TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting Release Notes 7.X June 17, 2016 TABLE of CONTENTS

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TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting Release Notes 7.X June 17, 2016 TABLE of CONTENTS

TRAVELTRAX Web Reporting Release Notes 7.x June 17, 2016


V7.1.34...... 3 V7.1.33...... 4 V7.1.32...... 5 V7.1.31...... 6 V7.1.30...... 8 V7.1.29...... 8 V7.1.28...... 9 V7.1.27...... 9 V7.1.26...... 9 V7.1.25...... 10 V7.1.24...... 12 V7.1.23...... 13 V7.1.22...... 14 V7.1.21...... 14 V7.1.20...... 15 V7.1.19...... 16 V7.1.18...... 18 V7.1.17...... 20 V7.1.16...... 22 v7.1.15...... 22 v7.1.14...... 24 v7.1.13...... 26 v7.1.12...... 28 v7.1.11...... 29 v7.1.9...... 30 v7.1.8...... 31 v7.1.7...... 31 v7.1.6...... 34 v7.1.5...... 35 v7.1.4...... 37 v7.1.3...... 38 v7.1.2...... 38 v7.1.1...... 39 v7.1...... 40 V7.0...... 40

Page 2 Public Concur, Inc. September 2016 V7.1.34


TTX899 Fixed The calendar was not showing up in This has been fixed and the prompts section for these reports: calendars will now show up  Airline Compliance Detail on the prompts page.  Hotel Compliance Detail  Expense Analytics  Expense Detail  Expense Quarterly Trending  QA Expense Summary  Expense Summary  Top Expense Spenders

Page 3 Public Concur, Inc. August 2016 V7.1.33

1. Reset/Forgot Password – Users can only reset the password for themselves, not any other user. 2. TLS 1.2 – Upgraded security for the application. 3. Reset Password Link Expired – The password reset link that a client receives is only active for a short while.


TTX-1449 Fixed When a report had a certain table The application code has been referenced in a report only via a corrected to ensure that the global filter or via a profile filter table references are brought in and the report had explicit only when it is used in a report statement to use or ignore the or when the ignore settings are table reference then the report not enabled. was not honoring these settings and bringing in the table reference.

TTX-1783 Fixed When an excel report had more This issue was fixed. than one tab and the report was attempting to combine the data from the tabs into one or more tabs, then some of the rows were not getting linked and represented in the combined tab.

TTX-1897 Fixed When users ran a report that was This issue has been fixed. set to “Use profiles” but to “Ignore Global Filters” and when there were tables common to the profile list and the global filter list, the report didn’t include the tables which were common which caused some of the reports to fail.

TTX-1907 Fixed Clients were having problems This issue has been fixed. running edit reports which they were using to edit the data.

Page 4 Public Concur, Inc. June 2016 V7.1.32


TTX-1449 Fixed When a report had a certain table The application code has been referenced in a report only via a corrected to ensure that the global filter or via a profile filter table references are brought in and the report had explicit only when it is used in a report statement to use or ignore the or when the ignore settings table reference then the report are not enabled. was not honoring these settings and bringing in the table reference.

TTX-1783 Fixed When a excel report had more The matching logic was than one tab and the report was corrected to ensure that all the attempting to combine the data rows and all the linked from the tabs into one or more columns are available in the tabs, then some of the rows were combined tab of the report not getting linked and represented in the combined tab.

Page 5 Public Concur, Inc. May 2016 V7.1.31

This release includes 2 new features.

 2 Factor Authentication for Administrators – This new security measure requires 2 factors of authentication when an admin user attempts to log into the site.

 Delivery of non-compressed files to client sFTP sites and email – If a report uses an exit script, the system should deliver that report in the format that the exit script created instead of a zip file.

2 Factor Authentication The instructions below will show what administrators and users need to do to set this up.

1. A System Admin will access the client’s Meta Layer and Edit Meta Layer. 2. Click the Yes radio button for Level 2 and/or Level 3.  Clients will decide which level to apply this 2 factor authentication to. 3. Save.

4. Users or administrators will then have to go into User Settings and add a cell phone number for the admin user. a) Level 1 User Instructions o Edit – User Settings o Enter Mobile Country Code. o Enter Mobile Phone Number o Save

b) Level 2 & 3 Admin User Instructions – To add mobile number for another admin user o Admin – Meta Layer – name of company o Entity name – Name of user – User Settings o Enter Mobile Country Code. o Enter Mobile Phone Number o Save

Page 6 Public Concur, Inc. 5. Once that is set up and an admin user logs into a Web Reporting site, they will be sent a text (SMS) with the code and then the box below will display.

