Vocabulary/Comprehension/Critical Thinking/Creative Expression Activities

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Vocabulary/Comprehension/Critical Thinking/Creative Expression Activities

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Vocabulary/Comprehension/Critical Thinking/Creative Expression Activities

A Note to the Teacher Vocabulary/Comprehension Activities by Chapter A Note to the Teacher The resources that accompany The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe were developed originally by Carla Gilmore, a teacher at Cerritos High School. All lessons were kid-tested, and students were asked to provide additional suggestions for activities and lessons they felt would increase student understanding and appreciation of the underlying values and morals that appear in the book. These materials were subsequently reviewed by educational consultants for the C.S. Lewis Foundation and then refined by Foundation staff. They have been designed specifically with the public school setting in mind.

Please Note: There are two separate Word documents available for teacher use. The first provides a variety of vocabulary and comprehension-based activities, including those tapping the domains of critical thinking and creative expression. Participating teachers are encouraged to read through the lessons and select those best suited to their own students. The second provides lessons on ten commonly-held values that are foundational to a sound character education curriculum.

I. The Vocabulary/Comprehension lessons are introduced with:  The word and definition of the word in English for each chapter.  The word and definition of the word in Spanish for each chapter. A list of “Narnian” expressions is also given for each chapter as they may require explanation by the teacher. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities that vary by chapter Comprehension Activities that vary by chapter  Fill in the Blank  Multiple Choice  True-False  Short Answer (These activities may need to be modified and adjusted by the teacher to meet the needs of his/her students.)

Creative Activities that vary by chapter to help students make personal connections with the story  Write: Writing activities ask students to reflect on what they have read.  Discuss: Discussion topics are designed to help students share their thoughts orally about what is happening in the story.  Create: Creative activities ask students to respond to a certain topic using a more creative approach such as writing a poem, drawing a picture, composing a song, etc.

II. Values-Based Activities by Character Quality TABLE OF CONTENTS Vocabulary/Comprehension Activities

Chapter 1 ……………………...Lucy Looks into the Wardrobe

Chapter 2 ………………………What Lucy Found There

Chapter 3 ……………………...Edmund and the Wardrobe

Chapter 4 …………………… Turkish Delight

Chapter 5 …………………… Back on this Side of the Door

Chapter 6 ……………………...Into the Forest

Chapter 7 …………………….. A Day with the Beavers

Chapter 8 ……………………. What Happened After Dinner

Chapter 9 …………………….. In the Witch’s House

Chapter 10…………………… The Spell Begins to Break

Chapter 11…………………… Aslan is Nearer

Chapter 12…………………… Peter’s First Battle

Chapter 13…………………… Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time

Chapter 14…………………… The Triumph of the Witch

Chapter 15…………………… Deeper Magic from Before the Dawn of Time

Chapter 16…………………… What Happened about the Statues

Chapter 17…………………… The Hunting of the White Stag

Nature Vocabulary………….. Trees and Flowers in Narnia

Mythological Creatures in Narnia……What are they? Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 1: Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe

Definition Spanish translation air raids attack by aircraft, especially against ataques militares hechos por los a non- military target such as a city aviones contra las ciudades y la población general row argument; quarrel; disagreement pelear; argumentar: un argumento between two people entre dos personas o màs creepy causing fear, disgust or uneasiness cualquier asunto que causa los escalofríos o un sentido de miedo wireless a radio or a radio set without wires radio que no usa alambres; durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial era la manera solamente de recibir noticias armor protective metal or leather clothing la ropa protective hecha de metal o worn in battle by soldiers cuero llevada durante una batalla wardrobe a large free-standing cupboard or armario; lugar para colgar la ropa closet where clothes are stored y los abrigos looking-glass mirror; any device whose surface espejo; cualquier cosa que refleja reflects light and gives back a clear el imagen de algo image of what is in front of it mothballs small balls containing chemicals unas bolas que contienen quiicas such as camphor to keep away para proteger la ropa de las polillas moths crunching making or causing something to sonido hecho por pisar encima de make a noisy, scrunching sound algo que se deshace queer strange or unusual; departing from raro; extraño; cualquier cosa que the usual no es ‘normal’ inquisitive eager for knowledge; curious about inquisitivo; cualquier persona que everything es curiosa sobre todo glimpse a quick or incomplete look or ana Mirada rápida de algo o sighting of somebody or something alguién pitter patter a light, rapid and continuous sonido como el tipi tipi tap que tapping sound, such as raindrops hace la lluvia en un techo de metal muffler a scarf worn around the neck for bufanda; para protegerse contra el warmth frío faun a mythological creature depicted fauno; criatura mítica con el with the body of a man and the legs cuerpo de un hombre y las piernes and horns of a goat y los cuernos de una cabra parcels packages; things wrapped up paquetes; cosas envueltas en papel together in paper or other packaging

Narnian Expressions

“We’ve fallen on our feet and no mistake.” p. 2 – another way of saying that the children are quite lucky to have been sent to the Professor’s home! I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 1

A. Read the following descriptions and write the correct word in the space provided from the list of words for Chapter 1.

1) A device used to communicate news during the Second World War ______

2) Commonly used article of clothing in winter climates to keep warm ______

3) A place used to store one’s clothes or other belongings ______

4) A chemical used to protect clothing from moths ______

5) A mythical creature with the body of a man and the legs, horns, and legs of a goat ______

6) Something that is extremely unusual ______

7) When two people get in an argument ______

8) “Too much curiosity killed the cat” ______

B. Read the following short passage and fill in the blanks with the word/s that make the most sense based on the context of the story.

1) The Pevensie children have been sent out of London because of the ______and their parents’ fear that they might be killed.

2) Lucy is an extremely ______girl who discovers a magical ______.

3) While she is exploring, she steps on some ______that make a crunching sound and have a rather peculiar odor.

4) After Lucy finds herself in another world, she is surprised to meet a rather ______fellow named Mr. Tumnus who wears a bright red ______around his neck to keep warm.

5) Mr. Tumnus is a ______, a rather unusual looking creature, who carries an umbrella and several ______wrapped in plain brown paper. C. Comprehension – Based on what you’ve just read, who do you think said the following?

1) “Who are you to say when I’m to go to bed?” ______

2) “This is going to be perfectly splendid.” ______

3) “Do stop grumbling, Ed.” ______

4) “I can always get back if something goes wrong.” ______D. Which Pevensie child do you think would best fit the following description? Write the name in the space.

1) The peace maker: ______2) The trouble maker: ______3) The sensitive one: ______4) The curious one: ______

E. True or False? Read the following statements. If the statement is true, write ‘true’ in the blank; if false, correct the statement so it is true. 1) The Pevensie children were sent from London because their parents were killed in an air raid. ______

2) At first, Lucy felt overwhelmed by the Professor’s house and a little frightened. ______

3) The children decided to explore the house because the housekeeper was extremely rude to them. ______

4) When Lucy discovered herself in Narnia, she was frightened and decided to return for her brothers and sister. ______

5) Mr. Tumnus was a kindly faun who befriended Lucy. ______

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter I. A. Write a quick note to Lucy and tell her why you think she was either very brave or very foolish to continue exploring Narnia by herself. B. Discuss in groups of 3 or 4 what you would do if you were to find yourself suddenly transported to another place. Share with the class your plan. C. Create a picture of Mr. Tumnus based on the description of him beginning on page 7. Use crayons, watercolors, or any other method of creating his likeness, including writing a song or poem about his looks. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 2: What Lucy Found There

Definition Spanish Translation Daughter of Eve refers to a human girl child refiere a una ser nina Son of Adam refers to a human boy child refiere a un ser nino Sardines small, salty fish many find delicious pescado pequeño muy salado English tea English custom of afternoon refreshments; costumbre de Inglaterra served with small sandwiches and cakes donde se sirven sandwiches y tortas dulces y té Nymphs mythical creatures that live in trees, criatura mítica que vive en los harming no one arboles mistica y no le hace daño a nadie Silenus woodland deity; companion of Dionysius companero de Dionysius con with a horse’s ears and tail la cola y oidos de un caballo Dryads mythical creatures that live in wells, criatura mítica que vive en los harming no one pozos y no le hace daño a nadie. Bacchus Greek God of Wine Griego Diós del Vino Jollification joyful celebration jubilación / celebración Merely barely; just as described casi Lulling to give someone a false sense of security darle a alguien un sentido so that an unpleasant situation takes the falso de seguridad para person by surprise aprovecharse Spare Oom location of the room where the wardrobe donde está ubicado el armario is located mágico Narnia imaginary country found by passing país imaginario encontrado through a magical wardrobe por pasar atravez del armario mágico Cair Paravel Capital of Narnia where the empty thrones capital de Narnia; ubicación await four ‘human’ children to claim de los tronos vacios que them. esperan a los 4 hijos War Drobe doorway into Narnia through the wardrobe armario mágico / la entrada a Narnia

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 2

A. Read the following descriptions, Write the correct word in the space provided from the list of words for Chapter 2.

1) The God of Wine ______2) Four thrones sit there vacant ______3) A synonym for celebration ______4) Mythical creatures that live in trees ______5) The doorway into Narnia ______6) A special event that often takes place around 4:00 p.m. in England ______7) Small fish ______8) A word that means scarcely, barely______9) Room where the magical wardrobe is located ______10) Mythical creatures that live in wells ______

B. Fill in the blank with the missing word(s) that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story context for clues.

1) Mr. Tumnus is a ______who Lucy meets in ______, a country Lucy discovers when she opens the door of the ______and decides to explore. It is always ______in Narnia but never Christmas.

2) At first, Lucy believes Mr. Tumnus is perfectly wonderful for he invites her to ______and serves her ______on toast and a sugar topped cake. He also tells her about the ______who live in wells and the ______who live in trees and how the rivers would run with wine when ______used to visit.

3) But when it is time for Lucy to leave, Mr. Tumnus tells her that he is in the pay of the ______and had been planning to turn Lucy over to “Her”.

C. Comprehension – Critical Thinking Mr. Tumnus sets out to betray Lucy to the White Witch because he’s afraid. Have you ever agreed to do something even when you knew it was wrong just because you were afraid?

Write down what it was you agreed to do and how you felt after you’d done it.

Now, think of a time in your own life when you showed the courage to do the right thing. Explain how you felt after you’d done it. D. Multiple Choice – Read each question. Then select the best answer from the choices given. Circle the letter of your answer.

1) Why does Mr. Tumnus call Lucy a “Daughter of Eve”? a) He thinks he knows her mother, Eve. b) The White Witch told him her mother’s name would be Eve. c) She is a human child. d) He thinks it’s a pretty name.

