Survey of Database Publisher Compliance to Open URL Standard Z39 s1
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Memorandum To CAUL Dataset Coordinators cc
Date 30 October 2006
File Reference: Subject Report from Open URL Survey
The information contained in this document is the best available to our knowledge at the time. Please contact the CAUL office [email protected] if any changes are required.
At the 2005 Dataset Coordinators Meeting it was suggested CEIRC conduct a survey of dataset coordinators to identify database publishers (and in particular Australian publishers) with database services that either do not comply or only partially comply with Open URL Standard. With over 50% of member institutions now engaged in providing Open URL Services, this is an important issue for members. CEIRC agreed to the proposal and the report follows.
It was agreed CEIRC would consider the survey results to form a basis for future correspondence to publishers. A draft letter template for such correspondence is presented as Appendix 1 – Draft letter template. CEIRC agreed this letter would be sent firstly to relevant Australian publishers, and then to international publishers with which CAUL has an agreement.
A survey instrument (Appendix 2) was distributed to Dataset Coordinators via email on 29 March 2005.
Responses are presented below as Appendix 3 – Survey Responses. This document also lists publisher contact details. The information available on this document was accurate at the time of the survey. Publishers’ improvements to systems since the survey may not be presented in the document.
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance
Page 1 Appendix 1 – Draft letter v.3
I am writing to you on behalf of the CAUL Electronic Information Resources Committee (CEIRC), a committee of the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) about an important issue affecting Australian publishers of electronic journals, databases and other electronic resources.
University libraries have been investing heavily in electronic resources for more than a decade. With our electronic collections becoming large and complex we are implementing new technologies to enhance and simplify client access to these resources. Two technologies currently being implemented by more than 50% of university libraries in Australia are federated searching and open URL resolvers.
Federated searching technologies allows library users to simultaneously search numerous resources across various interface platforms and retrieve a search result set in a common interface, thus providing faster and easier searching. Open URL resolvers allow library users to seamlessly link from an abstract in one resource to the full-text in another resource, regardless of the interface platform on which these resources may reside.
Most international publishers already have their e-journal, database and Web portal products support federated search and open URL resolver services. However, our research indicates that this is not the case for the majority of Australian publishers, including your company. I am bringing this important issue to your attention because the compliance to relevant technical standards is an increasingly important factor that libraries consider when selecting and renewing electronic resources. Resources, which are not open URL compliant, may be used less by our clients and are perceived to be of less value for money than those which are compliant.
A significant body of information about federated searching and open URL resolver technologies is available on the Web. For your information, I have provided some links below to the standard for Open URL and to library management system vendors so that you can see their developments for linking services. You may also have some technical expertise within your own organisation. Unfortunately, the CAUL Office is not able to provide any more information about these technical specifications. We suggest you try:
NISO Standard Z39.88 2004 Endeavor Discovery: Finder ExLibris Innovative Interfaces Inc.
I hope that you find this information useful. I would appreciate receiving a response regarding your company’s progress and timeframes for offering federated searching and open URL resolver technologies. Any information can be emailed to me care of [email protected]
Heather Gordon Chair, CEIRC Committee
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance
Page 2 Appendix 3 – Survey Instrument
Emailed to Dataset Coordinators email list 29 March 2005-04-15
Dear Dataset Coordinators,
Please send your response using the attachment below to [email protected] by Wed 13 April 2005.
At the last Dataset Coordinators meeting it was suggested to survey database publishers' compliance to Open URL Standard, and thus the suitability of their database products for configuration into our Open URL Resolver services.
Section 3.b) DSC Meeting Notes: Open URL Standard compliance Martin Borchert (Griffith) suggested a survey of database publishers be conducted to determine the degree to which publishers have implemented OpenURL Standard. A show of hands indicated that over half of member institutions were/have implemented an OpenURL Resolver service, and that this would be of interest to members. CEIRC could write a letter to problem publishers.