6. The admin use will enter the code into the box (above) and then Save. They will then be logged into their Web Reporting site.

Delivery of non-compressed files If a report uses an exit script and users want the report to be delivered with the file format from the exit script instead of a zipped file, they need the Zip Enabled user setting to be No before running the report.

Level 1 Users 1. Go to Edit – User Settings. 2. Select the No radio button for Zip Enabled. 3. Save

Level 2 & 3 Admin Users If an admin user is going to change another user’s settings, they will follow the instructions below. 1. Go to Admin – Meta Layer – Name of Company – Entity Name 2. Find the user’s name 3. Edit User Settings. 4. Go to page 2 5. Select the NO radio button for Zip Enabled. 6. Save Page 7 Public Concur, Inc. April 2016 V7.1.30 ID STATE SYNOPSIS NOTES

TTX1496 Fixed A user ran a report using the This issue has been fixed. The calendar to enter the dates system will now use the date format and, even though their date in the user’s settings no matter how format is set in their user the date was entered. settings, the system was entering the wrong date format. TTX1451 Fixed WR End user cannot run The user can use the System Dates reports based on fiscal for the Fiscal year that they created calendars using built in on their site and it should return the calendar options like "Previous correct dates now. Fiscal Month" and "Next Fiscal Month" when the report is run at the beginning or at the end of the fiscal year. TTX- Fixed A user ran a report by passing This issue has been fixed. The 1771 in a date in non-US format system will now use the date format from the date prompts to filter in the user’s settings when the date the report’s data but the is entered into the date prompts system was not recognizing the non-US format


TTX- Fixed Couple of the parameters When a hacker attempts an XSS 1635 exposed on the login page was attack using the parameters vulnerable to hacker’s attempt identified to be at risk, then the to spoof content. system escapes (or changes) the values such that it doesn't get executed on the site. TTX- Fixed We are currently using a version We updated the jquery version. 1553 of jquery that has publicly This should not allow remote known information that could attackers to inject arbitrary web cause security vulnerabilities or script or HTML via crafted tags exposure so that hackers can use these vulnerabilities to hack the web site TTX- Fixed Interactive tasks (manually run We have prioritized interactive 1074 reports) are held up if there are tasks to run before scheduled a large number of scheduled tasks so that the end user doesn't tasks running at the same time. have to wait a long time to get the report he/she runs to be completed.

Page 8 Public Concur, Inc. February 2016 V7.1.28 ID STATE SYNOPSIS NOTES

TTX-1554 Fixed The session id was being passed This session ID is no on the URL longer passed over the URL and they are stored in a secured cookie TTX-1550 Fixed The SFTP Setup Page, System This issue has been fixed Settings Edit Page, New User and autocomplete will no Creation Page allow the sensitive longer be available for information such as passwords these areas for any new and keys to be saved and password entered into this autocompleted by the browser. field.

January 2016 V7.1.27 ID STATE SYNOPSIS NOTES

TTX1548 Fixed The application allows admins to The text will be encoded enter text in user agreement that and will not execute any may execute malicious code. malicious code entered if a user selects the text.

TTX1549 Fixed The application allows level 1 The site will now show an users to access Admin functions error message stating that by forcefully browsing to other the user doesn’t have URLs in the application that they permission to access the are not permitted to perform. page.

December 2015 V7.1.26 ID STATE SYNOPSIS NOTES

TTX1537 Fixed The first letter of each prompt This has been fixed in IE was showing in red instead of and Chrome. The first black. letter will now be in black and, if the prompt is mandatory, there will be a red asterisk.

TTX1493 Fixed Clients were having performance The performance has been issues when running many Flex improved when running reports at one time. many Flex reports at one time.

Page 9 Public Concur, Inc. November 2015 V7.1.25

Feature #1 Purpose New System date called Previous Prior Month was created.

Summary When a user chooses the system date Previous Prior Month, it will run the report for 2 months ago. It will run the report for the begin and the end of the month prior to the previous month.

Technical Details TTX-1392

Client Considerations N/A

Feature #2 Purpose HTML Format for emails – Scheduled Tasks only

Summary Users now have the choice to include HTML formatting to the emails sent for the scheduled tasks.

Technical Details TTX-1109

Client Considerations Users that choose this option need to know HTML to make the email come out the way they want it.

Page 10 Public Concur, Inc. ID STATE SYNOPSIS NOTES

TTX-1458 Salesforce When using IE11, a user was not Full prompt names will Fixed Case # able to see the full prompt filter now display when using 07018035 name when running reports. IE11.

