Proposal for Implementation of Edo and Container Delivery

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Proposal for Implementation of Edo and Container Delivery

Proposal for implementation of eDO and Container Delivery in PCS

Version : 1.3 RELEASE HISTORY VERSION DATE SECTION BRIEF SUMMARY OF CHANGES NUMBER (DD/MM/YYYY) REFERENCE 1.0 22/03/2016 Initial Version 1.1 03/06/2016 Incorporated with the feedback received from Kolkata and JNPT 1.2 22/06/2016 Updated as per the feedback received from Ports during workshop conducted by IPA on 8 th June’16 at Delhi also feedback received post workshop from various ports:  Removed Tranport Order in case of CFS bound containers  Transport Order Acknowledgement is removed for both import and export processes  Updated Import and Export processes  Back to town containers are mentioned in IMP-08

1.3 24/06/2016 Updated as per comments received from meeting held in JNPT on 24 th June’16

Page 2 of 23 Contents

Page 3 of 23 1. Introduction This document provides the system requirements specification for the implementation of electronic delivery order (eDO) and process for implementation of container delivery [Import] and receiving [Export] in PCS. 2. Definitions and Abbreviations Abbreviation Description eDO Electronic Delivery Order DPD Direct Port Delivery TOS Terminal Operating System POS Port Operating System VCN Vessel Call Number PCS Port Community System BL Bill of Lading CA Container Agent CT Container Terminal CFS Container Freight Station CHA Custom House Agent CLP Container Loading Plan EDI Electronic Data Interchange EGM Export General Manifest EIR Equipment Interchange Receipt EO Entry Outward ETA Expected Time of Arrival FCL Full Container Load OOC Out Of Charge SB Shipping Bill UI User Interface ICD Inland Container Depot ICEGATE Indian Customs and Excise Gateway IGM Import General Manifest ISO International Organization for Standardization IST Indian Standard Time LCL Less Container Load LEO Let Export Order MMD Mercantile Marine Department. NIC National Informatics Centre PAN Permanent Account Number (given by Income Tax Dept.) XML Extensible Markup Language H2H Host-to-Host

Page 4 of 23 3. Assumptions and Constraints  This module will be developed on the existing PCS system  No digital signature is required since it is Host-to-Host communication  For Host-to-Host integrations, all stakeholders should comply to the message specifications provided by PCS  To use features of this module, all users should be registered with PCS and should have valid user ID and password  Message format to be supported is XML and TXT for all the messages mentioned in this module 4. Functional Requirements Following functionality will be implemented in existing PCS in order to cater electronic delivery order and delivery of container:  Electronic Delivery Order (eDO)  Transport Order  Gate Open – Cut off time  Delivery Gate Schedule  Gate-In Appointment Booking  Pre-Gate 4.1 Work Flow Following table depicts the overall work flow of container delivery (import & Export): 4.1.1 Import Process

PROCESS ID BUSINESS PROCESS PROCESS IN PCS VALIDATIONS TO BE CONSIDERED IN PCS IMP-01 Consignee or his appointed forwarder/broker This is a manual process and not presents original BL to shipping agent for covered in PCS release of container.

Shipping agent checks all necessary documents, payments and processes (shipping agent internal business requirements)

Note: Usual practice for appointment of Forwarder/ Broker is via a hardcopy Authorisation Letter.

IMP-02 Issuance of Delivery Order: For Web Users:  Container no. and BL no. against Inward Manifest Shipping Agent issues Delivery Order after For DPD Containers: their internal proceedings are completed  Forwarder / Broker is a valid Shipping Agent login to PCS : business entity  Go to menu Container   Customs release has been Note: Shipping agent is the authorised agent Delivery Order granted for the BL / container for the vessel / voyage (SOA or slot owner / (depending on local customs consortium member)  Select VCN / VIA number requirement, this validation  Enter Container No, BL no can be postponed to Gate and other mandatory fields Booking, Pre-Gate or actual provided in the eDO web Gate Entry stage) form  EDO Ref no. must be unique  SA submits the eDO form for the Vessel / Voyage once all mandatory fields are

Page 5 of 23 filled  eDO Reference No will be generated by PCS.  PCS generates eDO message in XML format and transmits to Terminal, Port and Customs

For CFS Containers: Note: Onus should be on the shipping agent to ensure the EDO is No eDO is required; however PCS issued to the right party. allows the Container movement based on destination code of CFS from IGM

For H2H Users:  PCS receives eDO message in XML format from Shipping Lines internal system as per the data elements mentioned under section 4.2.1 however eDO reference number should be unique in the PCS and format of the eDO number should be defined by PCS.

