Biology 218 Human Anatomy - RIDDELL s3

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Biology 218 Human Anatomy - RIDDELL s3

BIO 15 – Intro to Biology Session: Summer 2014 Section / Loc: 60150 4 Units VJOCTR 207 Days / Time: MTWTh 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM LEC 12:30 PM – 1:50 PM LAB Laboratory Safety Practice Policy Instructor: RIDDELL Contact Lecture : Class Room 207 Lab: Laboratory 207 Phone: 707 864 7000 X5584 eMail: [email protected]

Laboratory Safety Policy

Your participation in this laboratory requires that you follow safe laboratory practices. You are required to adhere to the safety guidelines listed below, as well as any other safety procedures given by your instructor or the instructor(s) in charge of the course. You will be asked to sign this form certifying that you were informed of the safety guidelines and emergency procedures for this laboratory. Violations of these rules are grounds for expulsion from the laboratory.

Note: You have the right and responsibility to ask questions regarding your safety in this laboratoryl. Your safety is everyone’s concern and vice versa!

. Wash your hands….wash your hands…..wash your hands…… Wash your hands before and after working in the lab. Always wash your hands before leaving the laboratory. Wear gloves as needed.

. Locate the emergency evacuation plan posted in the front of the laboratory. Become familiar with the recommended exit routes. Do not use the elevator in emergency situation.

. Locate emergency shower and eyewash station. Location the fire extinguisher and fire alarm and fire blanket.

. The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) contain information on all known health hazards of the chemicals used in this course. In addition, there is information concerning the cleanup of spills and the accidental exposure to the chemical (e.g. skin contact or inhalation). You are advised to inspect the contents of the MSDS binder.

. Dispose of all broken glassware, needles, used microscope slides, pipettes, cuvettes, and scalpel blades in the specially marked receptacle. Never place any of those items in the trash can.

. Dispose of all animal and microbial material in designated plastic bags.

. Exercise care in working with surgical / laboratory instruments. Notify you instructor and/or the instructional assistant / lab technician immediately, if you receive any type of injury in the laboratory, no matter how slight.

. Never pipette fluids by mouth. Pipettes will be available for your use. Check odors cautiously. Never taste a chemical.

. Do not drink water from the taps in the laboratory. A drinking fountain is located in the hall.

. Shoes must be worn in the laboratory. Don’t wear open toed shoes or sandals. NO flip flops!

It is advisable that you: . DO NOT wear loose long sleeves . DO NOT wear your very best / favorite clothing . DO NOT wear excessive jewelry, especially head, wrist and finger jewelry. . If you have long hair, tie it back, so that it cannot interfere with your work.

Page 1 of 3 05cf3de8896f93112f659f463b9b8987.doc BIO 15 – Intro to Biology Session: Summer 2014 Section / Loc: 60150 4 Units VJOCTR 207 Days / Time: MTWTh 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM LEC 12:30 PM – 1:50 PM LAB Laboratory Safety Practice Policy Instructor: RIDDELL

. Children, pets and un-enrolled persons are not allowed in the laboratory at any time.

. College regulations prohibit eating or drinking at laboratory tables. If you wish to bring food/drink to lab, it must be stored in a designated “clean” area and eaten outside the lab (i.e. during a study break in the hall and in appropriate designated areas).

. Turn off the all open flame when you are not intimately using it.

. Before obtaining any reagents, carefully read the labels on the bottles, twice. Many chemicals have similar names. Never return unused chemicals to the original dispensing bottle.

. Before using test tube or greater quantities of reagents, put on safety goggles and gloves.

. Follow the instructor’s directions for disposal of chemicals. When no specific directions are given, dispose of non-hazardous, water-soluble substances in the sink, and put insoluble materials such as filter paper in the wastebasket.

. Perform only the experiment assigned; do not experiment on your own. Unauthorized experiments are not allowed. This is a disciplinary offense.

. Every chemical in a laboratory must be properly labeled. Many chemicals have similar names and you should read the name twice. If a chemical is a solution, the concentration will also appear on the label. Solution concentration is commonly described by molarity (e.g., 6M HCl) or by percent concentration (e.g., 0.9% NaCl).

. Use dedicated utensils for removing and transferring reagents. Use the appropriate and dedicated utensil / instrument (eye-dropper, toothpick, pipette, forceps, spatula, scalpel, loop, toothpick, scoop, etc.) to remove reagents from their containers. Use a dedicated instrument for each reagent. Do not cross contaminate reagents by using the same instrument for 2 different reagents. E.g. don’t use the mustard knife in the mayonnaise jar, and vice versa! Ever!

. If any hazardous reagents are spilled, notify your instructor and those in your immediate vicinity, immediately.

. All bio-hazardous spills are to be reported to the instructor or to the instructional assistant / lab technician and are to be cleaned up using disinfectant and disposed of properly.

. All injuries are to be reported to the instructor or to the instructional assistant / lab technician immediately, and the injured student is required to follow up with appropriate information to the NVC Health Care Center.

. All damaged or non-working instrumentation is to be reported to the instructor or to the instructional assistant / lab technician immediately.

. Digital recording, audio and visual, in the laboratory is permitted at the sole direction of the instructor. Unauthorized recording is not allowed. This is a disciplinary offense.

Page 2 of 3 05cf3de8896f93112f659f463b9b8987.doc BIO 15 – Intro to Biology Session: Summer 2014 Section / Loc: 60150 4 Units VJOCTR 207 Days / Time: MTWTh 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM LEC 12:30 PM – 1:50 PM LAB Laboratory Safety Practice Policy Instructor: RIDDELL


I have read, understand and agree to abide by the above course safety policy and any additional governing and / or safety direction provided by the instructor.

BIO 015 Course Laboratory Safety Policy

Please print Student ID #: 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 replace this number with yours

Please print your name: Anyone Somebody

Please sign and date: Date: 2014, MM, DD Select a legible script font and Signed: font size Anyone Somebody

Please sign and date this document, save a copy to your desktop, change the file name to include your first initial and your complete last name, then file the signed copy in the drop box marked Lab Safety before the next class session. Use a legible script font or a Digital Signature.

Example File Name:

BIO 015 S 2014 60150 Lab Safety Policy A Somebody 140616.1.doc

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