When user set the user date or entity date to Previous 12 When the user selects TTX-800 months, then the system was “Previous 12 Months” as a SF Case # Fixed storing it as 12 months which was system date, the system 06232141 not recognized by the system and now stores it correctly. the reports

Page 11 Public Concur, Inc. October 2015 V7.1.24


TTX 1409 Fixed When a user tried to delete a This has been fixed and report from a scheduled task that users will now be able to had reports from different remove a report with a profiles, he/she saw the error specific profile from a 7043. scheduled task but leave that report on the scheduled task using another profile.

TTX 1077 Fixed When the user entered a date in a This has been fixed. The certain format into a date text report will now show the field, the system was not dates in the correct converting the same into the base format, no matter what format before fetching the data format was entered online. which caused few reports to return incorrect data.

TTX 793 Fixed When 100+ Flex Reports are This has been fixed. running at the same time, the system starts to dramatically slow down. This is causing reports to get queued up for too long which can hold up interactive and scheduled tasks by several hours.

Page 12 Public Concur, Inc. September 2015 V7.1.23

Feature #1 Purpose Scroll bar has been added in the Available reports’ box and the Selected Reports’ box in Scheduled Tasks.

Summary We have added tooltip to show the entire report name when the user hovers over the report name under the Available and the Selected reports’ boxes so that users can see the entire name of the report if necessary.

Technical Details N/A

Client Considerations N/A


TTX1078 Fixed One client scheduled a report and This issue has been fixed. entered the correct information The correct hierarchy will for the hierarchy, but the report now be used. used a different hierarchy instead by duplicating one of the hierarchy levels.

Page 13 Public Concur, Inc. July 2015 V7.1.22 ID STATE SYNOPSIS NOTES

TTX-957 Fixed Scheduled Task could not be This issue has been fixed edited or deleted when its name and now the user can edit had ~ in it. or delete these scheduled tasks TTX-932 Fixed Scheduled Task was not pre- This issue has been fixed populating the output destination and now the system based on the user’s selection prepopulates the output when the task was edited. It was destination when the always defaulting to “Browser and scheduled task is edited. Email” TTX-931 Fixed XLSX data reports were not This issue has been fixed opening up when the data had by filtering the unwanted bad characters in them. characters out of the data before storing it in the report.


TTX-695 Fixed Web Reporting is not able to We are no longer using retrieve the fingerprint to SFTP fingerprint, so this issue servers that are being used and is will no longer happen. failing to deliver the reports the user is trying to run to their SFTP server.

TTX-842 Fixed If a user has a scheduled task for From now on, if a date a report and a date prompt is prompt is added after a added to that report afterwards, scheduled task is created the date prompt defaults to the for a report, the system default/static dates for that will use a system reporting period instead of a calculated date type if one system calculated date that might is defined before match that reporting period. defaulting to the static dates specified for the report. TTX-882 Fixed Users were getting double-zipped The files will no longer be files when reports were sent to double-zipped. their email address.

TTX-906 Fixed Pre-Trip report had data when run The 8th level of roll up interactively, but not when it was prompt which was ignored run from a scheduled task. earlier is now being used. This resolves the issue.

Page 14 Public Concur, Inc. May 2015 V7.1.20

Feature #1 Purpose SFTP Folder location

Summary Administrators can now add a folder location within their SFTP that they want reports to be delivered to.

Technical Details An administrator can add a folder location by going to either the meta layer or entity (see instructions below).

Client Considerations If the administrator sets up the desired location where the files are to be delivered, the reports will go to that location.

If the there is no location entered, the reports will be delivered to the root level on your ftp server account.

**NOTE - Individual FTP servers have specific permissions. If the administrator does enter a location, and it is not present on that server, the TRAVELTRAX system will attempt to create that location. If our system cannot create the location due to permission issues, TRAVELTRAX is not responsible for establishing those settings.

How to set up an SFTP Folder Location

1. Go to Admin – Meta Layers – Meta layer name – (or) entity name – Edit FTP Locations

2. Enter the FTP Name, Server, Port, Remote Path (this is where you’ll enter the folder location), Username and Password.

3. Save.

Page 15 Public Concur, Inc. April 2015 V7.1.19

Feature #1 Purpose Date/time parameters added for Output File Name (SFTP sites)

Summary Users can add date and time parameters to the Output File Name when having reports sent to their SFTP site.

Technical Details TTX754 Each date and time parameter below can be added to the Output File Name. %YEAR% %MONTH% %DAY% %TIME% %YEAR%%MONTH%%DAY%%TIME% %DAY%-%MONTH%-%YEAR%

 They all have to be in capital letters.  You can use each parameter separately in the Output File Name.  You can run together multiple parameters in the Output File Name  You CANNOT use slashes / in between the parameters  You CAN use spaces or dashes in between.  These date and time parameters can also be used in the email subject or the body of the email for a scheduled task.