ISSUANCE OF TRANSPORT ORDER: Only Web UI (No messaging):  EDO reference no. is valid for IMP-03 For DPD Containers: the Vessel/Voyage For DPD Containers: CHA / CFS login to PCS:  Forwarder / Broker is the Forwarder / CHA issues Transport Order to  Go to menu Transport  Transporter against one or more eDOs authorised released party for Transport Order the EDO  Select VCN / VIA  Transporter is a valid business entity  Select one or more eDO numbers from UI  Selects a transporter by entering Transporter Registration No.  Submit Transport Order once all other mandatory fields are entered  PCS generates Transport Order number and sends For CFS bound containers: email notification to CFS issues Transport Order to shift the Transporter with transport container to CFS.CFS provides list of all order number which is transporters who will move the containers generated by PCS from Port to CFS For CFS bound containers:

No Transport Order required for CFS bound containers, however CFS can provide all list of transporters which they will deal with that specific containers IMP-04 TRANSPORTER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:

Page 6 of 23 Transporter accepts / acknowledges Only Web UI: Forwarder / CHA / CFS Transporter login to PCS:  Go to menu Transport  Transport Order  PCS displays all Transport Orders which are pending action from Transporters  Transporter selects Transport Order and click on accept  PCS sends email notification to CHA that transporter accepted the transport order  PCS generates transport order XML file and transmits to Port and Terminal

IMP-05 Pre-Gate / Pickup Ticket:

For DPD Containers: Only Web UI: PCS validates: Transporter provides pre-gate information  Truck-id is valid (validate like For DPD Containers: against VAHAN database of  Vessel / Voyage Transporter login to PCS: MOST) the meeting discussed  Container no  Go to menu Container  the possibility of validating Pre-Gate against truck registration  Truck-id / Registration No. database of local port instead  Driver details  Enter container number, of VAHAN database. driver details and submit  Truck belongs to Transporter For CFS Containers:  PCS generates Picket Ticket (pre-captured in PCS, if sub- message in XML format and contracting or outsourcing is Transporter provides pre-gate information transmit to Port, Terminal required, this function can be like: and customs. provided in PCS)  Driver-id is valid (validate  Transporter prints Pick up  Vessel / Voyage against Terminal Entry Pass  Truck –ID / Registration No ticket with barcode (PCS system) generated number)  Driver Details  Driver belongs to Transporter (pre-captured in PCS, if sub- PCS generates and sends the pickup ticket to For CFS Bound containers: contracting or outsourcing is Terminal TOS and Customs ICEGATE. CFS generate pre-gate information required, this function can be in messages and transmit to PCS provided in PCS)

IMP-06 Entry Gate:

Upon production of Pickup ticket print by the Web UI: TT Driver, CISF personnel verifies the TT CISF login to PCS: number as per print and allows inward entry  Go to Container  Pre-Gate inside Port Area after verifying the driver license.  Verify all details like eDO, Container No, Customs TOS Gate system performs the following: clearance, Transport Order, Driver Name and ID and  Identify the truck by reading the truck-id allow. RFID (if available, else enter the truck no. into the Gate system) Or  Validates the driver-id via bio-metric Terminal Entry system (if available, else  CISF personnel will verify the enter truck-id into the Gate system) and details with physical Pre-Gate Page 7 of 23 driver PIN. print.  Gate system checks against E-EIR to confirm container no., truck-id and driver-id.  Re-assign the container if any change in the

IMP-07 PICKUP OF IMPORT CONTAINER FROM IMPORT YARDS. The TT approaches the yard location as Manual process indicated in the pick up ticket for picking up the import container as detailed in the ticket. If the container is available readily on Top, the same container is loaded or any other container of the same CFS will be loaded using yard crane in order to avoid undue shifting's based on the import pendency list. The Yard crane loads the import container on the TT according to the information available with them on Vehicle Mounted Terminal / Pendency List. Tractor Trailer carrying import container(s) approaches Out-Gate. For collecting EIR. IMP-08 GENERATION OF EQUIPMENT INTERCHANGE REPORT (EIR) AT FRONT LOADING STATTION:.

Based on the transaction number available TOS / POS updates the details on Pick-up Ticket with Driver and the and transmits the EIR container on Tractor Trailer, EIR is generated message to PCS and all 4 copies are handed over to him for getting Customs Approval. In case change of container, the container detailed as swapped in the system before generating EIR.

