Hardingstone Academy PE and Sports Action Plan 2013-2015

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Hardingstone Academy PE and Sports Action Plan 2013-2015

P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

Hardingstone Academy PE and Sports Action Plan

Overview From 01st September 2013, each primary school will receive around £8,000 every year to increase PE expertise and standards in this subject area. Although the funding is ring fenced for PE, schools are free to spend the money however they wish, providing PE expertise and ensuring quality PE is delivered. This funding should help the school provide a long legacy to the school PE curriculum.

National Curriculum 2014 Purpose of study: ‘A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.’

Aims The National Curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:  develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities  are physically active for sustained periods of time  engage in competitive sports and activities  lead healthy, active lives.

Hardingstone Academy’s Vision and Aims The staff of Hardingstone Academy aim to inspire all children to enjoy and immerse themselves in all different forms of sport. We endorse the purpose as stated in the 2014 National Curriculum. We believe physical education and sport is an essential for children leading a healthy physical and mental lifestyle. We believe that sport helps to develop the whole child academically, emotionally, socially and physically. Furthermore, the knowledge and skills gained from a young age in sport are accessed and utilised throughout later life.

All staff members strive to provide high quality physical education and a spectrum of sporting opportunities for every child, endorsing them to lead healthy and active lifestyles. Physical Education provides children with a variety of essential skills which are vital to all P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013 aspects of life, including good sportsmanship, opportunities to work with teammates, experiencing different contexts, conforming by rules, striving for excellence and not being discouraged or feeling failure if they do not win. These key skills are essential to create a successful and positive sporting culture. As a school we enter a variety of sporting festivals amongst the cluster schools and provide sporting tournaments within school for children to experience, develop and implement these skills.

All children at Hardingstone Academy experience two hours of timetabled physical education every week, as well as the opportunity to take part in a variety of free and paying extra curricular sporting clubs. We aim to offer a balanced and varied program of sport to provide all pupils with the opportunity to develop a good level of fitness, key skills and the knowledge necessary to apply those skills in different contexts throughout their lives. We want the children to see that sport is a vital part of school life and to see the connection with sporting skills to other contexts and achievements in life.

Hardingstone Academy aims to raise the aspirations of children, encouraging them to acquire skills to perform a variety of physical activities for every student within the school regardless of their sporting talent, physical and mental abilities or disabilities.

Action Plan

Objective(s) Actions Time scale Resources Success criteria Person(s) involved Impact date 1. To offer quality Meet with external Organise by Time to meet and Providers have been SL/external staff Ongoing due to staff changes – Jul CPD for all staff providers to identify Oct 2013 discuss with identified and are 2015 in Physical courses and programmers providers (after coming into school Education. school.) for use in school. to provide training. Improved teaching and learning in all Dec 2013 lessons. Carry out an audit of EWS – School Self-evaluations Improved standards in all lessons. staff training needs.- for the teachers partnership signed carry out again in Ongoing due to complete. (SL and ZM) More confident, informed and September 15. to staff competent teachers. changes – Jul Staff training Regularly check Evidence Northamptonshire sport 2015 needs compiled and Staff Training for all teachers for website for courses and provide courses and April 2015. share these with the training as REAL PE for all Teaching staff P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

staff. appropriate. completed September 2015. Ongoing Liaise with external SL Change for Life training – October providers to ensure 2015. involvement in school runs smoothly.

