Group 7 : Issues/Solutions Research Group

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Group 7 : Issues/Solutions Research Group

Group 7: Issues/Solutions Research Group

The Task:

1. Each group will research one major belief system that has been assigned to you; research questions follow after these directions. Each group must upload answers to the research questions to the Weebly page. 2. You should use the library databases and credible Internet sources (no Wikipedia, blogs, tumblr etc.) in order to complete your research. You must check off the “Website Evaluation Form” FOR EACH WESBITE USED. A MINIMUM OF 5 SOURCES MUST BE USED. 3. You must have a completed Works Cited Page citing ALL of the resources that you used in MLA format. 4. Each group must create a visually appealing poster-board presentation displaying the information you researched. You are educating your classmates about the belief system; therefore you should act as though the audience knows nothing about the belief system. 5. Each individual member must each submit his or her own typed answers to the reflection questions.

Research Guidelines:

As a group, you must submit typed, short-answer responses, at least 5-7 sentences per answer, to each question. You also must upload the information to the Weebly page. Additionally, all answers to the following questions must be displayed on your poster-board in some way (you do not have to write out each answer in paragraph form, but this research information should be portrayed on the poster).


1. What important conflicts has your belief system experienced either in present day or at some point in world history?

2. Why did the conflict begin? Has the conflict been resolved? If so, what was the result? Explain.

3. What is your belief system’s perspective towards issues of violence/oppression? Is there one group (towards others or within your religion) who is oppressed or treated violently? Why?

4. Describe any actions (if applicable) taken by the central administration of the belief system towards resolving issues of violence/oppression.

5. What actions have been taken at the communal level (individuals, local church groups, community organizations etc.) towards resolving issues of violence/oppression.

6. What more can be done to address these issues? Discuss already proposed ideas and come up with your own, original ideas towards a peaceful resolution. Research Group Rubric

CATEGORY 25 pts. 20 pts. 15 pts. 10 pts. 1) Quality/Quantity of Works Cited page contains Works Cited page contains Works Cited page contains Works cited page contains Sources at least five (5) high quality at least five (5) reliable less than five (5) mostly little to no academic and reliable academic academic sources. reliable academic sources sources or sources are not sources. or some sources are reliable. unreliable.

2) Quality of Responses contain Responses contain Responses contain few Responses contain little to Responses multiple pieces of multiple pieces of specific pieces of evidence to no specific and accurate compelling, specific, and and accurate evidence to answer each research evidence to answer each accurate evidence to answer each research question. Evidence may research question. completely answer each question. be of low quality and may research question. contain inaccurate information. Responses contain little to Responses contain high Responses contain quality Responses contain poor no analysis or explanation quality and accurate and accurate analysis of quality analysis of each or for each piece of evidence analysis of each piece of each piece of evidence. most pieces of evidence. or analysis/explanation is evidence. Author clearly Author somewhat shows Author may just re-explain incomplete or of shows how the evidence how the evidence supports evidence with little unacceptably poor quality. supports their response. their response. analysis or connection to Author does not show how how the evidence supports the evidence supports their their response. response.

3) Works Cited Page Works cited page is Works cited page is Works cited page is Does not contain a works formatted in the MLA style, formatted in the MLA style, formatted in the MLA style, cited page or works cited with little to no formatting with few formatting or with multiple formatting or page does not follow MLA or structural errors. structural errors. structural errors. format.

4) Quality of Poster Key information from Key information from Key information from Key information from research is prioritized so research is prioritized so research is somewhat research is not prioritized the most important facts important facts and details prioritized so some of the and the most important and details are present in are present in the poster. most important facts and information from research the poster. Poster is Some less important details are present in the is minimally present or not organized in a manner that information may also be poster. Poster may contain present in the poster. enhances the viewers present. Poster is multiple pieces of less Poster is not organized in a understanding of poster organized in a logical important or unrelated logical manner and/or the content. Poster is visually manner that is easy to evidence. Poster is organization of the poster appealing and highly understand. Poster is somewhat organized, but makes it difficult to read engaging in order to visually appealing. may be confusing or and understand poster attract the attention of unclear structure. Poster is content. Poster is not viewers. somewhat visually visually appealing and may appealing, but may lack images/decorations or contain elements that are may contain elements that distracting or unrelated to are distracting or unrelated poster content. to poster content.

