4 Page Council Meeting March 7, 2017

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4 Page Council Meeting March 7, 2017

1 | P a g e C o u n c i l M e e t i n g M a r c h 7 , 2 0 1 7

REGULAR MEETING THE HENEFER TOWN COUNCIL Council Meeting Room March 7, 2017 150 W Center Street Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of the Henefer Town Council held March 7, 2017 in the Council Meeting Room at 150 W. Center Street, Henefer, Utah. Roll Call: Randy C. Ovard, Earleen T. Paskett, Brent G. Ovard, Ryan K Mosher, Robin K. Kay H. Richins, Riches, Chris Paskett, Deanna Paskett, Richard Butler, Robert P. Richins, Steve Robinson, Chris Dawson, and Joel Riches. Mayor Ovard opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. The opening prayer was given by Brent G. Ovard and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Richard N. Butler. Minutes of the February 7, Council Meeting were reviewed. Corrections suggested were, On page one (1) paragraph five (5), change Fire Marshall to Fire Warden, on page four (4) paragraph one (1) change has no to limited water available, and on page four (4) paragraph four (4) change Robin will get back with a price to proceed and get three more plants. Kay H. Richins made a motion to accept the minutes after the changes were made. Brent G. Ovard seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Richins, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none Chris and Deanna Paskett came before the Council to request the concession stand for the North Summit Recreation League ball games, and also for the 4th of July Celebration. They would also like to cater the dinner for the 4th of July. Robin K. Riches made a motion to approve the Paskett’s for the use of the concession stand for these occasions. Kay H. Richins seconded the motion Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Kay H. Richins, Brent G. Ovard, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none The Robinsons and Dawsons had not arrived at the meeting yet, so Mayor Ovard moved forward on the Agenda to Richard N. Butler, from the North Summit Fire District Board. Richard Butler told the Town Council that he appreciated the approval of his re-appointment to represent Henefer on the Fire Board. He also told the Council that if they had any information or questions for the Fire District to let him know and he would take them to the Board. He also told the Council that he thought it was a wise choice to sign the Agreement with the State. Mr. Butler told the Council that a temporary fire station has been placed at Toll Gate. It is a steel building and when the permanent building is completed the steel building will be turned over the Toll Gate as a trade for allowing the fire station to be built in the area. The Coalville station has been remodled and fitted with sleeping quarters, restrooms and kitchen facilities and will be used by the fire district. Mr. Butler told the Council that the County is being sued because one of the fire hydrants was not in working order at the time of a fire. He suggested that the Council check all of the town’s fire hydrants and make sure they are not leaking and that they are all in working order. Brent G. Ovard and Ryan K. Mosher have already planned to inspect them. Richard also gave the Council a flyer with information for burning permits for this summer. They will be sent out with the April water bills so the information will be available to the town. 2 | P a g e C o u n c i l M e e t i n g M a r c h 7 , 2 0 1 7