Note: In case of Back to town (Export) containers, it will follow the same process as per import process

IMP-09 CUSTOMS APPROVAL PRIOR TO OUTWARD PCS gets transmits the message to EXIT OF IMPORT CONTAINERS DELIVERED: Port / Terminal from ICEGATE once container clearance is done by After receipt of EIR copies from Terminal, the customes. TT Driver approaches Customs located near Customs officer will check the Out Gates for authorization of Customs on clearance of this container in In case of DPD, EIR will be these EIR copies. ICEGATE or PCS generated once customs clearance is done.

Page 8 of 23 IMP-10 OUTGATE CHECK BY CIFS: Web UI: Upon receipt of authorization from Customs CISF login to PCS: on EIR, the TT Driver along with TT carrying  Go to menu Container  EIR import containers approaches CISF personnel at the Out Gates who physically verifies the  Verify EIR with all details. relevant details available on EIR. Mentions actual time of outward movement of TT on EIR, handover two copies of EIR to the Driver of TT and the container is allowed to go out. However, two copies are retained by CISF along with actual time of outward movement of TT carrying import container out of which one copy is handed over to port/terminal later on for records. IMP-11 The TT carrying import containers proceeds Not covered in PCS to concerned CFS / Factory / Empty Container Yards accordingly.

Page 9 of 23 4.1.2 Export Process


1. Exporter files the Shipping Bill on 1. PCS will transmit Shipping Bill ICEGATE. ICEGATE forwards the Shipping details to respective Port / Bill to PCS. Terminal.

2. Exporter prepares shipment of goods, 2. Off line; not covered in PCS; and books empty container(s) with the Shipping Line. Shipping Line issues a delivery order. Exporter’s transporter takes container for stuffing [ICD Stuffing, Factory Stuffing, Self-Sealing, CFS stuffing ] EXP-02 ISSUANCE OF TRANSPORT ORDER:

Exporter / Forwarder / CHA issues Transport Only Web UI (No messaging): Order to Transporter against one RFDor more CHA login to PCS:  EDO reference no. is eDOs  Go to menu Transport  valid for the Transport Order Vessel/Voyage Note:  Select VCN / VIA  Forwarder / Broker is the authorised  Forwarding agent prepares Request For  Select one or more eDO numbers released party for Delivery (RFD) and submits it to from UI the EDO haulier/transport company together with transport /movement order (24 to  Selects a transporter by entering  Transporter is a 48 hours before pick up date for haulier Transporter Registration No. valid business entity to plan). Depots release empty  Submit Transport Order once all container to haulier other mandatory fields are Transporter picks up empty container &  entered delivers it to exporter’s premises  PCS generates Transport Order  Exporter stuffs the container, seals and informs transporter to number and sends email notification to Transporter with  pick up the container transport order number which is generated by PCS


Transporter accepts / acknowledges Only Web UI: Forwarder / CHA Transporter login to PCS:  Go to menu Transport  Transport Order  PCS displays all Transport Orders which are pending action from Transporters  Transporter selects Transport Order and click on accept  PCS sends email notification to CHA that transporter accepted the transport order  PCS generates transport order XML file and transmits to Port and Terminal


Terminal publishes / informs Delivery For Web Users: Booking Schedules to all Transporters. Terminal login to PCS: Delivery booking details mainly contains time  Go to menu Container  slots and number of containers allowed in Delivery Booking Schedule each time slot.  Create booking schedules for each VCN by providing Delivery Schedule Date/Time From and Date/Time To and Quantity of containers acceptable per Time Slot  PCS sends email notification to all transporters who are accepted transport order for that VCN

For H2H Users:  Terminal TOS to send Booking Schedule to PCS via back-end messaging  Refer to message spec 4.5.1


Transporter / CFS books Time Slot for delivery Only Web UI: of containers as per delivery gate schedule Transporter login to PCS:  Go to menu Container  Gate-  Once Vessel / In Appointment Booking Voyage is keyed in, PCS will display all  Enter VCN / VIA number and click available Time Slot on retrieve time slots and balance  Select Time Slot and enter the quantity of quantity of containers containers available for booking  PCS generates message for Gate-In Appointment Booking in  PCS validates that XML format and send to quantity of Terminal and Customs containers entered does not exceed balance available quantity for the time slot. EXP-06 PRE-GATE & GENERATE DROP-OFF TICKET