Client Considerations The parameters below can also be used in the Output File Name  %REPORT_NAME%  %PROFILE_NAME%  %USERNAME%  %META_LAYER_ID%  %OUTPUT_FORMAT%  %TASK_NAME%

Page 16 Public Concur, Inc. Example of parameters that are used in the email subject or the body of the email in a scheduled task.

Page 17 Public Concur, Inc. April 2015 V7.1.18

Feature #1 Purpose Multiple SFTP Servers can now be added to a Web Reporting site. Summary Administrators now have the ability to add multiple SFTP servers to their web reporting site, at both the company/meta level and the entity level, in case they have multiple clients or business units that have different SFTP servers or if they have different organizations within a company that use different SFTP servers.

Users can then choose the SFTP server when they run reports or schedule reports to run at a report level. The user will be prompted to choose a SFTP server if it was missed.

Technical Details TTX235

Client Considerations If there is more than one SFTP Server, users will need to know which to select. The name given to the SFTP server in the web reporting site would be what the user sees.

Feature #2 Purpose Interactive reports will now show the profile name and the report name as the file name.

Summary When users run reports interactively (manually), the file name will now include the profile name and the report name.

Technical Details TTX1039 %profile_name-%report_name%

Client Considerations The profile name will not automatically be added in the design of the report. See the screenshot below.

Page 18 Public Concur, Inc. ID STATE SYNOPSIS NOTES

TTX968 Fixed User was getting an error Fixed message when logging out of a particular client site.

Page 19 Public Concur, Inc. March 2015 V7.1.17

Feature #1 Purpose Ability to select different profiles in one scheduled task.

Summary Users now have the ability to select multiple profiles when creating a scheduled task.

Technical Details Users can view the scheduled task under each profile chosen.

Client Considerations  You need to add the task information before selecting the profile/report or you will receive an error message.

 There is a small lag time after you select the profile and before it displays the reports for that profile. Do not select a report until you’ve seen the screen change.

 All profiles that the user has access to will display even if the profiles are parent/child profiles.

1. When adding reports to a scheduled task, select the profile name first. This will load all the reports that are listed under that profile. 2. Select all the reports you want to run using the selected profile. 3. Select the next profile (if necessary) and it will load the reports for that profile. 4. Select all the reports for that profile. 5. Repeat the process for as many profiles as you need for this scheduled task.

Page 20 Public Concur, Inc. On the page with the prompts and filters, you will be able to see the profile that will be used for each report.


TTX648 Client was trying to create a This issue has been fixed. The SF06024394 Fixed scheduled task that started on start date will no longer change. Feb 2. They were creating it on Jan 30th. The system was changing the start date to March 2nd instead of Feb 2nd.

TTX546 Fixed Client deleted the initial This issue has been fixed. After SF dashboard scheduled task, but the scheduled task has been the dashboard kept displaying. deleted and the user has either reloaded (File – Reload) or logged out and logged back in, they should not see the dashboard anymore.

TTX505 Fixed Client was not able to pull up This issue has been fixed. Users a report from their email that should be able to view their reports was sent from a scheduled from their emails. task because of DB connectivity issues.

TTX31 Fixed Error 8281 – Level 2 and 3 This issue has been fixed. This was users got this error when they happening because the users had a tried to delete a user from scheduled task and the system their website. wouldn’t let them delete the user if they had a scheduled task.

TTX15 Fixed Web Reporting needs a simple If an encryption code is entered way for clients to ensure they into a user’s settings, any report aren't sending PII via SFTP. that is emailed or sent to SFTP (scheduled task or manually run), will automatically be encrypted. Page 21 Public Concur, Inc. February 2015 V7.1.16


TTX500 Fixed User was not able to run reports This issue has been fixed with Xcelsius output manually or and reports with an via a scheduled task. Xcelsius output now run correctly. TTX187 Fixed Web Reporting was not This issue has been recognizing the field length (file resolved. If the field property set up in Desktop length has been changed, Reporting) of a field. Web Reporting will now only show that many characters for that field.

January 2015 v7.1.15

Feature #1 Purpose Session ID stored in secure cookies.

Summary Since users are allowed to log out (or if their Web Reporting session times out) and login back in while they’re still in the same browser session, secure cookies are now used to store the session id so hackers can’t it out and hack the site.

Technical Details PT-83423926

Client Considerations

Feature #2 Purpose Reports that have a flat file output type will now display on the user’s browser.

Summary If a report has an exit script that designates that the file type should be a flat file, the file will now display on the user’s browser with that file type instead of an Excel file type.

