Minutes of a Meeting of Wimblington and Stonea Parish Council Held at the Wimblington Parish

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Minutes of a Meeting of Wimblington and Stonea Parish Council Held at the Wimblington Parish

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Wimblington Parish Council held on Tuesday 11th May 2010 in the main hall at the Parish Hall, Addison Road Wimblington at 7.00pm

Present Cllrs P Crawford, M Davis, N DiGiovanni, E Gowler, A Knowles, H J Moore, S Spurr (Chairperson), E Wright, R Wright (Clerk), Psco D Williams and seven members of the public signed the attendance register.

Action Apologies for Absence Cllrs J Tuck, Cllr S Redhead, R Bridge. 389/10 Appointment of Officers The meeting was opened by the retiring Chairperson and nominations were called for the position of Chairperson for the ensuing year but before that took place the Clerk read out a letter of resignation from L N DiGiovanni. Cllr Davis proposed that a vote of thanks be made to Cllr DiGiovanni. Clerk to write a The position of Chairperson for the ensuing year was requested and S Spurr was duly nominated and voted letter of thanks Chairperson. Cllr Spurr then proposed that the position of Vice Chairman be filled by H J Moore. The nomination was duly supported and H J Moore was appointed Vice – Chairman. The following appointments were elected on block:- Church P Crawford Parish Paths E Wright School P Crawford Parkfield E Gowler Planning H J Moore Street lighting A Knowles Community P Crawford Web site M Davis War memorial Field M Davis