At the following CEIRC meeting the following actions were suggested:
1. Determine whether NISO has already done such a survey No, I could not finid one. The standard is also listed as 'In Development' on the NISO website. 2. Consult support web sites of Open URL Services NISO worked with ExLibris on this; [See list of sources and targets] 3. Concentrate on Australian publishers [to compliment other efforts abroad] 4. Survey non, and partial compliance to Open URL Standard [that is, depth of linking] 5. CEIRC to consider contacting problem Australian publishers in particular
I will then collate responses and report to the next CEIRC meeting on 20 April.
CAUL CEIRC survey of database publisher compliance to Open URL Standard Version 1 29 March 2005
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 3 The purpose of this survey is to determine the degree of compliance of database publishers to the developing NISO standard ‘The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services’ See URL: The survey concentrates on Australian publishers and databases, but international publishers of particular concern may be included in the survey. CEIRC will use this information to form a list of publishers CEIRC could write to. Please provide details for problem publishers/databases you wish CEIRC to write to.
1. Please provide contact and address details for additional Australian, or international databases/publishers. Please copy the template below
Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance as Compliance as target Source of information Additional comments Address Name Source
2. Mark the publisher degree of compliance as Source to Open URL standard as either a. Compliant b. Non-compliant 3. Mark the publisher degree of compliance as Target to Open URL standard as either a. Fully compliant (finds the article) b. Partially compliant (links to TOC, List articles, or homepage only) c. Non-compliant 4. Please email your responses to Martin Borchert [email protected] by Wednesday 13 April 2005
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 4 Australian publishers / databases
Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance as Compliance as target Source of information Additional comments Address Name Source RMIT Paul Douley Plus Text Compliant Compliant Publisher Publisher already Publishing RMIT Publishing databases SFX support site working towards PO Box 12058, solution A'Beckett St, Melbourne, Victoria, 8006 RMIT A&I Compliant Compliant Publisher Publisher already Publishing databases SFX support site working towards solution RMIT Informit Compliant Compliant Publisher Publisher already Publishing Library SFX support site working towards solution
International publishers / databases
Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance as Compliance as target Source of information Additional comments Address Name Source
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 5 Appendix 2 – Survey Results
The information available on this document was accurate at the time of the survey, 29 March – 13 April 2005. Publishers’ improvements to systems since the survey may not be presented in the document.
Australian publishers / databases
Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response ABIX Sydney: SmartBix Non-compliant Non-compliant Locked Bag 4000 Chatswood DC N.S.W. 2067 Phone: 02 9422 8839 Fax: 02 9422 2946 Melbourne: Jane Sunderland Manager - ABIX Level 2, 627 Chapel Street South Yarra, VIC, 3141 Phone: 03 9856 3900 Fax: 03 9856 3999 Website: Anstat LAWLEX - 224-226 Normanby Rd. Lawlex Non-compliant Non-compliant Group Southbank 3006 - (03) 9278 1555 E-mail: [email protected] Support: 1300 555 595 Fax: +61 9727 1556 Website: Aspect Email: Aspect Fin Analysis Non-compliant Non-compliant Huntley [email protected] Aspect Annual Pty Phone: 02 9256 8000 Reports On-Line Limited Fax: 02 92568001 Website:
