STUDY GUIDE FOR Semester 2 Test BTE 1. The Office program used to present things to a group is powerpoint 2. The Office program used to prepare a spreadsheet is Excel 3. The Office program used to create a database is Access 4. If you want to copy something in any Office program, what must you do first? Select it 5. To get from one column to another in a spreadsheet, you press the TAB key. 6. When a row and a column intersect, it is called a(n) cell 7. Explain what a cell address is. A cell address is the letter of the column followed by the row number 8. There is one function that appears on the toolbar of a spreadsheet. It is represented by the Greek letter Sigma. What does this represent? SUM 9. What is the order of operations in a spreadsheet? PEMDAS 10. Define and give an example of a range in a spreadsheet. A15:B25 11. What does the Fill command do in a spreadsheet? Copies the contents of the first selected cell into the other cells selected 12. What does the function MIN do? Calculates the minimum value in a range of cells 13. What does the function MAX do? Calculates the maximum value in a range of cells 14. What is the format to express numbers as money? Currency 15. Explain how you create a bar graph that relates to a spreadsheet. Select the data to be graphed and go to insert Chart 16. What are gridlines? The lines dividing cells in a spreadsheet 17. Define record. A complete set of information in a database about one person, place or thing 18. Define field. 19. What are the four database objects we learned to create and what does each do? Table, form, query, report 20. Which database object do you use to display database information in an attractive format? report 21. Which database object must be created first? table 22. Which database object shows only one record at a time? form 23. What does .com stand for? Commercial business 24. What does .gov stand for? Government entity 25. What does .net stand for? network 26. What things should you look for on an Internet site to determine if it is reliable? Contact information is included; There is another source with the same information; Date the website was last updated 27. What is the 6 X 6 rule for powerpoints? No more than six bullets per slide; no more than six words per bullet 28. What is it called when you change slides in a powerpoint and add effects? transition 29. What is it called when you bring objects onto a powerpoint slide one at a time? animation 30. The way objects are placed in a powerpoint is called slide layout 31. What are the two most common mistakes most people make when preparing a powerpoint? Cramming too much on each slide and 32. A person who breaks into someone else’s computer using the Internet is a(n) hacker 33. What government agency is responsible for safe workplaces? OSHA 34. Where is the best place to find the rules of your workplace? In the break room on a bulletin board or in an employee handbook 35. What is the difference in a personal business letter and a business letter? 36. What is the difference in gross income and net income? Gross income is what you actually make; net income is what you bring home after taxes and other deductions have been taken out 37. How many pages should your resume be? Preferably one, but no more than two 38. What should you take with you to fill out a job application? A pen; your social security number; a list of references; your education and work experience details 39. What should you wear to an interview? 40. What are the major categories that need to be placed on a resume? Work experience, education, objective 41. Give three examples of good references to include on a resume. Teachers, former employers, family friends that can vouch for your character 42. What is a URL? Uniform Resource Locator – Internet address 43. What is a service provider? Give an example. The company that provides your internet service – CableOne 44. Software and music are both copyrighted so it is illegal and unethical to copy either without paying for them. 45. What goes in the Pay to the Order of blank when you are writing a check? Who the check is to 46. What is phishing? 47. How can you determine if something is ethical or not? 48. In spreadsheet and database programs, numbers are aligned on the right and text is aligned on the left. 49. One reason it is important to be ethical when posting information to social networking sites is because employers, educators and predators could possibly look at them.