2) How many vacant thrones are there at Cair Paravel? a) four c) two b) six d) one

3) What one thing does Mr. Tumnus not offer Lucy? a) Brown egg b) Sardines on toast c) Sugar topped cake d) Candy

4) What can we conclude about Mr. Tumnus based on the objects in his cave? a) He is extremely poor. b) He is uneducated. c) He loves to read. d) He hates music.

5) How does Mr. Tumnus entertain Lucy? a) He danced for her. b) He told her stories about what Narnia was like before the Witch. c) He provided dinner. d) He read aloud to her.

6) Why does Mr. Tumnus start to cry? a) He was very tired and didn’t want to have to show Lucy the way home. b) He knew he had to turn Lucy over to the Witch. c) He was cutting onions. d) The stories about Narnia before the Witch made him sad.

7) What is it that Mr. Tumnus agrees to do if he finds a Son or Daughter of Eve? a) Turn him/her over to the White Witch b) Make him/her promise to return to Narnia c) Follow him/her and make sure the passage to Narnia is blocked forever d) Kill him/her immediately 8) What will NOT happen to Mr. Tumnus if he allows Lucy to return home? a) The Witch will turn him into stone. b) The Witch will saw off his horns. c) The Witch will pluck out his beard. d) The Witch will reward him.

9) What does Lucy give to Mr. Tumnus? a) Her necklace b) Her handkerchief c) Her promise to return to Narnia and bring her brothers and sister d) A map showing him how to enter her world

10) What does Mr. Tumnus ask of Lucy before they part? a) To return soon b) To tell his brothers and sister all about Narnia c) To forgive him d) To never forget him

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 2

Write: In your own words, explain why you think Mr. Tumnus decides NOT to turn Lucy over to the White Witch.

Discuss: In groups of 3 or 4, discuss what two events the author is letting the reader know might happen when he says the White Witch will turn Mr. Tumnus into stone, “until the four thrones at Cair Paravel are filled.”

Create: What do you think life must be like in Narnia? According to Mr. Tumnus, life in Narnia is “always winter but never Christmas.” Divide a piece of paper in half. On one side write the word “Winter” and on the other side write the word “Christmas”. In small groups make lists of all the feelings you associate with Winter and Christmas and then compare the two lists.

 Based on the feelings you have described, draw a picture, write a poem, write a song, or use some other method of creative expression to show what life must have been like when Lucy first entered Narnia.


 When Mr. Tumnus plays his flute, Lucy dreams of what Narnia was like before the White Witch took control. Draw a picture, write a poem, write a song, or use some other method of creative expression to show what life must have been like before the White Witch ruled there. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 3: Edmund and the Wardrobe

Definition Spanish Translation Sulk to pout; to have a bad attitude ponerse una cara muy fea; tener una actitud mala Guilded to cover with metal, usually dorar; cubrir algo con metal; gold or silver usualmente oro o plata Sledge sled; vehicle used to travel over trineo; metodo de transporte snow usado para viajar sobre la nieve Stern strict; rigid; unyielding rigido champing at their bits impatient to get moving ansioso; nervioso; listos para irse inmediatmente Harness gear strapped on an animal to vajilla; algo usado para control it controlar los animales Shetland small but very strong ponies caballito de Scotland; muy from Scotland fuertes pero pequeños Dwarves mythical beings; usually ananos; seres imaginarios que portrayed as very short with tienen barbas largas y que son long beards who worked in muy bajos; trabajan en las mines digging for precious minas es cabando por preciosos metals metales

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 3

A. Read the following descriptions. Write the correct word in the space provided from the list of words for Chapter 3.

1) A type of horse but much smaller in size ______2) A device used to travel over snow ______3) Covered in a brightly shining metal like gold ______4) Pouting, upset, not talking ______5) Strict, not smiling, without joy______6) A device used to help people control animals ______7) Dig deep in mines, small people but very strong ______8) Energetic, ready to go ______B. Read the following short passages and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary word(s) that make the most sense based on the context of the story. 1) The small red ______stood holding the reindeer who were ______at the bits, eager to continue their journey.

2) Although Edmund was ______because he couldn’t find Lucy, he was amazed by the tall, elegant woman riding in her ______and somewhat frightened by her ______expression.

3) The reindeer, dressed in scarlet ______were almost the size of a ______pony, and their horns were so long and beautiful they looked like they were ______with gold when the sunlight hit them. No wonder Edmund was amazed and speechless at his first sight of the White Witch!

C. Comprehension – Critical Thinking.

1) Although we don’t know where Lucy went when she entered Narnia the second time, we can predict, based on what we know about her character that she…. (Explain)

2) When Edmund says, “Just like a girl…sulking somewhere, and won’t accept an apology,” this statement shows that Edmund…. (Explain) C. True or False – Read the statement, then decide if it is true or false. If it is true, write ‘true’ in the blank space; if false, rewrite the statement to make it true.

1) When Lucy returned from Narnia, very little time had passed at the Professor’s. ______

2) Peter doesn’t believe Lucy and calls her a liar. ______

3) When Lucy returns to the wardrobe to show the others the way to Narnia, it’s not magical at all, so no one believes Lucy’s story. ______

4) Lucy refused to change her story because she knew she was right. ______

5) Edmund is the only one who sympathizes with Lucy. ______

6) Edmund follows Lucy into the wardrobe when they play hide and seek and suddenly finds himself in Narnia. ______

7) When Edmund calls out an apology to Lucy, she refuses to answer him because she is sulking. ______

8) The White Witch calls herself the Queen of Narnia. ______

9) The White Witch arrives in a red sledge pulled by reindeer. ______

10) The White Witch was pleased to see Edmund and spoke to him kindly. ______

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 3

Write: A letter to Lucy and tell her about a time when everyone thought that you were telling a lie. Give her some advice about how to deal with it.

Discuss: In groups of 3 or 4, discuss a time when you made fun of someone and thought they were telling a lie, only to find out that they really were telling the truth. Explain how you felt.

Create: Draw a picture of the dwarf as he is described on page 32.

Write a song, a poem, or create your own work of art showing how the White Witch must have looked to Edmund when he first saw her. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 4 – Turkish Delight

Definition Spanish Translation Turkish Delight type of very sweet candy Placer Turco; dulces patience able to wait without becoming paciente; capaz de esperar sin annoyed or upset ponerse enjoado; tener paciencia dominions lands owned by a ruler dominiones; tierra gobernada por alguien mantle something used to cover something rebozo; algo usado para else cubrirse hiss sound like that made by a snake hssss; sonido que hace una serpiente foamy whipped or creamy espuma; espumada como crema batida silk type of very fine fabric seda; una tela muy fina enchanted controlled by magic encantado; controlodo por mágica courtiers servants; people who wait on others in criados; personas que sirven a a royal court la gente fetch to go after and bring back traer shovel down expression referring to eating food comer algo muy rápido very quickly snappish respond abruptly; rude or sharp reply responder en una manera muy vulgar

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 4

A. Read the following descriptions, and write the correct word in the space provided from the list of words for Chapter 4.

1) A type of very expensive fabric used to make fine quality clothes ______2) Bearing trials calmly or without complaining ______3) An expression to describe someone who is gobbling his/her food ______4) Under the control of a magic spell ______5) A type of gummy candy dusted with sugar ______6) People who wait on others ______7) An antonym for patient ______8) To go get and bring something ______9) Type of cloak or warm blanket ______10) Territory belonging to a ruler ______

B. Read the following short passages. Fill in the blanks with the word(s) that make the most sense based on the context of the story.

1) When Edmund met the White Witch, it was obvious she didn’t possess much ______because she quickly became angry with him.

2) Edmund discovered he was speaking with the Queen of Narnia when she told him he had entered her ______.

3) A queen is waited upon by her ______who ______her everything she desires.

C. Comprehension: Critical Thinking.

1) From the way the White Queen treats Edmund, we can see that she…. (Explain)

2) “A door. A door from the world of men! … This may wreck all. But he is only one, and he is easily dealt with.” What does the Queen mean by this statement?

D. Short Answer – Read the following questions. Answer them based on what you have read in the story.

1) The White Queen asks Edmund if he is a what?

2) Why do you think the Queen changes her mind and is suddenly nice to Edmund? 3) What happens when the Queen takes a very small bottle and lets a drop fall from the bottle onto the snow?

4) What did Edmund tell the White Witch about Lucy?

5) Why do you think the she treated Edmund to the Turkish Delight?

6) What does the she ask Edmund to do?

7) What does she promise Edmund if he does what she asks?

8) How is Edmund to find his way to the White Queen’s castle when he returns?

9) What does the White Queen tell Edmund to say to his brother and sisters about his meeting with her? Why?

10) How does Lucy describe the White Witch to Edmund? 11) What is revealed about Lucy’s character when she says, “the others will have to believe in Narnia now that both of us have been there.”?

12) Does Edmund look forward to telling the others about his trip to Narnia? Why or why not?

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 4

Write: A note to Edmund, explaining to him the dangers of eating Turkish Delight.

Discuss: In groups of 3 or 4, discuss a time when someone offered you something you wanted very much in exchange for your help in doing something that you were afraid might not be ‘right’.

Create: a poster advertising Turkish Delight. Be sure to include a statement about the dangers of eating it!

Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 5 – Back on This Side of the Door

Definition Spanish Translation spiteful cruel, mean, desire to see someone suffer ser cruel, mal; rencor; el deseo de ver a otro sufrir frightful extremely bad or unpleasant asqueroso; desagradable nag constantly annoy, irritate, or “bug” importunar reganando beastly unpleasant; acting like a beast terrible; cruel; actuar como una bestia jeer to openly make fun of someone reírse a carcajadas de alguien en una manera disagradable; burlarse de alguien fumble to grope clumsily; to fail in attempting dejar caer; chapucear; fracasar something interrupt disturb someone in the middle of interrumpir: ser mal criado something; cut off someone who’s speaking sightseers tourists; day trippers turistas suit of armor combat outfit worn by knights in the trajes llevados por los Middle Ages caballeros andantes snigger disrespectful laughter behind someone’s risita contenida; risa back irrespetuosa detrás alguien detrás row quarrel; argument lucha; argumentar consideration showing thoughtfulness or nice treatment ser considerado; respetuoso; amable assume take for granted; expect asuma; tome para concedido; espere

Narnian Expressions: “Sharp’s the word.” Re-read the passage on p. 56. Explain in your own words what you think this expression means based on the context of the story.

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 5

A. Fill in the blanks from the vocabulary words used in this chapter. Use the context of the story to help you determine which word to use.

1) When Lucy and Edmund return from Narnia, Lucy is hurt when Edmund, in the most ______and malicious way possible, says that she is lying and that they were just “pretending” to visit Narnia. In fact, Edmund is quite ______towards Lucy from then on and often ______and ______at Lucy behind her back, making great fun of her so-called adventure.