Reflection Writing Piece Directions:

Each INDIVIDUAL must write his or her own reflection piece based on their assigned belief system. Each question must be answered with a short-response, AT LEAST 4-5 sentences. Answers must be detailed and explanatory.

1. Why is it important to understand belief systems/religions? Explain.

2. What did you learn by completing this assignment? Explain.

3. What did you like about this assignment? How does this compare to simply reading about a topic or learning about a topic via class notes?

4. What would you do differently if given the opportunity to do this assignment again? Explain.

You will receive a separate, individual reflection score based on the following rubric:

CATEGORY 100 pts. 80 pts. 60 pts. 40 pts.

Reflection Student’s reflection showed Student’s reflection had Student lacked details and Reflection was turned in two careful thought and detail. some thought and detail. thought. Student’s ideas days late. Reflection lacked Responses are clearly Responses are somewhat may not be organized, details and thought. organized, cohesive, and organized, cohesive, and cohesive, or proof read. Responses are not proof read. Student proof read. Student Student responses were at organized, cohesive, or proof responses were at least 4-5 responses were at least least 3-4 sentences per read. Student responses sentences per answer. 4-5 sentences per answer. were less than 3 sentences answer. per answer.

Score: ______/100 Website Evaluation Form *****This must be completed for EACH website used.*****

Website: ______

What does the URL end in? Copy/Paste in the URL of the website you are evaluating: Check off the URL ending .com (commercial or business) .edu (college or school) .gov (government) .org (organization or group) .mil (military organization) .net (internet administration) .sci (special knowledge news group) . (other, please specify)

Type of Source Yes No Does the website have a title/heading? Is/Are the name(s) of the author(s) given? Are the qualifications for the author posted on the website? Is the author reporting as an:  Eyewitness  News organization  Government agency  Non-profit agency  For profit business  Academic Institution  Researcher  Other Is this a primary source? Is this a secondary source? Does the website have a publication date? Does up-to-date information matter for your purpose? Does the information contradict something you found somewhere else? Does the information appear to be biased? (One-sided, critical of opposing views, etc.) WORKS CITED DIRECTIONS

All sources must be listed in ALPHABETICAL ORDER. Each source should be separated by one line. is a great resource for help on how to created a works cited page.

BOOKS One author: ______. ______. ______: Author . (Last name, first name) Title of Book . City of Publication: ______, ______. Print. Publisher , Copyright Date.

Collins, Gail. When Everything Changed: the Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present. New York: Little, Brown and Co, 2009. Print.

More than one author: Heilemann, John, and Mark Halperin. Game Change. New York: HarperCollins, 2010. Print.

ARTICLES/ENCLCOPEDIAS ______. “ ______” . ______. ** Author. (Last name, first name) “ Title of Article . ” Title of Series ______. ______: ______. Volume # . City of Publication: Copyright Date. (Most recent)

Wilkie, Richard ed. “Paraguay.” World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 15. Chicago: World Book, 2002.

If you can’t find an author, use the name of the editor on the title or copyright page of the book. Add “ed.” after the editor’s name.

PERIODICALS (MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS) ______. ______. ______: Author . “Title of Article.” Title of Periodical. (name of magazine/newspaper) ______. ______. Date of article. Page #(s).

Krugman, Paul. "The Old Enemies." New York Times 24 May 2010. A25.


______. ______. ______, ______. Author, “Title of Page.” Name of Website. Date created ______. (______). URL. Date accessed.

Cullen, Katherine. "Endangered Species." Encyclopedia of Life Science, 2009. (Accessed May 24, 2015).

Sample Works Cited Page "Blueprint Lays Out Clear Path for Climate Action." Environmental Defense Fund. Environmental Defense Fund, 8 May 2007. Web. 24 May 2009.

Clinton, Bill. Interview by Andrew C. Revkin. “Clinton on Climate Change.” New York Times. New

York Times, May 2007. Web. 25 May 2009.

Dean, Cornelia. "Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet." New York Times. New York Times, 22 May 2007. 25 May 2009. (Accessed June 5, 2015).

Ebert, Roger. "An Inconvenient Truth." Rev. of An Inconvenient Truth, dir. Davis Guggenheim.

www. 24 May 2009. (Accessed May 14, 2014).

Gowdy, John. "Avoiding Self-organized Extinction: Toward a Co-evolutionary Economics of Sustainability."

International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 14.1 (2007): 27-36. Print.

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