FOI Request DHSSPS/2013-0093 - Fox Reports

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FOI Request DHSSPS/2013-0093 - Fox Reports

FOI Request DHSSPS/2013-0093 - Fox – Reports

‘Adoption of Children in Northern Ireland. Report of the Children and Young Persons Review Group’, 1982, HMSO.

• Baldwin, S. and Carlisle, J. ‘Social Support for Disabled Children and their Families: A Review of the Literature’, 1994, HMSO.

• Booz, Allen and Hamilton. ‘An Integrated Service: the reorganisation of the Health and Personal Social Services in Northern Ireland’, 1971, HMSO.

• Bowlby, J. ‘Maternal Care and Mental Health’, 1951, World Health Organisation.

• ‘Care and Supervision Provided in Relation to Maria Colwell: Report of the Committee of Enquiry’, 1974, HMSO.

• Caul, B. and Herron, S. ‘A Service for People: Origins and Development of the Personal Social Services of Northern Ireland’, 1992, December Publications.

• CCETSW, ‘Care for Tomorrow’ 1987.

• CCETSW, ‘The Parsloe Report’, 1984.

• Child Welfare Council, ‘Adoption of Children’, 1963, HMSO.

• ‘Children’s Safeguards Review’ (aka The Kent Report), 1997, HMSO.

• Children and Young Persons Review Group, ‘Adoption of Children in Northern Ireland. A Consultative Paper’, 1980, HMSO.

• CPSSA Committee, ‘The Report of the Sub-Committee of Foster Care in Northern Ireland’, 1980, HMSO.

• Daly, E. ‘Mister, are you a Priest? Recollections by Bishop Edward Daly’, 2000, Four Courts.

• DHSS, ‘An Abuse of Trust - The Martin Huston Report’ 1993.

• DHSS, ‘Children Matter: A Review of Residential Child Care Services in Northern Ireland’, 1998.

• DHSS, ‘Code of Practice NI’, 1999.

• DHSS, ‘Co-operating to Protect Children’, 1989.

• DHSS, ‘Fostering in Northern Ireland: Children and their Carers’, 1998.

• DHSS, ‘Our duty to Care - A Guide’, 1995 (revised 1996, 2000).

• DHSS, ‘Quality Living Standards for Services: Children living in family placements’, 1996. • DHSS, ‘Quality Living: Standards for Services: Children who live away from home’, 1992 (Revised 1996).

• DHSS, ‘Regional Strategy for Health and Personal Social Services 1987/92’.

• DHSS, ‘Regional Strategy for Health and Personal Social Services 1992/97’. • DHSS, ‘Regional Strategy for Health and Personal Social Services 1997/2002’.

• DHSSPS, ‘Best Practice - Best Care’, 2001.

• DHSSPS, ‘Reforming Professional Social Work Training’, 2000.

• DHSSPS, ‘Safeguarding to Protect Children’ - DHSSPS Guidance 2002.

• Department of Health, ‘Adoption No: Messages from Research’,1999, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

• Department of Health, ‘Child Protection: Messages from Research’, 1995.

• Department of Health The Pindown Experiences and the Protection of Children: A report of the Staffordshire Child Care Inquiry 1990 1991.

• Department of Health, ‘Valuing People: A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century’, 2001.

• Evason, E. Darby, J. & Pearson, M. ‘Social Need and Social Provision in Northern Ireland. Occasional Papers in Social Administration’, 1976, The New University of Ulster.

• Foster Care: A Guide to Practice’, 1976, HMSO London.

• Field, C.M.B. ‘Report on the Children’s Assessment Clinic Belfast City Hospital’, 1982, (Internal Report).

• Hailes, A. ‘Turn on the Light Mummy, I can’t Hear’, 1989, Ulster Institute for the Deaf. Belfast.

• Hill, N. Notes taken from a seminar presentation in South and East Belfast Health and Social Services Trust, 2002.

• ‘Homes and Hostels for Children and Young People’ (aka the Sheridan Report), 1982, HMSO.

• Horsburgh Committee, ‘Report of the Departmental Committee on Adoption Societies and Agencies’, 1937, HMSO.

• James, W.V. ‘The Helping Hand. A History of the Northern Ireland Council for Orthopaedic Development (NICOD)’, 1984. • Kelly, G. and Coulter, J. ‘The Children (NI) Order 1995: A New Era for Fostering and Adoption Services?’, 1997, Adoption and Fostering Volume 21 Number 3.

• Kirkwood, QC, A. ‘The Leicestershire Inquiry’, 1982, Leicestershire County Council.

• ‘Legislation and Services for Children and Young People in NI: Report of the Children and Young Persons Review Group’ (aka the Black Report),1979, HMSO.

• McVeigh, J. (Unpublished PhD thesis) ‘A History of the Child and Juvenile Migration Schemes to Australia’, 1995, Queens University Belfast.

