Report from Clerk July Mtg s3
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CR/NOVEMBER/2017 CLAWSON, HOSE & HARBY PARISH COUNCIL REPORT BY THE CLERK TO THE PARISH COUNCIL FOR THE MEETING TO BE HELD ON MONDAY 20TH NOVEMBER 2017 IN HOSE BAPTIST CHURCH HALL The Ordinary Meeting will start at 7pm, but postponed for 15 minutes should any member of the public or Borough Councillor wish to discuss any matter with, or give a report to, the Parish Council. The Melton Borough Council Community Safety Officer will be at this meeting to give a presentation on Cybercrime and internet safety (Minute 17/36cii). Correspondence relating to the items below will be available to Cllrs at the meeting
3 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING dated 16th October 2017 (copy attached)
4 PLANNING MATTERS 4a Planning Decisions - Permission granted i LC Dairy Ltd 17/00036/FUL (LC Dairy, 28 West End, Long Clawson) Relocation of previously approved milk silos with associated concrete bund wall, relocation of previously approved milk reception area with associated canopy roof, demolition of part of existing cheese storage building and a new boundary screen fencing ii Foley Books Ltd 17/01011/COU (The Alpine Lodge Co, Colston Lane, Harby) Retrospective for change of use from office/workshop (Class B1) to mixed office/workshop (Class B1) and residential use (Class C3) iii Mr K Fulton 17/00848/FULHH (Field View, 61 Stathern Lane, Harby) Provision of new driveway access to replace existing access from shared driveway with 57 & 59 Permission refused: 4b Appeals lodged / Inspector’s decisions
4c Planning Applications i Davidsons Devs Ltd 17/01234/OUT (field OS 2500 off Sandpit Lane, Long Clawson) Residential development of up to 55 dwellings, together with new areas of public open space, access, landscaping and drainage infrastructure Fifteen letters of objection ii Mr A Hall 17/01248/FUL (Weldhall Ltd, The Old Brickyard, Melton Road, Long Clawson) Re-submission of previously lapsed approved applications - 08/00915/OUT Redevelopment of the Old Brickyard and following amendment applications - 14/00137/FUL amendments to planning approval 11/00970/EXT erection of a two storey building for industrial and office use, revised access arrangements & location of the septic tank iii B Widdowson 17/01240/LBC (The Dolls House, 21 Stathern Lane, Harby) Replace existing windows and doors. Proposed new softwood windows and doors wrought iron fittings. Remove brick fireplace, replace wall lights. Damp proof course, internal works iv Mr J Merrill 17/01337/TPO (Harby House, 39 Stathern Lane, Harby) Lower branches of 3 x Lime trees removed as they obscure pathway FOR INFORMATION ONLY v Mr N Godsmark 17/01344/TCA (Rutland House 4 Dairy Lane, Hose) Pollarding 1 x Willow tree FOR INFORMATION ONLY vi L & J Stanley 17/01335/FUL (New Farm, Waltham Lane, Harby) Extension to existing agricultural grain store vii Mrs T Martin 17/01237/FULHH (Lion House, 5 Church Walk, Hose) Replace all existing windows
I viii Mrs T Martin 17/01239/LBC (Lion House, 5 Church Walk, Hose) Replace all existing windows ix Mr & Mrs Thompson 17/01333/FULHH (Manchester House, 10 East End, Long Clawson) Single storey extension to rear, internal and external alterations x Mrs S Freeman 17/01371/FULHH (2 Home Pastures, Hose) Extension to rear of dwelling xi Mr & Mrs Jones 17/01377/FULHH (Chery Willows 6 Main Street, Harby) First floor extension over existing flat roof garage
