All Officeholders Are Required to Attend at Least 3 of 4 Chapter Events Per Year And

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All Officeholders Are Required to Attend at Least 3 of 4 Chapter Events Per Year And

All officeholders are required to attend at least 3 of 4 Chapter events per year and 3 of 4 Officeholder meetings. Officeholders are expected to participate in all possible planning calls for events. If an officeholder will not be able to participate in a given planning call or meeting, they should provide information on matters they are responsible for before that call or meeting takes place.


Duties include: 1. Issues Call for Proposals for the upcoming year. Proposals to include biographies of presenters, learning objectives, length of presentation, geographic locations the speaker is willing to travel to. Sends all proposals to Officeholders. Hosts a conference call with all officeholders to select speakers/topics and assign workshop dates to each.

2. Forwards speaker biographies and learning objectives to Marketing Chair for use in promoting Chapter events

3. Obtains Continuing Education Credits for attendees at a Chapter event 12 weeks prior to the event. Brings continuing education sign in sheets, evaluation forms, and continuing education certificates to Chapter events

4. Arranges Audio Visual Equipment for Chapter Event 6 weeks prior to each event.

5. Obtains Powerpoint slides from speaker(s) 4 weeks before each event. Forwards slides to Secretary for copying and insertion into folders 2 weeks prior to each event.


Duties include: 1. Research and secure sites for Chapter events and Board meetings as needed.

2. Negotiates (in conjunction with Executive Board) contracts for sites for Winter Celebration and any sites not provided by hosting organizations.

3. Coordinates with Treasurer regarding budgetary guidelines for site charges.

4. Coordinates with Event Chair, Site Host and/or catering manager regarding physical setup including registration tables, sponsor and resource tables, signage and seating. 1 5. Coordinates with Event Chair, Site Host and/or catering manager regarding menu offerings.

6. Provides table signage for registration, membership, and merchandise offered for sale.

7. Where possible, organizes networking for attendees at Chapter events.

8. Obtains thank you gift for speakers and site host, prepares gift bags and brings them to Chapter events.

9. Issues the initial and follow-up calls for Site Hosts through Constant Contact.

a. In conjunction with Education Chair, arranges a conference call for all officeholders to select site hosts and assign them to specific events for the following year. b. Sends letters/contracts via email to organizations selected as site hosts notifying them of their selection, the event they are hosting and detailing their responsibilities for the event they are hosting or co-hosting. d. Sends names and current logos of hosting organizations and the events they are assigned to host to all Officeholders.

10. Writes and sends thank-you notes to sponsors on behalf of the Chapter at the end of the year.

13. Creates Slide Show for the Winter Gala


Duties include: 1. Create Save the Date and Event Flyers a. All flyers should contain logos of sponsoring organizations, the date, location, schedule, picture of presenter(s), their title(s), objectives, CE/CEUs available, as well as the disclaimer required by the national Foundation.

2. Submit all flyers to Executive Board for review 1 week prior to distribution.

2 Revise flyers as needed based on feedback from Executive Board.

3. Create schedule of eblasts, Facebook, LinkedIn and website announcements. Confirm all blasts go out on schedule.

4. Send out announcements on the eblast schedule and ensure that member organizations send out their announcements on schedule.

5. Maintain an updated list of people to be notified of Chapter events.

6. Research and if necessary manage any services used for sending out Chapter emails.


Duties include:

1. Connects with medical professionals including primary care, pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, family practice, dentists, nurses, nutritionists to increase awareness of eating disorders in their patient populations.

2. Participates in any needed media relations for the Chapter as requested by the Chapter President.

3. Provides education on medical aspects of eating disorder identification and treatment by a. Providing direct education and training b. Obtaining specialists within the community to provide educational presentations at Chapter events c. answering questions on detection and treatment of eating disorders to Chapter members d. On request, assists members pursuing Certification through the national foundation in mastering the medical portion of the training.


Duties include: 1. Recruits new members at Chapter events.

2. Assist prospective members to complete membership applications.

3. Answer any questions regarding membership at Chapter events or via email.

3 4. Send member attendance from all events to national so members get credit for attending an event and the chapter gets credit for membership.

5. Keep track of the number of events attended by members and giving members the discount code for membership renewal to those who attend their third event in a year.

