Housekeeping Contract Annex I

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Housekeeping Contract Annex I




The European Union, here represented by Mr. João Cravinho, Head of Delegation of the European Union to India, 65 Golf Links, New Delhi - 110003


The attribution of the contract will be made using negotiated procedure. Offers are submitted in sealed envelopes and opened by the opening committee.


The object of the call for tender is the conclusion of a service contract with a company specialised in cleaning of premises, which will have to cover a housekeeping service specific to the Delegation of the European Union to India


The office of the Delegation of the European Union to India located at 5/5 Shanti Niketan, New Delhi is a subject of this contract.

 The basement covers approx. 2,400 sq.ft (222 m2) having 1 conference hall (approx. for 30-40 people), 4 store rooms & 2 toilets  Ground covers approx. 2,400 sq.ft (222 m2) having reception area, meeting room, drivers room, lunch room, pantry, housekeeping room, 2 toilets, parking area, 2 driveways, back courtyard and a security check room of approx. 300 sq.ft (28 m2 )  Upper ground floor covers approx. 2,400 sq.ft (222 m2) having 1 video conference room, 1 meeting room, 5 rooms with store and 1 without, two toilets, 2 additional store rooms. All rooms have balconies.  First floor covers 2,400 sq.ft (222 m2) having 9 rooms (8 with store), 3 toilets, 2 additional store rooms. All the rooms have balconies  Second floor covers 2,400 sq.ft (222 m2) having 10 rooms (8 with store), 2 toilets, 2 additional store rooms. All rooms have balconies  Third floor covers 2,400 sq.ft (222 m2) having 10 rooms (8 with store), 2 toilets, 2 additional store rooms. All rooms have balconies  Terrace covers 2,400 sq.ft (222 m2)  There are 2 lifts and 2 stairs for the building  There is approx. 1,800 sq.ft (167 m2) partition glass and approx. 2,400 sq.ft (222 m2) window glass

The total plot size is 975 sq yards and total office space of approx. 29,600 sq.ft (2,750 m 2 includes halls and corridors, offices, conference and meeting rooms, toilets, kitchens, doors, archives, storage, interior and exterior windows & balconies.


All tasks referred to in Article 3.3. must be executed on working days when the Delegation of the European Union to India is open.

The office is open Monday to Friday, from 09:00 hours to 17:30 hours (work schedule to be made accordingly)

The office is closed on Saturday and Sunday, on public holidays of the India and on the 9th of May.


3.3.1. Tasks to be executed on a daily basis in the premises of the Delegation:

 Dusting and cleaning of all exposed surfaces such as desks, bookcases, tables and cabinets.  Cleaning and sweeping of floors and tiles  Emptying waste baskets and removal of waste to the containers  Collecting crockery and cutlery from offices and meeting rooms  Washing dishes  Cleaning of kitchens and dining area and their contents  Cleaning, sweeping and disinfection of the toilets, washbasins, mirrors, ceramics and placing toilet paper, paper towels, anti-bacterial soap, refreshers and toilet seat paper covers when necessary.  Cleaning and sweeping of the staircase, outside periphery including guard rooms, parking area and other open areas  Watering of plants

3.3.2. Tasks to be executed once a week in the premises of the Delegation

 Dusting and cleaning of technical appliances (computers, telephones, faxes, printers).  Disinfection of computer keyboards and telephone sets  Dusting all wood finished doors and cleaning the glass on the doors.  Dusting and cleaning of heating / cooling units  Dusting all window frames.

3.3.3. Tasks to be executed once a month:

 Polishing floors and tiles.  Cleaning of all windows (interior and exterior).  Cleaning of curtains and vertical blinds with appropriate products

3.3.4. Tasks to be executed 6 monthly or at the request of the Delegation:

 Deep cleaning of all chairs and sofas, with appropriate products.