4d Planning Correspondence i MBC 19.10.17: Scalford Neighbourhood Development Plan representations by 29.11.17 (copy Cllrs & NPAC 20.10.17) ii Long Clawson resident 7.11.17: Planning application 16/00303/OUT (land & buildings north Canal Farm, Paget’s End Long Clawson) Demolition of agricultural buildings, construction of up to 40 dwellings, improvements to existing access, formation of surface water attenuation pool and associated infrastructure, provision of public open space and landscaping (copy LC Cllrs 7.11.17)
5 MATTERS TO REPORT 5a The following items required no further action and are discharged: 17/89 Cllrs present 17/90 Apologies for absence
5 b Necessary actions have been taken on the following items (Cllrs confirm where necessary) 17/80fii Ash tree Boyer’s Orchard allotments overshadowing Pinfold Place 17/91 Notification of declaration of interests 17/92 Minutes of Ordinary meeting 18.9.17 amendment to Minute 17/83 17/93 Planning matters 17/94 Matters to report 17/95 Accounts for payment 17/96 Correspondence 5c Responses awaited to actions on the following items: 14/93div MBC Hard copy of Landscape capacity and sensitivity study 16/71biii MBC re emptying of dog/waste bin on Canal towpath Harby 16/114 LC volunteer to complete request LCC 2017 form for salt box on Claxton Rise under Section 137 16/152f ii Repairs to basketball playing surface The Leys 16/172 BT re land & building on Langar Lane, Harby 16/185 MBC request for it to be responsible for street light at Church Close, Hose 17/51bi LCC Loan of traffic signs: waiting for quote from firm recommended by LCC 17/63c Richard Scarborough repairing Pingle fence 17/79d ii MBC: Influence of CHH NP on planning decisions 17/79d iii & 17/66 Head of Regulatory Services: Dates to meet PC to discuss S106 & CIL 17/80fii E.ON new s/l on steel column to replace damaged s/l junction School Lane, Stathern Lane
5d Items awaiting further action which may not yet be discharged : A Tasks Outstanding – Clerk 09/31f Obtain CiLCA qualification as part of Quality Status requirements 15/167dA Online ‘Get Mapping’ of PC property recording unique ref numbers/inspection dates 16/69fii Drafting combined maintenance schedule for Harby Nature Reserve 16/181f ii Quotes & grants for replacement climbing frame for Hose. 17/19 Draft Risk Assessment policy 17/32d Unstable headstones in LC cemetery identified. Letters to be sent to owners where known and a notice in the Melton Times and Clawson Clarion asking for owners to contact the clerk to see if their memorial required attention. Cemetery plan to be updated with memorial details 17/36biv Quotes for playground equipment work needed which the handyman could not do II 17/55 Tree work in: 17/55 - LC Cemetery & 17/80fii - crown lift Cherry tree corner School Lane/ Watson’s Lane 17/72 17/34ii Allotment tenants requesting rent 2017/18 & reminding them not to dispose of waste under hedges and requirement to keep hedges and pathways cut 17/76 Redundant red telephone boxes ownership/maintenance & insurance 17/83 Quotes for repairs to Leys car park 17/94fii Quotes for a: small, fireproof safe to keep the back-up memory disks; PC email address for each Cllr 17/96bi Investigate bus shelter for Pingle open both sides 17/98 Book 2018 PC meeting dates with venues
B Items requiring action from Cllrs/third parties 16/53fi Cllr Dunn: discuss ownership & maintenance of village memorial LC with Pastor E Moxham
C Deferred Items/Reminders for Future Tasks 16/165fi Dec 2017 agenda: Parking issues during the Belvoir Challenge 17/41 Chairman & clerk to PC solicitors to examine documents held re PC land in Harby 17/71 Review of PC Policies at APCM May 2018 17/96cii LCC Local Co-ordinator for Long Clawson invited to December 2017 PC meeting
5e The following matters to be noted: i LCC 25.10.17: Temporary road closure Claxton Rise, LC 2.11.17 (copy LC Cllrs 30.10.17) ii 17/94fii Holes in LC Churchyard closed 7.11.17. Costs of materials/labour approved by Chairman