2) Of course we know that Edmund is really the liar, but it was a most ______and unpleasant time for poor Lucy because she had been used to being treated with ______and kindness.

3) Peter and Susan are at a loss about what to do with Lucy and ______that she is making up the whole story. They are so concerned they talk to the Professor and ask him to help.

B. Read the following sentences. If the underlined word is used correctly, write “correct.” If not, write a word that makes sense based on the context of the sentence. [Note: The sentences are not necessarily based on the facts of the story.]

1) Lucy had such a beastly time in Narnia visiting with Mr. Tumnus that she vowed never to return again.______2) When Edmund tried to follow Lucy, he fumbled at the door and it took him a while to open it. ______3) When Lucy told her story, the children all sniggered at her and begged her to continue telling them about her wonderful adventure. ______4) Peter treated Lucy with great consideration and jeered at her to tell him more about Narnia. ______5) The sightseers planned a quick visit to the castle before they returned to the city. ______

C. Comprehension – Critical Thinking.

1) Based on the Professor’s response to Susan and Peter, do you think he believes Lucy’s story? Why or why not?

2) Peter says to the Professor, “Well, sir, if things are real, they’re there all the time.” Explain why you agree or disagree with Peter. D. Multiple Choice: Read each statement, then select the best possible answer based on the context of the story. Circle the letter of your choice.

1) When Lucy and Edmund returned from Narnia, Lucy felt: a) very concerned about Mr. Tumnus because she’d seen the White Witch. b) depressed because she knew Edmund would call her liar. c) that Edmund was lying about something. d) excited and happy because she was sure Edmund would tell the others she was telling the truth.

2) When Lucy tells the others Edmund has also been to Narnia: a) Peter and Susan are overjoyed. b) Peter and Susan think they are both lying. c) Edmund denies it and says it was just a “pretend” game. d) Peter and Susan decide to go to Narnia right away.

3) Peter becomes: a) very angry with Edmund for encouraging Lucy. b) very angry with Lucy for lying. c) very excited and can’t wait to go to Narnia. d) very confused about who is telling the truth.

4) Peter and Susan seem concerned that Lucy: a) is depressed and needs help. b) is becoming a liar or losing her mind. c) is making up stories to get attention. d) is trying to get back at Edmund for not believing her.

5) Peter accuses Edmund of: a) hating Lucy. b) wanting them to gang up on Lucy. c) being mean to anyone smaller. d) being a liar.

6) When Peter and Susan tell the Professor about Lucy’s story, he: a) asks why they didn’t believe her. b) agrees to write to their parents. c) agrees to talk to Lucy. d) suggests they take Lucy to see a doctor.

7) Which one is NOT a possibility the Professor mentions regarding Lucy’s story? a) She is telling lies. b) She is telling the truth. c) She is mad. d) She is unhappy and wants attention. 8) According to the Professor, what makes it most probable that Lucy’s story is likely to be true? a) Edmund says she’s lying. b) Lucy doesn’t tell lies. c) Lucy isn’t smart enough to make up all the details she knows about Narnia. d) If there were another world, it would have a time of its own.

9) The Professor’s advice for dealing with Lucy is to: a) go along with her story. b) mind their own business. c) send Lucy back to London. d) lock Lucy in her room.

10) Why did people often visit the Professor’s house? a) The Professor was a famous author. b) The Queen of England stayed there. c) The house was old and famous. d) The house was haunted.

11) What did Mrs. Macready, the housekeeper, tell the children to do when she was showing people the house? a) to be helpful and answer their questions b) to prepare a nice tea for them c) to find the professor at once d) to disappear and not make any noise

12) Whose idea was it to hide in the wardrobe? a) Susan’s b) Peter’s c) Edmund’s d) Lucy’s

13) When the children hide in the wardrobe, Peter remembers… a) he has promised the Professor to never enter the room again. b) he has agreed to keep Lucy away from the wardrobe. c) to always leave a wardrobe door open. d) to return for food.

14) Based on what you’ve read so far, Mrs. Macready seems to be what? a) very loving and fond of children b) very cold and mean spirited c) very considerate and patient d) a poor housekeeper 15) Why do you think the author keeps repeating that one should never, never hide inside a wardrobe and close the door? a) You might mess up the clothing inside. b) You might freeze to death. c) The door might lock behind you. d) If the wardrobe is magical and you close the door, you won’t be able to find your way back.

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 5

Write: Lucy is counting on Edmund to tell the others about Narnia. Instead, he claims he and Lucy were just pretending, making it seem like Lucy is a liar. Write Edmund a short note, telling him what you think of his behavior and what he should do about it!

Discuss: In groups of 3 or 4, discuss whether or not you think Edmund will betray his brother and sisters and turn them over to the White Witch. Give specific reasons for your thinking.

Create: Have you ever felt betrayed by someone you thought you could trust? Write a poem or a song or create a picture that describes the way that betrayal made you feel inside. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 6 – Into the Forest

Definition Spanish Translation camphor small balls of insect repellent to protect insecticida contra las polillas clothes against moths en forma de bolas wrench yank; twist off abrer algo de un tiron char burn; destroy by fire quemar; destruir por medio de fuego suitable appropriate: acceptable adecuado; apropriado prig people who are overly confident in their personas que son demasiado opinions or manner seguro en sus decisiones crockery ceramic; items made of clay cerámica; cosas hechas de lomo self-satisfied sure of oneself; confident egoístas shreds torn off strips pedazos fraternize hang out with andar con alguién poisonous deadly or harmful substance venenoso resume continue on again resumir: continuar moth small butterfly-like insect that eat clothes polilla; como mariposas pequeñas que comen tela treason betray; to deceive; deliver information or traición; darle información o people to an enemy personas a su enemigo

Narnian Expressions: For each of the expressions below, reread the passage in which it appears. Then write what you think the expression means.

“By Jove!” ______

“Bagged a coat” ______

“Pretty good washout” ______

“Get ups” ______

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 6 A. Fill in the blanks from the vocabulary words used in this chapter. Use the context of the story to help you determine which word to use.

1) Edmund calls the others ______because they discover he lied about having been in Narnia. Edmund feels they are very ______when they decide that Mr. Tumnus is the “good” character and the Queen is the “evil” character just because Mr. Tumnus saved Lucy.

2) After discovering that Mr. Tumnus has been arrested for ______and all of his beautiful belongings destroyed, the children feel it is only ______for them to try and help Mr. Tumnus.

B. Read the following sentences. Fill in the blank with the vocabulary word which best fits the meaning of the sentence.

1) We should be careful with whom we ______because often we behave just like our friends. 2) When the children discover Mr. Tumnus’ house, the ______has been shattered to pieces, and all there is to see are the remains of what was once a beautiful home. 3) Peter calls Edmund a ______little beast because he made it seem like Lucy was lying. 4) When entering the wardrobe, the children smell ______, a chemical used to keep moths from eating the clothing.

C. Comprehension – Critical Thinking 1) Explain the logic behind Susan’s argument that using the coats in the wardrobe would not be stealing.

2) What would you have done if you had found out a friend had been arrested and taken to jail for helping you? Explain your reasoning. D. True or False: Read each statement and write the word “true” in the blank if it is a true statement and “false” if it is not. Correct each false statement.

1) When the children find themselves in Narnia, Susan is the first to apologize to Lucy. ______

2) Susan wants to return to the Professor’s house because she is afraid. ______

3) Edmund reveals he has already been in Narnia when he tells them how to get to the lamp-post. ______

4) Edmund apologizes to the others, especially to Lucy. ______

5) When Lucy leads them to Mr. Tumnus’ cave, they find it deserted but in good shape. ______

6) Mr. Tumnus has been arrested by the White Witch for High Treason. ______

7) Maugrim is the name of the Captain of the Queen’s secret police. ______

8) Edmund wants to go back to the Professor’s house because he realizes the White Queen is evil. ______

9) Lucy sees a robin with a red breast that seems to want to talk to her. ______

10) Edmund tries to convince Peter that they might be heading into a trap. ______

11) Peter agrees with Edmund that fauns can’t be trusted. ______

12) Peter isn’t concerned about where they are because he knows the way back to the Lantern Wood. ______II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 6

Write: What would YOU take with you to Narnia? If you had the chance to visit Narnia and were allowed to take with you only 10 items, what would you take with you? Make a list, and give a ‘reason’ for why you included each item. (NO firearms or automatic weapons allowed)

Discuss: Why Lucy, and then Susan and Peter, feel a duty to go to Mr. Tumnus’ rescue in spite of the personal danger involved. Explain why or why not you agree with their decision.

Create: A collage showing the events that have taken place up to this point in the story. For each chapter select the most important event and then draw it and put a caption underneath explaining its importance. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 7 – A Day with the Beavers Definition Spanish Translation robin small song bird; often seen as an indication pajarito; símbolo de la primavera that spring is coming dodging to escape the notice of; avoiding evitar; esconderse de alguién token object used as a symbol representing objecto usado como un símbolo something else que representa otra cosa festoons decorations such as ribbons, flowers or decoraciones como cintas leaves, hanging between two points coloradas, flores u hojas colgadas entre dos puntos burring a sound like whirring or humming un sonido que hace una maquina de coser warning threat or advice that something bad might advertencia; Signo que algo malo happen puede pasar hoarse rough or harse-sounding voice ronca; una voz áspera handkerchief like Kleenex but made of cloth pañuelo; klene hecho de tela beckoned invited by means of hand signs to follow saludar; Una invitación de seguir a someone una persona trifle something of little importance or value nadería; algo sin importance y valor thread thin cord of twisted fibers used in sewing and hilo; usado para coser la ropa weaving steep going up or down at a sharp angle una inclinación anguloso dam barrier of concrete or earth built across a obstrucción de acera o tierra para river or stream to control the flow of water controlar el corriente del agua icicles water frozen in the act of falling agua congelada en el acto de caerse beehive a structure or home for a colony of bees una colmena o panal; donde viven las abejas bunks beds often stacked on top of each other to camas a menudo puestas la una save space sobre la otra para conservar el espacio trowels hand tools used for digging herramientas usadas para excavar trout type of freshwater fish good for eating trucha; clase de pez que vive en frescas como ríos kettle metal pot used for cooking or heating water olla hecha de metal para cocinar o for tea hervir agua sewing machine machine used to make clothing maquina usada para coser strain of music brief musical tune coro de música oilskins coats treated with oil so as to keep out water abrigos tratados con aceite para rechazar el agua range stove; something to cook on estufa; Algo usado para cocinar marmalade jam made with pieces of fresh fruit mermelada hecha de fruta fresca I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 7

A. Fill in the blanks from the vocabulary words used in this chapter. Use the context of the story to help you determine which word to use.

1) After discovering that Mr. Tumnus had been arrested, the children weren’t sure what to do, but then Lucy saw a ______that seemed to want the children to follow her.