New Curriculum Training – REAL PE whole school training booked for April 2015 2. To audit and All staff to record a ‘wish Summer Term 3 hours Resources noted, Staff/SL Resources easily accessible. evaluate school list’ for P.E. resources. appropriate and resources. upgraded. Improved quality of resources and Organise P.E resources in enjoyment in lessons. the garage and in trolleys. P.E. resources are tidy and easily A variety of sports provided in lessons Order new resources accessible. All staff due to staff having variety of according to the wish list. members know what schemes to access. resources are Staff to complete a PE available for them to Schemes enhancing teaching and documentation and use. learning in all lessons. schemes amnesty. Any new resources Evidence are available and New Equipment and Resources staff know where to Purchased July 2014 find them. Mats Cones Footballs Real PE – scheme of work

2014-15 Sam from NFTC supported pe equipment audit and £1,377 was spent on general equipment for all year groups. P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

3. To ensure that Timetable of intra school Dec 2013 2 hours There is a timetable SL/teachers/ZM Chn to experience competitive sport. children have the sports competitions which includes a opportunity to across the school where range of competitive Key skills developed and implemented participate in sports throughout – communication, winning and losing, there is at least one competitive sports the year for all year teamwork. competition for each in school and groups to particulate outside of school. term. in. Peer learning and team work in a competitive environment. Ensure that children have On going There are a wide the opportunity to attend range of clubs Enhanced, extended, inclusive extra- curricular provision. after school clubs by available and the numbers of children liaising with attending increases. teachers/external Evidence providers as to what they Staff are aware of 2013-2014 can provide. Ongoing the festivals taking Festival Success place throughout the KS 2 Cross country -27.02.14 Year 3 B and G winners Ensure that staff know year. They are Year 4 B and G winners the EWS festival teaching sports appropriate to the Arrows Archery 7/8 May 2014 timetable and can teach festival timetable. the appropriate sports KS 1 during P.E. time and put June – 2 teams to EWS Multi sports st th forward names for a festival and we came 1 and 4 team. Intra Cross country Jan 2014 – cancelled

due to weather Sports day June 2014 Football tournament July 2014

2014-2015 Yr 5 and 6 Cluster football and Tag rugby winners. Yr 5 and 6 partnership finals winners. Yr 5 and 6 Sports hall athletics Winners P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

Intra Cross Country Jan 2015 Hackleton Yr 5 and 6 Football Friendly

2015-2016 Evidence B team attended Tag Rugby

4. To ensure there is SL to curriculum map the Sept 2014 Time Curriculum map in SL and staff a great breadth subject for all years. Ongoing due to place and circulated Improved teaching and learning in all and balance of PE staff changes Staff meeting for the staff to lessons. being delivered. Request that teachers – Jul 14 follow. provide an overview of Enjoyment in lessons. what is being taught in Schemes of work P.E. for their year group organised and Children experience a variety of and feed this into a whole accessible for all. sports so they can develop their skills. school plan to ensure that a range of P.E. is being REAL PE training Cross sport skills developed and taught across the school. completed for all applied. teachers. Schemes of work to be Improved standards in all lessons. organised and shared with staff so they use More confident, informed and them in the lessons. competent teachers.

Whole school training on 2015-2016 Evidence REAL PE to support All teaching staff completed Real PE teachers with the new Training National curriculum. Cobblers employed to deliver sports. Steve Jones – up skilling 5. To ensure that Carry out an audit of Sept 2014 3 hours Any additional Teachers/SL Ongoing due to staff changes – Jul ‘good’ planning is in current planning resources 14 place for P.E. resources/schemes for Sept 2014 have been purchased across all key planning to see where the and are being used. Improved teaching and learning in all stages. gaps lie and buy Ongoing due to lessons. additional resources as staff changes There is a yearly necessary. – Jul 14 over view for the An inclusive curriculum is offered. whole school P.E. P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

