Bronxville Pta Volunteer Descriptions

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Bronxville Pta Volunteer Descriptions



President Oversee the work & initiatives of the PTA; organize the agenda & manage monthly meetings; work with treasurer to create the yearly budget; assist council chairs.

President Elect Support & shadow pres. throughout the school year to learn responsibilities of position; represent PTA to the Bronxville School Foundation at their monthly meetings; head the Nominating Committee to fill positions for the following year.

Secretary Take the minutes at the PTA Board meetings; check & receive incoming internal & external (mail) communication; notify board of all meetings; record & file minutes for monthly meeting.

Treasurer Create annual budget in coordination with each council & board; keep PTA accounts; prepare financial forecasts; oversee audit; coordinate receipt & disbursement of monies; prepare information for tax returns; advise board of financial problems & policies; present monthly financial reports at PTA meetings.

Council Chairs (ES/MS/HS/Athletic) Represent their individual councils to the board; oversee & manage all council activities.


Apparel Design & order merchandise geared towards the BXV school community; run a fall and spring week long sale with parent volunteers; organize inventory; maintain sales spreadsheet; promote sales.

B*Well Source speakers regarding health and wellness topics; coordinate with council chairs & school principals.

BASC (BXV After School Committee) Manage BASC website; book after school classes, clubs & lessons for the ES; administer registration for activities; manage day-to-day running of the activities during the semester; coordinate with instructors & parents; recruit & manage parent volunteers; provide regular status reports to PTA; ensure compliance with guidelines.

Bronco Beat Compile into an online newsletter information from all councils for distribution to the school community every Sunday.

Development Manage & cultivate sponsorship relationships; partner with Chamber of Commerce on activities.

Finance Chair Shadow treasurer to prepare for treas. role the following year; manage account for Memorial Day activities; organize yearly audit with treas.

Fundraising If deemed necessary by the board, organize an annual fundraiser.

Hospitality Coordinate refreshments for Back-to-School nights & council meetings; plan the teachers’ Holiday Tea in December & the Recognition Tea in June. Membership Solicit dues & maintain records of membership.

Memorial Day Form a committee to run the festivities for the Friday of MD weekend.

New Families Assemble informational & welcome packets for the new school families; host orientation in August & cocktail party in the fall; gather student volunteers for school tours & match new families with a host family & student in mid-August; be available throughout the year for questions from new families. Bulk of work is from June-October.

Online Directory Oversee usage of online school personal & family directory.

Performing Arts Assist drama teacher with productions, publicity, ticket sales, costumes, props, sets, makeup, refreshments & cast party; liaison with music dept.; decorate for concerts; help with activities as needed.

Public Relations Promote PTA in the community; draft & send press releases and articles to local publications; organize all public relations for benefits, major PTA events & Memorial Day activities.

Website Maintain & revise webpage, images, logos & forms; provide technical support.


Chair Oversee work of council; organize monthly agenda & meeting; help recruit & orient grade chairs/class parents; create budget with council reps; communicate concerns/issues to administration; serve on interview committees for the hiring of new teachers; represent respective council at monthly PTA meetings.

Vice Chair Support & shadow chair in order to assume position the following year; attend monthly council meeting; serve on PTA Nominating Committee.

Secretary Record minutes at monthly council meetings.

Treasurer Prepare annual budget & manage the bank account; maintain excel spreadsheets; process expense reimbursements; record reimbursement forms, receipts, etc. for auditing purposes.

Grade Chairs Liaise with chair and grade parents; liaise with grade faculty advisor & class officers; help with activities as needed.

Apparel (See above under Executive Board. Help in any capacity.)

Art Exhibits Assist art teachers with displaying students’ artwork; cycle artwork approximately 1x per month. Do on your own schedule.

B*Well (See above under Executive Board. Each school needs a representative.)

BOLD (BXV Organization for Learning Differences) Promote awareness & inclusion of students with learning & developmental differences; provide resources, speakers & a forum for parents.

Bronco Beat Editor Collect & compile information from the council committees & email it to the head BB editor by 10AM every Friday.