2) The children were led into the woods and then saw what looked like a beaver ______between the trees. The beaver held up his paw in a ______signal for the children to be quiet and ______them to follow him.

3) Although the children were a little frightened, the beaver showed them Lucy’s ______as a ______that he could be trusted. So the children decided to follow the beaver.

4) Mr. Beaver led the children on a journey through the woods to the ______he had built. When the children saw smoke coming out of the chimney, they were relieved because they were tired and hungry.

5) Mr. Beaver’s dam was very different from Mr. Tumnus’ cave. There were ______coats and gumboots along one wall, ______beds, a large ______full of water sitting on the ______for tea, and strangest of all, Mrs. Beaver was sitting in front of a ______machine that was making a ______noise!

B. If the underlined word is used correctly in the sentence, write “correct.” If not, rework the sentence by writing a word in the space that makes sense in the context of the story.

1) There were festoons of ice decorating Mr. and Mrs. Beaver’s house. ______

2) When Susan praised Mr. Beaver’s work on his dam, he told them his work was a mere token. ______3) We know that Mr. Beaver is humble because he tells the children his work is a mere trifle. ______

4) If you live in a very cold and wintry climate, it is a good idea to have a silk coat to protect you from the cold. ______

C. Comprehension – Critical Thinking

1) (Symbolism: a symbol is something that stands for something else) When it is always winter in Narnia, what do you think it means when the children see a robin? What do you think the robin symbolizes?

2) When Mr. Beaver says that “Aslan is on the Move,” each child had a different reaction. Re-read the passage and then, in your own words, write their reactions beside their names.

a) Lucy –

b) Susan –

c) Peter –

d) Edmund –

D. True or False: Read each statement and write the word ‘true’ in the blank if it is a true statement and ‘false’ if it is not. Correct each false statement.

1) Susan is the “brave” sister. ______

2) Edmund felt it was a good decision to trust Mr. Beaver. ______

3) Susan shows how well she understands people when she praises Mr. Beaver’s dam. ______4) When the children first saw Mr. Beaver’s dam they were disappointed. ______

5) As the children drew closer to Mr. Beaver’s home, Edmund seemed to be less interested in being the “King” of Narnia and more interested in finding Mr. Tumnus. ______

6) Mrs. Beaver was sewing when the children entered the cave. ______

7) While Mrs. Beaver prepared dinner, Mr. Beaver took the children fishing. ______

8) Dinner was a wonderful moment and, for dessert, there was a fresh sticky marmalade roll. ______

9) Mr. Beaver was upset that it was snowing because he was afraid the children might catch cold. ______

10) The children would have enjoyed the meal more had they not been served fish. ______

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 7

Write: (Compare and Contrast)

Divide the class into groups of 2-3 students. Have one student in each group divide a piece of paper in half. On one side have the students write “Mr. Tumnus’ Cave”; on the other side “Mr. and Mrs. Beavers’ House.”

Have the students re-read the description of Mr. Tumnus’ Cave in Chapter 2, listing the types of things Lucy saw there. On the other side, have the students list the things that are described in Mr. and Mrs. Beavers’ house. Discuss. When the students finish making their lists, write “Mr. Tumnus’ Cave” on one side of the board and “Mr. and Mrs. Beaver’s House” on the other. Have each group contribute an item from their lists for each. When finished, ask the students to discuss what the items reveal about the characters, e.g., Mr. Tumnus seems to be very educated because he has so many books in his home. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver seem to be very hardworking because there are so many tools in their home.)

Create: When the students finish discussing the characters of Mr. Tumnus and Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, ask each group to create a poster that graphically depicts the difference in their characters, e.g., Mr. Tumnus could be drawn sitting in a chair by the fire reading a book; Mr. and Mrs. Beaver could be drawn working hard at something, etc.) Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 8: “What Happened after Dinner”

Definition Spanish Translation statue 3-D image of a person or creature estatuas; replications hechos en sculpted in stone or carved from wood tres dimensiones on my on my behalf en nombre de o a favor de mi account stratagem plan; a clever trick or scheme to outwit táctica o plan para confundir el an enemy enemigo claim to demand something; to say that afirmar; demandar algo, insistir en something is true but not offer proof que algo sea verdadero aunque no hay prueba Jinn The Jinn: created from a smokeless seres imaginarios credos por una flame of fire; demon spirits that are llama de fuego sin humo; seres hostile to humans eviles que molestan a los seres humanos hatchet tool used to cut wood; small hand axe hacha; herramienta usada para cortar leña prophecy A prediction of future events profecía; predecir el futuro reign period of time during which someone periódo de tiempo cuando alguien rules a nation controla una nación o territorio plunging falling off of or into suddenly meterse; caerse en algo muffle to mute or soften or deaden a sound hacer quieto; tranquilo decoy to lure someone into a trap atraer la atencion usando un objeco o una persona. cautious careful cuidadoso; siguiendo con cuidado

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 8

A. Fill in the blanks from the vocabulary words used in this chapter. Use the context of the story to help you determine which word to use.

1) Peter wanted to come up with a ______in order to help save Mr. Tumnus. 2) According to the ______, everything will be right in Narnia when “Aslan comes in sight.” 3) According to Mr. Beaver, the White Witch’s ______to rule Narnia is based on the fact that she is “human”. 4) The truth is that the White Witch is descended from the ______and the giants and has no drop of human blood in her veins. 5) Lucy feels that Mr. Tumnus was arrested on her ______and believes it is her responsibility to save him. 6) During the White Witch’s ______in Narnia, it has always been winter but never Christmas.

B. Comprehension – Critical Thinking

In groups of 3, discuss:

1) why the children are important in order to fulfill the prophecy

2) how it’s possible for Aslan to not be safe but to be good

3) why you think that Peter and his sisters want to look for Edmund in spite of his obvious betrayal

C. Multiple Choice – Read each question, then select the best possible answer based on this chapter you have just read. Circle the letter of your answer.

1) What is it that Lucy most wants to discover from the beavers? a) what will happen to them b) what happened to Mr. Tumnus c) where Cair Paravel is located d) if Aslan is a man

2) What must they wait for if they hope to save Edmund? a) a sign from him b) the beginning of spring c) a visit with Aslan d) the snow to stop falling

3) Where are the children to meet Aslan? b) the Stone Table c) Cair Paravel d) the middle of the forest e) the front of the White Witch’s palace.

4) Who is the White Witch’s mother? a) a giant b) a daughter of Eve c) related to the dwarves d) a Jinn 5) Why was Mr. Tumnus assigned the task by the White Witch of watching for human children entering Narnia? a) she wanted to close the portal between the worlds b) she wanted to make a deal with the children so they would never return c) the arrival of the children could mean her reign would come to an end d) she wanted to enchant them with Turkish Delight and make them her slaves

6) Where is the castle with four thrones for the children located? a) High in the mountains near the White Witch’s palace b) on the sea coast c) deep in the forest near the Beavers’ dam d) on a river near Stone Table

7) What is Peter’s first reaction when he realizes Edmund has betrayed them? a) hope he learns a lesson b) start a search for him c) want to send him back to the Professor’s d) yell at him

8) How is it that Mr. Beaver is so certain Edmund has betrayed them to the White Witch? a) Edmund let it slip that he’d tasted Turkish Delight b) Edmund kept asking questions about the location of the Witch’s palace c) Lucy told him she was suspicious of him d) He could tell by the look in Edmund’s eyes

9) Why does Mrs. Beaver want to know when Edmund slipped away? a) She is concerned he might freeze to death. b) because if he left before they started talking about Aslan, the White Witch won’t be told about Aslan’s arrival in Narnia c) She didn’t like Edmund and hoped he would lose his way, giving them more time to escape. d) She is sure that the White Witch won’t set out after them if she has one of the children.

10) Why is it important for Mr. and Mrs. Beaver and the children to leave right away? a) Mrs. Beaver believes the White Witch will set out directly from her home to capture them and turn the children to stone. b) Mr. Beaver wants to set a trap from the White Witch. c) Peter and Lucy and Susan want to reach Edmund before he gets into any more trouble. d) The robin has seen the Witch getting ready to leave her palace. II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 8

Write: In your own words, explain the prophecy that predicts the return of Aslan to Narnia.

Discuss. As a class, discuss what Mr. Beaver means when he says, “…take my advice, when you meet anything that’s going to be a human and isn’t yet, or used to be human once and isn’t now, or ought to be human and isn’t, you keep your eyes on it and feel for your hatchet!”

Create: Decisions and more Decisions! Divide the class into groups of 3. Have each group create a poster of Edmund that lists the decisions Edmund makes and the consequences of each decision.

= Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 9 – In the Witch’s House Definition Spanish Translation spoils ruins; destroys arruinar; destruir arrangement an agreement; preparations so something convenio; preparaciones para can happen in the future. hacer algo para que otra cosa pueda suceder en el futuro excuse provide a reason for one’s actions that Excusa; subterfugio, perdonarse: make them seem more OK or at least not so crear una razón acceptable para el bad portamiento malo reckon to figure out; calculate; determine calcular; determinar, decider eerie creepy; scary; strange espantoso; misterioso dunce cap sharp pointed hat that represents being gorra de estupidez stupid threshold doorway or entrance portal; Parte exterior que forma la entrada a una casa shuffle move feet slowly along the ground without barajar; andar muy despacio sin picking them up levantarse los pies skidding sliding out of control across a slick surface resbalar; perder control schemes secret design or plan of action planes secretos y desviados para causar daño a la gente plain large expanse of level or rolling land, llanuras; tierra vacia.y plana usually with few trees gloat feel good about something often at the deleitarse bien al costo de otro expense of others turret towers that form a part of the exterior walls torrecilla; torres que forman parte of a castle de las paredes exteriores de los castillos venture to go forth; to set out on a risky or salir; atreverse un viaje arriesgado dangerous trip tread to walk; step on andar; pisar satyr mythical creature with the head and body sátiro; criatura mítica con la of a man and the ears, horns, and legs of a cabeza y cuerpo de un ser humano goat; same as faun. y las orejas, los cuernos, y las piernas de una cabra; igual a un faun chattering to tremble without control with teeth temblar sin control; con los clicking together, especially when one is dientes tocando, especialmente very cold cuando alguien tiene mucho frio centaur mythical creature, half man and half horse centauro; criatura mitica; parte hombre y parte caballo Narnian Expression:

“barking his shins” – When Edmund is making his way to the palace of the White Witch he barks his shins, making him cry out in pain. What do you think this expression means?

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 9

A. Read the following sentences and write in the vocabulary word that best completes the meaning of the sentence based on the context of the story.