2 3.3.5. Tasks to be executed on an ad hoc basis, when necessary and/or at the request of the Delegation

 Assisting in setting up meeting rooms, preparing cups and plates, providing water, tea and coffee.

3.4. Number of staff to be allocated:

 For general cleaning – the tenderer must specify the number required based on the area to be cleaned, but with a minimum of 5 (five) cleaners, 2 (two) pantry boys, 1(one) supervisor, 1 (one) messenger employed on a full time basis.

The Delegation of the European Union to India reserves the right to modify at any time the services indicated in the schedule of the tasks, listed above. The volume of works can be reduced on the basis of a written instruction. An annual increase would require a written agreement and only on the basis of the minimum wages act of the Delhi state government for manpower and Consumer Price Index for consumables. In case of modification of the schedule, the monthly price of the services will be modified according to the percentage established in the financial offer of the tenderer for the corresponding operation.


1. Toilets:  Toilet paper of good quality (3 layers)  Paper towels of good quality  Anti-bacterial soap (bar and liquid)  Refreshers  Disinfection liquid

2. Kitchens:  Paper napkins  Dish washing liquid and tablets  Anti-lime scale liquid  Dish-cloths and sponges

3. Equipment – tenderer to indicate how many of each is required  1 Machine for polishing marble/ceramic flooring


During the duration of the contract, the Contractor is and remains the employer of its staff.

The Contractor recruits, trains, provide uniforms and remunerates the staff required for the cleaning of the premises and engages this staff under his sole responsibility. However, motivation methods of the cleaning staff (such as salaries, training, medical follow-up, equipment, extra-legal advantages, etc.) will be highly valued by the selection committee.

3 The Delegation of the European Union nevertheless reserves the rights to:

 approve of any staff that will be working in the Delegation’s premises,  at any time require proof of remuneration and social contributions paid for the cleaning personnel,

The Contractor insures its staff members against work accidents and engages itself to respect the legislation in place regarding labor matters, social security and taxation, and all other matters related to the services rendered.

The Contractor shall inform the Delegation of the European Union, in writing, of the identity of the all staff allocated to perform the duties in the Delegation’s premises (whether they are employed on permanent or temporary basis), by supplying a copy of their ID card. The contractor shall also be responsible for providing criminal record and health report of his staff. The contractor shall in addition inform, in writing in advance, of the identity of replacement staff.

The Contractor shall replace immediately any of his employees who would be absent for any reason, in order to ensure continuity of the service.

The Delegation of the European Union reserves the right to refuse access, for any reason of its own, to any employee of the Contractor. The Contractor shall replace immediately any such employee.

The Contractor shall designate a responsible employee, having experience of several years in the sector of activities covered by the contract. The competence of the responsible employee, Contractor’s contact person, shall be such that he/she is capable of solving problems, related to the execution of the contract, at all times and on the spot. He/she must be able to be contacted at any time during the working hours, in case of need. In case of absence a deputy with the same qualifications will replace him/her.

The Contractor’s staff shall be registered at each entrance and exit of the premises in the register at the reception.

The Contractor must submit a descriptive list of equipment and products used for all cleaning tasks.

It is forbidden for the Contractor’s staff to take with them any objects, even if declared useless, that belongs to the Delegation of the European Union.

It is forbidden for the Contractor’s staff to take knowledge of any document of the Delegation of the European Union, except if related to this contract, to the concerned employee or to the execution of his/her duties.

The Contractor engages itself neither to use nor to communicate any information, document, knowledge regarding the Delegation of the European Union to any third party. This obligation will bind the Contractor and its employees. This obligation will also bind the Contractor and his employees after termination of the execution of this contract.

The Contractor must obtain a signed declaration, regarding the mentioned confidentiality, from each employee linked to the execution of this contract and must provide copy thereof to the Delegation of the European Union at the start of this contract and upon taking up function (for new employees). In this declaration, the employee must commit in writing to respect the secrecy of any information which he/she could have knowledge of on the occasion of the

4 execution of their work and to not make known or public to any third party or to use for his/her own profit, any document or information, even after retirement from his/her job.