Health & Safety Sit on committee run by the assistant superintendent which oversees health & safety issues for the district; attend monthly meetings. Hospitality (See above under Executive Board. Each school needs a representative.)

New Families (See above under Executive Board. Each school needs a representative.)

Performing Arts (See above under Executive Board. Each school stages their own productions.)

Picture Day Coordinate student photos with professional photographer; attend 3 days of photo sessions; recruit parent volunteers to field shifts.

School Tours Provide tours to prospective new parents/students twice monthly or as needed. Traditionally, hour long tours are scheduled for Tuesday at 9AM.


BASC Attend monthly meetings; provide input & liaise with ES families to provide updates.

Book Fair Organize & staff book fair for a week in the fall.

Character Education Promote character & leadership education in the school & community; research programs, submit ideas & coordinate with the principal.

Chat ‘n Chew Recruit parent volunteers to lead book discussions during lunch period for 3rd- 5th grade students; create sign-up geniuses detailing book selections so that children can sign up for one of three book choices.

Chess Club Manage the registration process for lunchtime chess; liaise with administration, parent volunteers, chess instructors, and the National Scholastic Chess Foundation; organize the chess team's participation at 4 local tournaments; in the spring, coordinate a group of dedicated players to attend the National Championship; provide updates to the community & school.

Kindergarten Orientation Plan “Visit Day” for incoming Kindergarteners-- order & label lunch boxes & organize for delivery; recruit current K parents for DIAL & assist in set up.

Reading List Produce reading lists per grade with description of each recommended book; coordinate with ES librarian; email teachers in the spring for suggestions.

Skating Club Promote, register members & coordinate with rink in October. One committee member is required to be at rink each week.

Special Projects Organize the 2 day Blazer & Skate Exchange in October & the 4-5 day Candy Drive after Halloween.

Teacher Appreciation Host a fall & spring teacher appreciation lunch at the school; request food donations from parents. Requires several hours of planning/shopping & a 9AM - 1:30PM commitment the day of the event.

Yearbook Design & sell ES yearbook; collect & assemble photos of students, faculty & events; liaise with yearbook vendor to produce.

K - 4th Grade Chairs Assign & coordinate 3 parents per classroom in early September; attend orientation; supply reps with grade information; support teacher; respond to inquiries from parents; assist at school- wide events & June Field Days. Each grade chair has specific grade related responsibilities. Beginning & end of the school year require the largest time commitment. Attendance at monthly Council meeting is recommended. Fifth Grade Chairs All responsibilities of Grade Chairs (listed above) plus specific 5th Grade activities. Coordinate materials & communications for the Philadelphia trip (October), Spirit Days (5 throughout the year run by the classroom parent reps), Changing Bodies (March), Splash Down (June), & Moving Up Ceremony (June). There are typically 3 co-chairs that split the duties, plus a Photography Chair. The beginning & end of the school year requires the most time.

Special Ed Chair Liaise with the teachers, class parents, & council; train new class parents; facilitate participation of students in school activities.


After 9th Clubs (MS version of BASC) Organize & coordinate all After 9th Clubs; manage student sign-ups, staffing & club locations.

Book Fair Organize & staff book fair for a week in February.

Character & Community Run community service events throughout the school year; manage student sign- ups, transportation, & liaise with various community partners.

Modified Athletics Help athletic dept. in coordinating MS Modified Sports program.

Technology Coordinate with the director of technology to run various student-centered events throughout the school year.

Teen Center Plan themes & host in the gym approx. 7 events. (2 chairs & 3 volunteers per grade)


Graduation Assemble committees and oversee the preparations for the baccalaureate and graduation ceremonies.

Scholastic Achievement Secure speaker & organize dinner which honors seniors for superior Dinner academic achievement.

SFL Parent Liaison (Student/Faculty Legislature) Attend weekly Tuesday meeting from 2-3PM; report happenings to the council.


Support JV & varsity athletes through various spirit & fan based events; host Homecoming, Bronco Bonanza, Fan Days, Spirit Week; promote charity events; run concession stand; assist in tournament play.

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