Adult Drug Treatment Plan 2006/07 Part 3: Planning Grids

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Adult Drug Treatment Plan 2006/07 Part 3: Planning Grids

Partnership name:

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

Part 2 Young people’s specialist substance misuse treatment plan 2010/11 Planning grids

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 1/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Planning grid 1: Commissioning and system management

Identification of key priorities following needs assessment relating to commissioning and system management:

Improve data collection of young people in treatment including ethnicity, referral routes, CAMHS and schools data and particular vulnerable groups with an increased focus on Children and Young people in Care.

Review the quality of drug education in school and non school settings with particular reference to cannabis, alcohol and solvents taking into account NICE guidance.

Review substance related NICE guidance relating to clinical governance and young people in terms of ownership and protocols.

Further develop work with families affected by substance use and develop stronger strategic links between parenting and substance use agendas.

Objective 1: Improve data collection of young people in treatment including ethnicity, referral routes, CAMHS data and particular vulnerable groups with an increased focus on Children and Young people in Care.

Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Ensure SUST recording fields for Children and Young People in Care is integrated into Sept 2010 YZUP Practice Framework I and data is able to be captured and tracked Manager Ensure all Yzup team members are fully trained and compliant with data input June 2010 YZUP Practice Manager Ensure datasets on new case management system are compliant with NSTMS core dataset Sept 2010 YZUP Practice

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 2/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 and can be easily accessed and translated across Manager Compliance in complying with core dataset entry built into quarterly contract monitoring Oct 2010 13-19 meetings as part of Quality Assurance Commissioning Manager Begin negotiation with CAMHS and Primary Mental Health Team for development of core April 2010 13-19 dataset collection and ongoing monitoring in partnership with CAMHS Commissioner. Commissioning Manager Work with CAHMS to monitor referrals and joint working between substance misuse services April 2010 YZUP Practice and CAMHS. Manager Begin to implement Data Development plan with key partners to facilitate quarterly update of April 2010 13-19 current Needs Assessment Commissioning Manager

Expected outcomes: Children in Care data is able to accessed and extracted from Framework I for the purposes of monitoring and performance management.

Yzup Team members are inputting and managing data input for client caseload and are compliant with core datatset entry, monitored via supervision.

To evidence a reduction in relation to unmet need amongst young people presenting to Primary Mental Health Services and CAMHS with substance misuse issues.

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 3/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Objective 2: Review the quality of drug education in school and non school settings with particular reference to cannabis, alcohol and solvents taking into account NICE guidance Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Re-audit all school and college delivery of early intervention/prevention work and estimated July 2010 Research and levels of need by gaining endorsement of Schools gate-keeping group and collate data to be Information analysed Officer, CSF Directorate Review all School and College Drug Policies particularly in relation to legal highs July 2010 YZUP Practice Manager Set up task group to review findings of audit and develop plan to address early intervention Sept 2010 YZUP Practice and preventative work particularly in relation to cannabis and alcohol in line with the revised Manager Drug Guidance for Schools. Develop better support for schools around alcohol in line with NICE guidelines to include Sept 2010 YZUP Practice expanding support for parents. Manager Develop multi-agency approaches to delivery in partnership with locality teams, in particular, Sept 2010 YZUP Practice Targeted Youth Support and Pupil Referral Units Manager Facilitate an audit of Drug and Alcohol policies and delivery of informal education regarding Sept 2010 Youth Workforce Drugs and Alcohol with statutory and voluntary sector providers of Youth Work Development Manager

Expected outcomes:

75% participation in completion of audit, information to be fed back to Young persons Needs Assessment Group and task group in order to inform planning processes.

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 4/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Multi agency risk taking behaviour pilots completed, evaluation completed and model for multi agency work rolled out through Targeted Youth Support change teams.

Objective 3: Review substance related NICE guidance relating to clinical governance and young people Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Review current clinical governance arrangements and strengthen supervision models through April 2010 YZUP Practice case management and clinical supervision arrangements for the YZUP Team Manager Review effectiveness of safeguarding policies and confidentiality policies within the YZUP April 2010 YZUP Practice service in line with recommendations from Serious Case Review and Corporate Safeguarding Manager Policy Implement new strategy for training around safeguarding through integrated workforce June 2010 Youth Workforce development plans Development Manager Primary Care Trust, Children Trust and Voluntary Sector Organisations work together to Quarterly 13-19 ensure that all organisations can benefit from Clinical Governance Arrangements: Commissioning - Hidden Harm Strategy Manager - Multi-Agency Training - Adult and Young People Substance Misuse commissioners work together on Clinical Governance Arrangements Reporting to Primary Care Trust through Clinical Governance and Children Trust through Young People’s Substance Misuse Commissioning Group Update current Prescribing Policy to make clear requirements for Young People June 2010 DAAT Clinical Governance Lead

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 5/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Annual audit of Case files and clinical guidance in practice Dec 2010 YZUP Practice Manager and DAAT Clinical Governance Lead Ratify overall responsibility for overseeing Clinical Audit of Young People’s Services April 2010 PCT Accountable Officer Identify lead responsibility for Information Governance, appropriate recording and data May 2010 Young Persons protection Substance Misuse Commissioning Group

Expected outcomes: All providers are compliant in case management and clinical supervision procedures.

