 Mar & singles on 1+2+14+15 Apr 1996; two on 13th & one on 21 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: one on 13 Feb 1995, two at base on 29 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: one on 8 Apr 1996. Dali: one on 24 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon (and a resident in Yunnan) by Cheng (1987).

Northern Wren Troglodytes troglodytes Lijiang: three at Wenbishan on 16+25 Jan 1988; 1-3 daily in winter 1994/95 (incl. two at YL on 11 Jan 1995); in Mar 1999 one singing at Park/ Relict Pines area on 25th, and at YL three on 25th & seven on 26th. Zhongdian: 1-2 on three dates in Jan 1995. Gaoligongshan: singles on 3 Apr 1996 & 19+20 Mar 1999. Dali: one on 29 Apr 1999. ***The Gaoligongshan records may be the SW-most ever in China.

Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris Lijiang: four at YL on 26 Jan 1988. Yunfengshan: one at monastery on 13 Feb 1995. ***Not listed for W of Salween by Cheng (1987).

Rufous-browed Accentor P. strophiata Lijiang: 18 at Wenbishan on 16 Jan 1988; two at Park on 12 Jan 1995. Yunfengshan: four on 13 Feb 1995; singles on 24+26+27 Mar 1996 & 15 Mar 1999. ***The latter locality is just SW of range given by Cheng (1987).

Maroon-backed Accentor P. immaculata Tengchong: five on 10th & 11 on 11 Feb 1995; one on 21 Mar 1996; two on 12th & one on 13 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: 12 present 12-14 Feb 1995; 3-8 noted on five days in Mar 1996; six on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 2-3 noted on three dates in Apr 1996, involving at least five individuals; 19+ bird-days 18-21 Mar 1999 (2+-6 daily). Dali: three on 29 Apr 1996 two on 23 Mar 1999. Lijiang: one at YL on 26 Mar 1999. Xishan: two on 31 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987), who did not list it for W of Salween. Stott (1993) listed the species as "commonly recorded" in the Kunming area.

Gould's Shortwing Brachypteryx stellata Yunfengshan: one on 17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one on 20 Mar 1999. ***Considered very rare in China by Cheng (1987) who listed it only for Yunnan (Yanjin) & SW Qamdo, Xizang - a 1992 record from Jiuzhaigou (JHC was apparently the first for Sichuan.

Lesser Shortwing B. leucophrys Tengchong: 16-17 singing over 14-15 Apr 1996. Ruili: at least five singing birds noted on 21+23 Apr 1996; one brown morph bird singing on 9 Apr 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987). Call soft, tack-ey: not unlike call of Siberian Rubythroat, though perhaps more similar to Golden Bush Robin's. Song (as described quite well by Lekagul & Round (1991)) is a "hee hee "-intro plus a Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla-like, loud, descending burst. hu

Siberian Rubythroat Luscinia calliope Wanding: one on 23rd & two on 25+28 Jan 1995; 3-7 daily 16-18 Apr 1996; one on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-10 on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 1-8 on four dates in Apr 1996; 25 bird-days 2-10 Apr 1999 (max seven on 2nd). Tengchong: 24 bird-days 18 Mar - 15 Apr 1996 (max 12 on 14 Apr); two on 12th & one on 21 Mar 1999.

Himalayan Rubythroat L. pectoralis Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: one female on 30 Mar & 15 Apr 1996 (most likely the same bird on both dates). Ruili: single males on 19 Apr 1996 & 3 Apr 1999. ***Not listed for W of Salween by Cheng (1987). There are apparently no previous winter records for China.

Bluethroat L. svecicus Ruili: two on 30 Jan 1995; 1-5 noted on five dates 18-26 Apr 1996; one on 2 Apr 1999. Gaoligongshan: one at base just W of Salween bridge on 18 Mar 1996. Dali: one on 30 Apr 1996. ***Cheng (1987) recorded sspp. svecica & przevalskii for Yunnan.

Indian Blue Robin L. brunneus Dali: one male on 29 Apr 1996. ***Not listed for this locality by Cheng (1987).

Siberian Blue Robin L. cyane Wanding: an adult male seen on 23+25 Jan 1999. ***Listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987) only as a migrant.

Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus Lijiang: 1-4 seen on most days in winter (incl. four at Wenbishan on 16 Jan 1988 & one at YL on 11 Jan 1995); one at YL on 27 Mar 1999. Dali: one at Butterfly Spring on 15 Jan 1995. Baoshan: up to five daily in Jan 1995. Wanding: 1-4 almost daily in Jan 1995. Ruili: 2-5 on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; singles on 10 Mar & 2 Apr 1999. Tengchong: five on both days in Feb 1995; 1-2 noted on six dates 19 Mar - 1 Apr 1996; three on 13 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: 1-2 daily in Feb 1995; 34 bird-days 22-29 Mar 1996 (max nine daily); in Mar 1999 three on 14+ 15th, ten on 1th & one on 17th. Gaoligongshan: 53 bird-days 2-12 Apr 1996 (up to ten daily); 19 bird-days 18-21 Mar 1999 (3-7 daily). Xishan: two on 30+31 Mar & one on 1 Apr 1999. ***Listed for the Kunming area as "commonly recorded" by Stott (1987).

White-browed Bush Robin T. indicus Yunfengshan: one female on 14 Feb 1995. Gaoligongshan: one imm. male on 20 Mar 1999.

Golden Bush Robin T. chrysaeus Tengchong: two present in Feb 1995; one female on 14 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: one female on 26 Mar 1996; one on 14 Mar 1999. Dali: two (male and female) on 29 Apr 1996. Xishan: one on 29th [DJ, PT] & 30+31 Mar 1999 (probably involving just two birds). ***Not listed for Tengchong, Dali or Kunming by Cheng (1987), and not included on Kunming area list by Stott (1993).

Magpie Robin Copsychus saularis Lijiang: one noted at Park c2,390m on 3+9+12 Jan 1995. Dali: one at Butterfly Spring on 15 Jan 1995. Baoshan: 1-2 on most days (incl. 28 Apr 1996). Wanding: 1-2 on four days in Jan 1995; 2-6 daily 16-18 Apr 1996; three on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-8 noted on 15 dates (except none in Mar 1999). Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: 1-4 noted on eight dates. Tengchong - Gaoligongshan: one on 2 Apr 1996. Xishan: two on 29 Mar, one on 1st & three on 13 Apr 1999. ***Listed as "commonly recorded" in the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Hodgson's Redstart Phoenicurus hodgsoni Lijiang: 1-3 in Park area in winter. Yingjiang: one female on 8 Feb 1995. ***Yingjiang is slightly S of range given by Cheng (1987).

Blue-fronted Redstart P. frontalis Lijiang: 19 bird-days in Jan 1988 (max 12 at Wenbishan on 16th); 1-6 daily on subsequent visits (incl. five at YL on 11 Jan 1995 & six there on 25 Mar 1999). Dali: one at Butterfly Spring on 15 Jan 1995; three on 29 Apr 1996; one on 23 Mar 1999. Baoshan: 5-10 daily in Jan 1995. Tengchong: up to 25 noted on both days in Feb 1995; 1-19 daily in spring 1996 - best day 1 Apr, and just 1-3 over 13-15 Apr. In Mar 1999 three on 12th, 11 on 13th & one on 21st. Yunfengshan: up to 12 daily. Gaoligongshan: 61 bird-days 3-12 Apr 1996 (1-13 noted daily); in Mar 1999 six on 18+19th, four on 20th & three on 21st. Xishan: three on 29+30th & two on 31 Mar, singles on 1+12 Apr 1999. ***Recorded on almost all visits by Hong Kong birders to the Kunming area (Stott 1993).

White-throated Redstart P. schisticeps Lijiang: in Jan 1988 four at Wenbishan on 25th & three at YL on 26th; eight at YL on 11th & one (a female) at Park on 12 Jan 1995; one at YL on 26 Mar 1999 [ND, PT]. ***Lijiang is the only Yunnan locality for which the species was listed by Cheng (1987).

Daurian Redstart P. auroreus Lijiang: one female at Park on 12 Jan 1995. Baoshan: 3+ present in Jan 1995; one female on 28 Apr 1996. Wanding: up to five almost daily in Jan 1995; one male on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 2-3 on five dates in Jan/Feb 1995; four on 10 Mar & 1-3 on most days 2-10 Apr 1999. Tengchong: 1-5 almost daily. Gaoligongshan: singles on 5+8 Apr 1996. Dali: ten (incl. a female on nest) on 29 Apr 1996; one male on 23 Mar 1999.

Plumbeous Redstart Rhyacornis fuliginosus Lijiang: two present in Park in winter; two (a pair) on 24th & one heard singing there on 25 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-2 noted on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995. Ruili - Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: singles along river at base on 15 Feb 1995 & 29 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: two at c2,000m on 21 Mar 1999.

White-bellied Redstart Hodgsonius phoenicuroides Wanding: one female on 22 Jan 1995. Ruili: one seen in Jan/Feb 1995 [JHC]. White-tailed Robin Cinclidium leucurum Wanding: two seen in Jan 1995. Ruili: two on 2 Feb 1995; 8+ singing males present in Apr 1996 (noted on five dates); in 1999 males scored 14 bird-days - one on 10 Mar, and 1-4 on six dates 2-10 Apr. Tengchong: up to seven singing males noted on several dates 3-15 Apr 1996 (30 bird-days); one male on 13 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one male seen on 3rd, one male migr. on 5th & 1-3 heard singing on 6+9+10+11 Apr 1996. Xishan: two on 1st & three on 12+13 Apr 1999 were all males, with at least two of the birds recorded on 13th being the same as on 12th. ***Cheng (1987), clearly in error, considered the species very rare. The brief song is a rather monotonous, loud, quite pure, four-note "Bhue, ue-ue-ueh" alternating between an up- and a downslurred version. Listed for the Kunming area as "rarely recorded" by Stott (1987).

White-crowned Forktail Enicurus leschenaultii Lijiang: two at Wenbishan on 16+25 Jan 1988. [Yunfengshan: an extremely wary Forktail noted on four days in Mar 1996 was almost certainly this species.] Ruili: two on 31 Jan & 2-4 on 6 Feb 1995. ***Not listed for W of Salween (where it would appear to be a winter visitor only) by Cheng (1987).

Spotted Forktail E. maculatus Ruili: in Apr 1999 15 bird-days - four noted on 5+7+9th, two on 6th & one on 10th. Yunfengshan: two on 15 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: four individuals noted in Mar 1999 (two on both 19+20th). ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987).

Black-backed Forktail E. immaculata Wanding: one on 27 Jan 1995. Ruili: one on 4 Feb 1995; in Apr 1999 two on 19th & three (incl. one of the same) on 25th; in 1999 three on 8 Mar, one on 2nd & two on 4+7+10 Apr. ***Only one record in China prior to 1995 (JHC unpublished: at Jie Le Reservoir in early 1992).

Slaty-backed Forktail E. schistaceus Ruili: singles on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; in Apr 1996 singles on two dates & two on 23rd; in 1999 two on 9th & four on 11 Mar, in Apr two on five dates and seven on 5th. Gaoligongshan: 1-3 noted on five dates in Apr 1996 (involving c4 birds); in 1999 six bird-days 18-20 Mar. ***Cheng (1987) considered the species "fairly common in mountain forests".

Stonechat Saxicola torquata Lijiang: 1-13 noted on six days in winter. Lijiang - Dali: c10 on 13 Jan 1995; five on 24th & two on 27 Mar 1999. Baoshan: one on 17 Jan 1995. Ruili: 1-4 on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 1-2 on 20+22+24 Apr 1996; one on 10 Mar 1999. Ruili - Yingjiang: three on 8 Feb 1995. Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Ruili - Tengchong: two on 12 Mar 1999. Tengchong: singles on 18+30 Mar & two on 1 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan area: 9+ seen in Feb 1995 & Mar 1996. Tengchong - Yunfengshan: eight on 22 Mar 1996; five on 14th & two on 27 Mar 1999. Tengchong - Gaoligongshan: singles on 2 Apr 1996 & 18 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one on 18th & two on 21 Mar 1999. Dali: one on 29th & three on 30 Apr 1996; two on 24 Mar 1999. Xishan: singles on 30 Mar & 12 Apr 1999. ***Listed as "commonly recorded" for the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Pied Bushchat S. caprata Ruili: 1-2 on four days in Jan/Feb 1995; up to 23 almost daily in Apr 1996, incl. a family group of six; in Apr 1999 two (a pair) on 2nd. Ruili - Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Ruili - Baoshan: eight on 27 Apr 1996. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987)

Grey Bushchat S. ferrea Baoshan: one male on 20 Jan 1995. Wanding: 1-2 on four dates in Jan 1995; one on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-5 noted on five dates in Jan/Feb 1995; two on 10 Mar 1999. Tengchong: singles on both days in Feb 1995; 30 bird-days in Mar/Apr 1996 (2-6 birds seen almost daily); in Mar 1999 11 on 13th & three on 21st. Tengchong - Gaoligongshan: two males on 2 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan area: singles on 13 Feb 1995 & 22+27 Mar 1996, two on 29 Mar 1996. Dali: eight males on 23rd & five (three males, two females) on 24 Mar 1999. Lijiang: three on 25 Mar 1999. Xishan: four on 30 Mar 1999. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987), and listed as "often recorded" for the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

River Chat Chaimarrornis leucocephala Lijiang: two at Wenbishan on 16 Jan 1988; one at Park on 9+12th & one at YL on 11 Jan 1995. Baoshan: one present in Jan 1995. Ruili - Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong area: one at Re Hai on 12 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: two near base on 22 Mar 1996. Tengchong - Gaoligongshan: two on 18 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one on 21 Mar 1999.

Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius Wanding: one present in Jan 1995. Ruili: one at Jie Le Reservoir on 29 Jan 1995. Gaoligongshan: single(s) on 7+8 Apr 1996.

Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush M. rufiventris Ruili: 1-3 noted on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; two (a pair) on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili - Yingjiang: two on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: two on 10th & three on 11 Feb 1995; one pair present in Mar/Apr 1996; one on 13 Mar 1999. Dali: one male on 29 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: three (two males, one female) on 15 Mar 1999. ***Listed as fairly common by Cheng (1987).

Blue Whistling Thrush Myophonus caeruleus Ruili: two on 2nd & one on 6 Feb 1995; three on 2nd, two on 3rd & singles on 4+6 Apr 1999 (on last date the bird was in a fruiting tree with Green Pigeons). Ruili - Yingjiang: two on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: one on 10th & two (at Re Hai) on 12 Feb 1995. Tengchong - Yunfengshan: two together at the side of the road on 22 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan: one on 23 Mar 1996; in 1999 singles at monastery rubbish tip on 15+17th & three on 16 Mar. Dali: two on 29 Apr 1996. Tengchong - Gaoligongshan: four on 18 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 1-2 daily 19-21 Mar 1999. Xishan: three on 29 Mar, singles on 31 Mar & 1+12+13 Apr 1999. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987) but was "uncommonly recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Orange-headed Ground Thrush Zoothera citrina Ruili: three singing males seen 21-23 Apr 1996; 13 bird-days 3-10 Apr 1999 (daily max five on 8th) - most were singing, though three were feeding under a fig tree on 8th. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987), who omitted the area W of the Salween from mapped range. Song is Song Thrush Turdus philomelus-like: repetitive, but less continous, and with more complicated phrases. The song is less segmented into repeated phrases/motifs than Song Thrush's, and includes some unstructured, high-pitched notes that "could be a Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris idling while considering its next mimicry", or Robin Erithacus rubecula, or Garden Warbler Sylvia borin. No obvious mimicry was, however, incorporated. The call is a high-pitched "tzrrii".

White's Thrush Z. dauma Baoshan: two present in Jan 1995. Ruili: one on 4 Feb 1995. Tengchong: five seen over 10-11 Feb 1995. Gaoligongshan: one on 5 Apr 1996. Wanding: one on 7 Mar 1999. Xishan: two on 30+31 Mar & 12+13 Apr, three on 1 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987) listed both Z. d. aurea & Z. d. socia for Yunnan. Stott (1993) listed the species as "commonly recorded" in the Kunming area.

Long-tailed Ground Thrush Z. dixoni Yunfengshan: 1-2 noted on five dates in Mar 1996, involving 5-6 birds; in Mar 1999 one on 14th, three on 15th & five on 16th. Gaoligongshan: two on 5 Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 two on 18th, three on 19th & six [ND] on 20th. Xishan: two on 31 Mar 1999. ***Not listed for W of Salween by Cheng (1987). Rarely recorded by Hong Kong birders in the Kunming area (Stott 1993).

Dark-sided Thrush Z. marginata Ruili: one at c1,235m seen twice over 2-3 hours on 2 Apr 1999 could not be relocated on subsequent visits to the same site. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987), Xishuangbanna being the only Chinese locality he listed the species for.