5f Reports from Councillors/Clerk : - i Reports from Cllrs: Cllr Wheatley - Work to trees on the Leys by Western Power ii Report from Clerk: Incident Register: Playgrounds: o 17/94f ii Repairs to multiplay, Pingle Dyke quote £295; o 17/49e ii roundabout at Hose repaired Allotments: 17/94fii Minimum wage rate £5.60 not £5 for temporary litter picker
6 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT The budget review to end October and invoices and bank statements since the previous meeting will be available for inspection, at this meeting i NEST (DD) £32.24 Pension contribution ii HMRC (Bacs) £105.84 Tax & NI iii Mr B Mills (Bacs) £291.62 Wages & expenses iv Mrs E Crowther (Bacs) £886.64 Wages & cxpenses v Summerlands (Bacs)£1030.24 PC land grounds maint vi Summerlands (Bacs) £450.00 LCC verge cutting 8th vii Valley Christian Fellowship (2127) £31.25 Room hire 16.10.17 viii Harby Village Hall (2128) £10.00 Room hire Speedwatch ix LRALC (2129) £35.00 Clerk DP training course x Summerlands (2130) £250.00 Churchyard ditch clearing xi E.ON UK plc (2131) £539.74 Electricity bill October xii Mr J E Burdett (2132) £42.60 Litter picking 6 hrs xiii E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd (2133) £288.00 Repair damaged s/l xiv W P Tillyard (2134) £42.00 Materials filling holes xv W J Smith (2135) £170.00 Assistance ground works xvi TSB Bank plc (DD) £15.50 Bank charges Sept-Oct
III 7 CORRESPONDENCE 7a Correspondence Tabled for Information (detailed below & available to Cllrs) i Harby Journal November 2017 ii Came & Company Autumn 2017 ‘Council Matters’ (copy Cllrs 30.10.17) iii Nottinghamshire County Council 1.11.17: Notts Minerals Local Plan Issues & Options consultation ending 14.1.18 (copy Cllrs 1.11.17) iv Clerks & Councils Direct November 2017 v The Hose Piper Nov-Dec 2017 vi MBC 2.11.17: Closure of mini recycling sites (The Sands, LC & Hose VH) vii SLCC November 2017 ‘The Clerk magazine’ viii LCC10.11.17: Leics Minerals & Waste Local Plan: Consultation on proposed changes deadline 22.12.17 (copy Cllrs 8.11.17); ix Notts CC 2.11.17: Review of NCC Statement of Community Involvement deadline 18.12.17 (copy Cllrs 13.11.17) x MBC 13.11.17: Christmas collections 2017 (copy of hanger on PC notice boards 15.11.17)
7b Correspondence for Discussion (detailed below & available to Cllrs) i Local Association Information Services 26.10.17: Data Protection Bill (copy Cllrs 30.10.17) ii Citizens Advice Leicestershire 26.10.17: Request for grant iii LRALC Oct 2017: Internal audit service iv LCC 1.11.17: LCC Highway Forums (copy Cllrs 6.11.17) v MBC 8.11.17: Maintenance of closed Churchyards (copy Cllrs 9.11.17) vi Harby PCC 12.11.17: Request for grant towards upkeep of Churchyard vii PC Liaison Minutes of Meeting 16.10.17 (copy Cllrs 14.11.17) viii 17/82bvi Response from LCC re request for additional information on road sign
7c Urgent correspondence received after the clerk’s report and requiring discussion
8 17/94c CHH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: Examiner’s Report; Referendum version of NDP Social Evening
10 17/82bvi TRAFFIC CALMING IN LONG CLAWSON Response from LCC 2.11.17 (copy LC Cllrs 2.11.17)
13 17/67 CLEANING OF PUBLIC FOOTPATHS IN HARBY Contribution offered from MBC £60 per cleanse
15 17/97 2018/19 BUDGET & PRECEPT Budget Review at end October 2017 (copy attached) Estimated PC funds at 31.3.18 (copy attached) Draft Budget 2018/19 of £94740 with 3% precept increase & 5% precept increase (copy attached) MBC 10.11.17: PC precept 2018/19 deadline 22.1.18
Any member of the public may take photographs, film or audio-record the proceedings of, and report on, all Parish Council meetings IV