All Yzup workers (internal CC employees and commissioned providers) are working to Southwest Area Child Protection Procedures and are following internal procedures and protocols in regard to information sharing and recording.

Demonstration of effectiveness and safety of treatment through robust governance arrangements

Objective 4: Further develop work with families affected by substance use and develop stronger strategic links between parenting and substance use agendas Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Joint work with Commissioner for Adult Substance Misuse Services to identify where there is Sept 2010 13-19 a need for family work and ensure adults services record where clients have children and Commissioning needs are identified and supported by CAF/referral where appropriate Manager

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 6/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Ensure learning from Hidden Harm project work and Young Carers pathfinder project inform Oct 2010 YZUP Practice the development of family work across the county Manager Ensure learning from needs assessment and project evaluations is shared with the Parenting Oct 2010 13-19 Strategy Group and Young Persons Substance Misuse Commissioning Group and ensure Commissioning appropriate representation on each group to allow strategic links to be maintained Manager

Expected outcomes:

An enhanced understanding across all providers of parenting services of issues relating to substance misuse, services available and referral routes into specialist services

Increased awareness and ability to deliver effective interventions across Children’s Social Care through training provided on Hidden Harm practice evident through training evaluation and referral profiles to services

Development of sustainability model to underpin family work which gains sign up from Children and Adult services and service providers to ensure consistent practice and a commissioning plan to meet the needs identified

Evidence through CAF Integrated Working Metrics report of increased initiations through Substance Misuse Services

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 7/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Planning grid 2: Access to treatment

Identification of key priorities following needs assessment relating to access and engagement with young people’s specialist substance misuse treatment services:

Increase engagement of all vulnerable groups with particular focus on young offenders, Children and Young People in Care, Young People Leaving Care and Homeless Young People.

Improve access to specialist Services for vulnerable children and young people including young offenders, CIC, truants/excludes, children of substance misusing parents and homeless/vulnerably housed young people.

Develop better outcomes measures for access to and engagement in treatment.

Further develop the role of the service user group in service development with particular relevance to early intervention and preventative work.

Equal access to specialised substance use treatment services for all young people regardless of gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity, geographical location, disability or substance of choice

Objective 1: Increase engagement of all vulnerable groups with particular focus on young offenders, Children and Young People in Care, Young People Leaving Care and Homeless Young People Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Develop working practices and protocols with identified YOS workers within the YZUP team to June 2010 YZUP Practice increase number of referrals into the service, to include tracking of tier 2 work in relation to Manager

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 8/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 early intervention and preventative work. Provide monthly consultation for all Local Authority Residential Centres through attendance at Sept 2010 YZUP Practice team meeting to ensure SUST is carried out with all young people and provide a rapid Manager response to escalation of substance use among residents. Provide monthly consultation for CIC team meetings to promote the use of SUST and ensure Sept 2010 YZUP Practice early intervention. Manager Deliver targeted preventative work with identified groups of Children and Young People in Oct 2010 Multi-agency Team Care. Ensure a minimum of 20% of referrals to specialist service are from key services for Oct 2010 YZUP Practice vulnerable groups Manager Develop working practices and protocols with Statutory and Voluntary Housing providers Oct 2010 YZUP Practice regarding young people with substance misuse issues who are homeless Manager

Expected outcomes:

All young people in Local Authority residential care are offered SUST and this information is clearly recorded and accessible.

Increase in the number of Young People who access the service at an earlier stage from key target groups i.e. Children in Care, Care Leavers and Young People who Offend.

Children in Care team managers and Leaving Care Team leaders are fully informed of recording processes and procedures in regards to SUST and this is monitored through supervision.