Eyebrowed Thrush Turdus obscurus Tengchong: in 1996 27 on 20th, seven on 21st, 19 on 30th & two on 31 Mar, and one on 1 Apr. Ruili: c40 on 25 Apr 1996; in 1999 one on 10 Mar, 15 on 2nd, five on 3rd, 8+ on 4th, two on 6th & one 8 Apr. Dali: one on 29 Apr 1996. Gaoligongshan: 3+ on 20 Mar 1999.

Black-breasted Thrush T. dissimilis Wanding: two on 24+27th & eight on 28 Jan 1995; 2-4 daily 16-18 Apr 1996; one on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 2-9 on three days in Jan/Feb 1995; 12 on 19th & three on 21+23+25 Apr 1996; nine bird- days 2-8 Apr 1999 (1-3 noted on five days). Tengchong: three on 10th & seven on 11 Feb 1995; c15 pairs present in Mar/Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 13 on 13th & two on 21st. Xishan: two on 1st, seven on 12th & three on 13 Apr 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987). The song is repetitive, Song Thrush-like. Main alarm call is a loud, rather deep series of "tack" notes; another, given only very occasionally, is a River Chat-like "whiiz". Stott (1993) listed the species as "rarely recorded" for the Kunming area.

Grey-winged Blackbird T. boulboul Tengchong: one male on 30 Mar 1996. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987); this is perhaps the 1st record W of the Salween (in China).

Red-throated Thrush T. rufogularis rufogularis Lijiang: one adult male on 2 Jan 1995. Baoshan: one imm. on 19 Jan 1995. Ruili: one on 30 Jan 1995. ***Listed as a migrant and winter visitor to W Yunnan by Cheng (1987), and as a very rare winter visitor to N Thailand (Doi Inthanon summit only) by Lekagul & Round (1991).

Naumann's Thrush T. naumanni Lijiang: up to 12 daily in winter; 18 on 25 Mar 1999. Zhongdian: one on 4 Jan 1995. Baoshan: up to 19 daily in Jan 1995. Tengchong: a flock of c150 on 10 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: six on 13 Feb 1995.

Chestnut Thrush T. rubrocanus Lijiang: one at Wenbishan on 25 Jan 1988; at Park singles on 31 Dec 1994 & 1+2 Jan 1995, two on 3+9+12 Jan 1995. Tengchong: two present 10-11 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: at least nine present 13-15 Feb 1995; one bird present at monastery's rubbish tip on four dates in Mar 1996; singles on 15+16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 1-2 noted on four dates in Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 two on 18th & a flock of 35 flushed on 19th. Xishan: three on 29th & one on 30 Mar, two on 1 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987) did not list the species for Tengchong or Kunming, though Stott (1993) listed it for the latter area as "uncommonly recorded".

Chinese Song Thrush T. mupinensis Baoshan: one present in Jan 1995. Yunfengshan: one on 14 Feb 1995. Xishan: one in bamboo gully on 30 Mar 1999. ***Lijiang & Jiangchuan (c100km SSW of Kunming) are the only Yunnan localities listed by Cheng (1987). Stott (1993) listed it as commonly recorded in Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders.

Puff-throated Babbler Pellorneum ruficeps Wanding: up to 12 daily in Jan 1995; 2-6 daily 16-18 Apr 1999; four on 7th & three on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: in Jan/Feb 1995 & Apr 1996 2-9 noted on nine dates, incl. eight singing birds and one juvenile on 19 Apr. In 1999 singles on 8+11th & ten on 10 Mar, 90 bird-days 2-10 Apr (max 23 on 2+3rd). ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987). The song is a loud jumble of whistled notes.

Spot-breasted Scimitar Babbler Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis Lijiang: two at Wenbishan on 16+25th & one at YL on 26 Jan 1988; at Park two on 9 Jan 1995 & one on 24 Mar 1999. Baoshan: two on 20 Jan 1995. Wanding: 2-4 on four dates in Jan 1995; one on 18 Apr 1996. Ruili: two on 31 Jan & 2 Feb 1995; in Apr 1999 singles on 2+3+8th, two on 7th & six on 10th. Tengchong: 12 on 10 Feb 1995; 2-14 daily in Mar/Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 two on 12th, four on 13th & one on 21st. Yunfengshan: two on 15 Feb 1995; 1-9 on four dates 24-29 Mar 1996; one on 15th & four on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 1-5 almost daily 2-12 Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 one heard on 19th & two on 20th. Dali: one on 29 Apr 1996; two on 23 Mar 1999. Xishan: 28 bird-days 29 Mar - 13 Apr 1999, daily max ten on 31st. ***Song resounding, Arborophila-like. Stott (1993) listed the species as only "uncommonly recorded" for the Kunming area.

White-browed Scimitar Babbler P. schisticeps albipectus Wanding: 1-4 noted on eight dates. Ruili: 1-22 noted on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; max six almost daily in Apr 1996, incl. two at Jie Le Reservoir on 20th; 52 bird-days in Mar/Apr 1999. ***Split from P. ruficollis following King et al. (1975). Cheng (1987) listed this taxon only for Jingdong and Xishuangbanna.

Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler P. ruficollis similis Lijiang: two at YL on 26 Jan 1988. Tengchong: 1-14 daily (101 bird-days). Yunfengshan: 2-9 almost daily (58 bird-days). Gaoligongshan: 1-11 daily (77 bird-days). One was flushed off a nest containing four eggs on 10 Apr 1996. Baoshan: one heard on 28 Apr 1996. Dali: seven on 29 Apr 1996; six on 23 Mar 1999. Xishan: three on 30th & two on 31 Mar 1999. ***Listed for Tengchong and "SW part [of Yunnan]" by Cheng (1987). "Uncommonly recorded" in the Kunming area by Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993). Once three were heard singing together, one giving the usual "doub, doub-doub", the other two a somewhat variable, flutey, thrush-like triple note.

Red-billed Scimitar Babbler P. ochraceiceps Ruili: 1-5 noted on three dates in Jan/Feb 1999; 1-4 noted on eight dates (18 bird-days) in Mar/Apr 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987), and listed only for Luxi, Yongde and Xishuangbanna. Coral- billed Scimitar Babbler P. ferruginosus, not included by deScauensee (1984), was listed for Luchun & Yingjiang, Yunnan, by Cheng (1987).

Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler Xiphirrhynchus superciliaris Gaoligongshan: two on 3+9th & singles on 10+11 Apr 1996 (5-6 individuals involved, incl. one flushed off a nest containing three eggs at c2,475m on the last date); two on 20 Mar 1999. ***Considered very rare by Cheng (1987), and rare by Han (1996) who listed specimen records only from Gongshan, Tengchong & Xinping counties & observed just 11 individuals during his fieldwork. deSchauensee (1984), in error, gives the altitudinal range as 915-2,135m; Ali & Ripley (1987) gives it as 2,100-3,400m (for the nominate form). The song is about eight run-together, bubbly hoots concluded by a whiplashed note. Han (1996), in November, noted only "a three-syllabled, deep 'do go go, do go go'".

Streaked Wren Babbler Napothera brevicaudata Ruili: two on 31 Jan & three on 6 Feb 1995; two on 11 Mar & 5+9 Apr 1999 (one on the first date carried nest material). Gaoligongshan: singles on 19th [ND] & 20 Mar 1999. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Pygmy Wren Babbler Pnoepyga pusilla Yunfengshan: three heard on 28 Mar 1996. Tengchong: three birds present in Mar/Apr 1996 (singing males noted on four dates); one singing on 13 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: a minimum of 16 individuals (daily max eight) present in Apr 1996; one carrying nest material on 20 Mar 1999 [ND]. Dali: six on 29 Apr 1996. Xishan: two on 1 Apr 1999. Ruili: singles on 5+9 Apr 1999. ***Considered fairly common locally by Cheng (1987). Listed as "rarely recorded" in the Kunming area by Stott (1993). Song is a loud, piercing, thin " " (2nd note somewhat fuller).

Bar-winged Wren Babbler Spelaeornis troglodytoides Dali: two on 23 Mar 1999 was taped in to <3-4m at c2,775m. ***Considered very rare by Cheng (1987). Call fast, run-together, Nuthatch-ey "dui-dui" notes. Song variable: "dui-dui" call either quickly repeated four times, or more slowly 2-3 times.

Long-tailed Wren Babbler S. chocolatinus Ruili: one on 31 Jan 1995. Gaoligongshan: two (a pair?: one with an orangey throat, the other's white) in a tangle near stream by roadside at c2,110m on 21 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987). Call a soft, subdued "dep" or "chep" like a very quiet Dusky Warbler. Rufous-capped Babbler Stachyris ruficeps Yunfengshan: up to 14 daily (incl. 14-17 Mar 1999: 24 bird-days). Tengchong: one heard singing on 19 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: 2-15 daily. Ruili: 32 bird-days in 1999, three on 10 Mar & 1-8 daily 2-10 Apr - of which just one seen, on 10 Mar. Xishan: one on 12 Apr 1999. ***Listed as fairly common by Cheng (1987), but as "rarely recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders by Stott (1993). Song is a typical Stachyris "Pop, po-po-po-po-po".

Golden Babbler S. chrysaea Ruili: 2-25 noted on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 1-10 noted on four dates in Apr 1996, incl. seven heard singing on 21st; 39 bird-days 9-11 Mar & 2-9 Apr 1999, max ten on 11 Mar. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Grey-throated Babbler S. nigriceps Ruili: two on 19th & one on 23 Apr 1996; in 1999 two on 9+11 Mar, four on 2 Apr. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987). Has an odd, spitted, vibrating call...

Chestnut-capped Babbler Timalia pileata Wanding: up to 12 daily in Jan 1995; six on 17 Apr 1996; four on 7th & five on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: singles on 20th (at Jie Le Reservoir) & 26 Apr 1996; in 1999 three on 10 Mar, four on 2nd & two individuals seen on 3+4+8+10 Apr. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Yellow-eyed Babbler Chrysomna sinense Ruili: seven on 30 Jan 1995; two on 19th, six (at Jie Le Reservoir) on 20th, three (incl. same individuals as on 19th) on 21st & three on 26 Apr 1996. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Rufous-tailed Moupinia Moupinia poecilotis Lijiang: in Jan 1988 four at Wenbishan on 25th & three at YL on 26th; one at Park on 3+12 Jan 1995. Dali: four on 29 Apr 1996; nine on 23 Mar 1999. ***Not listed for Dali by Cheng (1987). In the field it is not obvious that the species should be congeneric with the preceding species, an approach adopted by deSchauensee (1984)... The alarm call is confusable with Northern Wren's.

Chinese Babax Babax lanceolatus Tengchong: noted almost daily - 62 bird-days, max 13 on 19 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan: 2-4 noted on nine dates, incl. a group of four in the vicinity of the monastery on four dates in Mar 1996, and two on 15+16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 1-8 noted on nine dates. Dali: one on 23 Mar 1999. Lijiang: four at Park on 25 Mar 1999. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987).

White-throated Laughingthrush Garrulax albogularis Gaoligongshan: five on 5th & 15 on 6 Apr 1996; ten on 18 Mar 1999 [ND]. ***Listed as fairly common by Cheng (1987).

White-crested Laughingthrush G. leucoplophus Ruili: eight on 4th & three on 6 Feb 1995; one on 23 Apr 1996; 73+ bird-days on 10-11 Mar & daily 2-9 Apr 1999, max c18 on 10 Mar & c20 on 8 Apr. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush G. monileger Wanding: 1-6 daily 16-18 Apr 1996. Ruili: six on 4 Feb 1995; 1+ heard (at Jie Le Reservoir on 20 Apr 1996; in 1999 recorded on 9+10 Mar & almost daily 2-10 Apr, max nine on 4th - many heard-only. ***Song is a unique, beautifully whistled tune:

"we we te te we we te te we we weou te" The species was listed as fairly common by Cheng (1987).

Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush G. pectoralis Ruili: 8-26 noted on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; heard-only in Apr 1996, with daily max six on 23rd; in 1999 24+ bird-days, max nine on 6 Apr. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987). Song more variable than Lesser's, less regular, less strikingly melodious & beautiful, a difference apparently realised neither by Ali & Ripley (1987) nor by sources quoted in Grimmett et al. (1998).

Striated Laughingthrush G. striatus Yunfengshan: two on 26 Mar 1996. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987), and listed for nowhere further S than Lushui. Has a distinctive, growling noise.

Black-throated Laughingthrush G. chinensis Wanding: up to six noted on three dates in Jan 1995; two on 17th & one on 18 Apr 1996. Ruili: noted on one day in Jan/Feb 1995 [JHC]; four on 19 Apr 1996; in 1999 two on 10 Mar & 4+8 Apr, and heard on 10 Apr. ***"Fairly common locally" (Cheng 1987). Song varied: repeats phrases in the manner of Song Thrush. Mimicry included Koel, Large Hawk Cuskoo & Plaintive Cuckoo.

Moustached Laughingthrush G. cineraceus Gaoligongshan: one on 8 Apr 1996. Ruili: one on 5 Apr 1999. ***Listed as fairly common by Cheng (1987). Alarm call strident, Sibia-like, not very loud. [Rufous-chinned Laughingthrush G. rufogularis Ruili: one on 11 Mar 1999 [ND, PT]. ***Apparently the first record for China. The following text has been prepared for publication by ND: "Rufous-chinned Laughingthrush Garrulax rufogularis: a new species for China. NICK DYMOND & PAUL THOMPSON On 11 March 1999 ND, PT, J. Hornskov and D. Johnson were birding in subtropical broadleaved hill forest near Ruili, in extreme southwest Yunnan province, China. DJ was in the lower reaches of a long, lushly- vegetated ravine, while the other three of us were together near the head of the ravine around a large complex of mature bamboo and dense waist-high ground flora. Several Red-billed Scimitar-babblers Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps, at least two Red-faced Liocichla Liocichla phoenicea, several Grey-throated Babblers Stachyris nigriceps and a White-gorgeted Flycatcher Ficedula monileger had all been showing intermittently when a single laughingthrush-sized bird emerged from a low, thick tangle of bamboo and flew up to a perch briefly on a side branch of a tree some 20m up the slope from ND. After a short time, perhaps only 20 seconds or so, the bird dived leftwards across the slope and disappeared into dense cover: subsequent prolonged searching failed to relocate it. Both ND and PT, from different positions, had binocular views of the bird at rest: the back, wings and breast were largely obscured from ND, while the head and foreparts were obscured from PT. Unfortunately it was not initially in view to JH and he only got a naked-eye glimpse when it flew off. The following is a composite description from the notes of ND and PT. Head and neck appeared largely blackish, with prominent tawny-buff loral patch curving upwards in front of the eye; pale rufous chin and whitish throat. Typically strong laughingthrush bill appeared dark. Underside of longish graduated tail appeared very dark, but with rufous tips to feathers; undertail coverts and rear ventral area rich tawny-rufous. Wings and lower back plain mid-brown with pale edges to tips of flight feathers. Rear flanks pale buff with bold black crescentic bars. Despite the brief views ND and PT had no hesitation in identifying the bird as a Rufous- chinned Laughing- thrush, a species with which they both had previous experience, ND as recently as December 1998 at Cherrapunjee, Meghalaya, India. There are seven recognised races of Garrulax rufogularis, ranging from Pakistan and the western Himalayas to the hill states of northeast India and northern Burma, and north Vietnam, but our sighting is the first record for China. Western Yunnan is adjacent to Kachin state in northern Burma where G. r. rufiberbis has been recorded previously in Myitkyina district (as well as in Nagaland, India); the city of Myitkina is about 150km almost due north of Ruili."]

Giant Laughingthrush G. maximus Lijiang: at YL c25 (three flocks) on 26 Jan 1988; one on 25th & two on 26 Mar 1999. Zhongdian: one at Wufengshan on 4+6 Jan 1995. ***"Fairly common locally" (Cheng 1987).

Spotted Laughingthrush G. ocellatus Yunfengshan: one on 26 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: 1-3 noted on five dates in Apr 1996, involving five individuals; five on 20 Mar 1999. ***Considered more common than G. maximus by Cheng (1987). The song consists of four descending notes, with slight pause between 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th. Two distinct contact calls were noted: a bark, and a loud "oo-e, oo-e, oo-e" with questioning inflection. This song does not appear to correspond to that described by Ali & Ripley (1987).

Grey-sided Laughingthrush G. caerulatus latifrons Yunfengshan: seven on 25th & four on 28 Mar 1996; two on 14+17th & one on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 21 bird-days in Apr 1996 (1-6 noted on eight dates); one on 18 Mar 1999 [ND]. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987) who separated ricinus, berthemeyi & poecilorhyncus as Rufous Laughing- thrush G. latifrons. Varied whistled patterns less stereotyped than many Garrulax songs. Also utters Acrocephalus-like sequences, and has a unique, explosive alarm call.