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 6 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response Associatio Michael Paschal BAS – Bibliography Non-compliant Undetermined Although we n for Asian ([email protected]). Tel. of Asian Studies have plans to Studies (734) 665-2490, Fax (734) 665- eventually 3801. 1021 East Huron Street, Ann make the BAS Arbor, MI 48184 USA. open URL compliant, unfortunately the capability is not available at this time. AusStage Project Manager: AusStage : Non-compliant Non-compliant Ms. Jenny White gateway to the Flinders University Australian 08 8201 5654 performing arts [email protected] Website: Australasi AustLII, Faculty of Law AustLII Non-compliant Non-compliant an Legal University of Technology, Informatio Sydney PO Box 123 n Institute Broadway NSW 2007 Phone: 02 9514 3174 Fax: 02 9514 3168 & AustLII, Faculty of Law University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 UNSW Switch: (02) 9385 2233 Fax: (02) 9385 1175 Website: back.html
Australia. Portal Manager Australian Law Non-compliant Non-compliant
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 7 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response Attorney- Australian Law Online Online SCALEplus1 General's Attorney-General's Department ComLaw Departme Canberra City ACT 2601 nt Australia Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: Australia. CASA Building CASA (Civil Non-compliant Non-compliant Civil Cnr Northbourne Ave & Barry Dr Aviation Safety Aviation Canberra ACT 2600 GPO Box Authority Australia) Safety 2005 Authority Canberra ACT 2601 Ph: 131 757 Australia (local call cost within Australia) Fax: 02 6217 1209 Website: Australia. Jenny Boshier National Pollutant Non-compliant Non-compliant Dept. of Director Inventory the Environment & Sustainability Environme Reporting nt and Department of the Environment and Heritage Heritage GPO Box 787 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Phone: 1800 657 945 Email: [email protected] Website: Australia. Central Office postal address Schedule of Non-compliant Non-compliant Dept. of GPO Box 9848, pharmaceutical Health and Canberra ACT 2601, Australia benefits for Ageing Switchboard: (02) 6289 1555 approved Freecall: 1800 020 103 pharmacists and Email: [email protected] medical practioners 1 The data on this site may not be up to date. SCALEplus is being progressively replaced by ComLaw.
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 8 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response Qld office: Postal Address: GPO BOX 9848 Brisbane QLD 4001 Switchboard: 07 3360 2555 Freecall: 1800 177 099 General Fax: 07 3360 2999 Website: Australia. Alan Woods Building Hazardous Non-compliant Non-compliant National Level 6, 25 Constitution Avenue Substances Occupatio CIVIC, Canberra Information System nal Health GPO Box 1577 Australian and Safety Canberra ACT 2601 Occupational Commissi Australia Health and Safety on Phone: +61 2 6279 1000 Research Fax: +61 2 6279 1199 Database Email: [email protected] Website: Australia. Parliament House Index to Non-compliant Non-compliant Parliament Canberra ACT 2600 Australia Parliamentary ary Library Main switch: 02 6277 7111 Papers Website: apers.htm
Australian ABS House AusStats Non-compliant Non-compliant Bureau of 45 Benjamin Way Statistics Belconnen ACT 2617 Locked Bag 10 Belconnen ACT 2616 Ph: 1300 135 070 Email: [email protected] Website: Australian CDATA96 Map Info Non-compliant Non-compliant CDROM Bureau of CDATA 2001 products only
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 9 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response Statistics Etc. Australian Australian Council for Educational Education Non-compliant Non-compliant Sue Clarhe Council for Research Research Theses March 2006: Education 19 Prospect Hill Rd, Private Bag 55, Australian Request for al Camberwell, Victoria, Australia Education Directory CEIRC to be Research, 3124 Online more specific Cunningha Phone + 61 3 9277 5555 on which ACER m Library Fax + 61 3 9277 5500 products. Webpage: Australian Australian Medicines Handbook eAMH Non-compliant Non-compliant Medicines PO Box 240, Rundle Mall Handbook Adelaide SA 5000 telephone: (08) 8303 6977 fax: (08) 8303 6980 email: [email protected] website: Australian Email [email protected] ASIC digest Non-compliant Non-compliant CDROM Securities Phone 03 5177 3988 product only and From overseas, phone +613 5177 Investmen 3988 t Commissi on Butterwort Audrey Braun Butterworths Non-compliant Non-compliant Resource Audrey Braun hs Online includes 2005: [email protected] several LexisNexis has LexisNexis Customer Relations Australian law Open URL and Level 9 journals to Federated Locked Bag 2222 Chatswood which article- Search Delivery Centre level access is compliance in Chatswood NSW 2067 highly the product desirable. roadmap. (02) 94222223
