Drs Larah, Bacall & Joseph

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Drs Larah, Bacall & Joseph

Newbury Green Medical Practice Patient Participation Group Higher Broughton Health Centre 29th November 2012 @ 6:45pm



David Flinn (DF) Practice Manager – Acting Chair 4 female patients (SB, FY, CC, GD) 2 male patients (BL, LG)


Sanghamitra Ghosh Practice Manager Nicola Allan Practice PPG Representative 3 female patients 2 male patients

Item Action 1. Introduction

DF thanked all the patients for attending the meeting of the combined Newbury Green Practice and for giving up their valuable time and also welcomed those patients who were newcomers to the group. It was noted that there had again been quite a large number of late withdrawals and apologies received and efforts were needed to recruit more people to the group. A reminder of the basic ground rules for the meeting was issued in that it was not a forum to discuss personal issues, but to look at how to improve things generally across the practice by working together.

2. Minutes of last meeting

DF gave a brief overview from the last meeting in July 2012 and an update on the actions from that meeting.

There is now a limited telephone consultation service in operation each morning with appointments arranged for GPs to phone patients with non-urgent problems. If the GP then feels that the situations warrants further investigation or examination, they can get the patient to come in to the surgery.

The facility to order repeat prescriptions by email has been Current repeat “live” since 1st August 2012 and people who have used the script forms to service have experienced no problems. The group felt however, be altered to that this facility was not well publicised and we should try and advertise the e- raise awareness across the patient population. One suggestion mail option. was to advertise the option on the existing manual forms that patients complete and this will be actioned as soon as possible. Time constraints meant that the matter of officers for the group was not mentioned on this occasion. There were no volunteer(s) to carry out the role of Chairperson so DF continued to act in this capacity for the moment.

Patients failing to turn up for their appointments still remains a Initial advisory problem with approx 85 slots per week lost for GPs and nurses. letter and There was a mixed response to imposition of severe sanctions stage 1,2 & 3 for offenders although the group did agree a systematic warning letters to be process could be applied starting with a warning letter to drafted and anyone who missed their appointment advising them that they staff made would enter the “process” whereby repeated failure to attend aware of new without notification could ultimately lead to removal from the process. practice list. Letters will be drafted to this effect with the new system hopefully coming on line in the new year.

3. Patient Survey

A draft copy of the 2012 survey results was distributed for Reception staff comment. DF commented that it was difficult to get responses briefed for to the survey, despite in excess of 800 forms being given out to future patients by both reception staff and clinicians and asked for reference and ideas from the group about how to improve participation rates. survey The group felt it would be better to distribute forms for patients distribution. to complete whilst they were waiting for their appointments in order to possibly “kill-time” with an understanding that care would need to be taken to ensure people did not miss their own appointment being called by the clinician if they became engrossed in the survey form.

Unfortunately, again due to limited time available, not all the PPG members questions on the survey could be discussed and group to review and members were asked to review the document and contact DF communicate with any questions / comment / issues etc over the coming matters arising weeks. The single biggest issue coming out of the survey was to DF for future the waiting time to get an appointment with a GP and this was discussion. discussed in more detail. DF explained to the group about some of the constraints under which the practice was forced to operate, including a removal of other services from the Salford area, reduction in funding and the fact that the practice was registering a lot of new patients as any other registration options in the local area are severely limited. However, DF was Practice to also pleased to report that following a review of this problem by continue to the doctors, w.e.f. 11th November 2012, not only was there an monitor increased number of telephone consultations available, but waiting times additional and/or extended surgeries has resulted in for access approximately 100 extra appointments each week. Although this was a very recent change, the extra slots have been well received and the situation will be reviewed frequently to determine the effect these changes have had. There was also discussion around ways to remind patients Practice will about their appointments. The survey showed a phone call was review options the preferred method but this is not practical or compatible with in conjunction current systems. It would also be an extremely time consuming with new process as it would mean a call to in excess of 150 people per phone system day. The text reminder was the next most preferred option and at time of this will be looked into when the practice relocates (with a new relocation. In telephone system). The group was reminded that it was the meantime, important with any of these methods to ensure that patients will continue were encouraged to provide the practice with their up-to-date efforts to have contact details as without this information, any reminder system all patients could fall down. The email option was discounted due to only a with up-to-date small proportion of patients either wanting it, or having access contact to use it and a postal reminder was considered impractical and information potentially unreliable.

4. Relocation

Patients were advised that as planning permission had now been granted, the plans for the new Health Centre would be moving forward. An exact date for the relocation was still not known at this time, although a tentative date would be spring or early summer of 2014. Again patients were reassured that this would not lead to a reduction in services, but there could be additional services provided if we can ultimately prove demand for the local community.

The patient survey had demonstrated that only about 63% of patients knew about the proposed relocation and there is clearly work to be done to ensure that information is communicated in an appropriate manner and timescale. DF stated that only word of mouth had been used to date simply because there was limited accurate information to communicate, but as we progress through 2013, this would change and patients would be advised by letter, notice board and the practice website.

DF also answered the group’s questions about where? / When? / Why? etc, and explained that a full response would be published on the website (www.newburygreenmedical.co.uk) over the next few weeks as part of the final report on the 2012 patient survey.

5. A.O.B.

It was suggested that the fact that the practice closes it’s DF to consult reception windows at lunchtime is inconvenient for some with front line patients. DF advised that this is often needed to enable staff to staff to carry out many of the “behind-the-scenes” administrative and determine if operational duties that are required after each half daily session any changes of surgeries has finished. However, the issue could be reviewed can be accommodated to determine if any changes to the current set up are practical. and how many patients would benefit. The waiting area was described as confusing and there being too much information on display which just gets lost amongst other literature displayed on walls, columns and reception area windows. The group felt a single notice board would be more Practice to appropriate and patients would be more likely to “see” remove all messages displayed thereon. Better use of the space adjacent clutter and to the main entrance lobby was also recommended. DF relocate accepted the area was cluttered and admitted there was even a important problem with fly-posting of non health related material which is messages to difficult to constantly police but would look to remove as much designated material as possible with a view to displaying as much as notice board possible on a designated notice board.

DF advised that the practice website would soon be updated to include GP profiles and that development work on the site content and layout was ongoing albeit quite slowly due to resource demands elsewhere.

DF also advised that due to increasing numbers of unpleasant situations in the waiting area, the zero tolerance policy would be strictly enforced and that anyone behaving in an unacceptable manner would be given one generic warning letter with any repeat of the behaviour resulting in removal from the practice list. These steps have been taken on two occasions recently and whilst we do not easily take this course of action, we have a duty to protect our patients and staff from inappropriate situations...

Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm

Date and Time of next meeting (provisional) :

Thursday 18th April 2013 @ 6:45pm Newbury Green Medical Practice Patient Participation Group Higher Broughton Health Centre 29th November 2012


1) Introduction & Ground Rules

2) Minutes of last meeting

3) Patient Survey (& related issues)

4) Relocation

5) A.o.B.

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