Rufous-necked Laughingthrush G. ruficollis Wanding: 1-12 noted on four dates in Jan 1995 & Apr 1996, incl. two carrying nest material on 17 Apr. Ruili: in Jan/Feb 1995 & Apr 1996 1-10 noted almost daily (incl. one at Jie Le Reservoir on 20 Apr); in 1999 two on 10 Mar & c32 bird-days 2-10 Apr (up to ten birds noted on five days). ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987) though apparently fairly common within its limited range in China.

Hwamei G. canorus Wanding: 2-6 almost daily in Jan/Feb 1995 & 16-18 Apr 1996. Ruili: 1-4 noted on 12 dates (incl. 18 bird-days in Mar/Apr 1999) Tengchong: two on 13 Apr 1996. Baoshan: two heard on 28 Apr 1996. Xishan: singles on 31 Mar & 12 Apr 1999. ***"One of the commonest babblers in China, and also a very popular and favourite cagebird among the Chinese" (Cheng 1987). It was only rarely recorded in the Kunming area by Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

White-browed Laughingthrush G. sannio Lijiang: five at Wenbishan on 25 Jan 1988; four near Park on 2 Jan 1995. Baoshan: 10+ present in Jan 1995. Wanding: up to 27 noted daily. Ruili: 3-25 almost daily. Tengchong: up to 65 noted daily. Tengchong - Gaoligongshan: four on 18 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan foothills: one on 13th & six on 15 Feb 1995. Dali: one on 29 Apr 1996. Xishan: 4-5 noted on 29+30+31 Mar & 12 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987) considered the species to be "very common throughout its range", while Stott (1993) listed it as "uncommonly recorded" from the Kunming area. Distinctive alarm call is "like emphatic & much amplified Whiteeye Zosterops's".

Elliot's Laughingthrush G. elliotii Lijiang: at Wenbishan 24 on 16th & 14 on 25 Jan 1988; at Park up to 13 daily except in Jan 1988; at YL seven on 26 Jan 1988, ten on 11 Jan 1995 & six on 26 Mar 1999. Zhongdian: up to six at Wufengshan on 4+6 Jan 1995. Dali: nine on 29 Apr 1996; nine on 23 Mar 1999. ***Not listed for Dali by Cheng (1987).

Black-faced Laughinthrush G. affinis Lijiang: four at YL on 26 Jan 1988. Yunfengshan: three on 15 Feb 1995. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush G. erythrocephalus Yunfengshan: 92 bird-days (2-17 almost daily). Gaoligongshan: up to 27 daily 3-12 Apr 1996 (103 bird-days); 13 bird-days 18-20 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987), clearly in error, considered the species rare: it was by far the commonest Garrulax in the two localities where it occurred.

Red-tailed Laughingthrush G. milnei Gaoligongshan: singles on 6+8+10th & three (probably incl. the one seen on 8th) on 9 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: ten on 16 Mar 1999. Ruili: three on 9 Apr 1999. ***Considered very rare by Cheng (1987).

Red-faced Liocichla Liocichla phoenicea Ruili: two on 4 Feb 1995; two on 21st & three (incl. the same two) on 23 Apr 1996; 11 bird-days 10+11 Mar & 3+5+6+7+9 Apr 1999. ***Listed only for Gongshan, Longling, Yongde & SE Yunnan and considered very rare by Cheng (1987). King & Han (1991) reported the species from near Simao, Xishuangbanna. Mostly seen in thickets near stream in deep forest, though also at fig tree at forest edge (in the company of Silver-eared Mesias on 3 Apr 1999). Duet heard on 5+9 Apr - one bird called "yo, ho-hoe", the other replying "yo ho-ho-hoe".

Silver-eared Mesia Leiothrix argentauris Ruili: 4-40 noted on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 2-12 on four dates in Apr 1996; 2-6 daily 9-11 Mar & 142 bird- days 2-9 Apr 1999. ***Listed as fairly common by Cheng (1987).

Red-billed Leiothrix L. lutea Ruili: c25 on 2+4 Feb 1995; ten on 2nd & six on 4 Apr 1999. Yunfengshan: 16 on 23rd & five on 26 Mar 1996; 11 on 14th, ten on 15th & five on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: six on 19th & three on 20 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 30th & two on 31 Mar, one on 13 Apr 1999. ***Not listed for Kunming by Stott (1993). Cheng (1987) considered the species fairly common.

Cutia Cutia nipalensis Gaoligongshan: three (two males and one female) on 4th & two (male and female: probably two of the same) on 10 Apr 1996. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987). Call a nasal "waah", different from calls described by Ali & Ripley (1987) and Lekagul & Round (1991).

Black-headed Shrike-babbler Pteruthius rufiventer Yunfengshan: two (a pair) on 15th [ND, DJ] & one (same male singing, seen briefly) on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one heard singing on 18+19 Mar 1999. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

White-browed Shrike-babbler P. flaviscapis Baoshan: single(s) seen on three days in Jan 1995. Wanding: one on 24th & two on 26 Jan 1995; two on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-8 noted on 20 dates (incl. daily 9-11 Mar & 2-10 Apr 1999: 38 bird-days). Tengchong: three noted on 10+11 Feb 1995; 1-2 birds present in Mar/Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: 1-7 noted daily (as elsewhere mostly singing males). Gaoligongshan: up to six noted almost daily in Apr 1996, incl. one male migr. on 9th; four on 18th, nine on 19th & singles on 20+21 Mar 1999. Xishan: 19 bird-days - up to seven noted on six dates 29 Mar - 13 Apr 1999. ***Stott (1993) listed the species as rarely recorded in the Kunming area by Hong Kong birders, while Cheng (1987) considered the species uncommon.

Green Shrike-babbler P. xanthochlorus Yunfengshan: one singing bird seen well on 28 Mar 1996. Dali: one seen singing at c2,790m on 23 Mar 1999. ***Song a rather Parus-like, emphatic "kve, kve, kve" (sometimes extended to four notes).

Black-eared Shrike-babbler P. melanotis Tengchong: one on 11 Feb 1995 [JHC]; one on 13 Mar 1999. Ruili: one singing bird seen on 9 Apr 1999. Yunfengshan: singles on 14+17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: three on 21 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987). The song consists of four or more, quickly delivered double notes: "dee-de, dee-de, dee-de, dee-de".

Chestnut-fronted Shrike-babbler P. aenobarbus Ruili: one on 2nd & two on 6 Feb 1995; one on 9th & two on 11 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: singles on 13+14 Feb 1995 & 22+23 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: one on 4th & two (male and female) on 9 Apr 1996. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987), and not listed for W of Salween. Song a measured, Sunbird- like but fuller "chep-chep-chep-chep....".

White-hooded Babbler Gampsorhynchus rufulus Ruili: three on 4 Feb 1995; one (a juvenile) on 23 Apr 1996; one adult on 2 Apr 1999. Wanding: a family group of four birds on 18 Apr 1996. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Rusty-fronted Barwing Actinodura egertoni Ruili: 11 on 4th & one on 6 Feb 1995; two on 21 Apr 1996; two on 5+6th & four on 7 Apr 1999. Yunfengshan: ten on 14 Feb 1995; 4-7 on four dates in Mar 1996; 34 bird-days (2-18 daily) 14- 17 mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: two on 3rd & five on 4 Apr 1996; c6 on 18th [ND], one on 19th & two on 20 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987), with Ruili being SW of range given.

Blue-winged Minla Minla cyanuroptera Baoshan: eight on 18th & three on 19 Jan 1995. Ruili: 3-13 on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 5-12 on three dates in Apr 1996; 33 bird-days 9-11 Mar & 3-9 Apr 1999 (max eight on 4 Apr). Wanding: two on 7 Mar 1999. Tengchong: 25-28 on 10+11 Feb 1995; 2-35 on eight dates 18 Mar - 1 Apr & 10-12 daily 13-15 Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 15 on 12th, 20 on 13th & four on 21st. Yunfengshan: two on 23rd & one on 24 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: two on 2+4th, singles on 9+10th, three on 11th & six migr. on 12 Apr 1996; two on 19 Mar 1999. Xishan: 7-20 birds daily on six dates 29 Mar - 13 Apr 1999 (65 bird-days). ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987) but as "recorded on almost all visits" at Kunming by Stott (1993). Song a high-pitched, drawn-out "heh, huew". Ali & Ripley (1987) described the song as consisting of three notes.

Chestnut-tailed Minla M. strigula Lijiang: five at Wenbishan on 16+25 Jan 1988; two at YL on 26 Mar 1999 [DJ]. Yunfengshan: three on 14 Feb 1995; 2-11 on five dates 23-28 Mar 1996; 3-7 daily 14-17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 6-46 daily in Apr 1996 (317 bird-days, incl. 147 migr.); 24 bird-days 18-21 Mar 1999 (incl. four migr. on 19th). Dali: two on 29 Apr 1996. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Red-tailed Minla M. ignotinta Baoshan: seven on 18th & five on 19 Jan 1995. Tengchong: three on 10 Feb 1995; two on 12th & one on 13 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: 11 on 14th & four on 15 Feb 1995; 1-11 daily 23-29 Mar 1996; 1-7 daily (13 bird- days) 14-17 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) considered the species uncommon. Golden-breasted Fulvetta Alcippe chrysotis ssp. Yunfengshan: four on 24 Mar 1996; singles on 14+17th & five on 15 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 27 bird-days (2-8 daily) 3-9 Apr 1996; one on 18th & four on 19 Mar 1999. Dali: one on 29 Apr 1996. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987), who did not list it for Dali (or Lijiang). All birds seen showed the white coronal band supposedly absent in A. c. forresti to which they should have belonged on range...

Rufous-winged Fulvetta A. castaneceps Yunfengshan: 8-20 daily 13-15 Feb 1995; 2-8 daily 23-28 Mar 1996; two on 14+16+17th & five on 15 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 52 bird-days (1-12 daily) 2-11 Apr 1996; ten on 18th, six on 19th & 13 on 20 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987).

White-browed Fulvetta A. vinipectus Lijiang: six on 16th & 20 on 25 Jan 1988 at Wenbishan; at YL six on 26 Jan 1988, seven on 11 Jan 1995 & in Mar 1999 four on 25th, eight on 26th & two on 27th. Zhongdian: 2-16 on both visits to Wufengshan in Jan 1995. Gaoligongshan: 1-8 noted on seven dates in Apr 1996; one on 18th, three on 19th & two on 20 Mar 1999. Dali: five on 29 Apr 1996; nine on 23 Mar 1999. ***Not listed for Dali by Cheng (1987).

Spectacled Fulvetta A. ruficapilla Lijiang: a flock of ten at Wenbishan on 16 Jan 1988; almost daily 2-8 at Park. Zhongdian: two at Wufengshan on 6 Jan 1995. Baoshan: up to 15 daily in Jan 1995. Dali: two on 29 Apr 1996 & on 23 Mar 1999. Xishan: 112 bird-days in total for 29 Mar - 1st & 12+13 Apr 1999 - daily max 39 on 12 Apr (incl. two fledglings). ***Not recorded for Dali by Cheng (1987) who considered the species uncommon. Stott (1993) listed as "commonly recorded" by visiting Hong Kong birders in the Kunming area.

Streak-throated Fulvetta A. cinereiceps Yunfengshan: up to 47 daily (incl. c108 bird-days 14-17 Mar 1999). Gaoligongshan: 3-17 daily in Apr 1996; 6-17 daily 18-20 Mar 1999, incl. six migr. on 19th. ***"Common throughout its range" (Cheng 1987). Included as a resident for the Kunming area, possibly in error, by Stott (1993), having been "uncommonly recorded" by visiting Hong Kong birders, "generally at different times [from A. ruficapilla]", suggesting perfectly understandable confusion between the two similar species.. Song a rhythmic "ptt-ptt-pieuw" (the "ptt" spitted) which could suggest some Bush Warbler...

Rusty-capped Fulvetta A. dubia Ruili: three singing on 31 Jan 1995; 2-5 noted on four dates in Apr 1996; 1-3 noted on 9+10 Mar & 2+8-10 Apr 1999. Tengchong: 2-13 daily. Yunfengshan: 1-9 almost daily (49 bird-days). Gaoligongshan: 1-4 noted on six dates in Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 two on 18th, ten on 19th & one on 20th. Baoshan: four on 28 Apr 1996. Lijiang: two at Park on 25 Mar 1999. Xishan: 123 bird-days in total (13-26 daily) for 29 Mar - 1st & 12+13 Apr 1999. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987). Song of ssp. genestieri (W of Salween) mostly a " hue :loud, flutey, ending rather explosively (almost a whiplash). he hew"

Grey-cheeked Fulvetta A. morrisonia Ruili: 15 on 31 Jan & 20 on 6 Feb 1995; nine bird-days 9-11 Mar & 23 bird-days 3-9 Apr 1999 (max six on 10 Mar & 6 Apr). Tengchong: 12-16 on 10+11 Feb 1995; 18-c40 daily 19 Mar - 1 Apr, five on 2nd & 4-12 daily 13-15 Apr 1999; five on 12th, c15 on 13th & two on 21 Mar 1999. By mid-Apr the species had stopped flocking, and some may have departed. Yunfengshan: 20-80 daily in Feb 1995; 10-c50 daily 22-29 Mar 1996; 15-45 daily 14-17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 2-45 daily (c165 bird-days) 2-11 Apr 1996; 9-35 daily (80 bird-days) 18-21 Mar 1999. Xishan: two on 31 Mar 1999. ***"Common throughout its range" (Cheng 1987). Listed as commonly recorded by Hong Kong birders in the Kunming area by Stott (1993). Song a loud "chee, cherve, cherve" with emphasis on 1st note - like an extended Brownish- flanked Bush Warbler's song minus the rising first bit.

Rufous-backed Sibia Heterophasia annectans Ruili: 1-2 noted on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; in 1999 one on 9 Mar, six on 3rd, two on 4+5 & one on 9 Apr. ***Listed as very rare by Cheng (1987). Allopreening behavior seen on 4 Apr 1999.

Grey Sibia H. gracilis Ruili: seven on 4 Feb 1995; three on 25 Apr 1996. Tengchong: two on 11 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: at least 12 birds seen in Feb 1995; 2-4 noted on four dates 23-27 Mar 1996; two individuals seen on 15+16 Mar 1999. ***Considered very rare by Cheng (1987) but is perhaps not uncommon within its limited range in China.

Black-headed Sibia H. melanoleuca Lijiang: at Wenbishan nine on 16th & four on 25 Jan 1988; 3-8 daily at Park in winter 1994/95; at YL two on 26 Jan 1988, five on 25th & four on 26 Mar 1999. Dali: two at Butterfly Springs on 15 Jan 1995. ***Song a melodious, melancholy "hee, hee huu huu". Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Beautiful Sibia H. pulchella Yunfengshan: six on 15 Feb 1995; 23 bird-days (1-5 daily) 22-28 Mar 1996; four on 14+16th & two on 17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 30 bird-days (2-8 daily) 4-10 Apr 1996; five at c2,100m on 21 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987). The call is typical Sibia: strident, not readily distinguishable from Grey Sibia's though higher-pitched and less hoarse. Song heard from one individual on 21 Mar 1999 was strident, brief, high-pitched, somewhat reeling & cicada-like...

Long-tailed Sibia H. picaoides Ruili: 21 on 4th & three on 6 Feb 1995; five on 21st, 11 on 23rd & three on 25 Apr 1996; three on 9 Mar & 59 bird-days (1-12 daily, with most individuals/groups recorded more than once) 2-9 Apr 1999. ***Considered very rare by Cheng (1987) who listed it only for Yingjiang & SE Yunnan.

Striated Yuhina Y. castaniceps Ruili: up to c45 noted on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 11-14 daily on 19+23+25 Apr 1996; 8-35 daily 8-10 Mar & 2-15 daily (47 bird-days) 2-10 Apr 1999, incl. a presumed pair w/ nest material on 6 Apr. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987) who listed ssp. plumbeiceps only for Luxi & Lushui.

Whiskered Yuhina Y. flavicollis Baoshan: 4-7 noted on three dates in Jan 1995. Yunfengshan: 32 bird-days (1-9 noted on nine dates - during 14-17 Mar 1999 just one bird, on 15th). Gaoligongshan: 1-20 noted almost daily (53 bird-days, incl. eight migr.) in Apr 1996; 5-20 noted daily 18-21 Mar 1999 (51 bird-days, incl. seven migr. on 19th). ***Considered uncommon, and not listed for Baoshan, by Cheng (1987). Its range of calls include a diagnostic, squeaky "pfuit": this is probably the "querulous screech" mentioned by Ali & Ripley (1987).

Stripe-throated Yuhina Y. gularis Gaoligongshan: 4-26 noted daily (129 bird-days, incl. 30 migr.) 3-12 Apr 1996; six on 18+20th & eight on 19 Mar 1999. Dali: six on 23 Mar 1999. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987).