Transporter SA / CFS provides pre-gate information like Web UI: PCS validates:  Vessel / Voyage Transporter / SA login to PCS:  Truck-id is valid  Delivery Time Slot  Go to menu Container  Pre- (validate against Gate VAHAN database of  Container no MOST) the meeting  Truck-id / Registration No.  Select Gate-In window discussed the  Driver details  Enter container number, driver possibility of details and submit validating against truck registration  PCS generates pre-gate message database of local PCS generates and sends the Pre Gate in XML format and transmit to port instead of message to Terminal TOS and Customs Port, Terminal and customs. VAHAN database. ICEGATE.  Transporter prints Pre-Gate with  Truck belongs to barcode (PCS generated number) Transporter (pre- captured in PCS, if sub-contracting or outsourcing is CFS / SA / Custodian can send this required, this message to PCS. function can be provided in PCS)  Driver-id is valid (validate against Terminal Entry Pass system)  Driver belongs to Transporter (pre- captured in PCS, if sub-contracting or outsourcing is required, this function can be provided in PCS) No. of line items does not exceed available balance quantity for the Time Slot EXP-07 ENTRY INTO EXPORT GATE:

Page 12 of 23 Upon arrival at the Terminal Gate, Gate TOS / POS Gate system PCS transmits SB and Officer Does the necessary checks against OOC LEO to respective Customs Release, eDO, Transport Order, Pre- Port / Terminals from Gate, etc and allows empty truck entry ICEGATE. Customs can verify these details in PCS TOS Gate system performs the following: / ICEGATE before  Identify the truck by reading the truck-id allowing in to the Port / RFID (if available, else enter the truck Terminal no. into the Gate system)  Validates the driver-id via bio-metric Terminal Entry system (if available, else enter truck-id into the Gate system) and driver PIN.  Gate system checks against E-EIR to confirm container no., truck-id and driver-id.

EXP-08 CHECK BY CISF AT EXPORT GATE: The CISF personnel posted at In-Gates physically verifies details such as TT number, Manual (Off line) Container no, Seal No, Drivers details available on Drop-Off-Ticket and the TT is allowed inside the Port Area after retaining one copy of DOT with CISF mentioning actual inward entry of TT on all copies.

EXP-09 DROP OFF CONTAINER AND TT EXIT: The TT carries the container to designated yard location as indicated in Drop off Ticket. Manual (Off line) PCS Validates the export After offloading the container in export yard containers movements by the Yard Crane, the empty TT approaches against the Gate open Out-Gate for exit. The Out –Gate Clerk and cut-off date and time completes the transaction in the system (against transaction number printed in the Drop-Off-Ticket carried by the Driver of TT). EXP-10 CHECK BY CISF AT OUT GATE:

CISF posted at Out Gate collects one copy Drop off print, mentions actual time of Manual (Off line) outward movement of empty TT on the copy while allowing the TT for outward movement. (This copy is then deposited to Terminal for records).

4.2 Electronic Delivery Order A Delivery Order is the order given by Carrier of goods or authorized shipping agent to the importer’s customs broker to take delivery of goods once destination ports customs clearance process is completed. PCS provides UI to issue DO electronically:

Page 13 of 23 Fig.4.2. Delivery Order

Page 14 of 23 4.2.1 Data Elements PCS uses following data elements to generate eDO (AGDORD) in XML format. Structure of the eDO is as shown below: Header: S/N Field name Type Length Status 1 Record Type C 1 M 2 Delivery Order Number (LDO/ADO No) C 20 C 3 Delivery Order Date (LDO/ADO Date) D - C 4 Delivery Order for Examination (Y/N) C 1 M 5 Validity Period up to (ADO/LDO) D - C 6 VIA/VCN C 14 M 7 Call Sign/Vessel Code C 10 M 8 IMO Number C 10 M 9 Voyage Number C 10 M 10 Whether (F)oreign/(C)oastal (Y/N) C 1 M 11 IGM Number N 5 C 12 IGM Date D - C 13 IGM Line Number N 4 C 14 IGM Sub Line Number N 4 C 15 Bill of Lading No C 20 M 16 Bill of Lading Date D - M 17 House Bill of Lading Number C 20 C 18 House Bill of Lading Date D - C