Collect in sample of PE curriculum. Improved standards in all lessons. planning, LTP, MTP to audit. More confident, informed and competent teachers. Differentiation to Evidence evident on planning. December 2015 –planning audit completed and feedback to be given in Training of REAL PE and a staff meeting. further training From the audit SL provided scheme opportunities are utilised list and an outline of what essential to support teaching. for ‘good’ PE planning. 6. To engage parents PE/Sports Funding plan Dec 2015 Time needed to Parents are more ZM, SL, teachers Involving the wider community. in P.E. within the made available via the organise events. engaged with the school. School website school and More children participating in school. SL to pass on understand the Organise events, dates to Sheila importance of P.E. Improved communication links with festivals, sports days to Leading for their child’s well parents. raise profile of P.E. within bring. school for parents to Evidence attend. Regular Sporting updates and results Events dated on on school newsletters and Twitter – Parents made aware of newsletter calendar achieved (see website for evidence.) sporting events in and achievement advance via the write ups. Sporting stars photographed and Newsletter. placed on the Newsletter. Parents running at Parents made aware of least 2 clubs. achievements and results from sporting events and Twitter used for achievements via the use sport events of Twitter or School updates. Website.

Parents to be given the opportunities to provide support with school clubs where they have a talent. SL to compose a letter P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

and meet with parents. 7. To promote Sporting events to have a Jul 2015 Paper and Children to feel SL Chd and school achievements with children’s sporting write up and photos on photocopier their efforts are ZM wider community. achievements and the Newsletters. Source and being recognised in Teachers efforts in and out purchase lessons as well as in Achievement rewarding and sharing of school. Sporting events and stickers events. improves self-esteem. achievements to be SL to purchase 2 shared on Twitter or x trophies Termly/half termly Chn more aware of participation of Website. awards being handed sports activities. out, reported to Produce certificates and parents and Evidence stickers for Intra and displayed on sports Sports Day. board. See Sporting Achievements website page. SL to order 2 trophies Twitter used for for Monthly/termly sport events Stickers provided for all chd at ‘Sporting Stars’ award to updates. Sports day. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place be given out. Chd to have certificates for chd. their picture displayed on PE board with reason for See 13-14/14-15 newsletters – photos their award. Staff to and write ups on the newsletters. nominate. Certificates for Intra Sports Football PE notice board to be Tournament and Cross Country handed produced in a central out. place in school e.g. hall. Purpose to promote and Trophies are being presented at the inform the children of end of each half term for sporting events. achievements. This is reported on the newsletter and on the school sports Sheila Leading to compile board. accurate results from all festivals. These to be SL created sports board in the hall. added to display. Sporting Stars, achievements, fixtures, results and sports crew all have a place. P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

8. To invest in school SL to research companies March 2015 Ali Chd to be wearing at SL/ Ali Chn feel part of a team. hoodies/ and cost for hoodies and Catalogues festivals to improve Chn take pride in their activity and tracksuits for athletics vests. Speak to current confidence and school. sporting events. uniform provider appearance. SL to liaise with bursar to discuss changes when Evidence new uniform is being 2014-15 AY developed. The school has changed the School Uniform and the PE kit to include the hoodies and tracksuits, therefore most children should have them from September 2014.

All chn look smart and feel part of a team.

Vests- researching 9. To maintain the Audit staff skills for Sep 2014 Sporting Clubs to be SL/ other staff Improved level of participation. variety of free clubs. equipment organized and members and paying extra- Ongoing due to running weekly, Chn taking part in more out of school curricular clubs SL to organize clubs to staffing possibly lunchtime clubs. provision. support upcoming changes clubs. sporting festivals. A variety of different sports offered. Pacesetter providing At least 3 sporting clubs specialist clubs e.g. Inclusive and enjoyable extra- available for children to cheerleading. curricular activities. attend, KS1 must have the opportunity to attend a sports club. Evidence Pacesetters offering – SL to liaise with SLT Cheerleading- KS 2 – Friday mornings regarding Teaching Multi skills – KS1 – Tuesday after Assistants running clubs. school Football – KS1 and 2- Thursday Liaise with Pacesetters to Evening offer a variety of clubs Gymnastics – KS1 and KS2 – Tuesday for all ages. Mornings P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