I A L C M Denzey Allotment – not appointed Stonea E Gowler Church S Spurr Parish Hall S Spurr Play equipment S Redhead Car park H J Moore The Chairperson and Vice Chairman duly completed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 390/10 Pursuant to the National Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in respect of any item to be discussed at the Meeting S Spurr Allotments 395/10. 393/11(b) and Parish Plan. E Wright Fenland Arts. The details relating to the request for batons in the hall from CATS and the Cinema Club were circulated. 391/10 Confirmation of minutes – RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 9th March 2010 were accepted as being correctly recorded and were signed as being a true record. 392/10 Police representative report Psco D Williams presented a reported that since the last meeting one incident of a vehicle crime at Hook had been recorded. Cllr Wright raised concern over fly-tipping. 393/10 Matters arising a) Car park – Further to minute 378/10 (a) The Clerk reported that he had spoken to Rob Bridge and a written offer of a peppercorn rent and FDC undertaking improvements in the region of £3,000 would be made. b) Film show/Film Club – Further to minute 378/10(b/c) Cllr Spurr reported that the last showing was disappointed as only ten attended. Fenland Arts did however reduce the charge from £75 to £50 with a hire of equipment charfe of £15 making £65. It would otherwise have been a total of £90. The Cinema Club requested an electric screen be placed on the back wall, a DVD player in the kitchen and a projector mounted overhead. The receipts of £25 would be paid over towards the film hire costs. Cllr Spurr reported that three signs costing Clerk £36 were to be purchased. RESOLVED – That the Council cover the cost for the signs and consideration to the Clerk request when the Club have the equipment. c) Pavilion Parkfield – The Clerk reported that details of the break-in had been given to the insurers and an offer has been made subject to additional information being supplied. d) Salt bins- The Cambridgeshire County Council have received a supply of salt bins and the Clerk has been in contact with Rod Marshall regarding their positioning as requested. 394/10 Income and Expenditure a) The members considered and approved the following accounts for payment R Wright Salary 528.74 528.74 Mrs M Moulton Salary 191.40 191.40 Cambs CC Clerks pension 148.82 148.82 T Hampson Grass cutting etc 1560.00 272.99 1832.99 Fenland D C New lights 1624.30 284.25 1908.55 Shadeline blinds New blind 110.00 110.00 BT Telephone 49.84 8.73 58.57 Fenland D C Hall rates 111.47 111.47 British Gas Maintenance 20.00 3.50 23.50 Cpalc Subscription 622.14 622.14 R Wright Clerks salary 628.74 628.74 Mrs M Moulton Caretakers/Booking clerk salary 191.40 191.40 Cambs CC Clerks pension contribution 142.06 142.06 Fenland D C Wheeled bins 225.92 39.54 265.46 Ns of A & L G Ltd Subscription 55.00 9.63 64.63 A Thomas Wire etc 29.78 4.47 34.25 Wisbech Glass Ltd Repairs to hall door 95.00 16.63 111.63 T Hampson Grass cutting 990.00 173.25 1163.25 Information Commissioner Registration 35.00 35.00 B Gas Electricity – hall 134.33 6.72 141.05 Fenland D C Hall rates 114.00 114.00 British Gas Maintenance 20.00 3.50 23.50 J Mottram Hall electricity works 210.00 210.00 S Spurr Journal expenses 148.18 148.18 Fenland Arts Film hire 65.00 65.00 b) The Clerk presented details of the Annual accounts for the year ended 31st March 2010. Questions were raised regarding the Loan repayment which the Clerk answered. RESOLVED – That the Annual Return and Annual Statement of governance be approved and signed. b) Risk Management & Health & Safety- The Clerk reported that inspections had taken place at the recreation grounds and hall. The copy of Standing Orders – Part One has been received and is currently being circulated Clerk/Cllr Davis to all Councillors. Once seen by all Councillors consideration to new Standing Orders and financial Regulations may be undertaken. The Council considered Risk Management and all the policies and procedures were being reviewed and updated if required. c) Cllr Davis reported upon the adoption of a revised Grievance and Disciplinary policy. RESOLVED – That the Grievance and Disciplinary policy be adopted and signed by the Chairperson. Copies were to be forwarded Clerk to all members of staff. d) Internet banking. It was agreed that the Clerk be authorised to operate internet bank facilities. e) Insurance renewal – The Clerk reported that he was waiting for a quote from Came and Company as the Chair/Vice chair renewal from Aon was £4,830.82. RESOLVED – That the Chairman and Vice Chairman be authorised to Clerk agree the provider as the renewal date was 1st June. 395/10 Allotments a) The Chairperson reported that the Management Agreement had been duly signed by all parties. L N Di Giovanni was thanked for her work in drawing up the agreement and liaising b) The Council considered the transfer arrangements and agreed that the key deposits be paid to the Association and they be responsible for its management. A new lock was to be provided and the Council would receive three keys Work on the footpath was in hand. The Clerk would make regular inspections of the allotments. L DiGiovanni mentioned that her work organisation would be prepared to offer labour services to the Association. The Probation service also would be able to offer services. It was agreed that details would be given to the Association. c) The Chairperson reported that the fence between the allotment and recreation field was broken. Cllr Knowles inspected the fence and arranged for B Elmore to undertake the necessary repairs. N DiGiovanni left the meeting at 19.47 hours. 396/10 Planning Observations on the following application FYR10/0226/F Fengrain Ltd – new grain store Hook F/YR10/0260/F AWS Ltd land north of Hill View Eastwood End – Service lay-by FYR10/0195/TE1 AWS Ltd land north of Hill View Eastwood End – 6m telemetry mask and kiosk FYR10/0194/TE1 AWS Ltd land east of Rhonda Farm Eastwood End – mast and kiosk FYR10/0154/F M Wood 2 Frogs abbey – demolition and replacement dwelling The parish Council on the instructions of the allotment association have withdrawn the application for a canopy and containers at the allotments Doddington road. The application FYR10/0154/F M Wood has also been withdrawn. Cllr Moore reported that no newts were recorded in the areas that AWS Ltd was proposing to work and no adverse comments were made. The Clerk reported that AWS td had been available to talk about the scheme from 2pm to 7pm to-day and a reasonable number of people attended. . 