Technical Details TTX-257

Client Considerations The user can download the file in their browser and view the results.

Page 22 Public Concur, Inc. Feature #3 Purpose Reports that have a flat file output type will now be sent to email or SFTP (whichever was chosen by the user).

Summary If a report has an exit script that designates that the file type should be a flat file, the file will now be sent to email or SFTP with that file type instead of an Excel file type.

Technical Details TTX-260

Client Considerations The user can download the file that is sent to email or SFTP and view the results.


PT81313066 Fixed Google Chrome users were not This issue has been fixed seeing the calendar icon next to and Chrome users will the End Date in a Scheduled now see the calendar icon Task. for the End Date.

PT76360464 Fixed Name of the logo is different in an The Logo will now have SF41918 XLSM design than in an XLS the same name in all design and this causes the logo to design types. not show up on the XLSM reports

Page 23 Public Concur, Inc. December 2014 v7.1.14

Feature #1 Purpose Longer Scheduled Task Name

Summary The name of a scheduled task can now be up to 50 characters long.

Technical Details PT-81539404

Client Considerations Clients will now be able to create scheduled task names that are up to 50 characters long.

Feature #2 Purpose Month End task type added to scheduled tasks.

Summary Month End task type will run a report(s) at the end of the month no matter what date is at the end of the month (28th, 30th, 31st).

Technical Details PT-79984492

Client Considerations If you choose this task type AND you choose an end date, make sure the end date coincides with the end of the month you choose as the end date. Remember, end date is not mandatory.

Feature #3 Purpose Change Task Name after creation.

Summary Users can now edit/change the task name of a scheduled task.

Technical Details PT-78890872 If you change the task name to a name that already exists, you will receive an error message and you’ll have to change the task name again.

Client Considerations If someone changes the name of a scheduled task at the time that the report(s) are running, it will cause the reports to fail. So, only change the task name when no reports are currently running from that scheduled task.

Page 24 Public Concur, Inc. Feature #4 Purpose Last Login date and time.

Summary The site will now display the last date and time a user logged in at on the landing page.

Technical Details N/A

Client Considerations This is a security feature that will let a user know if someone is logging in with their account.


PT52083899 Fixed If a user entered a date or a prompt This issue has been fixed. SF29846 in the wrong format, the site would After the initial error, users show them an error message. When will be able to enter the they entered the date or prompt in correct date or prompt and the correct format, they received the report will run. another error message, so they had to run the report again from the beginning.

PT81841212 Fixed When a user creates a monthly This issue has been fixed. scheduled task and they scheduled it Now, the scheduled task will for the 31st of a month, the date it ran run on the last date of a was not consistent. month when the 31st is the chosen date in the scheduled task.

PT80589934 Fixed When users selected Current Fiscal This issue has been fixed. Month Year as a system date, the The dates are now correct. dates the report ran for were incorrect.

PT80007458 Fixed When users would edit their dates This issue has been fixed. (user dates or entity dates) and use The Current Year system date the Current Year system date, the will now be applied. system would actually change it to Current Fiscal Year instead of Current Year.

PT71153748 Fixed Default dates were added by the This issue has been fixed. user, but the system entered zeros instead of the dates entered by the user.

Page 25 Public Concur, Inc. November 2014 v7.1.13

Feature #1 Purpose Scheduled Task file name

Summary Users can now change the file name that shows when a report is sent via scheduled task to email or an FTP location.

Technical Details On the page where users enter dates and prompts, they can now enter a different file name for this scheduled task.

Our system sends one report at a time (per email or SFTP file).

Client Considerations You can configure the Scheduled Task file name by using parameters like those in the email's subject. Example - %Report_Name%, %Profile_Name%, etc.

Example: If you have multiple reports in a scheduled task and you want to change the scheduled task file name and you need the name of the report to be part of the file name, then you can configure it using %Report_Name%. This will enter the actual report name in the file as well as any other text you add.

If you leave it blank, it will default to what our system currently addes (Scheduled task name, profile, name, and report name)

Feature #2 Purpose Scheduled Tasks – Can now add an end date and time to a scheduled task

Summary When you add or edit a scheduled task, you’re now able to add an end date and time. This will be the last date and time you want the scheduled task to run.

Technical Details This is not a mandatory field, so you don’t have to select an end date or an end time.

Client Considerations An End Date and an End Time have to be added together. You cannot add one without the other.

Page 26 Public Concur, Inc. v7.1.13 continued


76706834 Fixed Transaction Overview Report Logo was causing the errored for one client. error. It’s been fixed.

80667656 Fixed Client ran report using Previous This issue has been fixed. Fiscal Month YTD and the dates are incorrect when looking at the fiscal dates entered into the Entity.