• Monteith, M. and Cousins, W. ‘Children and Young People with Disabilities in Northern Ireland Part III Report ‘Social Services Developments and the Impact of the Children (NI) Order 1995’’ , 1999, Centre for Child Care Research, Queens University Belfast. • National Foster Care Association, ‘UNITED KINGDOM National Standards for Foster Care’, 1999.

• NI Assembly, ‘Inquiry into Residential and Secure Accommodation for Children in Northern Ireland’, 2000.

• NI Child Welfare Council, ‘Children in Care’, 1956, HMSO.

• NI Child Welfare Council, ‘Report on the Children and Young Person’s Boarding-Out Regulation’, 1969, HMSO.

• NI Child Welfare Council, ‘The Operation of the Social Services in relation to Child Welfare’, 1960, HMSO.

• NIGALA, ‘Annual Report of the Northern Ireland Guardian ad Litem Agency’, 2001.

• O’Halloran, K. ‘Adoptions in the Two Jurisdictions of Ireland’, 1994, Avebury.

• O’Halloran, K. ‘Adoption Law in Northern Ireland’, 1994, SLS Legal Publications.

• Packman, J. ‘The Child’s Generation’, 1975.

• ‘People like us: The Report of the Review of the Safeguarding of Children’(aka the Utting Report) 1997, HMSO.

• Policy Planning and Research Unit, ‘Disabled Children in Northern Ireland: Services, Transport and Education’, 1995, PPRU.

• Policy Planning and Research Unit, ‘Surveys of Disability. Report 2 - The Prevalence of Disability among Children in Northern Ireland’, 1992, PPRU.

• PSS Training Strategy DHSS (1) 1991-1995: (2) 1995-2000: (3) 2000-2003.

• ‘Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Children’s Homes and Hostels’ (aka the Hughes Report), 1986, HMSO. • ‘Report of the Care of Children Committee’ (aka The Curtis Report), 1946, Command 6922, HMSO.

• ‘Report of the Committee on Children and Young People’ (aka The Ingleby Report), 1960, Command 1191, HMSO.

• ‘Report of the Younghusband Committee,’ 1959.

• ‘Review of the Criminal Justice System’, 2000, HMSO.

• Rowe, J. ‘Parents, Children and Adoption’, 1966, Routlege & Kegan Paul, London.

• Rowe, J. and Lambert, L. ‘Children who Wait’, 1973, BAAF.

• Rowe, J. et al, ‘The Influence of Section 29’, 1981, Adoption and Fostering.

• Sebba, J. & Sachdev, D. ‘What Works in Inclusive Education?’ 1997, Barnardos.

• Select Committee Report on Protection of Infants 1971.

• Shearer, A. ‘Handicapped Children in Residential Care - A Study of Policy Failure’, 1980, Bedford Square Press, London.

• Social Work Advisory Group, ‘Families Caring for Handicapped Children in Northern Ireland. Lessons from the Family Fund’, 1976, DHSS.

• The Home Office, ‘Report on the Circumstances which led to the boarding out of Denis and Terence O’Neill at Bank Farm’ (aka The Monckton Report), 1945.

• The NI Child Care Strategy (TEA) 1999.

• ‘The Protection and Welfare of the Young and the Treatment of Offenders’, 1946, Government White Paper, HMSO.

• ‘The Report of the Committee on the Protection and Welfare of the Young and the Treatment of Young Offenders’ (aka The Lynn Committee Report), 1938, Command 187, HMSO.

• ‘The Report of the Vice-Regal Commission on Poor Law Reform in Ireland’, 1906, Command 3202, HMSO.

• ‘The Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Distress Report (Ireland)’, 1909, Command 4630, HMSO.

• ‘The Residential Task in Child Care: the Report of a Study Group meeting at Castle Priory College’, 1969, RCA.

• The Seebohm Report 1968 - The Report of the Committee on Local Authority and Allied Personal Social Services. • Titterington, M. ‘New Rights for Children with Special Educational Needs. A Northern Ireland Guide’, 1999, Disability Action.

• Tresiliotis, J. Shireman, J. and Humbleby, M. ‘Adoption Theory,Policy and Practice’, 1997, Cassell.

• Warner Committee, ‘Choosing with Care: The Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Selection, Development and Management of Staff in Children’s Homes’, 1992, HMSO.

• Waterhouse Tribunal, ‘Report of the Tribunal of Enquiry into the abuse of children in care in the former County Council areas of Gwynedd and Clwyd since 1974: Lost in Care’, 2000, HMSO.

• Williams Committee, ‘Caring for People: staffing Residential Homes - the report of the Committee’, 1967, National Council for Social Services.

• Wilson, Kerr and Boyle. ‘Juvenile Offenders and Reconviction in NI’, NIO.

• Women’s Group on Public Welfare, ‘The Neglected Child and His Family’, 1946.

• Younghusband, E. ‘Social Work in Britain’ 1950-1957.

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