White-collared Yuhina Y. diademata Lijiang: in Jan 1988 15 at Wenbishan on 16th & nine there on 25th, eight at YL on 26th. Present at Park on most days in winter 1994/95, max 70 (flocks of 58 and 12) on 9 Jan; in 1999 one at Park on 25th & five at YL on 26 Mar. Tengchong: 15-25 on 10+11 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: nine in 14th & 20 on 15 Feb 1995; 12 on 22nd, five on 23rd, three on 24th & two on 28 Mar 1996; five on 15th & eight [ND,PT] on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 1-7 almost daily (30 bird-days, incl. seven migr. on 9th) 3-12 Apr 1996; seven on 18th, 15 (of which five migr.) on 19th & one on 20 Mar 1999. Dali: 16 on 29 Apr 1996; 11 on 23 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 29th, four on 30th & two on 31 Mar, and five on 12 Apr 1999. ***Considered fairly common, but not listed for Dali or Kunming, by Cheng (1987). Stott (1993) listed the species as commonly recorded in the Kunming area.

Rufous-vented Yuhina Y. occipitalis Lijiang: 4-23 at Park on most days in winter. Tengchong: eight on 10 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: 12 on 23rd & six on 24+25 Mar 1996; two on 16 Mar 1999 [ND]. Gaoligongshan: up to 286 daily (1,253 bird-days, of which 1,019 migr.) 2-12 Apr 1996; 11-44 daily (71 bird- days, incl. 14 migr. on 19th) 18-20 Mar 1999. Dali: two on 29 Apr 1996. ***Listed as an uncommon resident by Cheng (1987).

White-bellied Yuhina Y. zantholeuca Wanding: 1-8 on four dates in Jan 1995; one on 17 Apr 1996; four on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 4-24 on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 2-5 on three days in Apr 1996; seven on 9th & one on 11 Mar, 3-10 almost daily (35 bird-days) 2-8 Apr 1999. Yunfengshan: two on 14 Feb 1995. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987).

Brown Parrotbill Paradoxornis unicolor Gaoligongshan: two pairs noted in Apr 1996 (seen on 3+6+9th); one on 20 Mar 1999 [DJ]. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987). Two songs noted: a loud, slowish, rather nasal "weu, weu", and a loud, plaintive "peeu, peo" . Ali & Ripley (1987) did not describe any song for this species.

Brown-winged Parrotbill P. brunneus Lijiang: a flock of c15 were at Tiger Leaping Gorge, N of YL, in Jan 1988. Tengchong: up to 135+ noted daily. A nest-building pair was seen on 30 Mar 1996. By 15 Apr seeing a flock of 20 birds was very unusual whilst in Feb/Mar flocks of up to 30 were regularly noted; two flocks going to roost accounted for the 135+ on 21 Mar 1999. Baoshan: four on 28 Apr 1996. ***Cheng (1987) provisionally lumped this species with Vinous-throated Parrotbill P. webbianus. Ashy-throated Parrotbill P. alphonsianus Xishan: three on 29th & two on 30 Mar, one on 1st & two on 12 Apr 1999. ***Recorded on almost all visits to the Kunming area by Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Fulvous Parrotbill P. fulvifrons Dali: one on 29 Apr 1996. ***Cheng (1987) listed ssp. albifacies for Lijiang but not for Dali.

Black-throated Parrotbill P. nipalensis Yunfengshan: c25 on 14+15 Feb 1995 (quite likely same flock on both dates); six on 24th & three on 26 Mar 1999; c40 on 16 Mar 1999 [ND]. Gaoligongshan: up to 23+ noted on 4+5+6+10 Apr 1996 - largest flocks c20 on4th & c10 on 5th, otherwise only 2-3 birds together. In Mar 1999 two on 18th [PT], three on 19th & c12 on 20th. ***"Fairly common locally" (Cheng 1987).

Lesser Rufous-headed Parrotbill P. atrosupercilliaris Ruili: singles on 4 Feb 1995 & 19+25 Apr 1999; two on 8th, three (different birds) on 9th & one (of those seen on 8th, probably) on 10 Apr 1999. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987). Song (8 Apr 1999) is a pure, slow(ish), melancholy, repeated whistle "dee - evidently variable, as on 10 Apr only four notes were incorporated (as the bird sang hee du whilst feeding up in a rubber tree - otherwise seen in bamboo or tall grass). hee huew"

Grey-headed Parrotbill P. gularis Ruili: five on 31 Jan & c40 on 4 Feb 1995; 4-6 on 19+21+25 Apr 1996; six on 10 Mar & 1-4 almost daily (17 bird-days) 2-10 Apr 1999. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987), who listed it for W Yunnan without locality. Frequently heard call is four woodpecker-like, cried notes descending the scale.

Chestnut-headed Tesia Tesia castaneocoronata Ruili: two on 11 Mar & nine bird-days (involving 4-5 individuals) 5-9 Apr 1999. Tengchong: one on 13 Mar 1999 [ND]. ***Cheng (1987) listed the species as uncommon.

[Slaty-bellied Tesia T. olivea Ruili: two in the course of 9-11 Mar 1999 [ND, DJ, PT].]

Grey-bellied Tesia T. cyaniventer Ruili: 3-6 noted on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 1-3 daily (six bird-days) 9-11 Mar & 1-7 daily (24 bird-days, involving 15-16 individuals) 2-9 Apr 1999. Singing birds were heard on 11 Mar and (two) 7 Apr 1999. In addition 4-6 Slaty-bellied/ Grey-bellied Tesia were noted in Apr 1999. Gaoligongshan: 1-8 noted on seven dates 4-11 Apr 1996 - most were heard singing, incl. eight on 8th. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987). The song is a somewhat variable, explosive "bee, bee, bejoup", sometimes with 2-4 introductory "zit"s.

Stub-tailed Bush Warbler Urosphena squamiceps Xishan: one on 1 Apr 1999. ***Xishuangbanna and Mengzi (in SE) were the only Yunnan localities Cheng (1987) listed the species for. Stott (1993) did not list the species for the Kunming area.

Pale-footed Bush Warbler Cettia pallidipes Wanding: one on 22 Jan 1995; 18 singing birds noted over 16-18 Apr 1996; three on 7th & two (of which one taped out) on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: one seen in Jan 1995 [ JHC ]; 5-11 singing birds noted on 19-21+23+25+26 Apr 1996 (incl. at Jie Le Reservoir on 20th); one on 10 Mar & 3-6 almost daily (40 bird-days) 2-10 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987), evidently in error, considered the species rare. The song is an explosive "Bleh, weche, wechete".

Manchurian Bush Warbler C. (diphone) canturians Ruili: one on 30 Jan 1995. Wanding: one on 18 Apr 1996. Dali: one on 24 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) did not include W Yunnan in mapped range. Call a "crr-crr" - quite loud, rolled, full-ish.

Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler C. fortipes Tengchong: 4-12 noted on 11 dates 18 Mar - 15 Apr 1999; four on 13th & three on 21 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: five between bridge and base of mountain on 22nd, singles on 23+25+26th & two on 24 Mar 1996. Ruili: singles on 19+25 Apr 1996 & 8 Mar 1999. Dali: three on 29 Apr 1996. Gaoligongshan: two at c1,985 m on 19+20 Mar 1999. [Xishan: single Bush Warblers seen on 30 Mar & 13 Apr 1999 may have been this species.] ***Song is an ascending, slow whistle ending in a whiplashed climax of "we-chiu" or "che-ueuh".

Aberrant Bush Warbler C. flavolivacea Ruili: one on 30 Jan 1995. Gaoligongshan: 1-5 noted daily 3-7 Apr 1996. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987), and in Yunnan only for Tengchong.

Yellowish-bellied Bush Warbler C. acanthizoides Gaoligongshan: singles seen on 6 Apr 1996 & 20 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 11 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: singles (involving two birds) daily 14-16 Mar 1999.

Grey-sided Bush Warbler C. brunnifrons Tengchong: singles on 13+21 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 29 Mar 1999. ***Neither Cheng (1987), who considered it uncommon, nor Stott (1993) listed the species for Kunming.

Spotted Bush Warbler Bradypterus thoracicus Ruili: singles seen on 4+7th & two heard singing on 10 Apr 1999. ***Not listed for W of Salween by Cheng (1987).

Russet Bush Warbler B. seebohmi Tengchong: one heard singing on 15 Apr 1996. Dali: one seen singing on 29 Apr 1996. Ruili: different singles heard singing on 10+11 Mar 1999, the latter at c1,075m. ***Not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987). The song is a "zre-it" repeated, like a clock being wound up.

***Bradypterus sp. Wanding: one on 26 jan 1995. Ruili: one on 31 Jan 1995. Dali: one on 29 Apr 1996.

Black-browed Reed Warbler Acrocephalus bistrigiceps Ruili: two on 24+26 Apr 1996. ***Not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Clamorous Reed Warbler A. stentoreus Baoshan: one on 17 Jan 1995. ***Not listed for Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Oriental Great Reed Warbler A. orientalis Ruili: one on 7 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987) listed the species as a migrant for Yunnan without locality.

Thick-billed Warbler A. aedon Ruili: five on 24th & four on 26 Apr 1996.

Tickell's Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus offinis Lijiang: one on 3rd & two on 12 Jan 1995; 2+ on 24th & two on 25 Mar 1999. Wanding: one on 23 Jan 1995. Ruili: singles on 30 Jan 1995, 26 Apr 1996 & 4 Apr 1999, and two on 10 Mar 1999. Tengchong: singles on 19 Mar & 14+15 Apr 1996; two on 12th, five on 13th & one on 21 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one migr. on 12 Apr 1996. Baoshan: five on 28 Apr 1999. Dali: singles on 29 Apr 1996 & 23 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 29 Mar & three on 12 Apr 1999. ***Not listed for Kunming by Cheng (1987), and as rarely recorded there by Stott (1993).

Buff-throated Leaf Warbler P. subaffinis Baoshan: 1-8 on three dates in Jan 1995. Wanding: 2-3 on three dates in Jan 1995. Ruili: three seen in Jan/Feb 1995; one on 2 Apr 1999. Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: singles on 10th & 12 (at Re Hai) Feb 1995; singles on 21+30+31 Mar & 1+15 Apr, three (of which two were singing) on 13 Apr 1996; one on 12th & two on 21 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: three on 15 Feb 1995; two on 24 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: five migr. 10-12 Apr 1996 (singles on 10+12th & three on 11th). Dali: 16 on 29 Apr 1996; one on 23 Mar 1999. Lijiang: in Mar 1999 four on 24th & six on 25th at Park/ Relict Pines area, at YL one on 26th [ND, PT]. Xishan: one on 30 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987). Stott (1993) listed it as "commonly recorded" for the Kunming area.

Dusky Warbler P. fuscatus Wanding: 1-2 noted on four dates in Jan 1995; 7-17 daily 16-18 Apr 1996; three on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 5-23 on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 9-28 (82 bird-days) almost daily in Apr 1996, incl. ten at Jie Le Reservoir on 20th, and three singing birds on 25th; in 1999 nine on 10 Mar & 49 bird-days 2-10 Apr. Yingjiang: four on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: singles on 19 Mar & 1+15 Apr 1996. Gaoligongshan: one on 12 Apr 1996. Baoshan: two on 28 Apr 1996. Dali: one on 29th & three on 30 Apr 1996.

Yellow-streaked Warbler P. armandii Baoshan: one on 20 Jan 1995. Wanding: singles on 28 jan 1995 & 18 Apr 1996. Ruili: singles on 19+21+25 Apr 1996; 18 bird-days (1-5 noted on six dates) 2-10 Apr 1999. Tengchong: in 1996 singles on 18+19 Mar & 13+15 Apr, four on 30th & two on 31 Mar, and five on 1st & two on 2 Apr; in Mar 1999 singles on 13+21st. Xishan: one on 12 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987) listed ssp. perplexus as a migrant and winter visitor in Yunnan. None were recorded by Hong Kong birders visiting the Kunming area (Stott 1993).

Buff-barred Leaf Warbler P. pulcher Ruili: one on 4 Feb 1995. Tengchong: 10-20 on 10+11 Feb 1995; 1-8 on seven dates 19 Mar - 2 Apr, 12 on 13th, 25 on 14th & 26 on 15 Apr 1996, with none heard singing until 2 Apr. In Mar 1999 four on 12th, ten on 13th & three on 21st. Yunfengshan: four on 14th & two on 15 feb 1995; singles on 23+24th, four on 26th & two on 27 Mar 1996; two on 14+16th & one on 15 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 2-19 daily (145 bird-days, incl. 33 migr. from 9th) 2-12 Apr 1996; 2-9 daily (23 bird-days, incl. nine migr. on 19th) 18-21 Mar 1999. Dali: five on 29 Apr 1996; 18 on 23 Mar 1999. Lijiang: four at YL on 26 Mar 1999. Xishan: 2-4 daily (11 bird-days) 29 Mar - 1 Apr 1999. ***Stott (1993) listed the species as having been "uncommonly recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders, outside the range given for the species by Cheng (1987).

Yellow-browed Warbler P. inornatus Baoshan: 3-9 daily in Jan 1995; seven on 28 Apr 1996. Wanding: up to c35 daily in Jan 1995; 2-13 daily 16-18 Apr 1996; 13 on 7th & 15 on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 3-20 daily on most days in Jan/Feb 1995; 11 on 19th & 2-4 daily on 20+21+23+25+26 Apr 1996; 1-11 daily 8-11 Mar & 3-36 (117 bird-days, best day 8th) 2-10 Apr 1999. Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: five on 10 Feb 1995; 2-17 on six dates (60 bird-days) 18-31 Mar & 24-45 (148 bird- days, max on 14th) on five dates 1-15 Apr 1996; 20 on 12th, eight on 13th & five on 21 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan area: five on 22 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: 1-4 almost daily (18 bird-days, incl. six migr. from 11th) 3-12 Apr 1996. Dali: two on 23rd & three on 24 Mar 1999. Xishan: four on 31 Mar & 1 Apr, 60 on 12th & 40 on 13 Apr 1999. ***Listed as "commonly recorded" in the Kunming area by Stott (1993). Hume's Leaf Warbler P. humei mandelli Tengchong: 1-2 noted on five dates 19 Mar - 1 Apr & 23-29 daily 13-15 Apr 1996; two on 13th & three on 21 Mar 1999. Ruili: singles on 19+21 Apr 1996; 2-5 almost daily (20 bird-days) 2-10 Apr 1999. Baoshan: one on 28 Apr 1996. Dali: four on 29 Apr 1996. Xishan: 2-11 (34 bird-days, best day 12th) 29 Mar - 13 Apr 1999. ***Not listed for W of Salween or Kunming by Cheng (1987). Not included for the Kunming area by Stott (1993), who appear to have lumped the species with inornatus.

Pallas's Leaf Warbler P. proregulus Lijiang: at Wenbishan one on 16 Jan 1988; at Park 2-15 daily in winter, nine on 24th & 22 on 25 Mar 1999. Baoshan: 2-8 daily in Jan 1995. Wanding: 4-7 noted on four dates in Jan 1995; two on 7th & three on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 4 Feb 1995; two on 10 Mar 1999. Tengchong: 10-15 on 10+11 Feb 1995; 1-5 on three dates 20-31 Mar, five on 1st, eight on 2nd, 12 on 13th, 33 on 14th & 21 on 15 Apr 1996; one on 12th, three on 13th & two on 21 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: singles on 3+8+10 Apr 1996 & 18+21 Mar 1999. Dali: five on 29 Apr 1996; 38 on 23 Mar 1999. Xishan: 181 bird-days (best counts 53 on 30 Mar & 49 on 12 Apr) in total for six dates 29 Mar - 13 Apr 1999. ***Stott (1993) treated chloronotus & proregulus as conspecific; it is not clear from his text if any of the latter were identified by visiting Hong Kong birders in the Kunming area.

Lemon-rumped Warbler P. chloronotus Baoshan: two on 19th & one on 20 Jan 1995. Wanding: one on 28 Jan 1995. Ruili: two on 2nd & six on 6 Feb 1995; singles on 2+3+7th & two on 4 Apr 1999. Tengchong: c30 on 10th & 2+ on 11 Feb 1995; 20-60 on seven dates 20 Mar - 2 Apr, two on 13th, eight on 14th & 12 on 15 Apr 1996; 25 on 12th, ten on 13th & three on 21 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: singles on 14 Feb 1995, 24 Mar 1996 & 15 Mar 1999, two on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: singles on 2+8+9th, two on 10th & three on 12 Apr 1999 (of which five migr. from 9th); one migr. on 19 Mar 1999. Dali: nine on 29 Apr 1996; 12 on 23 Mar 1999. Lijiang: at Park/ Relict Pines area three on 24th & one on 25 Mar 1999. Xishan: 14 on 29th & seven on 30+31 Mar, three on 1st & singles on 12+13 Apr 1999. ***Stott (1993), who lumped this taxon with P. proregulus, stated that "Pallas's Warblers of the subspecies P. proregulus chloronotus winter in the Western Hills" and listed the combined species as recorded by Hong Kong birders on almost all visits to the Kunming area.