80669250 Fixed Client ran a report using Previous This issue has been fixed Fiscal Month Previous Year and it and, as long as the fiscal did not run the report for the dates have been entered correct dates. by your administrator, the reports should run for the correct dates.

79689406 Fixed Client ran report using Current This issue has been fixed. Fiscal Year as it was defined in their Entity. The report ran for the wrong dates.

77612164 Fixed Prompt values were not showing This issue has been fixed. correctly on reports.

79912026 Fixed Several emails were never sent The emails were stuck in from Scheduled Tasks. Queue mode. We changed the code and this issue is fixed.

80480902 Fixed Administrators were unable to This has been fixed. delete FTP locations if necessary. Please see the screenshot below to see where this can be done.

Page 27 Public Concur, Inc. October 2014 v7.1.12

Feature #1 Purpose Set FTP Location

Summary Level 2 administrators can now set a secure FTP location for their entity’s users to send reports to.

Technical Details None

Client Considerations They can only set the FTP location for their entity and no other.

Feature #2 Purpose Scheduled Task file name

Summary A system administrator can now exclude the Task name from the File name (zip file name in the email sent to the user).

Technical Details A Concur system administrator has to set this up and it will apply to ALL users on the site.

Client Considerations With this option, the administrator can now exclude the task name from the report’s file name (in the email sent to the user).

If you want this for all your users, someone from your company needs to open a case on the TRAVELTRAX portal and ask that this option be enabled.

Bug Fixes


PT-78586142 FIXED When a user edits a scheduled task This issue has been fixed. that had FTP as the Output Destination, the system automatically switched the Output Destination back to Browser, forcing the user to change it back to FTP (if they noticed it).

PT-78831272 FIXED The FTP Setup page should display This issue has been fixed. the MetaLayerID.

PT-79552356 FIXED Previous Month Previous Year throws This issue has been fixed. report error

Page 28 Public Concur, Inc. September 2014 v7.1.11

Feature #1 Purpose Secure FTP Output Destination

Summary Users now have the option to run reports to an FTP server that is set up by an Administrator to the Web Reporting site (someone from their company would set it up).

Technical Details PT-77050180

Client Considerations You must be a level3 administrator in order to add the FTP information to your site. The FTP information must be set before users can see this option in the Output Destination area when running a report.

Feature #2 Purpose Scheduled Task names cannot contain special characters.

Summary We will no longer accept the following characters in a scheduled task name

/ \ : * ? “ < >

Technical Details This causes a problem when saving to the file system. PT-76965954

Client Considerations Use only underscore _ and dashes – in the scheduled task name.


PT76452578 Fixed Client is running a report and This issue is fixed. entering CC numbers in a prompt. When they enter too many credit card numbers, the report fails.

PT 78014040 Fixed Using “Previous 12 Month” period This issue is fixed. generate wrong report as the dates are reversed PT 78392218 Fixed Clients are unable to save Fiscal This issue is fixed. Calendars at Entity Level PT 78413568 Fixed Admin users are unable to save Fiscal This issue is fixed. Calendars at Meta Level

Page 29 Public Concur, Inc. July 2014 v7.1.9 Feature #1 Purpose Give each company the ability to create their own fiscal calendar.

Summary The company’s site administrator is now able to create a fiscal calendar. Users will then be able to run reports against their fiscal year if that prompt is included in the report.

Technical Details N/A

Client Considerations See instructions below to see how your site administrator can set up the fiscal calendar and how the user can run reports using the fiscal calendar.

Feature #2 Purpose Scheduled Task Email Subject

Summary The name of the scheduled task will now be included in the subject line of the email (see screenshot below).

Technical Details N/A

Client Considerations N/A

Feature #3 Purpose Forgotten Password (Reset)

Summary Users will now be able to click on a “Forgot Password?” link to reset their own password.

Technical Details N/A

Client Considerations See instructions below on how to reset your own password.

Bug Fixes


ID-75902632 Fixed The format for the date field in The format will default to SF-40138 adhoc reports were coming out mm/dd/yyyy for adhoc in an unreadable format. reporting.

Page 30 Public Concur, Inc. June 2014 v7.1.8


SF- Fixed The SQL is pulling the Car We are now importing the 00020622 ReferenceNum from the reference number from ReservationNum column in the AcquirerReferenceData field. VehicleRentalDetailAddendum_5040 table. PT- Fixed Client prompt request on Prompt has been added and 65660220 CCHDR016 field. decrypted. SF- 29846

May 2014 v7.1.7

Feature #1 Purpose Users can reset their own password if they’ve forgotten it.