1) Edmund tried to ______his behavior by telling himself nothing very bad would happen to his brother and sisters. 2) As Edmund made his way to the White Witch’s palace, he had trouble keeping his balance and found himself ______on the snow. 3) After what seemed a long while, Edmund began to ______because his feet were too heavy to pick up. 4) By the time Edmund reached the White Witch’s palace, his teeth were ______; he felt the bitter cold, and he was afraid. 5) The palace was so ______and frightening that Edmund would have turned back if he could, but he realized he had no choice but to ______on and join forces with the White Witch. 6) When Edmund realized the ______in the courtyard were made of stone, he began to ______and jeer at them, particularly when he saw the lion. 7) When Edmund finally reached the ______to the palace, he was surprised to see a great wolf guarding the door.

B. Comprehension – Critical Thinking

1) Have you ever wanted something so much that you were tempted to do anything to get it? What is it that Edmund wants so much that he will betray his family to get it? 2) Even though Peter is obviously upset by Edmund’s betrayal, he still feels it is his responsibility to find him. What does this action reveal about Peter’s character? Do you agree with Peter? Why or why not?

3) What do you think about Edmund’s character when he begins to gloat and jeer at the statues in the courtyard?

C. True or False: Read each statement. If the statement is true, write “true” in the space; if false, rewrite the statement to make it true.

1) Edmund wants the Witch to turn his brother and sisters into stone. ______

2) Deep down inside, Edmund knows that the White Witch is cruel. ______

3) To keep going through the cold and dark, Edmund dreams about what he will do when he becomes the King of Narnia. ______

4) Edmund feels that the White Witch is very likely the victim of slander and believes she is the rightful Queen. ______

5) The first thing Edmund plans to do when he becomes King is to reverse the spell that keeps Narnia always winter. ______

6) When Edmund first saw the White Queen’s palace he was overjoyed and eager to go inside because he was sure of a warm welcome. ______

7) When Edmund first saw the figures in the courtyard, he immediately knew they weren’t dangerous. ______

8) When Edmund was escorted into the presence of the White Witch, she treated him kindly and offered him some Turkish Delight. ______9) The White Witch isn’t in the least bit worried that Aslan is returning to Narnia. ______

10) The White Witch rewards Edmund for his news by turning him into stone. ______II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 9

Write: Have each student divide a paper into 3 columns. Above the first column have them write: Temptation; above the second column write: Why; above the third column, write: Consequences.

Then have the students make a list of the things they have been tempted to do under the first column and why they were tempted under the second column. Have them exchange the list with a partner. The student who receives the list should write what he/she thinks the consequence might be if the other student gave into temptation.

Discuss: Make 3 columns on the board and label them: Temptation, Why, and Consequences. Ask each student to share one temptation from their partner’s paper, the reason why the student was tempted and the consequences he/she felt the student might suffer if he/she gave into that temptation.

When you have enough examples, ask a student to volunteer to share a personal experience when he/she gave into temptation and what consequences resulted.

Create: In groups of 3, have the students create a graphic chart that illustrates the 5 temptations they feel are the most difficult to combat in their everyday lives. Have them draw the temptation and then draw a circle around it with a line through it and write the words…We will not ______(e.g., lie, cheat, steal, etc.) and explain why not. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 10 – The Spell Begins to Break

Definition Spanish Translation fussing worrying over details or small, preocuparse con detalles unimportant things insignificantes abide patiently endure; in the negative – to tolerar pacientemente; en el find something unbearable or negativo- encontrar algo unacceptable insufrible, inaceptable fiddling messing around with; playing with jugar con algo sin pensar; something in a careless way jugando en una manera negligente plaguey annoying; troublesome molestando; perturbador frowsty stale; musty-smelling rancio; un olor mohoso scramble move quickly and urgently moverse rapido y con urgencia puffing short blowing; out of breath respiración rapida; cortos soplos de aire splutter to make a spitting or choking sound; balbucear; decir algo en una say something that can’t be understood manera incomprensible brambles prickly shrub or bush arbusto espinoso sluice gate gate across a stream that controls the puerta para controlar el corriente flow of water de agua solemn lacking joy or humor; serious solemne; serio shield piece of armor carried on the arm for escudo; llevado para proteger protection against flying weapons contra otros enemigos hilt handle of a sword, knife or dagger parte de una espada que se usa para controlarla sheath case for the blade of a knife or sword vaina; cosa usada para guardar una espada quiver long narrow case for holding arrows. vaina; cosa usada para llevar las flechas cordial a special drink with healing qualities in cordial; una bebida medicinal it

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 10 A. Fill in the blanks from the vocabulary words used in this chapter. Use the context of the story to help you decide which word to use.

1) Susan couldn’t ______the way Mrs. Beaver seemed to take her time! Mrs. Beaver was ______and ______about trying to decide what they should take with them when all the children and Mr. Beaver wanted to do was to get on their way!

2) After walking and walking for hours, they reached a small, safe cave and ______together to keep out the cold. Mrs. Beaver gave them a ______of something warm to drink and though they ______a little and it stung their throats, they were soon fast asleep.

3) Imagine how frightened they were when, early the next morning, they heard the sound of bells for, of course, they thought they had been discovered by the White Witch! Mr. Beaver ______out of the cave quickly and what a surprise when he returned and told them to come quickly and meet someone very special.

4) The children could hardly believe their eyes when they saw Father Christmas waiting for them. Each child received a gift; for Susan there was a ______full of arrows and a beautiful ______horn to blow in case she was in trouble.

5) Lucy received a ______made of the juice of fire-flowers and a dagger to defend herself.

6) Last but not least, Father Christmas bestowed a ______and a sword upon Peter. The ______of the sword was made of pure gold and Peter accepted the gift with great seriousness for he felt the burden placed upon him.

B. Comprehension – Critical Thinking The author says “Battles are ugly when women fight.” Write a paragraph in which you explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.

C. Multiple Choice – Read each statement, then select the best possible answer based on the context of the story. Circled the letter of your answer.

1) Why was Susan upset with Mrs. Beaver? a) She felt she was taking too much time to get ready to leave. b) She felt Mrs. Beaver was being rude. c) She was upset that Mrs. Beaver seemed to dislike Edmund. d) She was tired and didn’t want to leave.

2) What item did Mrs. Beaver decide not to take with them on their journey? a) handkerchiefs b) tea c) sugar d) sewing machine

3) Why does Susan believe there is no ‘hope’ of escape? a) Aslan doesn’t understand that Edmund has betrayed them. b) Susan hears the sound of bells. c) Mrs. Beaver is taking a long time to get ready. d) Mrs. Beaver says they won’t be able to get to the Stone Table before her.

4) Where did Mr. Beaver lead the children? a) Directly towards the Stone Table b) to Cair Paravel c) to a safe cave hidden in the forest d) to a friend’s cave

5) What did Mrs. Beaver provide for the children after they found safety? a) pillows b) a drink to help them sleep c) warm blankets d) a nice snack of sugar cakes 6) What sound woke the children, convinced them that the White Witch had found them? a) the sound of a horn b) the sound of horses pulling a sledge c) the sound of bells d) the sound of music

7) How did Father Christmas appear to the children? a) very solemn and serious b) fat and jolly just like they imagined him c) like a big dwarf d) like a very old man

8) What gift did Father Christmas plan to give to Mrs. Beaver? a) a new tea set b) an oven that would always bake fresh bread c) a new apron d) a new sewing machine

9) How will Susan’s ivory horn help her? a) It will help her heal the wounded. b) It will help her defend herself. c) It will sound an alarm if she is in danger. d) It will change into a bow and arrow when she is in danger.

10) What did Lucy receive from Father Christmas? a) a warm sweater b) a pair of snow boots c) a cordial and a dagger to defend herself d) a magic wand

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 10

A. Write: 1) Divide the class in half. On the board, create two columns. Label the first column, “Agree” and the second “Disagree”. Ask each student in the room if he/she agrees or disagrees with the statement made by the author that “Battles are ugly when women fight”. 2) Put a check mark in the appropriate column based on each student’s response. 3) After every student has responded, add up the check marks to determine how many of the students agree with the author and how many disagree. B. Discuss: 1) Divide the class into groups of 3 and ask each group to write down the reasons WHY or WHY NOT the group agrees or disagrees with the author. Lead a class discussion and after the discussion, take another tally. Ask individual students who changed their first response why they did so.

2) Discuss as a class the following question: How well do you think the 3 children would have made out in Narnia if they’d been all on their own without the help of the Beavers?

Create – Role Play:

In groups of 3, have the students choose to be Peter, Lucy or Susan. Then have each student write a note to Father Christmas thanking him for his gift(s). Ask the students to explain to Father Christmas how they expect to make use of the gift they received. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 11 – Aslan is Nearer

Definition Spanish Translation repulsive to repel; make someone feel dislike or repulsivo; hacerle a alguién sentir disgust asco stale no longer fresh rancio; algo ya no fresco scent a particular odor or smell aroma; olor agradable particular swish sound made by a sled moving across a sonido hecho por arrastrar algo por snowy surface la nieve vermin small, common animals or insects that are animales u insectos que son una pests to human or other animals peste para humanos y animales plum pudding type of pudding made from plums, tipo de pudin hecho de ciruelas commonly served at Christmas in England asociado con la navidad en Inglaterra gaiety happiness; eagerness; excitement felicidad; muy emocionado. gluttony eating and drinking to excess, or too much alguién que come y toma demasiado self indulgence pleasing oneself, usually to excess la indulgencia excesiva; normalmente de comida o alcohol foggy condensed water vapor that makes seeing neblina; una condición que le hace difficult difícil ver thaw melt; as in the melting of snow in springtime derretirse; la nieve en la primavera slush snow or ice that has begun to melt la nieve que está derritiéndose relief standing out; contrast of color en contraste con Councillor (old advisor; someone who gives advice often to consejero que le da consejo; Brit. spelling) people in power normalmente a personas poderosas whip used to strike a person or animal as usando un látigo; usado para golpear punishment personas u animales; castigar shafts beams of light rayos; palabra usada para describir como los rayos del sol penetraban la oscuridad glade an open area of wood or forest without trees area en un bosque; no hay ni árboles or bushes ni arbustos; en el libro se refiere a un lugar donde era possible reunirse para celebrar chirped a short high pitched sound made by a bird gorjeo; hacer un ruido como un pájarito alighting to land; to settle after a flight aterrizarse Narnian Expressions Whipped Up – To get worked up and excited, as in “The dwarf whipped up the reindeer.”

Shake it off – An expression that means to get rid of something, as in “Shake off the snow”; can also refer to shaking off a feeling like depression or frustration.

Robes of snow – Metaphor comparing the covering of snow on the trees to the way in which a robe covers a person.

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 11

A. Fill in the blank with the missing word that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story context for clues.

1) After Edmund’s arrival the White Witch lost no time. She ______her reindeer and they took off in her ______at once.