6. Keep list of Chapter members, their contact information, and if possible their renewal dates. Organizes and maintains data base of all Chapter members. a. Notifies members of impending renewal date.

7. Works in collaboration with National to ensure National has current information on Chapter membership.

8. Participate in conference calls with National membership director and keep chapter informed of all changes regarding membership


Duties include:

1. Email: a. add new email membership requests to contact list and eblast group on email b. coordinate with marketing committee on eblast schedule and send out eblasts when required c. keep track of annual renewal fee for email account d. update contact list with new attendees from event * e. update email contacts with information from PayPal registrations f. manage the Google group for Board members, ensuring that all emails are current and that invitations to join the group have been accepted. 2. Facebook: a. update Facebook with event flyer and save the date when scheduled. Make sure Pay Pal is set up when registration opens b. Put photos from events on Facebook page c. Maintain updated list of Officeholders and their photographs d. Maintain list of chapter sponsors on the Facebook page.

3. LinkedIn: a. Update LinkedIn with event flyer and save the date when scheduled b. Moderate LinkedIn and approve new members to join the group

4. Listserv: a. Manage listserv group and coordinate with membership chair to add new members to listserv

4 b. Moderate listerv to make sure members follow rules and listserv code (per APA) c. Send out requested material via the Listserv

5. PayPal: a. Manage PayPal account information (updating addresses, bank accounts, etc)* b. Create PayPal buttons for payments c. Bring registration lists from PayPal to events d. Provide information on monies collected for registration and merchandise sales to Treasurer after each event

6. Twitter: Manage and update the twitter feed for the Chapter’s Twitter account

7. Event: a. Establish and manage on-line registration for all Chapter events. b. Notify Event Chair(s) of numbers registered for event weekly starting 3 weeks before the event and each of the last 3 days before event. c. Bring PayPal registration list to event Bring list of people who have emailed registration and will pay on the day of the event d. Print and bring name tags to event e. Bring credit card swiper and/or computer to event to take payments

8. Sponsorship: a. Coordinate with education chair and marketing to get logos from sponsors on website, Facebook b. If needed, create PayPal buttons for sponsors to pay c. Keep track of when sponsor logos and links need to be installed and removed from website


Duties include: 1. Promotes awareness of the iaedp organization to students within the Heartland chapter catchment area.

2. Develops and maintains contact lists for students interested in Chapter events. Recruits volunteers for each Chapter event.

3. Publicizes Chapter events to students

5 4. Coordinates volunteer opportunities for students at Chapter events

5. Creates networking opportunities for students to connect with professionals active in the field of eating disorders

6. Promotes mentoring relationships between professional Chapter members and students

7. Assist students in learning more about local training opportunities related to the treatment of eating disorders

8. In coordination with Certification Chair, encourage students to pursue certification through the national Foundation

9. Inform students of job opportunities in the Midwest related to the treatment of eating disorders.


1. Serve as the point of contact for certification for all Chapter members and as a liaison between the Chapter and the Certification Committee

2. Promote Certification at all Chapter events by providing an overview of the Certification program, distribute materials, and announcing updates as appropriate.

3. Maintain inventory of updated certification application forms and articles for distribution.

4. Answer questions for Chapter members regarding completion of forms and the certification process.

5. Maintain records of all professionals interested in pursuing certification and provide quarterly list to Certification Director. Include name, discipline, contact information (phone, email, mailing address), and level of certification the individual is interested in pursuing.


PRESIDENT: Duties Include: 1. Participates in all Presidents’ calls with the national Foundation

2. Transmits information, policy changes, and information from the national Foundation to the chapter

3. Prepares agenda for all Executive Board and Officeholder meetings

4. Oversees actions of all Officeholders

5. Attends national Foundation’s annual symposium as Chapter representative

6. Attends all chapter functions except where 2 or more events are held in member states other than Illinois in the same time frame

7. Coordinates with Chapter Liaison from national Foundation for all issues of concern to the Chapter

8. Contributes to the Chapter’s quarterly newsletter

PAST-PRESIDENT: Duties Include:

1. Attends all Executive Board and Officeholder meetings

2. Attends all Chapter events

3. Where needed, stands in for President at Executive Board or Officeholder meetings

4. Chairs the Advisory Committee

7 5. Chairs the Scholarship Committee


1. Attends all Chapter events

2. Where needed, stands in for President at Executive Board or Officeholder meetings

3. Prepares binders for incoming Officeholders

4. Assists other Executive Board members and Officeholders as needed with their duties. a. Follows up on action items from minutes and planning calls to make sure they are completed. b. Assists officeholders when needed to complete current tasks.

