The City of West Jordan
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“In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of West Jordan will make reasonable accommodations for participation in the meeting. Request for assistance can be made by contacting the City Clerk/Recorder at 801-569-5115, providing at least three working days advance notice of the meeting."
3. PRESENTATION a. Recognition of Volunteers in Policing (VIPS) [Doug Diamond]
4. COMMUNICATIONS a. City Manager comments/Reports b. Staff comments/Reports c. City Council comments/Reports
5. CITIZEN COMMENT Citizens are permitted to address the Council concerning any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction, including comments concerning an item on the agenda. The Council will allow 3 minutes to do so during this period. Written comments may be submitted if a citizen does not wish to speak. Any comments needing or requesting follow- up will be assigned to staff for further action as appropriate after the meeting. Please provide contact information on the sign-up sheet and state your name and phone number when speaking to the Council so later follow-up can take place. Persons who exceed the time or are otherwise disorderly may be expelled by the Council upon a two-thirds majority vote, as provided in Utah Code Annotated 10-3-608. The Council requires that citizens help maintain the decorum of the meeting by not applauding or booing, turning off electronic devices, not engaging in verbal attacks against others or being disrespectful during the proceedings of the meeting.
6. CONSENT ITEMS a. Approve the minutes of April 24, 2013, and May 1, 2013 as presented [Melanie Briggs]
b. Approve Ordinance 13-18, amending the 2009 West Jordan Municipal Code, Title 1, ‘Administration,’ 1-6-3(C), regarding District Boundaries [Melanie Briggs]
c. Approve Resolution 13-49, authorizing the Mayor to execute an Equipment Lease agreement with US Bancorp for the purchase of eight police vehicles, and one Vactor truck, in an amount of $633,943.21 [Ryan Bradshaw]
d. Approve Resolution 13-50, authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc. for slurry seal services in an amount not-to-exceed $476,314.50 [Wendell Rigby]
e. Approve Resolution 13-51,authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with CRS for engineering services for the Rehabilitation of Well No. 6 in an amount not to exceed $20,508.00 [Wendell Rigby]
f. Approve Resolution 13-52, authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with Ensign Engineering for engineering services for the 7000 South 2310 West and 2200 West Storm Drain Project, in an amount not to exceed $15,390.00 [Wendell Rigby] City Council Meeting Agenda May 8, 2013 Page 2
g. Approve Resolution 13-53, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Development Agreement for Somerset Villas, located at 7300 South Redwood Road, Clayton Homes/John Clayton, applicant [Tom Burdett]
h. Approve Resolution 13-54, authorizing the Mayor to execute an Easement Agreement with Rocky Mountain Power for the City’s 9000 South Sewer Project [Wendell Rigby]
i. Approve Resolution 13-55, authorizing the Mayor to execute Amendment No. to the Professional Services Agreement with Excel Engineering, Inc. for additional engineering services for the 7800 South roadway, in an amount not-to-exceed $7,000.00 [Wendell Rigby]
j. Approve Resolution 13-56, authorizing the Mayor to execute Federal Aid Agreement Supplement with UDOT increasing the budget for the 7800 South & Airport Road intersection project by $736,318.00 for a total project amount of $1,914,050 [Wendell Rigby]
7. PUBLIC HEARING a. Receive public input and consider for approval Ordinance 13-19, regarding a rezone for property from RR-1D (Rural Residential 1-acre minimum lots) to A-1 (Agricultural 1-acre lots minimum) located at 7402 South 5490 West, Bowler Livestock LC/Randy Bowler, applicant [Tom Burdett]
b. Receive public input and consider for approval Ordinance 13-20, ratifying the Planning Commission’s approval of the Preliminary Development Plan and Density for Broadmeadow at the Highlands, located at 6200 West 8200 South; Bach Homes/Greg Rindlisbacher, applicant [Tom Burdett]
8. BUSINESS ITEMS a. Discussion and possible action regarding Ordinance 13-06, regarding a Rezone of 1.68 acres from R-1- 10B to R-1-8B, located at approximately 7544 South 2200 West, MAR Holdings/Jason Harris, Boyd Brown, applicants [Tom Burdett]
b. Discussion and possible action regarding the City of West Jordan Strategic Compensation Plan for City employees [Richard L. Davis]
c. Discussion and possible action regarding Resolution 13-57, adopting the Tentative Budgets for the General Fund, the Special Revenue Funds, the Capital Projects Fund, the Water Fund, the Sewer Fund, the Solid Waste Fund, and the Internal Service Funds for Fiscal Year 2013-2014, and setting June 12, 2013, as the Budget Public Hearing [Bryce Haderlie]
Item does not have a staff report available
DATE/TIME May 2, 2013 By: Melanie S. Briggs, MMC POSTED: 2:00 p.m. City Clerk
I, Melanie S. Briggs, certify that I am the City Clerk of the City of West Jordan, Utah, and that the foregoing City Council agenda was faxed to the Salt Lake Tribune, Deseret News, and the West Jordan Journal. The agenda was also posted at the following locations on the date and time as posted above: City Hall on the 1st floor; outside the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor, on the City’s website and the State Public Meeting Notice website at