Chinese Leaf Warbler P. sichuanensis [Baoshan: two birds on 19 Jan 1995 may have been this species.] Ruili: three on 2nd & singles on 4+5+7+10 Apr 1999. Xishan: two on 31 Mar, 2-3 on 1st, 13 on 12th & ten on 13 Apr 1999. ***These observations suggest that the winter quarters of this recently described species are in Burma & SE Asia. Stott (1993) listed only a tentative, late December record by an observer who understandably felt unable to clinch the identification without hearing any vocalization.

Ashy-throated Leaf Warbler P. maculipennis Lijiang: singles at Park on 3+12 Jan 1995; at YL eight on 25th, nine on 26th & two on 27 Mar 1999. Baoshan: 1-5 daily in Jan 1995. Tengchong: 2-3 on 10+11 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: 1-8 daily 13-15 Feb 1995; 2-8 almost daily 22-28 Mar 1996; seven on 14+16th & 18 on 15 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 1-5 daily 6-11 Apr 1996; 1-15 daily (29 bird-days, incl. three migr. on 19th) 18- 21 Mar 1999. Dali: one on 23 Mar 1999. ***Call is a piercing "ziu"; song a somewhat variable, weak, high-pitched, thin "twit, twit, hetiu" and "twit, twit, hetetiu".

Large-billed Leaf Warbler P. magnirostris Baoshan: two on 28 Apr 1996. Dali: four on 29 Apr 1996.

Greenish Warbler P. trochiloides [including plumbeitarsus] Wanding: singles on 24+28 Jan 1995, 17 Apr 1996 & 7+8 Mar 1999, and two on 26 Jan 1995. Ruili: four seen in Jan/Feb 1995; singles on 8+10 Apr 1999.

Blyth's Leaf Warbler P. reguloides Baoshan: singles on 18+19 Jan 1995; three on 28 Apr 1996. Wanding: singles on four days in Jan 1995; three on 7th & two on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-6 on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; singles on 23+25 Apr 1996; seven on 9th & six on 11 Mar, 7-32 daily (141 bird-days) 2-9 Apr 1999. Tengchong: singles on 19+20+21 Mar; 4-12 (49 bird-days) on seven dates 30 Mar -15 Apr 1996, max on last date; one on 12 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: singles on 22+25th, three on 23rd & five on 24 Mar 1996; one on 16 Mar 1999 [ND]. Gaoligongshan: 5-14 daily 3-11 Apr 1996 (89 bird-days); 22 bird-days 18-21 Mar 1999. Dali: 59 on 29 Apr 1996. Lijiang: one on 25 Mar 1999. Xishan: 11-25 daily (110 bird-days) 29-31 Mar & 1+12-13 Apr 1999. ***The species was only "rarely recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

White-tailed Leaf Warbler P. davisoni Wanding: four on 26th & one on 28 Jan 1995; one on 18 Apr 1996; five on 7th & ten on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 5-c25 on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 113 bird-days (17-52 daily on four dates) 19-25 Apr 1996; 46 bird- days (2-15 daily) 8-11 Mar & 1-3 on five dates 3-9 Apr 1999. Tengchong: 349 bird-days (19-80 noted on ten dates) 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996; three on 12th & 35 on 13+21 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: 70 bird-days (1-30 almost daily, with low numbers on some days reflecting weather rather than actual absence) 22-29 Mar 1996; 57 bird-days (7-25 daily) 14-17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 305 bird-days (2-49 daily) 2-12 Apr 1996; 128 bird-days (19-68 daily) 18-21 Mar 1999. Baoshan: two on 28 Apr 1996. Dali: 34 on 29 Apr 1996; six on 23 Mar 1999. Lijiang: three at YL on 26 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987), clearly in error, considered the species uncommon. The song is a repeated, somewhat reeling "wichita, wichita" with variations.

[Yellow-vented Leaf Warbler P. cantator Ruili: one on 9 Mar 1999 [ND, DJ,PT].] ***NOTE: recent field work by P. Alstrom on Emei Shan, Sichuan, and elsewhere (Alstrom & Olsson 1999) has demonstrated that, as many suspected, different forms belonging to the Seicercus burkii complex roughly replace eachother altitudinally in the breeding season and should be regarded as specifically distinct. In winter and on migration two or three forms may occur in the same general area. They are difficult to separate in the field except by their distinctive vocalizations.

Bianchi's Warbler Seicercus valentini Baoshan: at least one present in Jan 1995. Wanding: up to nine daily in Jan 1995. Ruili: 1-6 on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; one on 19 Apr 1996; one on 9th & two on 10 Mar, 21 bird-days (1-5 noted on six dates) 2-9 Apr 1999. Tengchong: two on 11 Feb 1995; 1-4 noted on seven dates 20 Mar - 14 Apr 1996; one on 13 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: two on 24+26th & three on 28 Mar 1996; two on 16+17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 181 bird-days (3-43 daily) 2-12 Apr 1996; 12 on 18th, 11 on 19th & 68 on 20 Mar 1999. Dali: 15 on 29 Apr 1996. Xishan: two on 30 Mar, three on 12th & one on 13 Apr 1999. ***Alstrom and Olsson (1999) states that on Emei Shan, Sichuan, this species breeds at c2,100- 2,900m and is found in winter S to NW Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. Song always short & soft (but can sound loud, explosive even, close-up), without a rattle - typically "jue-we, jue-we", "tu-tu, tuwutew", or "tu-wute, tuwuu". Contact call is soft, recalling Eurasian Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula - not infrequently utters a "crrr" when agitated. (Ssp. latouchei gives a higher-pitched, sharper, frequently doubled "tiu": Alstrom & Olsson 1999)

Grey-crowned Warbler S. tephrocephalus Wanding: 1-3 noted on four dates in Jan 1995; two on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 30 Jan 1995; two on 19 Apr 1996; one on 11 Mar & 39 bird-days (1-10 daily) 2-10 Apr 1999. Tengchong: two on 21+30 Mar & 53 bird-days (1-14 noted on six dates) 31 Mar - 15 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: two on 24+25 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 131 bird-days (1-26 daily) 2-12 Apr 1999. Baoshan: three on 28 Apr 1996. Dali: 31 on 29 Apr 1996. Xishan: one (calling & singing) on 31 Mar, two on 1st, seven on 12th & four on 13 Apr 1999. ***On Emei Shan, Sichuan, the taxon included provisionally with tephrocephalus by Alstrom and Olsson (1999) but subsequently named as S. omeiensis (by Martens et al.: P. Alstrom in litt.; I have not seen the paper yet) breeds at c1,300-2,200m. Grey-crowned Warbler (& S. omeiensis?) is found in winter in Burma S to Tenasserim, in Thailand N of the peninsula, in Laos, and in Vietnam S to Cochinchina. Song reminiscent of Yellow-streaked Warbler's, with rattle. Contact call "dr-rt" (or "trrrup"/"turup", thinner and less clearly disyllabic than S. omeiensis' "chu-du"/ "tu-ru": Alstrom & Olsson 1999), rounded, almost bubbly in quality. Sometimes uttered a "chep" (S. omeiensis has a short, comparatively faint "chup" call: Alstrom & Olsson 1999).

Plain-tailed Warbler S. soror Wanding: 1-2 noted on four dates in Jan 1995. Ruili: singles on 2 Feb 1995 & 11 Mar 1999. ***On Emei Shan, Sichuan, this species breeds at c700-1,300m and occurs in winter S to S Burma (incl. Tenasserim), Thailand (except the peninsula), Cambodia & S Vietnam (Alstrom & Olsson 1999). Song simple, lacking rattle: thinner, quicker, more forced than other two taxa's (P. Alstrom verbally; none of the above sang). Call very distinctive disyllabic, thin, hard "zi-ri" / "tsidi".

Chestnut-crowned Warbler S. castaniceps Wanding: two on 26th & one on 28 Jan 1995. Ruili: two on 2nd & three on 6 Feb 1995; two on 21+23 Apr 1996; one nest-building on 11 Mar, one on 5th & two on 9 Apr 1999. Yunfengshan: three on 22nd & singles on 23+24+28 Mar 1996; two on 14th, three on 15th & one on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: singles on 4+9+11th, two on 8th & three on 10 Apr 1996; 12 bird-days (1-5 daily) 18-21 Mar 1999. Tengchong: one on 13 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Broad-billed Warbler Tickellia hodgsoni Yunfengshan: one on 17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one on 18th & eight on 19+20 Mar 1999, involving 16 individuals. ***Included for China only by Yan et al. (1995) who recorded it as scarce in SE Yunnan. Distinctive song (see Grimmett et al. 1998) facilitates discovery of this very retiring species, but is reminiscent of the visually similar Mountain Tailorbird's and it is conceivable that some heard-onlies were recorded as the latter in 1996. Yellow-bellied Warbler Abroscopus supercilliaris Ruili: three on 2nd & eight on 6 Feb 1995; singles on 19+25th & four on 21+23 Apr 1996; five on 4th & two on 9 Apr 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987).

Black-faced Warbler A. schisticeps Yunfengshan: four on 22+23rd, 12 on 24th & 16 on 25 Mar 1996; 17 bird-days (1-7 daily) 14-17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 17 bird-days (1-7 noted on five dates) 2-10 Apr 1996; c23 bird-days (2-c10 daily) 18-21 Mar 1999. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Goldcrest Regulus regulus Lijiang: 3-25 almost daily. Yunfengshan: one on 24th & four on 28 Mar 1996; one on 15th & five on 16 Mar 1999. Dali: nine on 23 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 30 Mar 1999. ***Listed as "often recorded" for the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis Dali: one on 14 Jan 1995; 30 on 30 Apr 1996. Baoshan: singles on 17+20 Jan 1995. Ruili: 3-7 noted on three dates in Apr 1996. ***Cheng (1987) considered the species fairly common, but did not list it for Dali.

Rufescent Prinia Prinia rufescens Wanding: 1-11 noted on eight dates (incl. singles on 7+8 Mar 1999). Ruili: one on 30 Jan 1995; three on 23 Apr 1996; three on 10 Mar & 11 bird-days (1-5 on four dates) 2-10 Apr 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987). Song a monotonous, precisely delivered "tvi-tvi-tvi- tvi".

Grey-breasted Prinia P. hodgsoni Wanding: 4-21 daily in Jan 1995; 1-7 daily 16-18 Apr 1996; five on 7th & ten on 8 Apr 1999. Ruili: 2-20 almost daily in 1995/1996; in 1999 26 bird-days (4-8 noted on four dates) 4-9 Apr. Yingjiang: six on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: two on 19 Mar & one on 13 Apr 1996; 1-3 on 12+13+21 Mar 1999, involving just three birds. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Tawny-flanked Prinia P. subflava Lijiang: 1-6 daily at Park area in winter, and two at Lashiba lake on 17 Jan 1988. Lijiang - Dali: four on 13 Jan 1995; one on 24 Mar 1999. Dali: five on 14 Jan 1995; three on 29th & 20 on 30 Apr 1996; two on 23rd & six on 24 Mar 1999. Ruili: noted in Jan 1995 [JHC]; 2-19 on 19+20+22+24+26 Apr 1996, with two seen carrying food on 26th. Yingjiang: three on 8 Feb 1995. ***Song somewhat reminiscent of Zitting Cisticola's. Copulation preceded by exciting wing- clipping, with much bounding from stem to stem with tail cocked...

Yellow-bellied Prinia P. flaviventris Ruili: a pair seen on 24 Apr 1996. ***Song "tzri, hrururururu" - the first part clipped, the second a vibrant, cicada-like almost-buzz. Monotonous, and regularly repeated with only a brief interval between repetitions - quality suggests Emberiza but interval between repetions too brief.

Striated Prinia P. criniger Baoshan: one on 19th & five on 20 Jan 1995; six on 28 Apr 1996. Wanding: two noted on three dates in Jan 1995; one on 17 Apr 1996. Ruili: 2-3 noted on 19+21+23+26th & eight (at Jie Le Reservoir) on 20 Apr 1996; singles on 2+9 Apr 1999. Dali: three on 23rd & eight on 24 Mar 1999. Lijiang: one at Park/ Relict Pines area on 25 Mar 1999. Xishan: four on 29+30+31 Mar & three on 12 Apr 1999. ***Listed as "uncommonly recorded" by visiting Hong Kong birders in the Kunming area (Stott 1993).

Hill Prinia P. atrogularis Baoshan: at least eight present in Jan 1995; two on 28 Apr 1996. Tengchong: one on 10 Feb 1995; 1-10 noted on ten dates 18 Mar - 15 Apr 1996; three on 12+13th & four (incl. one carrying nesting material) on 21 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: two on the descent on 29 mar 1996. Ruili: seven on 19th, two on 21st & singles on 23+25 Apr 1996; 17 bird-days (1-5 on five dates) 3-10 Apr 1999. Ruili - Tengchong: one on 12 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) listed the species as uncommon.

Common Tailorbird Orthomus sutorius Wanding: 4-26 daily. Ruili: 1-17 noted on 19 dates (incl. 50 bird-days in Mar/Apr 1999). Yingjiang: two on 8 Feb 1995.

Mountain Tailorbird O. cucullatus Yunfengshan: 30 bird-days (1-12 daily, mostly heard-only) 22-28 Mar 1996; 1-2 daily 14-17 Mar 1999. Tengchong: one on 31 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: 52 bird-days (2-13 daily, nearly all heard-only) 3-11 Apr 1996; two on 19th & three on 20 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 23 Apr 1996; three on 3rd (one heard, two seen singing & calling) & 4th, one on 8 Apr 1999. Xishan: probably the same single on 30+31 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987), and listed for Kunming neither by him nor by Stott (1993). Prior to our "independent discovery of Broad-billed Warbler as a Chinese bird species" in 1999 some Broad-billed Warblers may have been misidentified as Mountain Tailorbird - the relative abundance of the two species at different times of the year, and the peak of their respective song periods remains to be determined. Two song types noted: a drawn-out whine, alternating between ascending and descending phrases (similar to Broad-billed Warblers, as demonstrated by recordings made by ND), and a series of single notes descending from a very high pitch into drawn-out breathlessness. Call heard on 3 Apr 1999 a "crrt" or "trrrt".

Striated Warbler Megalurus palustris Ruili: singles noted on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995 & Apr 1996; in 1999 one on 10 Mar & 18 bird- days (1-4 noted on seven dates, with a number of individuals recorded more than once) 2-10 Apr. Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995.

Red-throated Flycatcher Ficedula (parva) albicilla Ruili: one adult male on 4 Feb 1995; 1-2 on five dates 19-24th & five on 26 Apr 1996; 16 bird- days (1-6 almost daily) 2-10 Apr 1999. Tengchong: four on 13th, five on 14th & 12 on 15 Apr 1996. Wanding: 6-10 daily 16-18 Apr 1996; two on 7 Mar 1999. Baoshan: one on 28 Apr 1996. Xishan: singles on 12+13 Apr 1999. ***The Feb 1995 bird possibly the first recorded in winter in Yunnan (cf. Cheng 1987, deSchauensee 1984 - the former included only NW Yunnan in the species' Chinese range). Listed as rarely recorded by Hong Kong birders in the Kunming area by Stott (1993).

Orange-gorgetted Flycatcher F. strophiata Wanding: two males on 23 Jan 1995. Ruili: singles on 2+4 Feb 1995; single males daily 9-11 Mar, one on 3rd & one female on 6 Apr 1999. Gaoligongshan: singles on 3+4+8+10 Apr 1996 & 18 Mar 1999. Tengchong: one on 12 Mar 1999. Xishan: two on 29 Mar & one female on 1 Apr 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987), and not recorded in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

White-gorgetted Flycatcher F. monileger Ruili: ten bird-days in 1999, two on 11 Mar, one on 6th, three on 7th & four on 9 Apr, involving six individuals. ***Listed as accidental in China by Cheng (1987), with the sole record (a male collected at Nankang River, SW Yunnan, in December) cited also by Yan et al. (1995). Variable, high-pitched song delivered from deep cover of bamboo thickets.

Snowy-browed Flycatcher F.hyperythra Ruili: one male on 2 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: 1-7 daily 22-28 Mar 1996; singles on 14+17th, two on 15 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: singles on 3+4+8th, six on 6+9th & eight on 11 Apr 1999; 26 bird-days (2-14 daily) 18-21 Mar 1999. Wanding: one on 7 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Slaty-backed Flycatcher F. hodgsonii Wanding: one male on 23 Jan 1995. Ruili: one on 2 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: one male on 16 Mar 1995.

[Ultramarine Flycatcher F. superciliaris Ruili: one on 31 Jan 1995 [JHC] ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).]