Details: [ Repeat 1..N ] S/N Field Name Type Length Status 1 Record Type C 1 M 2 Record Number N 6 M 3 IGM Number N 7 M 4 IGM Date D - M 5 IGM Line Number N 4 M 6 IGM Sub Line Number N 4 C 7 Bill of Lading/LDO/ADO No C 20 M 8 Bill of Lading/ADO/LDO Date D - M 9 Validity Period up to (ADO/LDO) D - C 10 Name of Consignee C 35 M 11 Consignee Address 1 C 35 M 12 Consignee Address 2 C 35 C 13 Consignee City C 15 M 14 Consignee State C 15 M 15 Port of Loading (POL) C 6 M 16 Port of Discharge (POD) C 6 M 17 Containerized (Y/N) C 1 C 18 Container No. C 12 C 19 ISO Code of Container C 4 C 20 Cargo Description C 250 M 21 Number of Packages N 5 C

Page 15 of 23 22 Package Code C 3 C 23 Marks and Numbers C 100 M 24 Number of 20 Feet Containers C 3 C 25 Number of 40 Feet Containers C 3 C 26 Number of Odd Size Containers C 3 C 27 Currency Code C 3 M C 28 Value in INR (Rs.) N 10.2 M C 29 Freight Paid (Y/N) C 1 M C 30 Receipt Number C 12 C 31 Receipt Date D - C 32 Stamp Duty (Y/N) C 1 M 33 Stamp Duty Paid Amount N 13.2 C 34 Stamp Duty Paid Date D - C 35 Delivery to ( Name of Agent ) / Importer / CHA C 35 M 36 Authorization code of agent C 15 C 37 Authorization code of CHA C 15 C 38 Total Gross weight (M.T.) N 10.2 M 39 Direct (D) / Transit (T) C 3 C

40 Stage (Full (F)/Part Delivery (P)) C 3 C

41 IE Code C 16 M C

4.3 Transport Order Transport Order is an order given by CHA to the transporter once Shipping Agent issues Delivery Order to CHA. This order is to inform the transporter to deliver the cargo to the consignee or importer location. Up on Transporter acknowledges the transport order issued by CHA, PCS generates the message in XML format and send to Terminals, Port and Customs if required. This is new message and below data specification have to be reviewed and finalized. 4.3.1 Data Elements PCS generates the transport order message in XML format with the following data elements and send to Terminals, Port and Customs if required. S/N Field name Type Length Status 1 Record Type C 1 M 2 Transport Order Number (PCS generated Number) C 20 M 3 Transporter Registration No C 20 M 4 Transporter Name C 50 M 5 Delivery Order Number (eDO) C 20 M 6 Delivery Order Date D - M 7 Validity Period up to D - C 8 VIA/VCN C 14 M 9 IMO Number C 10 M 10 Transport Order Issued by (CHA Code) C 20 M 11 Transport Order Issued Date & time (DDMMYYYY:24HH:MM) C 20 M 12 Transport Order Ack date & time (DDMMYYYY:24HH:MM) C 20 M

Page 16 of 23 13 Port Delivery Order Number C 20 M

4.4 Gate Open – Cut off time Before arriving the vessel in Port, specific hours in advance, Port opens the gate so that CHA/ Exporter can bring their Container/ Cargo in Port. Similarly Port gives cut off time indicating that the before that time Container / Cargo need to bring to Port. This is done to stream line the loading and un-loading operation on Vessel.

Fig.4.4. Gate Open – Cut off Report

4.4.1 Data Elements Ports or Terminals should use the following data specification for sending Gate Open – Cut off time message in XML format. S / N Field Type Length Status 1 Record Type C 1 M 2. VCN C 14 M 3. Call Sign/Vessel Code C 10 C M 4. IMO Number C 10 M 5. Rotation Number C 5 C 6. Rotation Date D - C 7. Vessel Operator/ Shipping Agent C 15 M C 8. WIN Schedule Date D - C 9. ETA D - M 1. Port Floating Line/Length Date & Time D - C 10 Cut Off Date and Time (DDMMYYYY:24HH:MM) D - M 1 4.5 Delivery Gate Schedule Terminal or Port publishes the delivery gate schedule to transporters which contains time slots and number of containers allowed in each time slot.

