Outline of Research
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Outline of Research
I. Classic Team Stage Model a. Forming b. Storming c. Norming d. Performing e. Re-forming
II. Problem Solving a. Ideation a.i. Mind Mapping a.i.1. Mindmeister a.i.2. Squidoo a.ii. Brainstorming a.ii.1. Free Brainstorm a.ii.2. Stormboard b. Knowledge Acquisition b.i. Wiki b.i.1. PB Works c. Knowledge Exposition (ex. Taking information and drilling out) c.i. Collaborative Modeling c.i.1. Flowchart.com d. Decision Making d.i. Voting/ Polling d.i.1. Doodle d.ii. Group Support Systems d.ii.1. Meeting Sphere III. Task Management Tools a. Zoho b. Basecamp c. Microsoft 365 IV. Grouping Techniques (Brainstorm, Chainstorm, Cheatstorm, Tweetstorm: new ideation strategies for distributed HCI design, 2013). a. Nominal Idea Generation Session b. Face-to-face Brainstorming Group c. Computer Mediated Ideation
V. Pattern of Collaboration (Briggs R.O., Vreede G.J., de, Nunamaker J.F, Jr., 2003) a. Generate: Move from having fewer to more concepts a.i. Gather: a.ii. Create: a.iii. Elaborate: b. Clarify: Move from less to more mutual understanding about a concept b.i. Describe b.ii. Dialogue b.iii. Broadcast c. Organize: Move from having less to more understanding of the relationships among concepts c.i. Classify c.ii. Structure d. Reduce: Move from having many concepts to a focus on a few deemed worthy of further attention d.i. Select d.ii. Abstract d.iii. Summarize e. Evaluate: Move from less to more understanding of the relative value of the concepts under consideration e.i. Poll e.ii. Rank e.iii. Assess f. Commit: Move from having fewer to more group members who are willing to commit to an action toward a goal f.i. Measure f.ii. Diagnose f.iii. Advocate f.iv. Resolve VI. Thinklet: is a named, packaged facilitation intervention that creates a predictable, repeatable pattern of collaboration among people working together toward a goal. a. Thinklet Parameters a.i. Name a.ii. When to use a.iii. When not to use a.iv. Inputs a.v. Outputs a.vi. Setup a.vii. Steps a.viii. Insights a.ix. Success Stories
VII. Execution (ex. people working together virtually to make software) a. Group Writing a.i. Team Authoring a.i.1. Google Docs a.i.2. Zoho Writer a.i.3. Wiki a.i.4. Microsoft a.ii. Group Modeling (ex. moving data around) a.ii.1. Vector Modeling a.ii.1.a. Gliffy, stormboard, huddle b. Discuss various team authoring methods b.i. Sequential Writing b.ii. Parallel Writing b.iii. Reciprocal Writing
Briggs R.O., Vreede G.J., de, Nunamaker J.F, Jr., “Collaboration Engineering With ThinkLets To Pursue Sustained Success With Group Support Systems”, Journal of MIS. 19, 4, 31-63. 2003 Bather. S, “The Surprising power of Anonymity: The Key to Unlocking Employee Communication and Creating a Culture of Openness.”
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21 Best Features of Microsoft Lync 2013 - The Unified Communications Specialists http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsMXRmkgv5E
Lync Licensing Guide http://aka.ms/tnydo0
Lync Server 2013: Link in with Microsoft Lync http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/jj992583.aspx
The Advantages of WebEx http://webconferencing.org/article/the-advantages-of-choosing-webex/
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Microsoft Project Management Software http://project-management-software.findthebest.com/l/3/Microsoft-Project
The 8 best collaboration tools for virtual teams http://blog.timedoctor.com/2010/12/03/the-8-best-collaboration-tools-for-virtual-teams https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/pub? hl=en&hl=en&key=0Ahw066SJeeSadFJGWXRTUVVfaE1WWmpkU09WUkt6Z0E&output=ht ml
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Meeting of the Future: Enhancing Group Collaboration with Group Support System de Vreede, G.‐J., & Briggs, R. O. (1997). Meetings of the Future: Enhancing Group Collaboration with Group Support Systems. Journal of Creativity and Innovation Management, 6(2), 106‐ 116.http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy1.lib.depaul.edu/stable/40398605
Brainstorm, Chainstorm, Cheatstorm, Tweetstorm: new ideation strategies for distributed HCI design. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM annual conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1343-1352. (pg. 1345)
Lin, H., and Faste, H. Digital Mind Mapping: Innovations for Real-time Collaborative Thinking. Proc. CHI extended abstracts, 2011 http://delivery.acm.org.ezproxy2.lib.depaul.edu/10.1145/1980000/1979910/p2137-lin.pdf? ip= %20SERVICE&key=C2716FEBFA981EF1AA350AACF3CB55A5B32D01B95F3239B4&CFID =217367682&CFTOKEN=26087767&__acm__=1368653313_e6b031f8e879daa55487c36077a6 2b57
Lehrer, J. (2012). Groupthink: The brainstorming myth, The New Yorker, January 30 http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/01/30/120130fa_fact_lehrer
Paulus, Paul. "Groups, Teams, and Creativity: The Creative Potential of Idea‐generating Groups." Applied psychology 49.2 (2000): 237-262. http://www.uta.edu/cos/paulus/pub/IdeaGeneration.pdf
Barki, H., Pinsonneault, A. (2001). Small Group Brainstorming and Idea Quality: Is Electronic Brainstorming the Most Effective Approach?, Small Group Research, 32, 158. http://sgr.sagepub.com.ezproxy2.lib.depaul.edu/content/32/2/158.full.pdf+html
Bounded Ideation Theory. (2010). Journal of Management Information Systems, 27(1), 123-144. http://web.ebscohost.com.ezproxy2.lib.depaul.edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=22d038f3- 5711-47b2-8060-cf980599934d%40sessionmgr13&vid=4&hid=23
Wiki (ironically enough from our own class) that has all ideation info http://pm440.pbworks.com/w/page/25882008/Ideation%20Tools%20and%20Techniques %C2%A0 Dan R. Herrick, “Google this!: using Google apps for collaboration and productivity”, in ACM SIGUCCS fallconference on User services conference (SIGUCCS '09), St. Louis, Missouri, USA, October 2009, pp. 55-64. http://delivery.acm.org.ezproxy2.lib.depaul.edu/10.1145/1630000/1629513/p55-herrick.pdf? ip= %20SERVICE&key=C2716FEBFA981EF1AA350AACF3CB55A5B32D01B95F3239B4&CFID =217367682&CFTOKEN=26087767&__acm__=1368653950_c316ad05621928445baf87bb35a9 14bf