The Contractor shall not use the premises of the Delegation of the European Union and the equipment and material contained in it for other purposes than for the execution of this contract and exclusively for the needs of the Delegation of the European Union.

The Delegation of the European Union reserves the right to give instructions to the contractor’s staff. These instructions can only be issued by the Head of Delegation or the Delegation’s Administration. These instructions can only relate to the execution of this contract and can under no circumstances involve major changes which would result in the contractor becoming unable to perform the contractual duties.


At the end of each month the Contractor will provide an invoice to the Delegation of the European Union to request payment, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the contract.

In case no service has been provided on a working day, the monthly invoiced amount will be reduced as follows. For each day of non-service, 1/20 (one twentieth) of the monthly amount invoiced will be deducted. Each part of a day of non-service will be counted as a full day.

The price tendered and contracted shall be in Indian rupees (INR) and the monthly invoiced amount paid by the Delegation will be in Indian rupees (INR). The Delegation of the European Union cannot be held responsible for any bank charges applied by the bank or the inter-bank clearing system.


The purpose of the call for tender is the conclusion of a contract of 1 (one) year, renewable for another period of 1 (one) year at the Delegation of the European Union initiative, and under the same conditions as the initial contract. The Delegation of the European Union reserves the right to at any time assess the performance of the contractor. Failure to perform the requested tasks may be regarded as a basis for termination of the contract.


The tenders emanating from consortia of companies or of groups of contractors have to specify the legal status of the consortium, the leader of the group, the role, the titles and the experience of each member of the group.


8.1 Information concerning the personal situation of the service provider and information and formalities necessary for the evaluation of the minimum economic, professional, financial and technical capacity required:

Exclusion criteria: Candidates or tenderers shall be excluded from participation in a procurement procedure if:

5 (a) they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

(b) they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;

(c) they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify;

(d) they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;

(e) they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities’ financial interests;

(f) following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations.

Contracts may not be awarded to tenderers or tenderers who, during the procurement procedure:

(g) are subject to a conflict of interest;

(h) are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in the procurement procedure or fail to supply this information.

Means of proof: The tenderer must provide with their tender a signed declaration of honor and the documentary proof that they do not fall under any of the above categories.


8.1.1. Legal position

i. Any natural or legal person may submit an offer. ii. The application must make clear the legal status of the tenderer.

Means of proof:

i. Tenderers must submit a Legal Entity Form duly filled in, signed, stamped and accompanied by justifying documents which are requested therein; it is obligatory to send a copy of an official document (official gazette, company register etc.) showing the name of the legal entity, the address of the head office and the registration number given to it by the national authorities together with an extract of VAT (Value Added Tax) registration form; and Financial Identification Form duly filled in, signed and stamped by the tenderer and duly filled in, signed and stamped by bank's representative.

6 8.1.2. Economic and financial capacity – means of proof required a) The annual revenue of the tenderer for each of the last two years shall amount to at least INR 50,00,000 (five million)

b) The annual operating profit of the tenderer must be positive for the last two years.

Means of proof: The tenderer should present the following evidence of Economic and Financial Capacity:

 Balance Sheets for the last two years for which accounts have been closed;  Statement of accounts (Profit and Loss Account) showing the revenue during the last two closed financial years.