Little Pied Flycatcher F. westermanni Wanding: 1-3 on at least three days in Jan 1995; one female on 7 Mar 1999. Tengchong: ten on 19th, five on 20th & 1-4 on seven dates 21 Mar - 15 Apr 1996; ten on 13 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: nine on 22nd, eight on 23rd, three on 26th & singles on 24+25+28 Mar 1996; two on 14+16+17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: two on 4th & singles on 5(migr.)+8 Apr 1996; one on 19th & six on 21 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-4 noted on four dates in Apr 1996; five on 10th & two on 11 Mar & 23 bird-days (1-6 daily) 3-9 Apr 1999. Baoshan: two on 28 Apr 1996. Xishan: singles on 29+30 Mar & 1 Apr, three on 12 Apr 1999. ***Listed for Kunming by neither Cheng (1987) nor Stott (1993). The former author considered the species uncommon. One call very similar to Pale-legged Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes's: squeaky, ventriloqual.

Slaty-blue Flycatcher F. tricolor Wanding: three on 23rd & one on 25 Jan 1995. Ruili: singles on 31 Jan & 6 Feb 1995; three males (one w/ a female) over 3-10 Apr 1999. Yunfengshan: 1-3 noted daily (some individuals recorded more than once) 22-28 Mar 1996; one male on 16 Mar 1999. Tengchong: one female on 1 Apr 1996. Dali: three (two males, one female) on 29 Apr 1996. Gaoligongshan: one on 20 Mar 1999 [ND]. Xishan: one heard singing on 12 Apr 1999. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987). "Rarely recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Large Niltava Niltava grandis Ruili: singles on three days in Jan/Feb 1995; 4-9 singing males daily (26 bird-days, involving at least 17 birds) on 19+21+23+25 Apr 1996; 11 bird-days 9-11 Mar & 20 bird-days (1-6 daily) 3-9 Apr 1999. Tengchong: one male on 11 Feb 1995. Gaoligongshan: singles on 6+8 Apr 1996; five on 21 Mar 1999. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987). Song consists of four (sometimes only three) rather feeble notes climbing up the scale. Also a " ".

Small Niltava N. macgrigoriae Ruili: one pair seen on 23 Apr 1996; a pair seen on 9th & same male heard singing on 11 Mar, single males on 5+6th & three males (all singing) on 9 Apr 1999 (min five birds involved in 1999 records). ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Rufous-bellied Niltava N. sundara Wanding: 1-4 noted on three days in Jan 1995; one on 8 Mar 1999. A female Niltava sp. on 17 Apr 1996 was perhaps also this species. Ruili: one on 31 Jan & two on 2 Feb 1995; single males on 6+9 Apr 1999. Ruili - Yingjiang: one on 8 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: one male present (heard singing) on 25+26 Mar 1996; one on 14 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 56 bird-days (3-11 daily, incl. two migr. on 9th) 3-11 Apr 1996; one heard singing on 21 Mar 1999. Xishan: one male on 13 Apr 1999. [Dali: two Niltavas on 29 Apr 1996 may have been this species.] ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987), and as "rarely recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993). Song: generally five or six loud, flutey notes descending in pitch ("falling away").

[?Fukien Niltava N. davidi [unconfirmed] Ruili: at least four males present in April 1996 (noted on 19+25th) - not seen well but based on song, which differed from the familiar Rufous-bellied's, and elevation most likely N. davidi.]

Pale Blue Flycatcher Cyornis unicolor Ruili: min ten singing males noted over 21+23+25 Apr 1996; three singing males over 9-11 Mar & 29 bird-days (up to seven daily) 2-9 Apr 1999. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987). Song is a quite far-carrying, pure, somewhat babbler-like (though quieter) " ". A female on 6 Apr 1999 uttered dry, soft, frog-like, quiet "drrrt".

Hainan Blue Flycatcher C. hainana Ruili: one singing male seen on 21 Apr 1996. ***Considered rare and not listed for SW Yunnan by Cheng (1987).

Chinese Blue Flycatcher C. glaucicomans Wanding: one male on 25 Jan 1995.

Hill Blue Flycatcher C. banyumas Tengchong: 94 bird-days (up to 14 - of which just three were females - noted on ten dates) 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996. Gaoligongshan: 1-3 noted on four dates in Apr 1996. Wanding: 16-22 singing males noted daily 16-18th & one female seen on 17 Apr; 24 on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 52 bird-days (7-21 daily, three females, rest singing males) 19+21+23+25 Apr 1996; three on 9+10 Mar & 89 bird-days (4-21 daily, of which just five were females) 2-10 Apr 1999. Xishan: one male on 1st, nine (eight males, one female) on 12th & eight males on 13 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987), clearly in error, considered the species uncommon. The species was only "rarely recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993). Song fairly continuous, incorporating grinding notes, pure descending motifs/ phrases (some recalling Blyth's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum, some Eurasian Robin Erithacus rubecula), and wheezes. One call, sometimes included in song, is similar to Red-throated Flycatcher's "trrrr", another is a "tschech".

Pygmy Blue Flycatcher Muscicapella hodgsoni Yunfengshan: different males on 23+26 Mar 1996; one male on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one male on 9 Apr 1996; two males on 19th & three on 20 Mar 1999. Ruili: one male on 11 Mar 1999. ***Considered very rare in China, and listed only for Tengchong, by Cheng (1987). Call - not described by Ali & Ripley (1987) - is a very fast, short, hard "drrrt".

Sooty Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica Ruili: one on 8 Apr 1999.

Asian Brown Flycatcher M. dauurica Xishan: one on 12 Apr 1999. ***Listed by Stott (1993) as "rarely recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders.

Brown-breasted Flycatcher M. muttui Tengchong: six bird-days (two daily, probably involving four individuals) 13-15 Apr 1996. Ruili: one on 23 Apr 1996; 24 bird-days (1-5 daily) 2-9 Apr 1999, incl. one on 8th which was finishing nest placed c3 m up in sapling in the middle of a small gully. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987), and perhaps not previously proven to breed in Yunnan. Song is a feeble smattering of squeaky, high-pitched notes. Call is a thin, piercing, high-pitched "ziip"/ "tsiip".

Ferruginous Flycatcher M. ferruginea Ruili: one on 7 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987), who considered the species rare, listed it as breeding in W Yunnan.

Verditer Flycatcher Eumyias thalassina Wanding: 1-2 on four dates in Jan 1995; three on 7th & one on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: one seen in Jan 1995 [JHC]; two on 19th & one (seen singing) on 25 Apr 1996; singles on 11 Mar & 10 Apr, two on 8 Apr 1999. Tengchong: 52 bird-days (5-11 per field day, incl. nine singing males on 21 Mar) 19 Mar - 2 Apr & 2-4 daily 13-15 Apr 1996; one on 12th, four on 13th & two on 21 Mar 1999. Tengchong - Gudong: one at roadside on 22 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan area: two on 22 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: 40 bird-days (1-7 daily, incl. one migr. on 5th) 3-12 Apr 1996; four on 21 Mar 1999. Dali: five on 29 Apr 1996; one on 23 Mar 1999. Xishan: 23 bird-days (2-5 daily) 29-31 Mar & 1+12-13 Apr 1999. ***Considered uncommon, and not listed for Kunming, by Cheng (1987). Stott (1993) listed the species as only "rarely recorded" in the Kunming area by Hong Kong birders. Song (as pointed out by Lister: Ali & Ripley 1987) recalls Dunnock Prunella modularis's though perhaps slightly purer (i.e. more like Eurasian Robin's): a rather unstructured up-and-down succession of high-pitched notes.

Grey-headed Flycatcher Culicicapa ceylonensis Wanding: one on 26 Jan 1995; two on 17th & one on 18 Apr 1996; four on 7th & three on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-3 on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 22 bird-days (1-10 noted on five dates) 19-26 Apr 1996; 3-5 daily 9-11 Mar & 60 bird-days (5-11 daily) 2-9 Apr 1999. Tengchong: 151 bird-days (2-22 noted on 11 dates) 18 Mar - 15 Apr 1996; two on 12th, 11 on 13th & three on 21 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: 18 bird-days (1-8 noted on five dates) 22-26 Mar 1996; 16 bird-days (1-6 daily) 14-17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 22 bird-days (1-5 noted daily) 3-9 Apr 1996; 16 bird-days (3-5 daily) 18-21 Mar 1999. Dali: three on 29th & one on 30 Apr 1996. Xishan: 57 bird-days (5-18 daily, best day 1 Apr) 29-31 Mar & 1+12-13 Apr 1999. he" ***Cheng (1987) considered the species uncommon. Song a pleasing ripple: "he hee One at Dali gave an aberrant song: "chu-we, chu-we"... he Stott (1993) listed the species as only rarely recorded in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders.

Black-naped Monarch Hypothymis azurea Wanding: singles on 16+18th & four on 17 Apr 1996. Ruili: three on 19th & one on 23 Apr 1996; 1-2 daily 9-11 Mar & 26 bird-days (2-9 daily except 7th, max on 8th) 2-9 Apr 1999. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Asian Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone paradisi Wanding: one male on 17 Apr 1996. Ruili: three on 23 Apr 1996; two on 3rd & one on 6 Apr 1999. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987).

Yellow-bellied Fantail Chelidorhynx hypoxantha Lijiang: one at Wenbishan on 25 Jan 1988. Wanding: 1-3 noted on four dates in Jan 1995. Ruili: 1-4 seen on five dates in Jan/Feb 1995; ten bird-days (2-5 daily) 9-11 Mar 1999. Tengchong: singles noted on four dates 20 Mar - 15 Apr & two on 14 Apr 1996; one on 13 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: three on 22nd, six on 23rd & ten on 24 Mar 1996; four on 14+16th & two on 15 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 159 bird-days (3-28 daily, incl. 86 migr.) 3-12 Apr 1996; 35 bird-days (1-14 daily, incl. three migr. on 19th) 18-21 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 12 Apr 1999. ***Not listed for Kunming by Cheng (1987), who considered the species uncommon and a resident. Stott (1993) listed it as rarely recorded in the Kunming area. The Lijiang bird, at 2,500+m, was at an unusually high altitude considering the season (winters mostly below 1,800m in India and Nepal: Grimmett et al. 1998). Song is a high-pitched "E-eh, tvi-tvi-tvi".

White-throated Fantail Rhipidura albicollis Lijiang: at Park one on 3rd & two on 9 Jan 1995; two on 24+25 Mar 1999. Baoshan: 1-2 noted on three dates in Jan 1995. Wanding: up to five almost daily in Jan 1995; one on 18 Apr 1996; eight on 7th & four on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 2-4 on five dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 1-5 on four dates in Apr 1996; two on 9th & one on 11 Mar, 16 bird- days (1-4 daily) 3-8 Apr 1999. Tengchong: 1-4 daily (except 21 Mar 1999). Yunfengshan: 34 bird-days (1-8 noted on 11 dates, incl. 2-4 daily 14-17 Mar 1999). Gaoligongshan: singles on four dates 4-8 Apr 1996; one on 19th & four on 21 Mar 1999. Dali: one on 24 Mar 1999. Xishan: nine bird-days (1-2 daily) 29-31 Mar & 1+12-13 Apr 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987). Stott (1993) listed it as only rarely recorded in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders, and included White-browed Fantail R. aureola, also as "rarely recorded", without comment although there may only be one previous record for China (from Tengchong in March: Cheng 1987).

Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus Lijiang: in Relict Pines area ten on 1st & 14 on 2 Jan 1995, four on 25 Mar 1999; at YL two on 11 Jan 1995.

Black-throated Tit A. concinnus Lijiang: three at Wenbishan on 16 Jan 1988; 2-10 almost daily in Park/ Relict Pines area. Baoshan: at least 28 present in Jan 1995; 15 on 28 Apr 1996. Tengchong: c355 bird-days (9-c55 daily). A nest-building pair noted on 19 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan: 25 on 14th & ten on 15 Feb 1995; 5-13 almost daily 22-28 Mar 1996; 4-25 daily 14-17 Mar 1999, incl. a mating pair on 15th. Gaoligongshan: 1-4 noted on most days 3-12 Apr 1996 (incl. one migr. on 12th); 21 bird-days (1- 12 daily, incl. one migr. on 19th) 18-21 Mar 1999. Dali: three on 29 Apr 1996. Xishan: c450 bird-days (c45-115 daily) 29-31 Mar & 1+12-13 Apr 1999. ***Recorded by Hong Kong birders on almost all visits to the Kunming area (Stott 1993).

Black-browed Tit A. iouschistos Lijiang: at Wenbishan 25 on 16th & six on 25 Jan 1988; 1-20 (best day 25 Mar 1999) on six dates at Park/ Relict Pines area; at YL four on 26 Jan 1988, 11 on 11 Jan 1995, and 15 on 25th, 35 on 26th & ten on 27 Mar 1999. Zhongdian: four at monastery on 5 Jan 1995. Baoshan: four on 18+20th & c20 on 19 Jan 1995. Yunfengshan: 2-7 almost daily 22-28 Mar 1996; 2-6 daily 15-17 Mar 1999. Dali: 40 (incl. two gathering nest material) on 29 Apr 1996; 31 on 23 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one on 18 Mar 1999 [PT]. ***Considered uncommon, and not listed for W of Salween or Dali by Cheng (1987).

Fire-capped Tit Cephalopyrus flammiceps Dali: c10 at c2,790m on 23 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) considered the species uncommon, listing it for NW Yunnan without locality.

Black-bibbed Tit Parus hypermelaena Lijiang: one at Park on 9+12 Jan 1995; at YL singles on 11 Jan 1995 & 25 Mar 1999, three on 26 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 2 Feb 1995 [JHC]. Yunfengshan: at least five present 13-15 Feb 1995; singles on 22+23+25+26th & three on 24 Mar 1996; two on 14 Mar 1999. ***Not listed for Tengchong or Ruili by Cheng (1987). One song was "chichidae chichidae chep chep chep chep" - the transcription of the first two phrases may suggest a Songar/Willow Tit, but Black-bibbed's song NOT nasal. Two calls heard from a stationary bird were a sparrow-like "chirp", and (more frequently) a Blue Tit P. caeruleus-like, but less prolonged, trill.

Songar Tit P. songarus weigoldicus Lijiang: three at YL on 11 Jan 1995. Zhongdian: four at Wufengshan on 6 Jan 1995.

Rufous-vented Tit P. rubidiventris Lijiang: at YL ten on 26 Jan 1988, three on 11 Jan 1995, one on 25th & c200 (incl. a flock of c150) [ND,PT] on 26 Mar 1999. Dali: one on 23 Mar 1999.

Coal Tit P. ater Lijiang: in Relict Pines area three on 1st & one on 2 Jan 1995; at YL two on 26 Jan 1988, four on 11 Jan 1995, two on 25th & nine on 26 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: four bird-days (1-2 daily) 14-16 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) did not list the species for W of the Salween.

Yellow-bellied Tit P. venustulus Wanding: one on 22 Jan 1995. Xishan: 1+ heard on 30th & one seen in same place on 31 Mar 1999. ***Recorded for Yunnan by Cheng (1987) only as a winter vagrant to Kunming - however, it may be regular there (N. Dymond pers. com.; Yan et al. 1995), and was indeed listed as commonly recorded in the area by visiting Hong Kong birders by Stott (1993). The Wanding record strongly suggests that this supposed Chinese endemic may occasionally reach Burma.

Grey Crested Tit P. dichrous Lijiang: at YL nine on 26 Jan 1988, six on 11 Jan 1995, two on 25+27th & five on 26 Mar 1999. Zhongdian: one at Wufengshan on 6 Jan 1995. Yunfengshan: singles on 24+27th & two on 28 Mar 1996. Dali: two on 23 Mar 1999.

Great Tit P. major Lijiang: at Wenbishan 15 on 16th & three on 25 Jan 1988; in Park/ Relict Pines area up to 24 daily in winter & eight on 24+25 Mar 1999; at YL two on 26 Mar 1999. Dali: two at Butterfly Spring on 15 Jan 1995; ten on 29 Apr 1996; one on 23rd & three on 24 Mar 1999. Baoshan: up to eight daily in Jan 1995. Wanding: 1-5 noted on five dates. Ruili: 1-7 noted on 16 dates (incl. one carrying nest material on 10 Mar 1999). Tengchong: up to 37 daily. Yunfengshan: ten seen in 1995/1996, all except one in the foothills. Gaoligongshan: three at c1,975m on 21 Mar 1999. Xishan: nine bird-days (1-3 noted on four dates) 30 Mar - 12 Apr 1999. ***Recorded on almost all visits to the Kunming area by Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Green-backed Tit P. monticolus Lijiang: at Wenbishan 15 on 16 Jan 1988; at Park up to four almost daily in winter; at YL two on 26 Jan 1988, four on 25th, five on 26th & one on 27 Mar 1999. Dali: two at Butterfly Spring on 15 Jan 1995; 11 on 29 Apr 1996; nine on 23 Mar 1999. Baoshan: 1-5 daily in Jan 1995. Wanding: singles on 23+25 Jan 1995. Ruili: one on 2 Feb 1995. Tengchong: four on 10th & eight on 11 Feb 1995; one on 21 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan: 1-14 almost daily (incl. 23 bird-days 14-17 Mar 1999). Gaoligongshan: 44 bird-days (1-10 daily) 3-12 Apr 1996; 15 bird-days (2-5 daily) 18-21 Mar 1999. Xishan: 28 bird-days (1-7 noted on six dates, incl. adult w/ juvenile on 13th) 29 Mar - 13 Apr 1999. ***The Wanding birds were well below altitudinal range given for Yunnan by Harrap & Quinn (1996). Stott (1993) listed the species as recorded in the Kunming area on almost all visits by Hong Kong birders. Song variable: 1) monotonously repeated, slow, loud, melancholy "duh, duh". 2) "we-cheu" repeated, with stress on 2nd syllable & the "we" pronounced as yes in French.