Housing needs of vulnerable young people who have substance misuse issues are met appropriately and more effectively through co-ordinated multi-agency care packages

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 9/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Objective 2: Improve access to specialist Services for 5 vulnerable Groups children and young people including young offenders, CIC, truants/excludees, children of substance misusing parents and homeless/vulnerably housed young people Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Ensure all young people referred into the service and that those with identified needs receive Ongoing YZUP Practice an assessment within 5 working and begin treatment within ten working days. Manager Analyse data received from first year of Hidden harm Pilot and produce a clear report with April 2010 Hidden Harm recommendations in relation to progress for year 2 which identifies unmet need in relation to worker/13-19 delivery of work directly with children of substance using parents. Commissioning Manager Develop work plan to directly deliver early intervention and targeted work with 5 key July 2010 YZUP Practice vulnerable groups and develop outcomes framework to measure impact Manager Develop training plan for delivery of SUST training for year 2010/2011 in line with April 2010 Youth Workforce recommendations from SUST audit. Development Manager

Expected outcomes:

Performance management target of 100% of assessments take place within 5 working days is consistently maintained and monitored through provider meetings.

Year 2 of Hidden Harm Pilot is structured with clear targets and outcomes and evidenced through findings from Yr 1. A clear plan to develop work in areas of unmet need or to provide relevant data and knowledge to evidence unmet need in order to strengthen and develop joint working processes.

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 10/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Objective 3: Develop better outcomes measures for access to and engagement in structured treatment Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Investigate piloting of an outcomes framework to track client progress across ECM Outcomes Dec 2010 YZUP Practice Manager Implement new care plans which enable care planning processes across the 5 ECM Dec 2010 YZUP Practice outcomes. This will ensure that care planning in the widest holistic sense will address a wide Manager range of issues with clear evidenced outcomes. Continue to review contract monitoring arrangements to improve quality of service and quality Quarterly 13-19 of recording by providers. Continue to monitor agreed outcomes and output of all provider meetings Commissioning services. Manager Continue to monitor performance of all providers in respect of NTA targets Ongoing 13-19 Commissioning Manager

Expected outcomes: New care planning processes for all young people are consistently implemented across all commissioned providers.

Care planning provides a clearer framework for identifying and meeting needs of young people in the widest possible sense and can demonstrate achievement of clear and agreed outcomes.

Through the implementation of new care planning processes improvements for young people are able to be clearly evidenced.

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 11/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Objective 4: Further develop the role of the service user group in service development with particular relevance to early intervention and preventative work Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Develop and implement Children and Young People’s Involvement and Participation action plan for July 2010 Substance Misuse the YZUP Service and ensure this is fed into the work-strand for Strategic Priority 1 of the Children Participation and Young Peoples Plan. To include research into other partnership areas where participation work is Worker/ Youth clearly integrated in to planning processes. Cornwall Participation Worker Further explore YZUP Service User Forum representing children and young people regardless of age, July 2010 Substance Misuse gender, ethnicity, sexuality, geographical location, disability or substance of choice. Participation Worker/ YZUP Practice Manager Explore further opportunities for Service User Forum to participate in planning work around service July 2010 Substance Misuse delivery of early intervention and preventative work. Participation Worker/ YZUP Practice Manager

Expected outcomes: Children and Young Peoples Involvement and Participation action plan is completed and integrated into wider strategic planning processes for participation work.

Increase user involvement across the whole client group.

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 12/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Integrate Yzup service user group into the wider structure of Children’s Trusts participation groups and activities and actively seek participation and involvement form a diverse range of young people.

Objective 5: Equal access to specialised substance use treatment services for all young people regardless of gender, age , sexuality, ethnicity, geographical location, disability or substance of choice Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Ensure all young people referred into treatment have a comprehensive assessment for meets their April 2010 YZUP Practice individual needs within five working days of referral. Manager Young person’s Specialist Service to conduct equality impact assessment and produce equality and July 2010 Young Person’s diversity action plan with progress performance managed through service review and evidenced within Substance annual report. Misuse Commissioning Group Ensure a maximum of 80% of schools are advertising the YZUP Service and ensure formalised July 2010 YZUP referral pathways are clearly understood and that the service is actively promoted Administrator Review and revise if necessary referral pathways and protocols from all partner agencies including, May 2010 YZUP Practice Health, Social care, Targeted Youth Support , Connexions and all Accident and Emergency Manager Departments and Minor Injuries Units.

Expected outcomes: More effective partnership working between Yzup service and all referring agencies to ensure access to service for the widest range of young people.

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 13/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Evidence of an increase in the use of the CAF process through the Integrated Working Metrics Quarterly Reports

Promotion of the service to diverse groups and those with low numbers of young people accessing the service

Planning grid 3: Treatment System Delivery

Identification of key priorities following needs assessment relating delivery of young people’s specialist substance misuse treatment services:

Increase capacity of YZUP Service to allow for a greater level of targeted work to be delivered by more effective management of transitions and restructuring the delivery of treatment in line with NICE/recommended good practice guidelines. Re-commission services to allow for more care planned short term structured psychosocial interventions.

