Report Re ACI Clinical Network
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Key Dates:
Author: Owner: Application open: 28/4/14 Applications close: 22 / 5 /14 Successful Applicants Announced: 23/5/14 Centre for Healthcare Redesign Agency for Clinical Innovation Centre for Healthcare Redesign: Surgery Redesign Training Program
Information and Application Form AGENCY FOR CLINICAL INNOVATION Level 4, Sage Building 67 Albert Avenue Chatswood NSW 2067
Agency for Clinical Innovation PO Box 699 Chatswood NSW 2057 T +61 2 9464 4666 | F +61 2 9464 4728 E [email protected] |
Produced by: Centre for Healthcare Redesign
Ph. +61 2 9464 4723 Email. [email protected]
Further copies of this publication can be obtained from: Agency for Clinical Innovation website at:
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© Agency for Clinical Innovation 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section A 1. Introduction to the Centre for Healthcare Redesign The Centre for Healthcare Redesign (CHR) was established in 2007 as a key strategy to support the growth of Redesign programs and therefore contribute to the Triple Aim1 of Healthcare Improvement: • Improving the patient experience of care (safety, access and experience) • Improving the health of populations • Reducing the per capita cost of health care.
The role of the CHR, as part of the Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI), is to provide skills and knowledge for staff across the healthcare system primarily in the area of: • Innovation • Redesign • Project Management • Change Management.
To support its function, The CHR offers capability development programs & resources which include: • The CHR Diploma Program (aka ‘Redesign School’) -20 weeks • Change Management Training (Accelerating Implementation Methodology – AIM) – 2 Days • Specific Redesign Training Programs – I week • Patient and Staff Experience Program - Advice • Redesign eLearning Portal (GEM) • Hub of the Redesign Leader’s Network • Knowledge Management.
The CHR values align with the core NSW Health values: Collaboration, Openness, Respect and Empowerment.
1 1: The Triple Aim is an ongoing initiative from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and has been adopted by the Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) 5 2. Redesign Training Program The Redesign Training Program is a five day face to face course focused on the development of foundational project management, change management and clinical redesign skills. Following the program these skills are developed by applying them to a local workplace project, with ongoing access to workplace coaches/ mentors and eLearning.
This program is usually delivered by the Centre for Healthcare Redesign in partnership with a particular ACI Clinical Network, Institute or Taskforce, or with another health service. Participants are usually working on similar projects in their Local Health District (LHD) or Specialty Health Network (SHN) and the partners of the CHR provide the Subject matter expertise for the program `focus’.
As an example, the annual Surgery Redesign Training Program is delivered as collaboration between the SST (ACI and Ministry of Health) and the CHR. Previous programs have focussed on Operating Theatre First Case on Time start, and High Volume Short Stay models of care.
How Does the Redesign Training Program support Projects?
Project Idea Projects best suited to the Redesign Methodology are improvement projects, where staff identify a high priority and measurable problem to solve in their organisation. Staff are selected to undertake the project based on factors such as role, interest and skills.
Preparation Undertaking some preparation prior to attending the 5 day program will significantly increase the learning on the 5 face to face days. The following is recommended: Participants hold a pre-program meeting including the Sponsor, Redesign Leader, Project Team to agree on the project objectives, scope, resources, deliverables and timeframes
Early project team formation, with agreed ways of working and clear project role expectations, as well as agreed capability and decision making support systems (e.g. steering committee) to enhance project success.
Register on GEM: which is an eLearning platform and review the modules in the Redesign Learning Library on: Project Management and 6 Change Management (in the Fundamentals section), and the Goals and Objectives and Scoping a Project (in the project initiation section) as baseline learning.
The Program provides the fundamental learning component to set up a successful project. The program introduces participants to the steps of redesign project management, and the elements of Change Management (using Accelerating Implementation Methodology). Participants will have the opportunity to apply the learning to their real workplace project during the 5 days, and will come away with the key elements of a project plan and improvement methodology. There is also an opportunity to hear about state based approaches to improving surgical services, and to hear from clinical leaders and experts, as well as learn from other health staff in the program. Post Program Support and Resources Following the program training days, participants return to their workplace to complete the project. The factors that lead to successful project completion are:
A multidisciplinary project team working together to complete the project work
Dedicated time to undertake project activities
A robust monitoring and reporting system for the project (with the sponsor +/- steering committee or executive committee)
Ongoing capability development involving the Redesign Leader and GEM
Submission of the Project Plan to the Program Facilitators for independent feedback
Ongoing access to the Program Facilitators on an informal basis.
This phase is time-consuming and we recommend that participants are allotted time to complete the project until the changes are part of the “business as usual”. Objectives Met Following the program there are opportunities to highlight your project work online (ARCHI) or via electronic newsletters such as the Surgery Redesign Newsletter, as well as in your local newsletters. Some previous projects have gone onto publishing and to be entered as both local and state Health Innovation Awards.
3. Who is eligible to apply? Staff who wish to make significant workplace changes but do not have any formal training on project management or change management will benefit from attending the program. Attending as a project team, of 2-3 multidisciplinary members increases the chances of project success. All participants are nominated from each Local Health District / Specialty Health Network (LHD/SHN) on the recommendation of the local Executive.