397/10 Highway Matters/Street Lighting/Transport a) Street Lights The Clerk was asked to check when the new lights in Doddington road would be connected. Councillors b) Footpath and Highway issues. The question of Dog mess around the village was raised. Details would be given to the Clerk and passed onto the Dog Warden c) PPP3 application has been acknowledged by Cambs CC 398/10 Recreation Grounds a) WMPF - The Clerk to report that the condition of the play area and equipment at Doddington Road was in good order. Rospa should have under taken an inspection in April but to date no details had been received. Cllr Davis reported that Amanda Carlin and Dr Taylor presented me with their papers and press cuttings etc which they say confirm that the field should be dedicated as a war memorial and I listened carefully to all the points they raised during our discussion when we met. I am afraid that is not my interpretation. I do believe it was the intention of those that raised the funds but in reality, it seems to me, the land was given to the village and subsequently was registered with the Charity Commission, by the then Parish Council, as land to be held by the village in perpetuity for recreational use. An application can, of course, be made to the Charity Commission for a change of use, to a war memorial, which would probably be approved, but the requirement would be for every resident in the village to give formal approval for the change. I know from my discussions with parish councillors that this would not receive the full support of the current Parish Council. I do believe that the gates could be dedicated as a war memorial as they were presented to the village by the British Legion. When trees are eventually planted then carefully selected varieties could perhaps have plaques bearing the names of those 37 that lost their lives in the two world wars but that would be for the then Parish Clerk Council to approve. The matter of tree planting was being investigated by the Parish Plan Steering Group. b) Parkfield – The Clerk reported that the condition of the play area and equipment was in good order. c) Eaton Estate – The Clerk reported that a rope suspended from a tree was removed but otherwise all was in a good order. d) E Gowler had no report upon Parkfield. e) Drainage at Doddington road – The Clerk reported of a meeting with Roddens to discuss the drainage problems in the corner of the recreation field. Roddens contractor has quoted £2,730 to repair 75m of piping. Replacing 750mm chamber with 1050mm catch pit. Roddens have agreed to share the cost on a 50/50 basis with the PC. Roddens also agreed to improve the shared access subject to a new lease being agreed with all users. RESOLVED – That the offer is accepted but the Council would approach FDC and CCC to see whether they would be prepared to make a contribution towards the work. H J Moore left the meeting at 20.00 hours. 399/10 New Cemetery/Churchyard a) New Cemetery – The Clerk confirmed the fees for 2010/2011 :- Interment of adult (over 12) £412. Interment cremated remains £157. Purchase of Exclusive rights - burial £412 - cremated remains £114 for non residents the fee is increased by 50%. Headstones £139, vase £59, tablet 398, vase £154, additional inscription £74 b) Wimblington St Peters Churchyard – The Clerk report that the condition of the churchyard was good but Smiths of Derby had reported problems with the clock. The Clerk had yet to receive a report of the works required. 400/10 Parish Hall a) Request from CATS to erect batons to secure the scenery for safety reasons. The Council had no objections to the proposal and agreed that the batons could be placed on the three walls. Cats also requested that could a reduced hire rate be applied. RESOLVED - That the hire rate would remain at £12.50 per hour. b) Cinema Club – The Council considered a request for the installation of an electric cinema screen on the back wall and to put a DVD player in the kitchen and a projector mounted overhead. RESOLVED – That in principle the Council had no objections but further discussions would be required when the club was in possession of the equipment. c) M Dent confirmed that to paint the lower section and glossing would cost £400 but felt that it would make Clerk the remainder of the hall to look shabby. To paint the whole of the hall would cost £700. The Council felt that if only the hall was painted the entrance area, toilets, kitchen and small room would look shabby. The Clerk was asked to speak to Mr Dent to ascertain a price for the whole of the Parish hall. d) Outside light etc – The Clerk reported that work on the outside lights had been undertaken and at present no senor switch had been fitted but the position would be monitored. All portable equipment had been tested and the appropriate certificates obtained. Caretaker e) Wimblington Sports & Community Committee had written requesting whether they could borrow tables, crockery and teapots for the Gala Weekend 25th – 27th June. RESOLVED – That they be permitted to use the equipment but to liaise with the Caretaker. f) Fire Safety Door – Issues with the opening of the emergency fire safety doors was discussed. The Council Clerk stated that ultimately it was the caretakers responsibility to see the hall was secure and the hirers to be informed that the doors must be closed at all times It was agreed that a sign be fitted to the rear door and problems with ventilation in the summer to be investigated.

401/10 Correspondence & Other matters a) Cambs CC – Introduction of electronic consultation in respect of county planning applications. b) 50+ Group – Request for donation towards establishing a new 50+ group in the village. RESOLVED – That a donation of £50 be granted. c) Parkfield Sports Club – Financial Statement for year ending 31st July 2009 has been received and was available to Councillors. d) Parish Plan – A Fancy Dress Fun run has been organised for 31st May with a BQ afterwards. e) Wimblington Fun Day – Cllr Davis reported that the Fun day had been planned for the 15th August and she would be looking into casting’s for hiring a bouncy castle etc and trusted that the Council would contribute a similar amount towards the cost as last year. f) Web Site – Cllr Davis reported that she had changed her computer and it was not compatible with running the web site but she was making further investigations. g) Helicopter Club – Cllr Spurr reported that progress was being made but funding was an issue. The Council asked that further details be provided to enable them to consider whether a donation was feasible. 402/10 Date of next meeting 8th June 2010 Apologised from Cllr Wright The meeting was closed at 20.35 PUBLIC TIME C Brown asked about the procedure regarding the vacancy. The Clerk explained the position. He also questioned attendances and why the Attendance book had not been circulated. The matters were answered.

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