Yellow-cheeked Tit P. spilonotus Ruili: 4-7 noted on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 1-4 on four dates in Apr 1996; singles on 9+11 Mar & 19 bird- days (1-6 daily) 3-9 Apr 1999. Tengchong: six on 10th & three on 11 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: 1-5 almost daily (in Mar 1999 one on 14th & two on 15th). Gaoligongshan: singles on 3+6th & four on 8 Apr 1996; 11 bird-days (2-4 daily) 18-21 Mar 1999. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987). A frequently heard call "plou che che" was not described by Harrap & Quinn (1996).

Yellow-browed Tit Sylviparus modestus Baoshan: one on 19 Jan 1995. Tengchong: four on 11 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: seven on 14 Feb 1995; four on 24th & singles on 25+26+28 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: two on 9 Apr 1996; 10+ bird-days (2-3+ daily) 18-21 Mar 1999. Lijiang: at YL two on 25th & five on 26 Mar 1999. [Ruili: a song thought to be this species heard on 6 Apr 1999.] ***Cheng (1987) considered the species fairly common. Fast, high-pitched "zi" calls reminiscent of Goldcrest's.

Naga Nuthatch Sitta nagaensis Lijiang: at Wenbishan three on 16th & four on 25 Jan 1988; in Relict Pines area 2-3 on 1+2 Jan 1995; at YL two on 26 Jan 1988, 15 on 11 Jan 1995, two on 25+27th & eight on 26 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-2 on three dates in Jan 1995; 11 bird-days (1-4 noted on five dates) 2-9 Apr 1999. Tengchong: up to seven noted daily on 10+11 Feb 1995 & in Mar/Apr 1996; in 1999 four on 13 Mar. Yunfengshan: 4-8 daily 13-15 Feb 1995; 1-6 daily 22-28 Mar 1996; 11 bird-days (1-5 daily) 14- 17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one on 21 Mar 1999. ***The Ruili birds somewhat below altitudinal range given for Yunnan by Harrap & Quinn (1996).

White-tailed Nuthatch S. himalayensis Tengchong: two on 10 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: two on 14 Feb 1995. Gaoligongshan: two on 9 Apr 1996 & singles on 18+19 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) listed the species for Tengchong but gave no indication of its abundance.

Yunnan Nuthatch S. yunnanensis Lijiang: in Relict Pines area two on 14 Jan 1988, 8-12 on 1+2 Jan 1995, three on 24th & 12 on 25 Mar 1999; at YL two at KM28.5 on 11 Jan 1995 & four on 26 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987) though evidently common locally where habitat requirements met.

Giant Nuthatch S. magna Lijiang: at Relict Pines one present 1+2 Jan 1995 & 2-4 seen on 25 Mar 1999. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Velvet-fronted Nuthatch S. frontalis Wanding: one on 24 Jan 1995 & three on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 3-6 noted on three days in Jan/Feb 1995; one on 19th & two on 23 Apr 1996; three on 10 Mar & 13 bird- days (1-3 noted on six dates, incl. one carrying nest material on 10th) 3-10 Apr 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987).

Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria Lijiang: one in Tiger Leaping Gorge, N of YL, in Jan 1988. Zhongdian: one in town on 6 Jan 1995. Tengchong: one en route to Re Hai on 12 Feb 1995. Common Treecreeper Certhia familiaris Lijiang: one in Park alongside a C. himalayana on 9 Jan 1995; two at YL on 26 Mar 1999. Zhongdian: two at Wufengshan on 6 Jan 1995. Baoshan: one noted on three dates in Jan 1995. Yunfengshan: one on 15 Mar 1999. ***Not listed for W of the Salween by Cheng (1987), and for Burma only for the extreme N (Harrap & Quinn 1996).

Bar-tailed Treecreeper C. himalayana Lijiang: 1-3 noted on five days in winter in Park/ Relict Pines area; at YL two on 25th & six [ND,PT] on 26 Mar 1999. Baoshan: one on 18 Jan 1995 & two on 28 Apr 1996. Tengchong: 3-4 on 10+11 Feb 1995; 2-10 on nine dates 20 Mar - 15 Apr 1996, incl. one at nest on 30th; four on 13 Mar 1999. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987). Song is brief, trilled, Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix-like: first decelerating, then ascending. Contact call is a metallic "zye".

Brown-throated Treecreeper C. discolor Ruili: 1-3 noted on six dates in Jan/Feb 1995 & Apr 1996; in 1999 two on 11 Mar & 17 bird-days (1-4 almost daily) 3-9 Apr. ***Considered very rare by Cheng (1987) who listed the species only for Yadong (S Tibet) and Tengchong.

Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker Dicaeum melanoxanthum Baoshan: three on 19th & two on 20 Jan 1995. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Plain Flowerpecker D. concolor Ruili: one on 26 Apr 1996 & two on 3 Apr 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Buff-bellied Flowerpecker D. ignipectus Dali: four at Butterfly Spring on 15 Jan 1995. Baoshan: 3-4 daily in Jan 1995. Wanding: one on 24 Jan 1995; three on 18 Apr 1996; one on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: three on 4th & one on 6 Feb 1995; 2-4 daily on 19+21+23+25 Apr 1996; 22 bird-days (1-6 almost daily) 2-10 Apr 1999. Yunfengshan: 3-4 on 14+15 Feb 1995; 55 bird-days (1-13 daily) 22-29 Mar 1996; 26 bird-days (5-9 daily) 14-17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 31 bird-days (1-10 almost daily, incl. 16 migr.) 2-12 Apr 1996; four migr. on 19th & five on 21 Mar 1999. Lijiang: three at Park/ Relict Pines area on 24th & four at YL on 26 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 29 Mar & two on 12 Apr 1999. ***Uncommonly recorded in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993). Cheng (1987) did not list the species for Kunming. In addition to the usual, buzzed call also a "zit", "zing" or toneless unemphasised "zie" used on migr.

Ruby-cheeked Sunbird Anthreptes singalensis Ruili: one male on 26 Apr 1996. Wanding: a pair on 7th & two on 8 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987).

Purple Sunbird Nectarinia asiatica Wanding: one male on 25 Jan 1995; one male singing on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: one female on 30 jan 1995; one pair on 25 Apr 1996; one on 9 Mar 1999. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987). Call buzzed, rather Buff-bellied Flowerpecker-like though higher-pitched and more grating.

Gould's Sunbird Aethopyga gouldiae Ruili: 2-4 noted on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; in 1999 one on 9th & 15 on 11 Mar, two females on 9 Apr. Tengchong: three on 11 Feb 1995 & one on 1 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: one on 15 Feb 1995; 65 bird-days (3-15 daily) 23-29 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 974 migr. 3-12 Apr 1996 (daily max 210 on 9th); in Mar 1999 13 (of which seven migr.) on 18th, 214 migr. on 19th & ten on 20th. Dali: two heard on 23 Mar 1999. Lijiang: six at YL on 26 Mar 1999. [Four Sunbird sp. at Park on 31 Dec 1994 may have been this species]. Xishan: 23 bird-days (2-7 on six dates) 29 Mar - 13 Apr 1999. ***Considered fairly common, but not listed for the Kunming area (where "rarely recorded" by visiting Hong Kong birders: Stott 1993) by Cheng (1987). Call is a somewhat variable (though easily separable from Fire- tailed Sunbird's) "pfuit" or "tritt".

Green-tailed Sunbird A. nipalensis Yunfengshan: 1-3 noted on five dates 23-28 Mar 1996, all but one of which were males; three on 15 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 137 bird-days (1-30 almost daily; none migr.) 3-12 Apr 1996; 24 bird-days (1- 13+ daily; none migr.) 18-21 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987) and "less common than Gould's Sunbird" by Che et al. (1989); the latter gave the altitudinal range as 1,500-2,600m although the species has been recorded up to 3,600n in C Himalaya (Ali & Ripley 1987).

Black-throated Sunbird A. saturata Ruili: singles on 6 Feb 1995 [JHC] & 19+25 Apr 1996; in 1999 one male on 9 Mar & ten bird- days (1-3 daily, incl. one which "joined in White-gorgetted Flycatcher + Golden Babbler commotion" on 7th) 3- 9 Apr 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987). Call is a high-pitched "chirp".

Crimson Sunbird A. siparaja Wanding: single males on four dates in Jan 1995; eight on 17th & nine on 18 Apr 1996; two on 7 Mar 1999. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Fire-tailed Sunbird A. ignicauda Ruili: three on 4 Feb 1995. Yunfengshan: one on 14 Feb 1999; 1-4 daily 25-28 Mar 1996; seven on 16th & two on 17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 16,202 migr (max 3,379 on 7th) & just one (on 8th) which didn't migr. 3-12 Apr 1996; in Mar 1999 82 (migr. from c11h00 - presumably many had passed earlier in the day) on 18th, 1,355 migr. on 19th & 14 (not migr.) on 20th. ***Considered an uncommon resident by Cheng (1987), and a resident less common than Crimson Sunbird by Chu et al. (1989). Noted down to 1,200m in winter by Ali & Ripley (1987) - the three at Ruili were slightly lower. Call rather variable, suggesting a weak Grey Wagtail, but is consistently very different from Gould's Sunbird's, facilitating the separation of migrants.

Streaked Spiderhunter Arachnothera magna Ruili: 2-5 noted on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; one heard on 23 Apr 1996; singles on 11 Mar & 8+9 Apr 1999. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Chestnut-flanked Whiteeye Zosterops erythropleura Tengchong: 50+ present 10+11 Feb 1995; 15 on 13 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 142 migr. 7-12 Apr 1996, max 55 on 12th; c80 bird-days (5-41 daily, incl. 41 migr. on 19th) 18-21 Mar 1999. Xishan: 35 on 12 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987) listed the species as a winter visitor to Yunnan without locality. None were recorded in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Japanese Whiteeye Z. japonica Lijiang: at Park 1-2 on three dates in winter & two on 25 Mar 1999. Baoshan: 50+ present in Jan 1995. Wanding: up to 30 daily in Jan 1995; 4-6 daily 16-18 Apr 1996; 15 on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 5-10 on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 2-5 noted on four days in Apr 1996; 15 on 10 Mar & 17 bird-days (2-5 almost daily) 2-8 Apr 1999. Tengchong: four on 11 Feb 1995; 605 bird-days (5-105 on each field day) in Mar/Apr 1996; 40 on 12th, 35 on 13th & ten on 21 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: in foothills 20 on 22nd & four on 29 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: one on 1st, five migr. on 11th & two migr. on 12 Apr 1996. Dali: two on 24 Mar 1999. Xishan: 60 bird-days (10-20 on five dates) 29 Mar - 12 Apr 1999. ***Only "rarely recorded" by Hong Kong birders visiting the Kunming area (Stott 1993). Cheng (1987) did not list the species for Kunming. Oriental Whiteeye Z. palpebrosa Baoshan: five on 28 Apr 1996. Ruili: two on 8 Apr 1999. Xishan: ten on 29th, singles on 31 Mar & 1 Apr, 2+ on 12th & two on 13 Apr 1999. ***Considered fairly common locally and listed for Yunnan without locality by Cheng (1987). The species was "commonly recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Crested Bunting Melophus lathami Wanding: one on 25 Jan 1995. Ruili: two on 31 Jan 1995; singles on 19+25 Apr 1996; one pair noted on 3+7+8 Apr 1999. Yunfengshan - Gudong: two singing males seen on 29 Mar 1996. Dali: single males seen on 29 Apr 1996 & 23 Mar 1999. Lijiang - Dali: one male on 27 Mar 1999. ***Song a pure, measured, descending triple note.

Eastern Rock Bunting Emberiza godlewskii Lijiang: at Wenbishan 12 on 16th & six on 25 Jan 1988; up to seven almost daily in Park/ Relict Pines area & c45 in nearby orchards on 2 Jan 1995. Zhongdian: 1-6 on both visits to Wufengshan in Jan 1995. Yunfengshan: singles on 13 Feb 1995 & 25 Mar 1996. Dali: eight on 29 Apr 1996 & two on 23+24 Mar 1999. Xishan: singles on 30+31 Mar & 12 Apr 1999. ***Not listed for W of the Salween by Cheng (1987). The species was recorded in the Kunming area on almost all visits by Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Tristram's bunting E. tristrami Xishan: two on 31 Mar & one female seen 12+13 Apr 1999. ***"Rarely recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993), and listed only for SE Yunnan by Cheng (1987) .

Chestnut-eared Bunting E. fucata Ruili: one on 18 Apr 1996. Dali: two ( male w/ female) on 24 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) listed ssp. arevata as breeding in the area.

Little Bunting E. pusilla Lijiang: at Wenbishan 15 on 16th & five on 25 Jan 1988; at Lashiba lake 15 on 17 Jan 1988; at Park/ Relict Pines area singles on 2+12 Jan 1995 & 30 on 24 Mar 1999. Baoshan: at least two present in Jan 1995. Wanding: 1-7 daily in Jan 1995. Ruili: 5-13 on most days in Jan/Feb 1995; three on 19 Apr 1996. Yingjiang: three on 8 Feb 1995. Tengchong: 6-15 on 10+11 Feb 1995; in 1996 eight on 18th, 29 on 19th & 16 on 30 Mar, and two on 2 Apr; one on 13 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: 1-14 daily on 13+14th & c160 present in foothills on 15 Feb 1995; in Mar 1999 three (at base) on 14th, nine on 15th & three on 16th. Gaoligongshan: 3-16 noted on six dates 3-11 Apr 1996. Dali: two on 29 Apr 1996; one on 23rd & five on 24 Mar 1999. Xishan: eight on 29th & 20 on 30 Mar 1999. ***Area W of the Salween omitted from mapped range by Cheng (1987). The species was recorded on almost all visits to the Kunming area by Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Yellow-throated Bunting E. elegans Lijiang: six at Wenbishan on 16 Jan 1988; five at Park almost daily in winter 1994/95; one male at YL on 26 Mar 1999. Baoshan: 1-3 daily in Jan 1995. Tengchong: ten present 10+11 Feb 1995; 1-10 noted on eight dates 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996; two on 13 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one on 6th & four on 8+10 Apr 1996; two on 19 Mar 1999. Dali: one on 23 Mar 1999. ***Not listed for W of Salween by Cheng (1987).

Yellow-breasted Bunting E. aureola Ruili: four on 20+24 Apr 1996.

Chestnut Bunting E. rutila Tengchong: 87 bird-days (1-60 noted on seven dates, max on 2 Apr) 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996. Ruili: four on 21 Apr 1996. Xishan: one female on 13 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987) did not list the species for Yunnan although SE part of province incl. in mapped winter range. None were recorded in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Black-faced Bunting E. spodocephala Ruili: two on 30 Jan 1995 & one seen singing on 24 Apr 1996. Dali: three singing males on 30 Apr 1996. ***Not mapped for W of Salween by Cheng (1987).

