The Line Mountain Charge s1

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The Line Mountain Charge s1

THE LINE MOUNTAIN CHARGE Rev. Mark I. Rothermel, Pastor

Organists Acolyte Salem: Kristin Frederick & Diana Klinger Madelyn Snyder Christ: Jeff Masser & Jaci Harner


ORGAN PRELUDE *PROCESSIONAL HYMN # 58, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 17, Christ Church, red hymnal WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS *OPENING HYMN # 188, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 221, Christ Church, red hymnal CHILDREN’S MESSAGE DISMISSAL FOR CHILDREN’S CHURCH *SOLEMN DECLARATION *CHORAL AMEN # 552 *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively) One: O Lord, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. All: So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. One: Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. All: I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands and call on your name. *CALL TO CONFESSION *CONFESSION OF SIN (Unison) Holy Father, you call us to honesty about who we are and all that we do. In these moments, make us honest with ourselves. We remember now those things we have done or left undone that have hurt others, that have caused suffering and pain to our world, that have betrayed our love for others and for you. (Pause for silent reflection.) Give us now the courage and the wisdom to do things differently, to change our behavior so that in asking for forgiveness we might lead forgiven lives. In the spirit of Jesus Christ who befriended and loved all sinners, we now pray. Amen. *KYRIE, # 518 *ASSURANCE OF PARDON *PRAISE P: Praise the Lord. C: THE LORD’S NAME BE PRAISED! *GLORIA PATRI # 492 SPECIAL MUSIC: Salem Church Choir MISSION MOMENTS JOYS & CONCERNS GENERAL & SILENT PRAYERS *THE APOSTLES’ CREED, page 6 *SERMON HYMN # 137, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 217, Christ Church, red hymnal SCRIPTURE: I Cor. 10:1-13; Luke 13:1-9; Salem Church--pages 164 & 71 NT; Christ Church--pages 162 & 72 NT. SERMON: THE EXAMPLE OFFERING *OFFERATORY RESPONSE, page 506, and Prayer of Dedication *LORD’S PRAYER *DOXOLOGY, # 551 *BENEDICTION *THREE FOLD AMEN, # 558 *CLOSING HYMN # 370, Salem Church, brown hymnal # 211, Christ Church, red hymnal SILENT MEDITATION *ORGAN POSTLUDE