8.1.3. Technical and professional capacity

The tenderer must have:

i. At least 1 key person experienced in the management of the cleaning services as determined in the Technical Specifications. ii. At least 3 years of experience in the related field. iii. Supervisor must be English speaking, at least passed senior secondary schooling 8.1.4. (Financial)

Monthly cost per person should be mentioned in the sheet attached as annex A with tax breakup. The total cost per month (including manpower and material) should also be mentioned

Means of proof: i. CV of the key person(s); ii. Full business reference list of services provided the last 3 years. iii. Description of technical equipment and tools for the performance of the service iv. Statement of the number of staff in the last 3 years


The applicants have to submit the tender together with the documentation required under the point 8 (means of proof) either by post or courier no later than 17:00 hrs on 15 December 2014

The required documentation can also be delivered by hand no later than 15 December 2014 at 16:00 hrs local time to the address mentioned in point 1. In this case a receipt must be to the address mentioned in point 1. In this case the evidence of the date of dispatch shall be constituted by the postmark or the date of the deposit slip obtained as proof of submission, signed and dated by the receptionist in the Delegation’s Reception who took the delivery.

Tenders must be submitted exclusively to the Contracting Authority either by registered post or by hand in return for a signed and dated receipt. Tenders must be placed inside two sealed

7 envelopes. The inner envelope, addressed to the department indicated in the invitation to tender, should be marked as follows: "Invitation to tender — not to be opened by the internal mail department". If self-adhesive envelopes are used, they must be sealed with adhesive tape and the sender must sign across this tape.

The inner envelope must also contain two sealed envelopes, one containing the technical offer and the other the financial offer. Each of these envelopes must clearly indicate the content ("Technical" and "Financial").

All potential tenderers can visit the premises described in point 3.1 on the 8 December 2014, between 10.00 – 12.00 o'clock. Kindly take appointment latest by 4 December 2014 through e- mail – [email protected]

9.1. Additional information

 Tenders must be: o signed by the tenderer or his duly authorised representative; o perfectly legible so that there can be no doubt as to words and figures;

 The minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain its tender is 60 days from the deadline stated for receipt of tenders.

 Submission of a tender implies acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in the specifications and in the draft contract and, where appropriate, waiver of the tenderer's own general or specific terms and conditions. It is binding on the tenderer to whom the contract is awarded for the duration of the contract.

 Contacts between the contracting authority and tenderers are prohibited throughout the procedure save in exceptional circumstances and under the following condition only: At the request of the tenderer, the contracting authority may provide additional information solely for the purpose of clarifying the nature of the contract.

Requests for additional information received less than five working days before the closing date for submission of tenders will not be processed (for practical reasons).

The tender documentation must be submitted in English

 Costs incurred in preparing and submitting tenders are borne by the tenderers and cannot be reimbursed. The tender documentation will be sent free of charge for the Contracting authority.

 All documents related to the procurement procedure are available on the EC Delegation's website: but can also be obtained in hard copy upon request. Requests received less than five working days before the deadline for submission of tenders will not be taken into consideration.


The contract will be awarded to the tenderer, not subject to exclusion criteria, fulfilling the selection criteria mentioned under point 8 and offering the best value for money for the Delegation of the European Union taking into account the price and technical award criteria as defined below.


N Criteria Max Comments o number of points 1 Organisation of work 30 The tenderer should outline how the work will (min 15) be organised and how the cleaning services will be provided without interruptions (sick leave, annual leave etc.). 2 Equipment and materials used 25 The tenderer should provide a descriptive list (min 13) of the equipment used and materials to be used. 3 Experience of the cleaners 25 The tenderer should declare the professional proposed (min 13) experience of the cleaners proposed for the EC 4 Regular quality assessment 10 The tenderer should describe the method of (min 5) quality assessment. 5 Human resources management 10 The tenderer should indicate the approach (min 5) concerning the salaries, benefits, training, leave etc.

A minimum of 60 points will be required to pass the Technical quality check.

Calculation of the most advantageous offer

The offer to be selected, among the eligible offers (not subject to exclusion criteria and fulfilling the conditions for participation mentioned under Point 8) will be the most advantageous one for the Delegation of the European Union taking into consideration technical and price criteria, i.e. the one that will be attributed the highest number of points calculated with the following formula:

Score for tender X = cheapest price/price of tender X * total quality score (out of 100) for all criteria of tender X


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