2) Edmund was feeling very depressed because all he’d had to eat was ______bread that tasted awful and a little water. He regretted his ______and ______because he’d begun to realize that all the Turkish Delight in the world and being made King of Narnia wouldn’t mean anything if it were to cost the lives of his brother and sisters.

3) The race through the night in the White Witch’s sledge was a nightmare for Edmund who was freezing from the cold. When the White Witch drew up alongside a party of animals all the ______left their faces!

4) Poor Edmund!! He was so hungry and he was sure he saw a ______and other wonderful things to eat that reminded him very much of Christmas. How he wanted to get down from the sledge and join them, but just at the moment when Edmund might have tried to escape, the White Witch raised her magic wand and turned them all to stone.

5) Edmund was terrified especially when the White Witch smacked him across the face. But soon it began to grow warmer and suddenly it was quite ______and difficult to see. The snow was beginning to ______and turn to slush. The White Witch was furious. 6) Soon after, Edmund could see ______of sunlight and hear the ______of birds as they ______on the trees. There was the sound of running water, and everywhere he looked he could see the signs of spring.

B. Critical Analysis

1) The coming of spring marks a turning point in the story. When the author says the trees “shook off their robes of snow,” what kind of picture does this create in your mind? List how many words or expressions the author uses in this chapter to signal the end of winter.

2) The fact that Edmund tries to stop the White Witch from turning the animals to stone for celebrating the coming of spring is also a turning point in the story. From this point on, Edmund begins to feel sorry for someone other than himself. What do you think this change means in terms of what will happen to Edmund in the end?

C. Comprehension: True or False? If the statement is true, write “true” in the space; if false, write “false”, then correct the sentence so that it is true.

1) When Edmund asked for something to eat, the White Witch gave him more Turkish Delight. ______

2) The Queen sent Maugrim to the Beavers’ home with instructions to capture anyone there. ______3) By the time the wolves reached the Beavers’ home, the scent was cold, and they were unable to follow the beavers and the children. ______

4) Edmund tried to comfort himself by trying to believe that what was happening was nothing more than a bad dream. ______

5) When the White Witch and Edmund passed a group of animals celebrating in the forest, they passed by without stopping. ______

6) Edmund tried unsuccessfully to stop the White Witch from turning the animals into stone. ______

7) When Edmund realized that spring was coming, he felt depressed and wished he’d listened to Peter and the others. ______

8) It is the dwarf who points out that spring has truly arrived and that the Witch’s power is being destroyed. ______

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 11

Write: A paragraph in which you compare and contrast how Narnia was when the children first arrived with the Narnia described at the end of the chapter.

Discuss: 1) Write the word “Courage” on the board and have students provide examples of what they think courage means. 2) Have students make up a definition of courage, and write it on the board. 3) Look up the word courage in the dictionary and compare the two. 4) Ask students to vote on whether or not they think Edmund demonstrated courage when he tried to stop the White Witch from turning the animals to stone.

Create: A drawing, write a poem, make up a song or create some other type of artistic representation of how Narnia looks now that it is spring. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 12 – Peter’s First Battle

Definition Spanish Translation thickets a dense or tangled growth of trees or arbustos o árboles salvajes bushes blister painful swelling just under the skin ampoyas; heridas hinchadas que contienen líquido moss spreading green, non-flowering plant that musgo; una planta sin flores que grows in moist shady places crece en la sombra pavilion large tent or other temporary building pabellón; cualquier estructura used for shelter or entertainment usada para entretenimiento o amparo grim A forbidding or stern appearance aspecto de prohibición o severo tent pegs small pieces of metal, plastic or wood pedazos de metal, plastico o used to secure a tent madera usados para asegurar algo ivory dentine; a hard cream-colored substance marfil; forma los colmillos de los that forms the tusks of animals such as elefantes elephants awkward shy; uncomfortable; embarrassed timido, incomodo, avergonzado fidgets uneasy, restless, nervous movements estar inquieto; nervioso, ansioso rampant standing on one hind foot with one el estar parado en un pie trasero foreleg raised above the other and the con una pata delantera levantó head in profile sobre la otra y la cabeza en perfil bared exposed; uncovered desnudo; revelado

Narnian Expressions

“By gum!” – An expression used to indicate surprise.

“A thing can be good and terrible at the same time.” – Figurative expression used to describe Aslan as a being who possesses both great kindness yet who embodies the strength and ferocious power of a lion

“Terrible paws if he didn’t know how to velvet them.” – Figurative expression comparing the strength of Aslan’s paws with his ability to ‘velvet’ them -- to make them soft

“Let the prince win his spurs!” – Said by Aslan as the first battle begins; the spurs are symbolic of the right to control or lead.

“Sir Peter Wolf’s-Bane” – The name Peter is given by Aslan after killing the wolf I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 12

A. Read the following sentences and then fill in the blanks with the missing words. Use the context of the sentence to determine the correct answer.

1) When Susan was walking through the woods, her ankle began to hurt and she wasn’t surprised to see a ______forming. 2) As the children walked through green ______it was obvious that that winter was giving way to spring. 3) When the children first saw the Stone Table in the middle of the open glade, they were surprised that it was simply a ______piece of stone but were aware that it must have special significance. 4) The pavilion sparkled in the sun and the banner with the picture of the ______lion dominated the scene. 5) At first the children felt shy and ______and were afraid to approach Aslan, but when they greeted him their ______died quickly, and they were happy to stand quietly and wait for him to address them.

B. Select 5 of the words above, and write a brief paragraph demonstrating your ability to use them correctly. Underline the words you use.

C. Critical Analysis

1) Can you think of either a real or a fictional person that you would describe as both good but terrible at the same time? Write the name of the person on a piece of paper, and give a brief explanation of why you think this person possesses both qualities.

2) Peter says that he feels Edmund’s betrayal “was partly my fault” and says he thinks “that helped him to go wrong.” What does this reveal about Peter’s character? Think of ONE word that describes Peter’s statement and write it here: ______D. Comprehension – Based on what has happened in the story so far, complete the first part of each sentence below with the part you feel best completes the meaning of the sentence from the choices given below. WRITE the second part of the sentence in the space provided.

he felt he might be sick. he was just able to plunge his knife into its heart. something had gone badly wrong with the they couldn’t look at him. Witch’s schemes. Aslan knights him. he felt it looked like a great star resting on the seashore. to save Edmund. that he looked sad as well.

1) Aslan sent the centaurs and other creatures…______.

2) Because of the thaw, the children realized…______.

3) When the children first glimpsed Aslan they found… ______.

4) The children could tell that, though Aslan looked at peace, … ______.

5) After Peter kills the wolf... ______.

6) When Peter first glimpsed Cair Paravel…______.

7) When Peter saw Susan being attacked by a wolf... ______.

8) Peter was unable to think at all; in fact…______.

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 12

Write: A paragraph in which you compare and contrast how Narnia was when the children first arrived with the Narnia described at the end of the chapter. Discuss: 1) Write the word ‘Courage” on the board, and have students provide examples of what they think courage means.

2) Have students make up a definition of courage, and write it on the board.

3) Look up the word courage in the dictionary, and compare the two.

4) Ask students to vote on whether or not they think Edmund demonstrated courage when he tried to stop the White Witch from turning the animals to stone.

Create: A drawing, write a poem, make up a song or create some other type of artistic representation of how Narnia looks now that it is spring. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 13 – Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time

Definition Spanish Translation tree stump part of the tree left after trunk and la parte del árbol se fue después de limbs are cut off que se corten el tronco y los miembros Shudder to shiver or tremble without trying temblar; sentir escalofríos Crouch squat down on the balls of the feet agacharse with knees bent and body hunched over Dew moisture from the air that condenses rocío; goats causadas por la as tiny drops on surfaces condensación safe conduct protection given someone passing proteccion dada a alguien al pasar through an area occupied by an por un area ocupada por el enemy force enemigo Advantage a superior or favorable position in ventaja; una posicion favorable relation to somebody or something. Dispute question or doubt the validity of disputar; dudar de la validez de something; to disagree algo; estar en desacuerdo Traitor someone who behaves in a disloyal traidor; alguien desleal or double-crossing way offense misdeed; break an accepted moral injuria, ofender; un ataque militar or social standard engraved carved or etched on a hard surface engravar; disenar con cincel sobre with a design or lettering una superficie dura sceptre ceremonial staff or rod used as a cetro que refleja el poder de la power of authority autoridad prey prize taken by an enemy in war that victima; alguien atacado rightfully is theirs forfeit loss of something because of not ceder; el acto de ceder un derecho fulfilling a legal debt or obligation u otra cosa. perish be destroyed or ruined perecer; ser destruido o arruinado renounced given up a claim, title, position or Renunciar un derecho o titulo o right posición claim demand something officially that afirmar un derecho; reclamar un someone else has a right to or owns derecho de otros murmur muttered complaint; grumbling quejandose; murmurar; farfullar

Narnian Expressions

Emperor’s Magic – The “Emperor” refers to the ‘creator’ of the land of Narnia Deep Magic – The magic put into Narnia at its creation which guarantees that every traitor belongs to the powers of evil (under the control of the White Witch). The price of treachery is death at the hands of the White Witch.

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 13

A. Fill in the blank with the missing word that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story context for clues.

1) To satisfy the Deep Magic, it is necessary to ______Edmund’s life. The White Witch has a legal ______to his blood because he is a ______.

2) Unless Aslan is able to get the White Witch to ______her claim to his life, Edmund will be put to death.

3) Although Edmund has created a grave ______against his brother and sisters and against all that is good in Narnia, Susan pleads for his life.

B. Critical Analysis

1) When Susan suggests that there might be something that could be done to overcome the Deep Magic, Aslan says, “work against the Emperor’s magic?” p. 156. Explain what you think the Emperor’s magic must be like based on Aslan’s reaction to Susan’s question.

2) When Aslan announced that the White Witch has “renounced all claim on ‘Edmund’s blood,” what do you think is the price that will have to be paid? C. Comprehension – Short Answer After reading each question, write the answer in the space provided.

1) What did the White Witch mean when she said that if only three of the thrones were filled, it wouldn’t complete the prophecy?

2) When the White Witch heard what had happened to Maugrim, what did she instruct the other wolf to do?

3) What happened just when Edmund was convinced that he would die at the hands of the White Witch?

4) What actually were the stump and the boulder?

5) What happened to the Witch’s magic wand in all the confusion?

6) What was the message delivered to Aslan by the leopard?

7) What was the price for being a traitor in Narnia?

8) What would happen to Narnia if the rules that govern the Deep Magic were not fulfilled? 9) What was the result of the Witch’s conversation with Aslan?

10) Why do you think Aslan roared when the White Witch asked him how she could be sure that he would keep his promise?