Pupil voice/School council 2014-15 – liaise about what clubs SL to compile clubs for the whole the children need. school with staff leading at least one club. Football KS1 multi skills Tag rugby Netball Quicksticks Girls football badminton 10. To ensure all Parents to provide Sep 2014 Organise It is the aim for all SL and Sheila All chn able to swim 25m before they children achieve swimming skills and swimming lessons children to be able Leading leave Hardingstone Academy. National achievements to school so from September to swim 25m at the Curriculum school can produce pupil 14 end of Year 6 and Evidence requirements in records and audit of new Customise letter top up lessons to Achieved June2014 – see certificate swimming by the pupils ability. to parents. have be organised in folder. time they leave July 2015 for Term 6 through June-July – focus on Yr 4 who we have Hardingstone SL to liaise with Sheila EWS for any been recognised as focus group. Academy. Leading and ZM regarding children who cannot. how to divide the lessons 14-15 – Top up swimming with EWS to and how best to target be utilized to support highlighted non swimmers across KS pupils in term 6. 3 out of the 4 2. children who attended, left being able to swim.

11. To display PE SL find a central board/ Jul 2015 Necessary Display up in school SL/MT Greater awareness of school activities information in and possibly a new one – stationary Children and achievements. around school to pricing needed. Images contributing and promote healthy engaging with it Improved self-confidence and pride in life styles and Achievements, their achievements. sporting timetables, sporting achievements and stars, health advice and Evidence events. knowledge etc to Sports board in the hall sharing displayed on the board. success. P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

SL to liaise with sports leaders some responsibility to maintain this.

12. To implement Real Real PE purchased for all Ongoing due Time to plan Real PE to be used SL, Staff from Improved teaching and learning in all PE in the schools years. All teaching staff to staff once a week by all Nicolas Hawksmoore, lessons. PE timetable. trained using inset or changes – Jul Staff to visit staff. teachers twilight sessions. – Create Nicholas An inclusive curriculum provided 2015 Development and Hawksmoore SL and other staff Northampton Sport. to have observed Improved standards in all lessons REAL PE at Nicholas JW, VN, JL (old staff) 3 Whole school Hawksmoore. More confident, informed and day training, due to staff training to be competent teachers changes whole school completed with Staff to all feel training to be arranged Create confident delivering Chn express their enjoyment in for March and April 2015. Development. REAL PE. lessons.

Nicholas Hawksmoor link Staff meeting – Evidence school – SL to visit and possibly x 2 Staff Training for all teachers for liaise with. April 2015. Completed September 2015. SL – staff meeting for all staff. Teach Meet – Real PE – March 2015 – SL to attend.

Steve Jones – upskilling support 2016. 13. To promote the New year 5 chd to be Jul 2016 Time to plan Sports Leaders to SL, sports Peer learning through sports clubs role of Sports chosen for Sports provide a club for partnership PLT delivered by sports leadership. Leaders in the leaders training, 4/6 chd. Release time for KS 1 chd at a staff. Positive peer role models. school. PLT lunchtime SL to discuss sports Sports leaders develop their keys leaders at PLT Sept 2014 SL to liaise with Sports leaders role skills; communication, social skills, and how other schools use other schools developed in school. self-esteem and moral obligations in their sports leaders. how they use school. Sports leaders. SL to have chosen SL and SLT to discuss new chd for sports Evidence sports leaders providing a leaders training. Yr 5- 4 chd in a new Sports Crew P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

club for KS1 chd. assigned and training completed at EWS. February 2015 KS 1 assembly delivered to introduce the ‘Sports Crew’. Activities are up and running every Thursday and Friday lunchtimes.

November 2016 – 4 Yr 5 children completed training at EWS. 14. To review how SL to discuss with SLT Jul 2016 Time to plan Percentages of current SL, SLT and Staff Greater level of the school how to choose chd and engagement compiled. participation. engage the chn liaise with Pacesetters Release time for PLT in the festivals about running festivals. More school sport Parents and staff with our Sl to liaise with cluster events between schools supporting the school in Sports SL to monitor chd schools. organised. the wider community. Partnership participation and schools. compile figures. All staff to support in Children and parent delivering events and improved attitudes to Review paying for transporting to and sport outside school. transport for festivals. from events. Organise B team events SL to organise more and friendlies. school vs school competitions with cluster schools.