Implement changes to the delivery of work within YOS in line with new YRO and provide closer liaison and a more integrated approach to work with young offenders.

Formalise joint working, information sharing and mentoring between young persons specialised substance use services and universal/targeted services including those providing wraparound support for young people and families i.e. CAF

Further develop the family intervention model within the YZUP Service

Objective 1: Increase capacity of YZUP Service to allow for a greater level of targeted work to be delivered by more effective management of transitions and restructuring the delivery of treatment in line with NICE/recommended good practice guidelines. Re-commission services to allow for more care planned short term structured psychosocial interventions. Delivery Plan:

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 14/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Actions and milestones By when By whom Ensure consistent use of Transitions Protocol and transference of learning regarding barriers April 2010 YZUP Practice to accessing Adult Substance Misuse Services is shared with DAAT Adult Services Manager/13-19 Commissioner Commissioning Manager Commissioning Activity to support service redesign to increase capacity and deliver short, June 2010 Young Persons structured psychosocial interventions in line with NICE Guidelines, identified budget and Substance Misuse service delivery priorities for 2010/11. Implemented through contract specifications and Commissioning performance management frameworks developed in line with NICE Guidelines and good Group/13-19 practice models. Commissioning Manager Ensure effective contract monitoring and performance management through regular contract Quarterly 13-19 review meetings and joint operational management meetings between providers and YZUP Commissioning Manager/YZUP Practice Manager Commissioning group to develop a long term Commissioning Strategy based on key themes Ongoing Young People’s from Needs Assessment and Treatment Plan. Ensure that Children’s Trust ownership of this Substance is embedded in refresh of Children and Young People’s Plan Priorities and shared with Misuse Locality managers to inform the planning and delivery of Children’s Services in its broadest sense. Commissioning Group/13-19 Commissioning Manager

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 15/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Expected outcomes: More effective transition of young people from Young People’s to Adult Substance Misuse Services based on high quality care planning

More flexibility in Adult Treatment services to accommodate the needs of 18-24 year olds who may need a more bespoke approach in order to meet their treatment needs

More effective treatment outcomes for young people and increased capacity for service delivery through high quality care planning, focused and time-limited interventions delivered in line with NICE Clinical Guidelines

Increased referrals on treatment exit into wider Childrens Services

Clear ownership of Treatment plan by Children’s Trust Board to inform wider service planning and delivery activities to increase effective and integrated service delivery for this client group

Objective 2: Implement changes to the delivery of work within YOS in line with new YRO and provide closer liaison and a more integrated approach to work with young offenders Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Realign casework to ensure a dedicated resource for YOS team, East and West, to improve June 2010 YZUP Practice data collection, deliver pre-sentence assessments, pre and post court assessments and Manager interventions and support for YOS workers to deliver effective early intervention/prevention work with client group Effective monitoring of improvements and performance against SLA with the YOS for service Ongoing 13-19 delivery to ensure it is meeting identified need and improving outcomes for young people Commissioning Manager/ YZUP Practice Manager

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 16/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Expected outcomes: Increase in the number of YOS referrals into the Yzup service.

More effective partnership working between YOS and Yzup, through dedicated casework and assessments as well as attendance at YOS Team meetings, delivery of training regarding substance misuse to YOS staff and greater access to support and advice from nominated workers.

Earlier identification of young people with substance use issues and better understanding of Tier 1 and 2 work delivered within the YOS.

Objective 3: Formalise joint working, information sharing and mentoring between young persons specialised substance use services and universal/targeted services including those providing wraparound support for young people and families i.e. CAF Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Ensure all YZUP staff are CAF trained and those trained over 1yr ago need to refresh Sept 2010 Youth Workforce training. Implement CAF screening process into allocation process of all new referrals. Development Manager Yzup Service Implement Pre-CAF screening protocol into YZUP service for all referrals received into Sept 2010 YZUP Practice service. Manager Develop protocol with housing providers for all young people presenting to housing with Oct 2010 YZUP Practice substance misuse issues Manager Expected outcomes: All Referrals will be screened for appropriateness of CAF Process in order that all service users are given the opportunity to engage in the CAF process if appropriate.

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 17/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Joint protocol agreed between Yzup Service and Housing providers to enable a higher number of clients to access appropriate supported housing and for those accepted ongoing support is offered to enable tenancies to be sustained.

Yzup Staff will sit on housing selection panels

Supported Housing providers will provide input into Young Persons Needs Assessment Expert Groups.