Page 17 of 23 Fig.4.5. Delivery Gate Schedule

4.5.1 Data Elements Ports or Terminals should use the following data specification for sending Delivery Gate Schedule message in XML format. FLOW: Terminal / Port  PCS

Page 18 of 23 S / N Field Type Length Status 1. Record Type C 1 M 2 VCN C 14 M 3. Call Sign/Vessel Code C 10 C M 4. ETA D - M 5. IMO Number C 10 M 6. IGM Number N 5 C 7. IGM Date D - C 8. Rotation Number C 5 C 9. Rotation Date D - C 1. Gate-In Window From (DDMMYYYY:24HH:MM) C - M 1 Gate-In Window Up to (DDMMYYYY:24HH:MM) C - M 1 Type of Cargo (REF, DRY, OOG, PERI, GEN) C 4 M 2 . 1 Number of containers allowed N - MC 1 Cut Off Date and Time (DDMMYYYY:24HH:MM) C - M 4 Note: $ represents repetition; data elements 10, 11 & 12 will repeat more than one time as group in the same sequence. 4.6 Gate-In Appointment Booking Transporters will do Gate-In Appointment booking from PCS web user interface based on the Delivery Gate Schedule provided by Terminal. PCS validates number of containers allowed in each slot against the maximum number of containers allowed by terminal.

Page 19 of 23 Fig.4.6. Gate-In Appointment Booking

4.6.1 Data Elements Transporter will do the gate-in appointment booking based on the available slots published by terminals. Transport will login to PCS and select the respective VCN and slot and enter the number of containers to be delivered. PCS will generate the message in XML formal and transmit to Terminal. FLOW: PCS  Terminal / Port

Page 20 of 23 S / N Field Type Length Status 1. Record Type C 1 M 2 VCN C 14 M 3. Call Sign/Vessel Code C 10 M 4. ETA D - M 5. IMO Number C 10 M 6. IGM Number N 5 C 7. IGM Date D - C 8. Rotation Number C 5 C 9. Rotation Date D - C 1. Gate-In Window From (DDMMYYYY:24HH:MM) C - M 1 Gate-In Window Up to (DDMMYYYY:24HH:MM) C - M 1 Type of Cargo (REF, DRY, PERI, OOG, GEN) C 4 M 1 Number of containers to be delivered N - MC 1 Cut Off Date and Time (DDMMYYYY:24HH:MM) C - M 4 Note: $ represents repetition; data elements 10, 11 & 12 will repeat more than one time as group in the same sequence.

4.7 Pre Gate Transporter provides the pre gate information like VCN, slot number, container numbers, truck ID and driver details before truck enters the gate. PCS generated the message with these details and transmit to Terminal. After pre-gate information is submitted, PCS generates a message in XML format and also shows PCS Reference Number in 2D barcode to the transporter. Transporter can print the pre gate details with barcode and carry with driver while entering the gate. At gate, terminal / port can scan the barcode and allow the truck inside.

Page 21 of 23 Fig.4.7. Pre Gate

4.7.1 Data Elements PCS generates the Pre Gate message with below data elements once transporter submits the pre gate details in PCS.

S / N Field Type Length Status 1. Message Type C 3 M 2. VCN C 14 M 3. Vessel Code C 10 M 4. IMO Number C 10 M 5. Voyage Number C 10 M 6. Equipment Status code (UN/EDIFACT C 3 M Segment 8249) Import / Export / Transshipment Flag ( I/ E / T ) 7. Origin type (Factory (FAC) / CFS (CFS) C 3 M 8. Date & Time of Arrival of truck D - M

9. Transporter Name/Company C 35 MC 10. Transporter Registration Number C 15 C 11. Truck Number C 12 M 12. Name of the Driver C 35 M 13. Driver Licence Number C 15 C M 14. Driver Mobile Number N 10 M 15.Container Number C 12 MC 16.Gross Weight N 13.2 M 17.Verified Gross Mass N 13.2 M

Page 22 of 23 18.UOM (MT, KG) C 4 M 19.ISO Code of Container C 4 C 20.Container Type Classification Code * ( 8169)( C 3 MC FCL/ LCL/ETY) 21.Container Temperature (Mandatory in case C 1 C of REF container) (C / F) 22.IMO Code C 3 C 23.UN Number of Container C 4 C 24.Custom Seal Number (Mandatory for CFS C 15 C stuff) 25.Agent Seal Number C 15 C 26.Terminal Seal Number C 15 C 27.Excise Seal Number (Mandatory for Factory C 15 C Stuff) 28.POD – Port of Discharge C 6 M 29.Port Yard Position for Container/ Rack C 10 C Position 30.Final Port of Discharge/Destinationignation C 6 M 31.CHA Name / CHA Code C 35 C 32.Shipper/Consignee Name C 35 C 33.MLO / Shipping Line Code C 16 C 34.Special Details C 35 C 35.Customs scanning (Y/N) ? C 1 C

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