3. Ideally, President-Elect is elected after the first year of the President’s term (first or second), and steps into the role of President at the end of the President’s term.

SECRETARY Duties Include:

1. Attends all Chapter events

2. Takes minutes of all Executive Board and Officeholder meetings as well as planning calls and distributes those minutes within 5 days calls/meetings. When unable to attend calls or meetings arranges for another Officeholder to take the and distribute the minutes

3. Writes and mails all needed correspondence on behalf of the Chapter

4. Maintains an archive of minutes, event flyers and save the date notices

5. Prepares folders given to participants at all Chapter events

6. If necessary, organizes Raffle at annual Winter Gala. Gives list of Raffle donors to Treasurer who will issue tax letters

8 7. Organizes and sends Chapter’s quarterly newsletter

8. Archives all Chapter letters and forms on Google Docs

9. Creates Quick Guide to Platinum Sponsors for inclusion in folders at all Chapter events. Requests descriptions from sponsoring organizations as needed.

10. Creates Program for Winter Gala

TREASURER Duties Include:

1. Attends all Chapter events

2. Brings cash to make change for attendees at Chapter events

3. Deposits all payments collected at Chapter events into the Chapter bank account

4. Transfers payments made through PayPal to the Chapter bank account

5. Maintains Chapter bank account and reviews monthly bank statements

6. Provides a written accounting of all income and expenses as well as total amount held in the Chapter bank account at each quarterly Officeholder meeting and an annual accounting at year-end

7. In coordination with other officeholders, creates budget for each event and for the Chapter’s annual expenditures

8. Assumes responsibility for making sure Chapter taxes are filed in a timely manner 9. Oversees all money and people handling money at Chapter events.

10. Issues the call for Sponsors, collects sponsorship fees, and sends letters to paid sponsors confirming their level of sponsorship.

11. Notifies Marketing Chair and Social Media chair when payment is received from sponsoring organizations so they can be included in flyers and on the website.

12. Signs contracts for venues and pays fees out of chapter funds.

13. Sends invoices to Site Hosts for cost of events and receives payment.

9 14. Issues annual letters to Site Hosts, Sponsors, and Raffle Sponsors specifying the amount of their donation for their use in tax reporting. The letters must specify that iaedp is a 501(c)6 oganization so contributions are deductible as marketing expenses rather than charitable contributions.

15. Sends the Chapter Annual Report to National.

Other Roles:

EVENT CHAIR Duties Include:

1. Maintains organization of event using the Event Planning Sheet

2. Works with Site Host for annual events to make sure the venue is selected and prepared

3. Forwards venue contract to Treasurer to sign and render payment. Follows up to ensure these items were completed

3. Coordinates with Education Chair to ensure that speaker materials are obtained in a timely fashion to enable Chapter to provide CEU’s where appropriate

4. Coordinates with Secretary to make sure all necessary materials are available to prepare folders for Chapter events

5. Coordinates with Hospitality Chair to make sure necessary materials are delivered to event venue

6. Designate the Officeholder who will be responsible for printing speaker materials for the event.

7. Coordinate with Marketing Chair

a. Makes sure flyers and Save the Date notices are ready on the designated schedule. When first draft of an event flyer is sent to the Executive Board, collects all feedback from Exec Board members and transmits to Marketing Chair for needed revisions. If needed, submits revised flyer to Executive Board for final approval.

10 b. Obtains an eblast schedule from Marketing Chair

b. Follows up to make sure eblasts went out on schedule

8. Schedules planning calls beginning 6-8 weeks before an event

9. Schedules application for CE/CEUs starting 12 weeks before an event

10. Schedule arrival of all officeholders on day of event

10. Schedules follow-up/debriefing call


1. Obtain venue for event.

2. If food and beverage are being provided at the event, arrange for these items.

3. Provide address and direction information to Marketing Chair and Social Media chair for use in flyers and on the website

4. Where appropriate, designate hotel(s) close to the venue and provide addresses and contact information for those hotels.

5. Provide marketing materials to Secretary for inclusion in folders at events.


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