Participation needs to increase. SL to audit current percentages and monitor.

SL to engage parents and all staff in the importance of participating on competitive sports. 15. 15/16 To SL to attend a school Jul 2016 Release time to attend Chd to have been SL, School council and Chn to feel their develop council meeting and meeting and develop a involved in sharing their staff. opinions count and feel children’s discuss PE in the questionnaire. ideas on PE through they are listened to. P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

views in PE. school. school council meeting All chn to have the and class opportunity to SL to compile questionnaires to be communicate their questionnaire for all completed by School feelings openly. chd to complete. SL to Council. analyse findings and act upon these. Chd share ideas and put forward suggestions for clubs across all year groups. . 16. To promote Providing CPD and Jul 2016 Release time to Parents to have SL, Staff, SLT Parents engaged active and payment for lunchtime organise and liaise with attended 2 healthy through outside healthy supervisors to SLT lifestyle events in agencies. lifestyles introduce multi- school. School targeting least during activities at break and Contact the school active chn in the school lunch/break lunchtimes. nurse – dates on school using ‘Change for life’ times and calendar New school lunch box club. outside of SLT – to review lunches policy in place and Healthier school school. coming into school. Look Dates for healthy school pack lunches lunches provided. at school pack lunch lifestyle on school healthier. Focused lunch times policy. Can School council activities for KS 2 chn. Council and Sports Sports crew and Increased participation Crew produce a child ‘Change for life’ in physical activities at friendly version. training. lunchtimes and Low level disturbance due Look at chd designing CPD for lunch staff to the engagement. and making healthy delivered and in place. Improved attitudes to snacks possibilities for healthy lifestyles. their lunchboxes to be Opportunities for shared with parents in parent and child an after school event. learning. (Recipes to be available to hand out) Evidence 2014-1 Every Tuesday School nurse to deliver Mr Paul completed a a healthy eating lunch Change for Life club meeting for parents. for all year groups. P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

Arrange for the Sports Change for Life crew to target Training and vulnerable group within information – SL Oct the school to increase 2015. LH and LH activity using ‘change meeting Nov 2015. for life’ activities. Sports Crew is School to organise providing active games healthy lifestyle events and activities for KS 1 – healthy breakfast, children. healthy smoothie soirée, charity New equipment walk/run. purchased to support activity and access to variety of activities.

Nov 2015 – LH and SL set u Yr 3 and 4 ‘Change for Life’ club. 17. 15/16 To SL to liaise with SLT a Jul 2016 Time All chd in school to SL, SLT, teachers A better understanding establish an possible I tracker SLT meeting attainment tracked. of chd achievements. informative addition and how often Time to share with way to track to assess. staff in staff meeting Staff to have a better Awareness of who and children’s understanding of chd how to support chd progress in PE. Staff meeting to look abilities and areas of physical education. at Chris Quigley weakness. ‘Essentials’ milestones. Evidence Chris Quigley sheets Paper copies to be completed by class circulated at the teachers half termly beginning of the year – and send to SL. below expected, 2015 – Classroom expected, and Monitor purchased. exceeding expected 2015- levels. Northamptonshire Sport passed on assessment tool which all teachers liked. SL to P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