Summary A link has been added so users can reset their password if they’ve forgotten it. They’ll click that link, enter their email address, and then click the link in the email and that will take them to the page where they can create a new password.

Technical Details PT- 68538322

Client See steps to reset forgotten password below: Considerations

Page 31 Public Concur, Inc. Feature #2 Purpose The person that creates a scheduled task can opt out of receiving emails from scheduled tasks.

Summary Users will be able to opt out of receiving emails from all scheduled tasks. If they need to receive emails for specific scheduled tasks they can add their own email address to the scheduled task (see instructions below).

Technical Details PT-68183390

Client Considerations The opt out option is on the second page of your user settings. It will opt out of sending emails from any scheduled task you create.

 See instructions below on how to opt out.  See instructions below on how to have emails sent to you on specific scheduled tasks after you’ve opted out.

Feature #3 Purpose Allow the user to leave a prompt value blank if it’s a numeric value.

Summary Prompts on a numeric field were automatically required even though the prompt wasn’t built that way.

Technical Details PT-67208350

Client Considerations

Page 32 Public Concur, Inc. v7.1.7 continued


PT68194682 Fixed Users received the following error: Issue was fixed. General Error in Thread; Error 8181; Section #; Message Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. Collection was modified error from Section Builder

PT68191724 Fixed Users received the following error: Issue was fixed. General Error in Thread; Error 8181; Section #; Message Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. Collection was modified error generated from "FromGenerator.cs"

PT69656414 Fixed Reports with Excel macro designs Reports with Excel Macro were using the same icons as designs (.xlsm) will now adhoc reports so users couldn’t tell show the Excel icon instead the difference between the two of the adhoc reporting design types. icon.

PT69656414 Fixed Standard reports using xlsm and Reports using .xlsm will adhoc reports were showing the now show the Excel icon. same icon.

PT70975502 Fixed When using was changing a user Expanded the field from 1 SF-35955 date to the Prev 12 month’s to 3 characters. system date, they got a 7371 error message stating that * is not a valid integer value.

Page 33 Public Concur, Inc. April 2014 v7.1.6

Feature #1 Purpose Previous Month Previous Year system date added.

Summary A new system date called Previous Month Previous Year has been added to Web Reporting site.

Technical Details

Client Considerations This system date should be used when you want the beginning of the previous month from last year to the end of the month of this year.

Example: Today is 4/9/2014. If you use this system date today, you would get 3/1/2013 – 2/28/2014.


PT- Fixed Scheduled tasks are not Scheduled tasks will look 60665210 considering daylight savings time at the start date and the for the next run. next run date to determine daylight savings time and will run the report(s) at the correct time.

Page 34 Public Concur, Inc. March 2014 v7.1.5

Feature #1 Purpose Enhanced Security Summary Enhanced security has been added to the administration of the Web Reporting site.

Functional Details N/A Client Considerations

Feature #2 Purpose A new system date has been added: Previous Month Previous Year. Summary This system date will pull up data from 13 months ago.

Functional Details N/A Client Considerations Example: Today is February 28, 2014. If I added this system date, it would pull up data for: January 1, 2013 – January 31, 2013

ID State Synopsis Notes 56909924 Fixed Duplicate emails sent from scheduled Tasks that executed in the last 5 tasks minutes will not be re-executed. Additionally logic changes were made to ensure that the next scheduled run time is being set properly. 53732661 Fixed This issue has been fixed. If a scheduled task uses a hierarchy SF - 14231 and the hierarchy node used is no longer a part of the client’s hierarchy, then filters are dropped. N/A Fixed Error messages now show “This XLSWriter - too many rows exception report exceeds the 65,000 row handling. Error mssg is not limit for Microsoft Excel please try displaying for the user. Or, if it does running the report with a smaller display, then it does not show the date range or add prompt values to number of rows attempted. filter the report" or

“Too many rows exception: Max num rows allowed has been exceeded 65536 allowed, (insert num rows used) attempted.”

Page 35 Public Concur, Inc. v7.1.5 continued

62754330 Fixed Scheduled Task Error: This was a random error that SF - 27968 Collection was modified; has been fixed. enumeration operation may not execute. 64835484 Fixed Scheduled tasks and This issue was fixed. SF - 30385 interactive tasks not producing same results with default corporate structure. 65122116 Fixed A scheduled task failed due to This issue was fixed. SF - 30295 unexpected response from db. 63648340 Fixed Frame-busting issue. This issue was fixed. PT66954222 Fixed CC Decryption only decrypted All credit card numbers are now SF-32077 first CC Number in a result decrypting. set

Page 36 Public Concur, Inc. February 2014 v7.1.4

Bug Fixes only in this release

ID State Synopsis Notes 56909924 Fixed Duplicate emails sent from Tasks that executed in the scheduled tasks. last 5 minutes will not be re-executed.