7 4. Cost The NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation will cover all costs related to the delivery of the face to face teaching and eLearning modules.
Local Health Districts and Specialty Health Networks will cover all costs associated with travel and accommodation for nominees to attend the program. 5. Program’s key Roles and Responsibilities Program Participants The project team member/s for the local team is in charge of project activities and reports to a sponsor +/- steering committee. A team that consists of staff with different roles, such as Nurse Unit Manager, Medical Clinician (e.g. staff specialist / advanced trainee) and a frontline clinical staff member would be well balanced in skill set and ability to influence the implementation of the project.
Project Sponsor The Project Sponsor’s role is to authorise, legitimise and demonstrate ownership for the change. As such, the Project Sponsor will work closely with the project team to ensure: • Appropriate scope and goal setting in line with organisational strategic goals • Allocation of resources and project budget • Regular scheduled monitoring of progress and approval for project milestones / deliverables • Senior level commitment and sponsorship by senior executive teams • Facilitation and resolution of issues at senior levels.
Redesign Training Program Course Facilitators The course facilitators create: 8 • A challenging experience where you will learn and develop new capabilities in redesign, change and project management • An opportunity to learn from, and be coached by, recognised experts in the redesign and surgery field • A learning culture supported by coaching and online educational resources and templates • Opportunities for knowledge transfer.
Redesign Leaders The Redesign & Innovation Network consists of 27 experts in Project and Change Management across all Local Health Districts and Specialty Health Networks. The Redesign Leaders play an active role in supporting the Program, in particular by: • Identifying optimal projects and participants to attend the program • Coaching and mentoring the participants and projects from their LHD/SHN • Contributing directly to the Program delivery by facilitating individual sessions with participants. • Facilitating networking within and across clinical and geographical boundaries.
9 Redesign Leaders Contact List for Redesign Programs
LHD / SHN First Name Email address
Ambulance Services Anna Rozario [email protected]
Central Coast Natalie Irwin [email protected]
Far West TBA [email protected]
Hunter New England Judith Swan [email protected]
Illawarra Shoalhaven Michaela Baginski [email protected]
Illawarra Shoalhaven Suzanne Payne [email protected]
Justice Health Amy Laxton [email protected]
Mid North Coast Christoph Gröger [email protected]
Murrumbidgee TBA [email protected]
Nepean Blue Mountains Linda Green [email protected]
Northern NSW Matt Long [email protected]
Northern Sydney (East) Deb Stewart [email protected]
Northern Sydney (West) Linda Woollard [email protected]
South Eastern Sydney Liz Mason [email protected]
South Western Sydney Margaret Chapman [email protected]
Southern NSW Judith Hallam [email protected]
St Vincent's Health Andrea Lock [email protected]
Sydney Barbye Castillo [email protected] Sydney Children's Tim Hoffmann [email protected] Hospitals Network Western NSW Lorna Dicks [email protected]
Western NSW Margaret Mitchell [email protected]
Western Sydney Emma Clarke [email protected]
10 Section B 1. Application Process To apply to the Redesign Training Program, candidates are requested to complete the following application form. Candidates are expected to contact their Redesign Leader in the first instance as there may be a specific local application process applying to their organisation. If unable to contact the Redesign Leader, enquiries can be made directly to the CHR [email protected]. Team participation Participants are encouraged to submit a group application
11 2. Application Form
Section 1: Contact Details (Submit one per team participant)
12 Participant Contact Details for Correspondence
Full name
Department / Facility
Work Phone
Time allocated to From: / / To: / / the project I will attend all the Face to Face days. If no, please specify Attendance why / when you won’t be attending: ______
Date and signature Date: __/__/__
Direct line manager’s approval
Name & Position
Email address
Date and signature Redesign Leader (or delegate) – Agreement to support the project and provide relevant coaching Date and Signature
Please copy and complete the above table for EACH participant applying to the SRT Program.
Section 2: Project Description (submit one per team)
13 Project Title
Background & Issue What problem or opportunity has triggered this project?
Link to Organisational Strategy What organisational priority does it align with? Please quote the relevant source (e.g. strategic plan)
Project Goal Please provide a statement about the aim of the project:
Project Considerations
Timeline When do you plan to achieve your objective?
Scope What is the scope of work included in the project? Is it manageable with the resources allocated to the project?
Resources Are funds available for the project as required? Are the human resources available to undertake a project? Who will be implementing the project? Sponsor and Clinical lead Which service managers and key clinical staff will be involved in the project / accountable for achieving the outcomes?
Section 3: Sponsorship (submit one per sponsor) Project Sponsor Name
14 Position Email address
Statement of Health service managers and clinical leaders who agree to sponsor the project are to provide Importance a statement describing why the project is important in the relevant service and what actions (Submitted they will take to provide support including the provision of time to attend face to face by Sponsor) sessions, undertake project tasks, etc.
Please copy and complete the above table for EACH sponsor if applicable.
Please return completed application form to: Radhika Rao Centre for Healthcare Redesign Support Officer Tel +61 2 9464 4723 [email protected]