Write: A dialogue between Edmund and Aslan in which you express what you think they might have said to each other.

Discuss: Have the class discuss what they think Aslan promised the White Witch. Write their ideas on the board, and have them vote on the one they think is what most likely happened. (Make a note of it so it can be compared with what happens next in the story.)

Create: A picture that depicts the meeting of Aslan with the White Witch. {Re-read p. 154 to help you get started.) Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 14 – The Triumph of the Witch

Definition Spanish Translation campaign organized series of actions designed to campaña organizad para alcanzar accomplish a specific goal una meta siege prolonged military effort to surround a asalto militar para rodear al place and cut off from all outside access enemigo y forzarla ceder su in order to force a surrender posición assault to attack, as in war atacar algo con ganas de destruirlo roused to stir up someone from sleep or rest Despertar a alguién dormido o desmayado. groped search for something blindly or tentar; buscar algo sin poder verlo uncertainly bitterly expressive of severe pain, grief or amargamente; difícil de aceptar regret bind tie something securely by winding a ligar; usar una cuerda para prohibir cord around it to hold it in place el movimiento gibber to speak quickly without making sense charla incoherente shaved cutting hair with a razor or scissors afeitar; quitar el pelo del cuerpo usando una navaja de afeitar shears scissors; device used to cut hair or tijeras de esquilar; usadas para fleece cortar el pelo squat to crouch down agacharse muzzle device strapped over the nose and jaws aparato puesto sobre el hocico de of an animal to prevent it from opening un animal para prohibir que abra la its mouth boca rabble noisy, unruly crowd of people; mob un grupo de personas ruidosas y vulgares; muchedumbre hoist raise or lift something up into position izar; levantar algo whet to sharpen the cutting edge of a blade, afilar; darle filo a una cuchilla usually by rubbing it on a stone pact agreement made between two or more pacto entre dos o más personas individuals or groups appeased to bring about a state of peace, apaciguar; traer un estado de paz a especially by giving in to demands una situación

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 14

A. Fill in the blank with the missing word that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story context for clues.

1) In order to prepare for their ______against the White Witch, Aslan spoke long with Peter, preparing him for a possible ______against the Witch’s palace. 2) Peter was uncomfortable when he realized that whatever ______Aslan had made with the White Witch might make it impossible for Aslan to be with him during the final ______on the White Witch and her evil minions.

3) Later that evening, Susan and Lucy were unable to sleep and, in the dead of night, they ______their way blindly out of the tent in search of Aslan.

4) When they arrived at their destination, Aslan bid the girls farewell, and they both began to cry ______for they were certain something awful was going to happen.

5) The girls ______in the shadows behind some trees as the evil minions of darkness ______the great Aslan with rope, put a ______over his beautiful jaws, and then ______off his luxurious mane.

6) When all was ready, Aslan was ______onto the Stone Table and the White Witch began to ______her knife to make sure it would be sharp enough to kill the once proud lion.

7) The ______of evil creatures made fun of Aslan, calling him names in an effort to humiliate him, but he met their cruelty with dignity as the White Witch plunged her knife into his heart.

B. Critical Analysis

1) Explain what you think is going to happen based on the way Aslan is described in this chapter. Keep in mind that he is returning to the Stone Table, his head is held very low, and he describes himself as feeling very “sad and lonely.” p. 164.

2) At the end of this chapter, the witch is certain she has triumphed over Aslan. What makes her so sure she has won? C. Comprehension – Multiple Choice Read each question or statement, then select the best answer from the choices provided. Circle the letter of your answer.

1) How many plans of battle did Aslan suggest Peter should prepare? a) four b) two c) six d) one

2) How would you describe Aslan’s mood on the way to the Fords of Beruna? a) depressed b) confident c) bitter d) angry

3) Why couldn’t Lucy and Susan sleep? a) They were worried about Edmund. b) They were excited about the battle to come. c) They were afraid. d) They were anxious about Aslan.

4) What does Aslan ask the girls to do as they accompany him? a) Bury their cold hands in his fur b) Not talk c) Sing a song with him d) Pray for him

5) As Aslan moved towards the Stone Table, the Witch told her creatures to: a) make fun of him. b) throw chips of burning wood at him c) bind him tight d) hit him with their fists

6) Why did the Witch insist that Aslan be shaved? a) She was afraid that Aslan’s mane would get in the way of her knife. b) She thought that perhaps Aslan might betray his word and hide a weapon in his mane. c) She planned to take the fur and make a cloak for herself. d) She wanted to humiliate and embarrass him by taking away the mane that made him seem so powerful.

7) After Aslan was bound and muzzled, the rabble: a) still appeared to be terrified of him. b) began to jeer at him and call him names. c) started to throw sticks and stones at him. d) began to sing and dance. 8) After Aslan was hoisted to the top of the Table, the Witch: a) began to say a magic spell. b) poured hot oil on him. c) began to whet her knife. d) jumped on him and kicked him in the face.

9) Right before she plunged the knife into Aslan’s heart, the Witch: a) called upon the forces of evil to guide her hand. b) raised her arms to the sky and called on the Emperor of Narnia to witness her triumph. c) spit into Aslan’s face. d) Yelled at Aslan that she has triumphed and now will kill Edmund and the others.

10) At the moment of his death, Aslan appeared: a) neither angry nor afraid but a little sad. b) frightened. c) full of hopelessness. d) joyful.

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 14

Write: Make a list of the people who sacrifice each day to provide us with a safe and secure world in which to live (example: parents, teachers, soldiers, firemen, policemen, etc.)

Discuss: Write the list on the board and, beside each person, ask the class to list the types of sacrifices these people are called upon to make every day.

Create: “Heroes” – Create a poster, write a poem, a song, or other artistic work dedicated to a person you believe sacrificed his/her life for others. The person could be a political figure, a religious leader, or a member of your community or family. Identify the person by name, and include a brief explanation of the sacrifice this person made and why you believe this person was a hero. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 15 – Deeper Magic From Before the Dawn of Time

Definition Spanish Translation vile awful; disgusting; worthless vil; causando asco shame A painful emotion caused by vergüenza; una emoción negativa awareness of guilt, unworthiness, causada por la deshonra or embarrassment stroke moving the hand lightly over a surface caricia gentilmente; moverse la in a loving way mano sobre la piel, el cuerpo fondle to handle very tenderly, in a loving or caricia gentilmente en una affectionate way manera muy cariñosa spitefulness mean or cruel; unreasonable desire to un acto muy malicioso o cruel see someone suffer peer to look very carefully or hard mirar con mucho cuidado incantation the ritual chanting of magic words encantación; cantando palabras mágicas lashing the quick back and forth movement of el movimiento rápido de la cola a cat’s tail de un gato romp to frolic or play in a joyous and high- jugar en una manera muy spirited way enérgica briar A shrub with woody, thorny or prickly un arbusto con raíces muy duras stems y ramas espinosas battlements protective walls built with open spaces una pared protective donde hay used as places of defense una inclinación profunda; construidas con aberturas, usados como lugares de defensa not slacking without stopping; moving quickly and sin parar; moverse rápido con with purpose propósito

Narnian Expressions: “Deeper Magic from before the Dawn of Time” – Magic that existed Narnia was created, going back before time began. This is the magic that saved Aslan because, when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor’s place, then the Stone Table would crack and Death itself would start working backward.

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 15 A. Fill in the blank with the missing word that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story context for clues.

1) After the White Witch led her followers to war, Lucy and Susan approached the dead Aslan and ______and ______his sad face. 2) They looked with ______at what the ______creatures had done to Aslan and were overcome with sadness.

3) The White Witch’s ______was evident in the way she had sheared off his beautiful mane and muzzled his jaws.

4) When the girls ______carefully at Aslan’s body, they saw small grey creatures gnawing at the cords that bound him and were overjoyed.

B. Critical Analysis

1) Some people believe that Aslan’s sacrifice in place of Edmund is like the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Discuss how you think they were alike and how they were different.

2) Explain what you think about the “Deeper Magic from before the Dawn of Time” and why this “Deeper Magic” was able to overcome death.

C. Comprehension – Short Answer

1) What did Lucy and Susan do after the White Witch left to go to war with the others?

2) Why weren’t Susan and Lucy able to untie Aslan? 3) What were the creatures crawling all over Aslan’s body?

4) What were they doing?

5) What happened when the sun began to rise?

6) How did Aslan explain what happened?

7) What did Aslan and the children do when they realized he had truly returned to them?

8) Why was the children’s ride on Aslan’s back one of their most unforgettable experiences?

9) Where did Aslan take the children?

10) How did Aslan get the children past the castle wall and into the courtyard?

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 15 Write: A letter to a friend who has just lost a family member or a close friend. Give them advice about what the person might do to cope with his/her feelings.

Discuss: Ask students if they have ever felt so sad that they had no tears left and, if so, do they agree with the author that eventually there comes a “time of quietness…as if nothing is ever going to happen again.” p. 174 Discuss the types of events that could cause this feeling (e.g., death, separation, divorce, etc.)

Create:  Have students divide a piece of paper into two columns.  In the first column, have the students list different types of tragic events they have read about, heard about, or experienced themselves.  In the second column, have them write down specific ideas they feel might help people who have experienced such tragedies deal with their feelings. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 16 – What Happened about the Statues

Definition Spanish Translation bound move quickly and energetically saltar rápido. whisked quick sweeping or whipping motion quitar algo muy rápido. prodigious great in amount, size or extent; asombroso; muy grande enormous indigo dark grayish-blue color Añil; tinta azul plumage the feathers covering a bird’s body Plumage; plumas que cubren el cuerpo de un pájaro braying sound a donkey makes: harsh high- rebusno; sonido que hace el burro pitched, grating voice creeping developing or advancing by slow but arrastrarse; moverse con mucho sure degrees cuidado sin hacer cualquier ruido concealed to keep something hidden; prevent it esconder from being known dungeon underground prison cell; usually masmorras; cárceles ubicados beneath a castle debajo de la tierra, usualmente debajo de los castillos ransacking searching and examining very saquear; buscar algo thoroughly and carefully examinándolo detalladamente liberated to release someone or a group; to set liberar; permitir que la gente free salga; darle la libertad a alguien surged to move like a wave with a sudden rush surger como una ola en una in a particular direction dirección específica bawled yell out or up at gritarle o regañar a alguien rubble broken stones, bricks and other cascote; basura producido por los materials from buildings that have been edificios destruídos destroyed deformed unshapely form; spoiled; disfigured; distorcinado; dañado hideous looking din loud, harsh, continuing noise fuerte ruido constante

Narnian Expressions

“Gave a bay” – make a sound like a dog to guide people in a particular direction.