*Congregation, please stand, if you are able. ANNOUNCEMENTS TODAY: Welcome to EVERYONE! Due to the flu season, we are suspending the passing of the peace. We are hoping to restart again some time this month. The Salem Sunday School would like donations of Easter candy for the Easter Egg Hunt. Thank you for your generosity! We are looking for people to serve on the Christ Church Consistory. THIS AFTERNOON: Confirmation Class, Salem, 2:00 p.m. THIS EVENING: Discipleship Class at the home of Randy and Janey Wehry, 7:00 p.m. Monday: Deadline to sign up for Easter Flowers at Salem Church. Christ Church Consistory Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Lenten Service, Salem Church, 7:30 p.m. Sermon: THEY WON’T LISTEN. Choir Practice at 6:30 p.m. Thursday: Salem Church Consistory Meeting, 8:00 p.m. Saturday: Candy Making, Christ Church basement, 8:00 a.m. Yes, we DO need your help! Next Sunday: Daylight Savings Time Begins. Communion at Salem Church. Sermon: THE APPEAL. Movie Night, Salem Church, 7:00 p.m. March 13: Lenten Service, Christ Church, 7:30 p.m.; 7:00 p.m. Prayer Time. March 15: Deadline for April LIFELINE March 17: St. Patrick’s Day; Fifth Sunday in Lent. Discipleship Class at the home of Steve & Judy Paul, 7:00 p.m. March 18: Meeting of Salem Sunday School teachers and officers to fill Easter Eggs. March 20: Messiah in the Passover Event, Salem Church, 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice at 6:30 p.m. March 23: VBS Planning Meeting, Christ Church, 10:00 a.m. Eagle Scout Celebration for Elliot Beaver, Christ Church, 5:00 p.m. March 24: Palm Sunday; Easter Egg Hunt at home of Louise Rothermel, 2:00 p.m. March 28: Maundy Thursday March 29: Good Friday March 31: Easter Sunday April 6: 20th Annual Women's Retreat at Zion's E. C. Church, Pitman on Saturday, April 6, 2013. Registration: 8:00 - 9:00 AM Program: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Lunch and snacks provided. Speaker: Dr. Pamela Royster whose ministry empowers individuals to realize their unique place in God's Kingdom and motivates them to achieve God's purpose in their lives. A free will offering will be accepted at the Retreat. Deadline to sign up is March 13. Sign up sheets are at Salem and Christ Churches - for further information please contact Jean Wehry or Judy Paul. EASTER FLOWER CHART--Please sign up for Easter flowers at Salem Church. The deadline is March 4. Thank you! SALEM CHURCH COOK BOOKS ARE HERE! CHRIST CHURCH COOK BOOKS ARE HERE! They are $15 each. The Janitor at Salem Church for March is Dean Dietrich. The Janitor at Christ Church for March is Matthew Smeltz. The Christ Church Cleaning committee for March is Judy Paul and Natalie Smeltz. CHURCH WEBSITES: Check it out at The Line Mountain Charge’s email address is [email protected] The Christ Church website is REPRINT: The bicentennial book on Jacob’s Howerter’s Church has been reprinted. They are $30 each. For more information, please see Pastor Mark. HALF PRICE SALE at Salem Church. The afghans, wooden churches, and church record books are now 50% off. There is no discount on the dish clothes. The dish clothes are back in stock. They are still 4 for $5. Steve, Pam, and Katja Jablonski have left for a 6 month medical missions trip to Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, through Eastern Mennonite Missions. They continue to need your prayer support! You can keep up to date with their blog at Also, get more info from YouTube at Beryl Forrester and/or Beryls Fund Video. REDNER’S SAVE A TAPE PROGRAM--Christ Church and Salem Church Sunday School are participating in this program. Please, bring your register receipts to church. When the church receives $5000 worth of receipts and takes them to the store, it receives a check for $50. Christ Church plans to help the Friendly Home with this money. The box for receipts is in the rear of the sanctuary at Christ Church, and there is a jar for receipts at the entrance at Salem Church. E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR PASTOR: The pastor’s email address is [email protected] DISCIPLESHIP/BIBLE STUDY CLASS--We have started an adult evening discipleship class. We are using a new book called MULTIPLY. We hope to meet every other week in different people’s homes. The cost of the book is $15. The publication of THERE IS SOMETHING SPECIAL ABOUT ROUGH & READY is now available. The cost is $20 per book. Please see Louise Rothermel to get a book. Thank you! PRAYER REQUESTS Family of Brenda Bordner, Family of Roger Romberger, Tina Novinger, June Cozza, Julie (sister of Pam Jablonski), Meridith & baby girl, Daisy Drumheller, Susan Schadle, Missy Knorr, Henry Reiner, homeless man in Selinsgrove, Loretta Yadwinski, Romaine Deitrich, Harold R. Wehry III, Elaine Dietrich, Valerie Hoover, Marlin Wiest, LaRae Haas, Jace Blyler, Verna Brown, Mark Brown, Boyd Wedde, Homer Lesher, Hunter Dietrich, Betty Paul, Darice Wehry, Mary Rhoades, Steve Snyder, Pedro Villegas, Mason Snyder, Wanda Kehler, Louise Rothermel, Ron Morgan, Gene Keiter, Reese Brunner, Rita Emory, Frank Vraybel, Donna Snyder, James Boyer, Jim Kersavage, Ruby Hoffman, Robin Otto, June Masser, Chelsea Lucas, Joyce Rettinger, Kayla Heim, Mark Oxenrider, Charles Stalter, Ashley Smynk, Paul Schwalm, Vena Hoch, Doris Troutman, John Lesher, Richard "Katz" Wolfgang, Christy Boyer, Deb Stehr, Bruce Haas, Logan Williams, Helena Snyder, Dennis Clark, Fawn Wehry, Peggy Miller, John Wehry, Sr., Lena Shadle, Glenn Heim, Maynard Geist, Abby Kieffer

Nursing Home: Arlene Brown – Grayson View, Memory Care Unit, Selinsgrove Joan Rothermel – Friendly Nursing Home, Rm. 2 Betty Dietrich – Friendly Nursing Home, Rm. 9 Marie Hepler – Providence Place, Pottsville Emma Oxenrider – Tremont Nursing Home, Rm. E-825 Randall Sherry – Tremont Nursing Home, Rm. B-312

Military Personnel: Bryson DeWalt Bryan Wynn Monte Harner Brian Henninger Jason Knorr Anthony Blain James Frederickson D.J. Lucas Kevin Keim, Jr.

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