Objective 4: Further develop the family intervention model within the YZUP Service Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Implement screening protocol into Yzup case files to ensure all young people are offered Aug 2010 YZUP Practice family work at point of assessment in treatment. Manager Monitor the number of referrals made to Think Family Young Carer Pilot who are offered an Ongoing YZUP Practice intervention and numbers engaging with intervention Manager Ensure learning from YAP Family Work and Think Family Pilot forms part of wider county July 2010 13-19 Parenting Strategy, Action Plan and Commissioning Strategy Commissioning Manager Expected outcomes: More effective referrals into wider Children’s and Adult Services matched to family need

The Think Family Steering Group will provide a quarterly report to the Young Persons Joint Commissioning Group regarding referrals received, interventions offered and engaged with and outcomes of those interventions

Profile of family work raised with Children’s Trust Board and reflected in priorities of refreshed Children and Young People’s Plan.

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 18/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Based on mapping of gaps created by ceasing of YAP work, learning from YAP and Think Family, develop a sustainable funding strategy to meet identified needs where wider service provision is inaccessible or ineffective with this client group.

More referrals to and engagement with wider Parenting support available in the County.

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 19/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Planning grid 4: Leaving specialist treatment

Identification of key priorities following needs assessment relating to young people leaving specialist substance misuse treatment services:

Review and analysis findings from needs assessment of young people exiting and re-entering treatment services

Continue to monitor numbers of young people leaving specialist treatment in an agreed and planned way

Increase the numbers of young people being discharged from specialist service into wider children’s services

Continue to review the use of the transitions protocol for young people aged 17 and over

Objective 1: Review and analysis findings from needs assessment of young people exiting and re-entering treatment service Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Review through YZUP caseloads and NDTMS data numbers of young people entering treatment on Ongoing YZUP Practice more than one occasion in a six month period. Manager Track and monitor through case management supervision care planned endings for all service users Ongoing YZUP Practice Manager

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 20/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Expected outcomes Develop a profile of movement of young people into and out of treatment and those presenting for multiple episodes in six month period to gain an understanding of reasons for disengagement from treatment.

Objective 2: Continue to monitor numbers of young people leaving specialist treatment in an agreed and planned way Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Monitor through data analysis on a quarterly basis number of planned endings and status of Ongoing YZUP Practice young person leaving treatment Manager/ Young Peoples Substance Misuse Commissioning Group Monitor through case management supervision treatment endings against care planned Ongoing YZUP Practice interventions with outcomes measure. Manager

Expected outcomes: Develop a profile of referral pathways on exit from planned treatment endings to gain a greater understanding of pathways on leaving treatment.

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 21/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Objective 3: Increase the numbers of young people being discharged from specialist service into wider children’s services Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Develop protocols for care planned referrals at point of discharge into wider children’s Sept 2010 YZUP Practice services. Develop partnership working relationships within team to ensure referrals into Manager locality teams for all young people who may require further intervention. Develop strong links with Additional Services Locality Teams including Targeted Youth June 2010 Senior Localities Support workers within locality teams to enable young people to have access to a wide range Manager of services at point of discharge Discharge care plan to include future plans to improving outcomes against outcomes Dec 2010 YZUP Practice framework involving accessing wider universal and targeted services, related to embedding Manager the use of CAF. Mapping of this data against outcomes framework and pathways.

Expected outcomes:

Ensure that planned treatment endings include an assessment of need prior to exit to ensure relevant referrals are made into wider Children’s Services.

Objective 4: Continue to review the use of the transitions protocol for young people aged 17 and over Delivery Plan:

Actions and milestones By when By whom Through case management supervision ensure all young people aged 17.5 are able to Ongoing YZUP Practice participate in the development of a transitional care plan that meets their identified needs Manager

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 22/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09 Monitor all referrals into service for young people aged 18+ against transitions protocol and Ongoing YZUP Practice ensure that those young people who are able to access adult services are enabled to. Manager Monitor the use of the protocol and the progress of all young people who make the transition Ongoing Young People’s to adult services. Substance Misuse Commissioning Group/ DAAT Adult Services Commissioning Manager

Expected outcomes: Ensure that all young people who are appropriate for transition into adult treatment are supported through this process by the Yzup service in line with the protocol.

Gain a greater understanding of the gaps within adult treatment provision to provide a deeper understanding of the presenting issues for transition from young people’s services into adult services.

Ensure all transitions are care planned appropriately and follow guidelines in the transitions protocol.

YPSSMTP 2010/11– Planning grids Version 3 Name of partnership: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 23/23 Date of submission to NTA: 16.11.09

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