53732661 Fixed This issue has been fixed. If a scheduled task uses a SF - 14231 hierarchy and the hierarchy node used is no longer a part of the client’s hierarchy, then filters are dropped. N/A Fixed Error messages now show XLSWriter - too many rows “This report exceeds the exception handling. Error mssg is 65,000 row limit for not displaying for the user. Or, if Microsoft Excel please try it does display, then it does not running the report with a show the number of rows smaller date range or add attempted. prompt values to filter the report" or

“Too many rows exception: Max num rows allowed has been exceeded 65536 allowed, (insert num rows used) attempted.” 62754330 Fixed Scheduled Task Error: This was a random error SF - 27968 Collection was modified; that has been fixed. enumeration operation may not execute. PT6483548 Fixed Scheduled tasks and interactive This issue was fixed. 4 tasks not producing same results SF30385 with default corporate structure.

PT6512211 Fixed A scheduled task failed due to This issue was fixed. 6 unexpected response from db. SF30295 PT6364834 Fixed Frame-busting issue. This issue was fixed. 0

Page 37 Public Concur, Inc. February 2014 v7.1.3

Bug Fixes only in this release

ID State Synopsis Notes Issue was corrected. SF23388 The System Date called Previous 12 The site now pulls up Fixed PT61522378 months pulled up incorrect dates. the previous 12 months only. In-list picklist selection window is too small. The picklist window is Pick lists on the web defaults to showing now larger to Fixed only 4 values at a time even though the accommodate a longer window is generally significantly large. list.

Excel stops responding and then WR reports Error Code 5000: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” This issue has been Fixed Excel seems to stop responding completely fixed. with load and then after it times out, it reports an error.

January 2014 v7.1.2 Bug Fixes only in this release

ID State Synopsis Notes SF23388 Fixed The System Date called Previous 12 Issue was corrected. PT6152237 months pulled up incorrect dates. The site now pulls up 8 the previous 12 months only. PT6253119 Fixed Reports failed showing the following error Issue was corrected. 2 message, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” SF1431 Fixed The user will receive no When a hierarchy changes or is deleted and PT5373266 data for the scheduled a scheduled task is set up using that 1 task that uses the changed/deleted hierarchy, the filters are changed/ deleted dropped. This meant that the report would hierarchy. They will deliver more results than requested. need to update the scheduled task before it’s schedule to run again so they’ll receive data.

Page 38 Public Concur, Inc. December 2013 v7.1.1

Feature #1 Purpose Encryption built into TVL3005.dll. Summary Credit Card encryption was built into the TVL3005 DLL. Functional Details Client Considerations Credit card numbers will be encrypted in reports.

Feature #2 Purpose Allow reports to calculate Refund / Exchange / Void totals Summary If a ticket has been exchanged, refunded, or voided since the last run time, it will show in the new data.

Functional Details Look for exchanges, refunds, and voids since last run time (where invoiceDetail.ExchangeInd (RefundInd, VoidInd) = 'Y' and bookingDate > last run time). Client Considerations If a ticket has changed status from one run to the next, the new status will display in reports and be counted under the new statuses.

Bug Fixes . ID State Synopsis Notes 55255648 Fixed Excel Design reports need to have We are now clearing all sect sheets and RptHdng sheet data prior to printing an cleared of any data prior to Excel design. inserting the new data into the report. We will only clear data from Sect sheets and RptHdng.

60121470 Fixed List of prompt values seems to Fixed cause Excel report to fail

Page 39 Public Concur, Inc. November 2013 v7.1

Feature #1 Purpose CC Encryption

Summary Credit card numbers will now be encrypted.

Functional Details Each client will be converted to encryption at different times. When you are converted, we will encrypt the data you’ve already imported.

After that, your credit card data will be encrypted when it is imported.

Client Considerations All current, future, and historical credit card data will be encrypted in your TRAVELTRAX database so all of your credit card data will be secure.

Feature #2 Purpose Multi section report handling

Summary All sections within a report will now start simultaneously.

Functional Details We are now using a different thread pulling mechanism that allows us to start all sections of a report at the same time.

Client Considerations This feature enhancement allows faster response times for reports with multiple sections and will reduce or eliminate system errors due to this issue.

June 2013 V7.0

New Features  Excel design – Supports Excel 2007 and 2010 format that supports 1,000,000 (1 million) rows.  Time outs have been improved  Improved error handling with more detailed information.  Improved handling of PDF/Paradox – Reduces the likelihood of BDE locking.

Bug Fixes No bug fixes for this release.

Page 40 Public Concur, Inc.

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