The Fire Board will hold a meeting on Thursday, March 9, 2017 to decide what to do about replacing Fire Chief Brett Jones. The Fire District feels that the new person should be certified, but that decision will be made at the meeting. They will discuss other options if they appoint an uncertified person. The Fire District has given the municipalities authority to sign off on building permit plats as long as the district fire code is followed. In special situations the fire district would still need to inspect the building, especially churches, or other large buildings. The fire district is pleased with the changes they have made and feel that the communities and the fire district are working better together. Members of the North Summit Fire District Board at this time are, Melvin Richins, Arlin Judd, Michelle Adkins, John Meek, and Richard Butler. Mayor Ovard thanked Richard Butler for his service on the Fire District Board. Steve Robinson and Chris Dawson were now in attendance. Mayor Ovard explained that the town has come to an agreement to pay $8,500, to the Robinsons and Dawsons for the easement and property where the water tank in Franklin’s Canyon is placed. They will give the town a quit claim deed for the water shares which they were given in the original agreement, and they 3 | P a g e C o u n c i l M e e t i n g M a r c h 7 , 2 0 1 7 can use the money if they choose to buy a Franklin Canyon water share from one of the owners. Scott Robinson who has been the person working with the town on this agreement was stranded in Wyoming, and the quit claim deed had not been prepared by their attorney. The town felt that a check could not be cut until the quit claim deed was in the town’s possession. As soon as the Robinsons and Dawsons have the quit claim deed, another meeting will be called and this situation will be resolved. The new Planning and Zoning books were handed out to the Council and Robert P. Richins, Town Planner. All of the changes previously approved have been made to the books. The Council and the Planner felt that there were a few more items that needed to be added. The size of a multi-family dwelling lot was suggested to be changed from 17,000 to 30,000. They would also like a time limit placed on projects from the time they are approved to when the time they are started. Robert P. Richins will meet with the Planning Commission and make those changes. He will then get the information to Earleen Paskett, and she will add them to the book. Robin K. Richins made a motion to have a Public Hearing at the May 2, 2017 Council Meeting. Ryan K. Mosher seconded the motion. It will be posted for advertisement three weeks before the meeting. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Richins, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches. Mayor Ovard read a letter the town has received from UDOT concerning the inspection and repairs suggested for the railroad bridge. The repairs would be very expensive, and there are questions as to whether the town actually owns the road. There is also concern that UDOT wanted the bridge posted as a 25 ton weight limit. There are many trucks using the bridge that exceed that amount. UDOT often detours wide loads, and high loads that cannot get under the bridges to come down through Echo and over that bridge. Funding will need to be found to repair the bridge. Mayor Ovard asked Kay H. Richins to contact Rebecca Nix at UDOT to set up a meeting with the town to first find out the status of ownership and if the town does in fact own the bridge to find out if funding is available to pay for the repairs. Jill Fawcett has informed the Council that she will not be reading meters anymore. She will have to be replaced, it is possible that the summer hire could take on that task. Mayor Ovard asked Earleen Paskett to call Calvin Hunsaker, and Kate Schroeder to see if they were interested in the job again this year. It has been the town’s practice to let the summer hires work for two years if they do a good job. Robert P. Richins asked the Council to appoint two more members to the Planning Commission. He felt that three members are not enough. Kay H. Richins would also like to look into hiring a new planner so that they could be trained by Robert P. Richins during the last few months he will be hold the position. Mayor Ovard read from the Powers and Duties book pages 204 and 205 concerning what the town can and cannot do to enforce cleanup. (Check Powers and Duties Book 204 & 205). Mayor Ovard also read from the Powers and Duties book page page 188 concerning easements to municipal water sources and storage. (Check Powers and Duties Book 188). The Mayor wanted the Council to be aware that a municipality could not be hindered in access to the water storage and sources owned by that municipality. The Council then discussed exactly where the town’s easement is located in Franklin Canyon. Councilmember Brent G. Ovard drew a map on the white board showing the location of the easement that has been purchased by the town. Brent G. Ovard asked the Council if they wanted him to proceed on finding a better solution for 4 | P a g e C o u n c i l M e e t i n g M a r c h 7 , 2 0 1 7 the lift station near the River Bridge. There have been frequent problems with the pumps shutting down due to clogging. The Council felt that he should definitely proceed with a solution. Councilman Ovard is looking into a grease strap ( or septic tank type solution). He also told the Council that with all of the new testing and the time involved he is not sure that the County Health Department will continue to test. Kay H. Richins made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ryan K. mosher seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.

BILLS ORDERED PAID: Ace Disposal, Inc., $217.21, Ace Hardware, $26.99, All West Communications, $201.13, BMB Mechanical Bulls, $500.00, Carolyn Ovard, $400.00, Caselle, $525.00, Chemtech-Ford Laboratory, $317.00, Grump’s General Store, $230.88, HoeHoeHoe Services, $795.00, Mountain Alarm, $75.00, Pumpers Plus, $100.00, Questar Gas, $242.61, Robert P. Richins, $1,000.00, Rocky Mountain Power, $1,086.07, Zions Bank Credit Card, $290.12, Wave Publishing, $60.50, 1st. Bank, $50.00, Christian Northrup, $588.00, Arlin S. Ovard, $525.00, Brent G. Ovard, $200.00, Randy C. Ovard, $550.00, Earleen Paskett, $1,100.00, Kay H. Richins, $200.00, Robin K. Riches, $200.00, Ryan K. Mosher, $200.00, Rozanne F. Staples, $100.00.

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