“English fox hunt” – a tradition in England where a fox is let loose and then chased by dogs and horsemen I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 16 A. Fill in the blank with the missing word that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story context for clues.

1) In order to return the statues into human form, Aslan ______on them. This action ______them from the magic of the White Witch and returned them to life.

2) As the statues returned to life, Aslan sent them to look in the deep ______of the Witch’s palace where he believed she would have ______even more statues.

3) The newly liberated statues ______toward the palace in a huge wave, and searched for others who had been turned to stone.

4) The most impressive statue was that of a stone lion who gave a ______yawn after Aslan brought him back to life and began to jump and leap playfully in the yard.

B. Critical Analysis

1) The final battle can be seen as a battle between the forces of good and evil. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.

2) Explain why you think Aslan first went to the Witch’s palace instead of going directly to help Peter and the others. C. Comprehension – True or False Read the following statements. If the statement is true, write “true” in the space provided; if false, correct the statement so it is true.

1) There was such chaos in the courtyard that the dryads and nymphs fled to the forest. ______

2) To return the statues to life, Aslan only needed to touch them with his paw. ______

3) As the statues returned to life, there was great joy and excitement. ______

4) Lucy discovered the statue of Mr. Tumnus. ______

5) All giants are as good tempered as Rumblebuffin. ______

6) Aslan opened the front gate by using his magic. ______

7) Lucy gave her handkerchief to Rumblebuffin because he had a cold. ______

8) The newly liberated statues were set free and returned to their homes. ______

9) Peter’s army was greatly outnumbered when they arrived, and Peter was fighting with the White Witch. ______

10) Peter would have lost the battle had Aslan not killed the White Witch. ______

II. Write, Discuss, Create – Chapter 16

Write: Pretend that you are Lucy. Write about how you feel about finding Mr. Tumnus and having him restored to life.

Discuss: As a class, describe what Giant Rumblebuffin is like. Discuss how he is alike or different from what you typically expect a giant to be (i.e., stereotypes).

Create: a picture, write a poem or a song, or create another type of artistic work about the last battle. Narnia Vocabulary Chapter 17 – The Hunting of the White Stag

Definition Spanish Translation seaweed plants such as kelp that grow in the sea alga marina seagulls large web-footed white and gray sea gaviotas; pajaros que vive cerca birds with yellow beaks del mar revelry a lively celebration involving eating, celebración que incluye comida, drinking, dancing and merrymaking bebida, baile y placer piercing an intense quality of sound Sonido agudo remnants a small part of something left over after remanente de algo que se queda the rest is gone; survivors cuando el resto se ha desaparecido quarry a hunted animal or bird cantera; un animal o pájaro cazado por alguién marvel something that inspires awe, asombrar amazement or admiration foreboding a feeling that something bad is going to presentimiento que algo mal happen pasará signification the meaning of something such as a el significado de algo thing, word or event stag adult male deer venado maduro macho

I. Vocabulary Enrichment Activities – Chapter 17

A. Fill in the blank with the missing word that best completes the meaning of the sentence. Use the story context for clues.

1) After the final battle, the children travel to Cair Paravel where they are crowned kings and queens with much ______and lived happily near the sea where they were accompanied by the ______sounds of the ______that flew over the castle.

2) Susan, Lucy, Peter and Edmund ruled Narnia for many years. One day they were told that a magical White Stag had been seen. So the now adult kings and queens set forth to hunt their ______, for they knew that the White Stag would grant wishes.

3) After a long hunt, Peter, Susan, Lucy and Edmund saw something very strange – an iron post with a lamp on top. But though it seemed familiar, they couldn’t figure out the ______of the object. 4) It was with a sense of ______that they determined to continue hunting the White Stag, but they were full of enthusiasm and looked forward to a possible adventure.

All at once, they found themselves back at the Professor’s not a day older than the day they’d first entered the magical kingdom of Narnia! Do you think they will have other adventures in Narnia?

B. Critical Analysis – This thing we call ‘time’

Early in the story, Peter and Susan seek out the Professor to talk about Lucy’s fascination with Narnia, Peter tells the Professor that it is only logical that, if something is “real,” it must be real all the time. p. 52

What does this statement mean? Is time real…? If you believe it is real, then shouldn’t five minutes seem to pass at the exact same speed no matter what you’re doing?

Think of times in your life when it seemed that “time stood still.” Jot them down. Now think of times in your life when it seemed that “time sped by.” Jot them down.

Compare your list with others in the class. What do you think? Is time real or is it something that seems to pass at different speeds for different people depending on where they are and what they’re doing?

Many fantasy stories deal with twists in time, in particular, stories about time travel. Explain why you think time travel is or is not possible. C. Comprehension – Short Answer Read each question and write an appropriate answer.

1) How did Edmund help win the final battle?

2) How does Lucy restore Edmund and save his life?

3) When Lucy returns to him, how does Edmund appear to her?

4) Why do you think Lucy wants Edmund to know what Aslan did for him?

5) What did Aslan provide for the tired and hungry warriors who had fought in the battle?

6) Where did Aslan lead them the day after the battle was won?

7) What did Mr. Beaver warn the children about Aslan?

8) How do the royal names the children were given reveal their characters? a) King Peter the Magnificent?

b) Queen Susan the Gentle?

c) King Edmund the Just?

d) Queen Lucy the Valiant?

9) List what the Kings and Queens accomplished in Narnia after their coronation. 10) Why did Susan, Peter, Lucy and Edmund set out to hunt the White Stag?

11) What is it that Lucy tells the others she thinks will happen if they pass the iron lantern?

12) What does Susan advise the others to do?

13) In the end, what do they decide to do?

14) When the children find themselves back at the Professor’s house, what is so strange there?

15) What advice does the Professor give the children if they want to return to Narnia?

II. Write Discuss Create – Chapter 17

Write: Pretend that you are one of the Pevensie children who has just arrived at Cair Paravel. Write a letter to a friend describing your arrival and your coronation as King or Queen.

Discuss: whether or not you agree with Lucy that Edmund should be told what Aslan did for him? Give specific reasons why you agree or disagree with her.

Discuss: When Lucy is tending to Edmund on the battlefield, Aslan reminds her that others are gravely wounded as well and in need of her help. Discuss how “doing good” for one person may sometimes conflict with doing a greater good for many.

Create: a drawing of the castle at Cair Paravel as you picture it in your imagination. Re-read the description on p. 198. Narnia Nature Vocabulary Tree Types Descriptions Spanish Translations Yew evergreen tree or shrub that has dark tejo arbol o arbusto perenne que tiene green needles and red cones verde agujas y rojos conos Beech tall tree with smooth gray bark, glossy arbol alto con cortez grisacea lisa leaves, and nuts in spiny cases hojas brillosas, con semillas en estuches espinosos Larch tree of the pine family with clusters of arbol de la familia de los pinos con leaves resembling needles and egg- aglomeración de hojas que se shaped cones asemejan a agujas y conos con forma de huevo Oaks tree or shrub that has acorns as fruit and robles; arbol que tiene nueces como leaves with rounded or pointed fruta y hojas con projecciones projections redondas o puntiagudas Elms large tree with notched leaves and olmos; arbol enorme con dentada winged fruits hojas y frutas aladas Fir evergreen tree with single flat needle- abeto; arbol perenne con hojas planas shaped leaves and cones con formas de aguja evergreen any tree that stays green through out the arbol que verde permanence atravez seasons de las estaciones del año Bird Types Descriptions Spanish Translations kingfisher brightly colored bird with short tail and a tipo de ave de colores con una cola long stout bill corta y un pico robusto y largo thrush songbird with a slender bill and a ace cantor con un pico delgado y una melodious song.] canción melodiosa robin symbol of spring; type of thrush with a primavera; simbolo de la primavera; rust colored breast and dark gray or tiene una pechuga rojiza y gris escuro brown upper parts o marrón en las partes superiores

Flower Types Descriptions Spanish Translations bluebells woodland plant of the lily family that planta silvestre de la familia lilas tiene has long thin leaves and small blue, bell- hojas delgadas y pequeñas flores shaped flowers azules enforma de campanas crocus small plant with white, purple or yellow azafrán; pequeña planta con flores flowers blooming in early spring blancas, moradas o amarillas que florecen en temprana de la primavera celandines tall plant of the buttercup family that has botón; planta alta que tiene flores yellow flowers in summer amarillas durante el verano currant a small shrub that bears small red, grosella roja; pequeño arbusto que raisin-like fruit produce pegueñas pasas hawthorne thorny tree or shrub of the rose family árbol o arbusto espinoso de la familia with clusters of white or pink flowers color de rosa con los racimos de las and small reddish fruits flores blancas o rosadas y de las frutas rojizas pequeñas Mythological Creatures in Narnia Creature Definition Spanish Translation werewolf a person believed able to change into a hombre lobos; personas que son wolf and back again into a human capaces de transformarse en lobos being ghoul evil and terrifying spirit un espíritu maligno o evil boggle goblin; ghostly, awful goblin; fantasmal; tremendo ogre evil giant or monster who eats people ogros; gigantes que se comen a la gente minotaur monster with a body of a man and minotauro; animal con el cuerpo de un head of a bull that was fed human hombre y la cabeza de un toro que era sacrifices alimentado al comerse los sacrificios humanos hag offensive term used to describe bad bruja; una vieja malevolente con old women – essentially witches with poderes mágicos magical powers spectre a ghostly presence fantasmas; apariciones que amenazan a la gente centaur wild creature with the head, arms and animal salvaje con la cabeza, los torso of a man joined to the body of a brazos y el cuerpo de un ser humano horse at the neck unido por el cuello con el cuerpo de un caballo unicorn mythical animal usually depicted as a unicornios; animales mágicos en forma white horse with a single straight de caballos blancos con un cuerno spiraled horn growing from it’s forehead efreet mythical jinn spirits that embody fire; espiritus ‘jinn’ que se sienten they resent humans and consider superiores a todos los seres humanos y themselves superior to them tratan de hacerles daño dryad nature spirit that lives in trees espíritus que viven en los árboles muy aficionados a la naturalza nymph nature spirit that lives by springs and espíritus que viven cerca de los árboles rivers or cool caves muy aficionados a la naturaleza faun a mythical creature with the feet, legs fauno; un animal mitológico con los and horns of a goat but the face and pies, las piernas, y los cuernos de una arms of a man cabra y la cara y los brazos de un ser humano satyr like a faun but considered less gentle sátiro; semejantes a los faunos pero and kind and more interested in menos amables y cariñosos. Se satisfying itself with pleasurable dedican a tomar y comer hasta que activities, like eating and drinking estén saciados incubus a male demon demonio masculino wraith ghost of a dead person duende ettin 3-headed giant in English fairy tales gigantes con tres cabezas sprite small spirit being like an elf or a fairy seres sobrenaturales como hadas

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