research and discuss with SLT

18. 15/16 To SL to work with ZM to Jul 2016 Time New sports offered in SL, ZM, Chn exposed to a wider provide source different sports SLT school variety of skills. different coaches. Cluster meetings Tennis being delivered Increased sporting SL to meet with Alex by Alex Dunn. opportunities for opportunities. Dunn from Roade KS 1 and EYFS are participation. Tennis Club to provided with a wider investigate tennis in variety of physical Evidence the school activities. Nov 2015 – NRFC Tackling numbers October 2015 – Meeting with Alex Dunn completed and date arranged for After school club for Yr 1-3. Nov 2015 – Yr 1- 3 taster sessions completed in school. 19. 15/16 To SL to work with LH to Jul 2016 Time Change for Life club up SL, ZM, LH, TK, Paul Least active chn engage least arrange a Change for SLT and running Evans targeted and going to a active chn in Life club Change for Life ‘indoor and outdoor active clubs. SL and TK to receive training Sports crew 1 move club’ training in Nov 2015. Northamptonshire from KS 1 to KS 2 Club in place for Yr 3 The first Sports crew sport playground. and 4 chn. to move to KS 2 Staff trained by Simon playground to engage Fowler in order to more children. deliver the club at a good level. Chn choosing to a P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

variety of activity and gaining a better understanding of a healthy lifestyle. Trail KS 2 club with the aim to filter the club to KS 1.

Evidence October 2015 – SL Change for Life club training. Club for Yr3-4 chn set up by LH, TK,SL (4 PP chn) December 2015 – Simon Fowler meeting planned to develop the club. SP Money used to pay TK for club leadership.

20. 15/16 SL and LH to compile a Jul 2016 Time Waitrose Park and SL, ZM, LH, Paul Evans The school monitoring To promote healthy Travel Plan (see plan) Travel Tracker Stride venue organised chn active travel to travel to school. SL to buy trophy. Class percentage and promoted. school. Class percentages put sheets School tracking active More provision in place on display on classroom SLT journeys to school. to support active travel doors. Paul Evans to school. Children complete Classes presenting Increased number of Travel tracker their travel data. active travel to school. information each day. Organise a park and Staff providing a stride venue. walking bus opportunity Promote WOW – Walk for least active chn. once a Week. 21. 15/16 SL to meet with EYFS Jul 2016 Pricing and catalogues SL and CS visited other SL Greater provision for To promote physical leader (CS) to discuss Time with CS schools for ideas and Paul Evans physical development in development in EYFS. current resources and inspiration SLT the EYFS area. delivery. New resources CS and HA Less active chn P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

Investigate new purchased and impact targeted using this resources and next measured. equipment. steps. Chn developing the core physical skills. Early intervention and awareness of chn requiring extra support.

22. 15/16 SL to arrange for the Jul 2016 Bus – Bursar to price SL to confirm SL EYFS to have To ensure all EYFS EYFS classes to attend Permission slips etc attendance with J. Bursar participated and children part take in a the cluster event in the Medical equipment Green at EWS SLT represented to the sporting event for the summer 2016. Parents and permission CS and HA school in a sporting school. slips given out. occasion. Bus booked using SP Chn skills recognized money. and rewarded. Chn attended and event evaluated.

23. 15/16 SL to consult the Jul 2016 New equipment for all Items purchased and SL New equipment and To develop the school council on areas implemented. ZM zones on the activities offered at a activities they would Bursar playground. break and lunch time to like. School Council More children active all the children in the SL to purchase a range Paul Evans – zones and engaged with tasks school. of items to provide during breaks and varied, active and lunchtimes. interesting tasks.

2015-16 NTFC Extra-curricular Before/After School Clubs: KS 2 – Football KS 1- Football BenchBall P.E Action Plan Date: May 2013

Gymnastics Tennis (Roade Tennis Club) School Clubs Multiskills – EYFS and ks 1 KS 2 Football Netball

2014-15 Pacesetter Extra-curricular Before/After School Clubs: Cheerleading – KS 2 Gymnastics – All years Multiskills – All years Hotshots Basketball – KS 2 Football – KS 1 and KS 2 Dodgeball – All years School Clubs Football Girls Football Quicksticks Hockey Netball Ks 1 Multi Skills

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