Brambling Fringilla montifringilla Lijiang: 1-13 almost daily in winter; four on 25 Mar 1999. Zhongdian: noted on two days in Jan 1995, max 15 birds. Baoshan: one on 20 Jan 1995. Tengchong: 5-20 daily 10+11 Feb 1995; 40 on 19th, 3+ on 21st & 20 on 30 Mar, and seven on 1 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: 11 in foothills on 15 Feb 1995. ***Not mapped for W of Salween by Cheng (1987). Tibetan Siskin Carduelis thibetanus Lijiang: one male at YL on 11 Jan 1995 associated with a mixed species flock. Ruili: 35 on 4 Feb 1995. Tengchong: 25+ on 11 Feb 1995; up to 75 noted on five dates 19 Mar - 1 Apr 1996; nine on 13 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: 12 on 22nd & c30 on 24 Mar 1996. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987) who listed it for NW Yunnan only, though his mapped range includes the Tengchong region. Black-headed Greenfinch C. ambigua Lijiang: in Park/ Relict Pines area 24 on 14 Jan 1988, four on 3rd & five on 12 Jan 1995, three on 24th & 12 on 25 Mar 1999; at Wenbishan four on 16th & five on 25 Jan 1988; at Lashiba lake six on 17 Jan 1988. Lijiang - Dali: c30 on 13 Jan 1995. Baoshan: 2-8 daily. Tengchong: 5-6 on 10+11 Feb 1995; c180 bird-days (3-25 on 11 dates, incl. newly fledged juvenile on 19 Mar) 18 Mar - 15 Apr 1996; three on 12th, 11 on 13th & one on 23 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan area: 1-30 daily. Dali: five on 29Apr 1996; two on 23rd & 11 on 24 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one at c1,950m on 21 Mar 1999. Xishan: singles on 31 Mar & 1+12 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987) did not list the species for Kunming, where it was recorded on almost all visits by Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Dark-breasted Rosefinch Carpodacus nipalensis Dali: five ( one male, four females) on 23 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987), who listed the species for NW Yunnan.

Common Rosefinch C. erythrinus Baoshan: five on 19 Jan 1995. Wanding: 1-7 almost daily in Jan 1995; two on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-15 on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; two on 2nd & one on 10 Apr 1999. Gaoligongshan: in Apr 1996 singles on 3+4+5+7+11+12th, two on 6th & four on 9th. Tengchong: one on 14 Apr 1996. Dali: two on 29 Apr 1996 & one on 24 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 29 Mar & two on 12 Apr 1999. ***The species was only "rarely recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Beautiful Rosefinch C. pulcherrimus Zhongdian: one at Wufengshan on 4 Jan 1995.

Vinaceous Rosefinch C, vinaceus Gaoligongshan: 20 bird-days (1-5 noted on seven dates) 5-12 Apr 1996. [Yunfengshan: a male Rosefinch seen on 15 Mar 1996 may well have been this species.]

White-browed Rosefinch C. thura Lijiang: one at YL on 11 Jan 1995. Zhongdian: one at Wufengshan on 4 Jan 1995.

Crimson-browed Finch Propyrrhula subhimachala Yunfengshan: one male on 28 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: one female on 19 Mar [ND, PT]. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987). The localities are on the S fringe of the species' range.

Red Crossbill Loxia curvirostra Lijiang: at YL 3+ on 11 Jan 1995 & in Mar 1999 15 on 25th, 45 on 26th & heard on 27th. Zhongdian: heard at Wufengshan on 6 Jan 1995. Gaoligongshan: one on 4th, six on 10th & five migr. on 11 Apr 1996. Brown Bullfinch Pyrrhula nipalensis Lijiang: three heard at YL on 11 Jan 1995. Zhongdian: 1-2 at Wufengshan on 4+6 Jan 1995. Tengchong: 2-3 heard on 21st & two seen on 31 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan: four on 24 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: heard on 2nd, three on 4th & two on 8+11 Apr 1996; two heard on 18 Mar 1999.

Grey-headed Bullfinch P. erythaca Lijiang: four at YL on 11 Jan 1995.

[White-winged Grosbeak Mycerobas carniceps Lijiang: one pair at YL on 26 Mar 1999 [ND, PT].]

Golden-naped Finch Pyrrhoplectes epauletta Gaoligongshan: one male migr. on 11 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: one female on 16th & three females on 17 Mar 1999. ***Considered rare by Cheng (1987). The male's call noted as being a drawn-out, ventriloqual, high- pitched "huuh", while the females uttered a drawn-out "keeo" or "keew".

White-rumped Munia Lonchura striata Wanding: 4-15 noted on four dates in Jan 1995; 1-3 daily 16-18 Apr 1996. Ruili: 10-15 seen on three dates in Jan/Feb 1995; four on 20th & three on 26 Apr 1996; ten on 6th & nine on 10 Apr 1999. Tengchong: two on 1 Apr 1996.

Spotted Munia L. punctulata Wanding: 2-c10 almost daily in Jan 1995 & Apr 1996. Ruili: nine on 30 Jan & ten on 6 Feb 1995; in Apr 1996 flocks flying to roost totalled 260 on 24th & 475 on 26th, otherwise 1-40 birds noted most days 18-26th.

Russet Sparrow Passer rutilans Lijiang: up to 20 almost daily at Park/ Relict Pines area & at Wenbishan on 16+25 Jan 1988. Baoshan: two present in Jan 1995. Tengchong: four on 11 Feb 1995; 4-27 noted on ten dates 19 mar - 15 Apr 1996; four on 13 Mar 1999. Tengchong - Yunfengshan: ten on 22 Mar 1996. Yunfengshan area: one on 13 Feb 1995 & four on 22 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: one pair at c1,950m on 21 Mar 1999. Dali: one on 24 Mar 1999. Dali - Lijiang: two on 24 Mar 1999. Xishan: 22 bird-days (3-8 noted on four dates) 31 Mar - 13 Apr 1999. ***The species was recorded in the Kunming area on almost all visits by Hong Kong birders (Stott 1993).

Tree Sparrow P. montanus ***Not systematically recorded - present at several localities.

Chestnut-tailed Starling Sturnus malabaricus Tengchong: one on 14 Apr 1996. Wanding: 12-17+ daily 16-18 Apr 1996; 15 on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: 2-10 noted on six dates 20-26 Apr 1996; in 1999 1-3 on 9 Mar & 2+4+6+9 Apr, and 28 on 8 Apr. ***Considered an uncommon resident by Cheng (1987); however, its apparent absence in winter indicates that some movements are undertaken.

Black-collared Starling S. nigricollis Ruili: one (at Jie Le Reservoir) on 29 Jan 1995; singles on 18+19+22nd, three on 24th & two on 26 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan area: nine on 13th & one on 15 Feb 1995; several heard on 2 Mar 1996; five on 14 Mar 1999. Tengchong: 10+ heard on 19th, 15 on 21st & heard on 31 Mar & 1 Apr 1996. ***"Common, being one of the most conspicuous birds of the lowlands of the southern-most provinces [of China]" (Cheng 1987). White-vented Myna Acridotheres cinereus Ruili: 12 on 1 Feb 1995; 3-5 noted on 24+25+26 Apr 1996. Wanding - Ruili: five on 8 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987). This taxon is Crested Myna A. grandis of deSchauensee (1984) and Jungle Myna A. (?fuscus) grandis of Cheng (1987).

Collared Myna A. albocinctus Ruili: two in sugarcane fields on 31 Jan 1995, two at Jie Le Reservoir on 20 Apr 1996 & two near Relict Wood w/ Chestnut-tailed Starlings in the evening of 8 Apr 1999. ***Cheng (1987), giving no indication of its abundance, listed the species for Lijiang and Tengchong.

Hill Myna Gracula religiosa near Wanding: one seen from bus on 27 Apr 1996 was too close to a house to be considered a definite non- escape... ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987) but sought-after for the cagebird trade so perhaps now rather rare.

Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis Wanding: singles on three dates in Jan 1995; two on 17th & three on 18 Apr 1996. Gaoligongshan: one on 12 Apr 1996. Ruili: ten bird-days (1-3 noted on four dates) 19-26 Apr 1996.

Slender-billed Oriole O. tenuirostris Tengchong: six present 10+11 Feb 1995; 1-3 noted on six dates 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996; five on 13th & one on 21 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 10 Mar 1999. ***Cheng (1987) states that this taxon hybridizes with O. chinensis diffusus in W, S & SE Yunnan.

Maroon Oriole O. trailii Wanding: 1-3 on four dates in Jan 1995; four on 7th & two on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: 1-4 noted on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 5-10 noted on four dates 19-25 Apr 1996; 17 bird- days (4-9 daily) 9-11 Mar & 92 bird-days (2-22 daily, best day 3rd) 2-10 Apr 1999. Yunfengshan: one on 14 Feb 1995; two on 23rd & one on 27 Mar 1996; one heard on 17 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: one on 18 Mar 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus Ruili: a few at Jie Le Reservoir & at paddies in Jan/Feb 1995; c205 bird-days (up to 70 daily) 18- 26 Apr 1996; singles on 2+3rd, two on 8th & three on 9+10 Apr 1999. Gaoligongshan: two migrants present on 12 Apr 1996. Mangshi - Wanding: c50 on 16 Apr 1996.

Ashy Drongo D. leucophaeus Lijiang: two at Park on six dates (incl. 24+25 Mar 1999). Baoshan: one present in Jan 1995; two on 28 Apr 1996. Wanding: singles on three dates in Jan 1995 & on 18 Apr 1996; two on 7 Mar 1999. Ruili: singles on 31 Jan & 4 Feb 1995; 1-10 seen on six dates 19-26 Apr 1996; 11 bird-days (1-4 daily) 8-11 Mar & 46 bird-days (2-9 daily) 2-10 Apr 1999. Tengchong: four present 10-11 Feb 1995; 70 bird-days (2-13 on ten dates, incl. one on nest on 15 Apr) 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996; three on 12th, 12 on 13th & two on 21 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: one on 15 Feb 1995; 1-4 almost daily 22-28 Mar 1996; singles daily 14-16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: two (one migr.) on 10 Apr 1996; one on 21 Mar 1999. Xishan: one on 29th & three on 31 Mar, one on 1 Apr 1999. ***Listed by Stott (1993) as "uncommonly recorded" in the Kunming area by visiting Hong Kong birders. Very vocal. One song is a "deh-doh-DOH, choe"; another is a babble suggesting loud Whitethroat Sylvia communis, or Lesser Whitethroat S. curruca minus the rattle.

Bronzed Drongo D. aeneus Wanding: 1-4 almost daily. Ruili: 1-7 noted on four dates in Jan/Feb 1995; 25 bird-days (3-14 seen on four dates) in Apr 1996; two on 8th & ten on 9 Mar, two on 5th, eight on 7th & singles on 8+9 Apr 1999. ***Listed as uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo D. remifer Ruili: 1-6 noted on 16 dates, incl. one on 11 Mar & 26 bird-days 2-9 Apr 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo D. paradiseus Ruili: one on 6 Feb 1995. ***Listed as rare by Cheng (1987).

Ashy Woodswallow Artamus fuscus Ruili: one pair present in Apr 1996; two on 5 Apr 1999. ***Considered uncommon by Cheng (1987).

Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius Wanding: at least four present in Jan 1995; one on 18 Apr 1996; four on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: one on 2nd & five on 4 Feb 1995; one on 2nd & five on 10 Apr 1999. Dali: one on 29 Apr 1996. Tengchong: four on 12th & one on 13 Mar 1999. ***Not listed for W of the Salween by Cheng (1987).

Red-billed Blue Magpie Urocissa erythrorhyncha Lijiang: four in Relict Pines area on 1+2 Jan 1995; at YL 12 on 11 Jan 1995, three on 25th & heard on 27 Mar 1999. Baoshan: four present in Jan 1995; one on 28 Apr 1996. Wanding: four on 28 Jan 1995: one on 17 Apr 1996; four on 8 Mar 1999. Ruili: three on 6 Feb 1995; two on 26 Apr 1996; one on 4th & three on 10 Apr 1999. Tengchong: 12 on 10 Feb 1995; 2-8+ noted on ten dates 18 Mar -15 Apr 1996; four on 13 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: 13+ bird-days (1-5 noted on five dates) in Feb 1995 & Mar 1996; two on 16 Mar 1999. Gaoligongshan: 47 bird-days (2-10 noted almost daily) 2-11 Apr 1996; nine bird-days (1-c4 daily) 18-21 Mar 1999.

White-winged Magpie Cissopica whiteheadi Gaoligongshan: one on 7 Apr 1996. ***Considered rare, and not listed for Yunnan, by Cheng (1987).

Green Magpie Cissa chinensis Ruili: two on 6 Feb 1995; two on 21 Apr 1996; one on 9 Mar 1999 [ND]. ***Listed as very rare by Cheng (1987).

Grey Treepie Dendrocitta formosae Ruili: one on 4th & four on 6 Feb 1995; 1-12 noted on five dates in Apr 1996, incl. one at Jie Le Reservoir on 20th; three on 10 Mar & 53 bird-days (2-12 daily) 2-10 Apr 1999. Tengchong: one on 10 Feb 1995 [JHC]; singles on six dates 19 Mar - 15 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: two on 14th & one on 15 Feb 1995; singles on 22+28 Mar 1996. Gaoligongshan: 1-2 on 9th & two migr. on 10 Apr 1996. Wanding: two on 17th & one on 18 Apr 1996. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987).

Common Magpie Pica pica Lijiang: one in cultivation N of town on 18 Jan 1988. Zhongdian: two on 5 Jan 1995.

Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes Lijiang: at Wenbishan one on 16th & two on 25 Jan 1988; one in Relict Pines area on 2 Jan 1995; at YL two on 26 Jan 1988, heard on 11 Jan 1995, three on 25+26th & heard on 27 Mar 1999. Yunfengshan: one on 13th & two on 15 Feb 1995; singles on 15+16 Mar 1999. Dali: one heard on 29 Apr 1996.

Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Zhongdian: five on 5 Jan 1995.

Daurian Jackdaw Corvus dauuricus Lijiang: four N of town on 18 Jan 1988. Also c35 at Daju, N of YL, in Jan 1988. Zhongdian: up to c20 noted on two days in Jan 1995.

House Crow C. splendens Ruili: one on 24 Apr 1996. ***Considered fairly common by Cheng (1987).

Carrion Crow C. corone Zhongdian: 10-20 on three days in Jan 1995. Yunfengshan: two on 28 Mar 1996. ***Not listed for W of Salween by Cheng (1987).

Large-billed Crow C. macrorhynchos Lijiang: two at Wenbishan on 16 Jan 1988; at YL two on 26 Jan 1988, c20 on 11 Jan 1995, one on 25th, three on 26th & c10 on 27 Mar 1999. Zhongdian: one at Wufengshan on 4 Jan 1995. Wanding: singles on four dates in Jan 1995. Ruili: four on 30 Jan 1995. Gaoligongshan: singles almost daily 2-11th & two on 3 Apr 1996. Yunfengshan: one on 17 Mar 1999. Tengchong - Gaoligongshan: one on 18 Mar 1999. Xishan: singles on 30+31 Mar 1999. ***Recorded by Hong Kong birders on almost all visits to the Kunming area (Stott 1993).

********************* Table 1: Migrants at Gaoligongshan, daily counts Apr 1996 & 19 Mar 1999.

19 Mar 3 Apr 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12

Golden-throated Barbet * * * * * 1 * * * *

Crested Finchbill 2 * * * * * * * * *

Brown-breasted Bulbul * * * 2 * * * * * *

Mountain Bulbul * * * * * * * * 1 *

Black Bulbul * * * * * * * * 6 *

White-tailed Robin * * * 1 * * * * * *

Red-tailed Laughingthrush * * * * * * * 1 * *

Blue-winged Minla * * * * * * * * * * Chestnut-tailed Minla 4 * * 3 29 11 34 35 17 18

Red-tailed Minla * * * * * * * 2 * * 19 Mar 3 Apr 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12

Stripe-throated Yuhina * * * * * 6 2 6 10 6

White-collared Yuhina 5 * * * * * * * * *

Rufous-vented Yuhina 14 * * 21 197 231 262 182 99 27

Tickell's Leaf Warbler * * * * * * * * * 1

Buff-throated Leaf Warbler * * * * * * * 1 3 1

Buff-barred Leaf Warbler 9 * * * * * 5 6 4 18

Yellow-browed Warbler * * * * * * * * 2 4

Lemon-rumped Warbler 1 * * * * * * 1 1 3

Ashy-throated Leaf Warbler 3 * * * * * * * * *

Little Pied Flycatcher * * * 1 * * * * * *

Verditer Flycatcher * * * 1 * * * * * *

Yellow-bellied Fantail 3 2 2 3 10 5 14 12 15 23

Buff-bellied Flowerpecker 4 * * * 2 * 8 1 * 5

Gould's Sunbird 214 4 16 29 107 184 210 181 124 119

Fire-tailed Sunbird 1,355 1,208 1,549 1,804 3,379 2,279 2,280 1,126 1,410 1,167

Chestnut-flanked Whiteeye 41 * * * 7 14 27 11 28 55

Japanese Whiteeye * * * * * * * * 5 2

**Whiteeye sp. * * 39 27 25 * * * 10 *

Vinaceous Rosefinch * * * * * * 4 * * *

Red Crossbill * * * * * * * * * 5 naped Finch * * * * * * * * 1 *

Grey Treepie * * * * * * * 2 * *

("migrant" is for the purposes of this table defined as any bird moving N past the watchpoint in a determined way and not seen to return S. Occasionally individuals of what may be strictly sedentary species making random movements within the area are included in error as migrants by using this definition, but no other workable definition seems available and these observations anyway suggest that more species undertake genuine migrations than was previously realised).

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