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 10 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response fax +612 94222406 (attn. LexisNexis Electronic Helpline, Level 9) 1800 999 906 [email protected] website:
Connect4 Joe Rutecki Annual Reports Non-compliant Non-compliant Can only set [email protected] Collection link to native [email protected] Mergers & interface 41 Cubitt Street Acquisitions Richmond, Vic, 3121, Australia Telephone: +61 3 8420 7200 Facismile:+61 3 8420 7222 Website:
Council of CAUL Australian Digital Non-compliant Non-compliant Australian LPO Box 8169 (Licensed Post Theses Program University Office) Librarians Australian National University Canberra A.C.T 2601, Australia Rm 4.18, Level 4 J.B. Chifley Building (Building 15) Australian National University Acton A.C.T. 2600, Australia Email – [email protected] Phone – +61 2 6125 2990 Fax – +61 2 6248 8571 CSIRO Karen Gough CSIRO Non-compliant Compliant Full text Publishing 150 Oxford St. PO Box 1139, database, Collingwood, 3066 where linking (03) 96627521 from
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 11 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response fax 03 96627555 bibliographic [email protected] references is Website: desirable. CSIRO Jennifer Griggs CSIRO Online N/A B (TOC) Publishing 150 Oxford St PO Journals Box1139Collingwood,3066 General enquiries (03) 9662 7500 Website: Dunn and Level 2, 143 Coronation Drive Who’s Who in Non-compliant Non-compliant Bradstreat Milton QLD 4064 Australia Mail: PO Box 743 Jobson’s Online Toowong QLD 4066 Product and Tel: (07) 3360 0600 Tradenames Fax: (07) 3360 0699 Website: education. Level One, 182 Fullarton Road EdNA Online au limited Dulwich South Australia 5065 Australia Ph: +61 8 8334 3210 Fax: +61 8 8334 3211 [email protected] website: Federal Principal Registry Native Title ?? Sirsi catalogue Court of Federal Court of Australia Infobase – may be Australia Level 17 Law Courts Building possible to set Queens Square NSW 2000 up as a target Email: [email protected] Health Level 4, Non-compliant Non-compliant Communic 39-41 Chandos Street, ation St Leonards NSW, 2065 Network Email: [email protected]
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 12 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response Brisbane office : Phone 1300 788 802 Fax:61 7 4151 1896 Email: [email protected] Website: IHS Street Address Australian OH&S Non-compliant Non-compliant Australia Level 3/33 Rowe Street Online Eastwood NSW 2122 Postal Address: Locked Bag 7 Reply Paid 64041 Phone: 61 2 9804 1200 Freecall: 1800 252 633 Fax: 61 2 9804 0200 Freefax: 1800 817 716 Email: [email protected] Website: Informatio Crown Content Pty Ltd Directory of Non-compliant Non-compliant n Australia Level 1, 141 Capel Street Australian Nth Melbourne Vic 3051 associations Tel: (03) 9329 9800 Margaret Gee's Fax: (03) 9329 9698 Australian media Email: guide [email protected] National guide to [email protected] government [email protected] Who's Who in [email protected] Australia Live! [email protected] webpage:
InfoScan GPO Box155 AARNO2 Non-compliant Non-compliant Canberra ACT 2601 (Australian
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 13 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response Phone 02 6236 6267 agriculture and Fax 02 6236 6440 natural resources Brenda Gerrie online) [email protected] Website:
IP Central Office IP Australia Non-compliant Non-compliant Australia Ground floor, Discovery House databases 47 Bowes Street Woden ACT 2606 (PO Box 200, Woden ACT 2606) Phone (02) 6283 2211 Fax (02) 6282 5810 Phone-Customer Service for Online services: 61 2 6283 2999 Brisbane office: 1st floor, Grant Thornton House, 102 Adelaide St, Brisbane 4000 1300 651 010 Fax (07) 3007 1107 Email: [email protected] Webpage: s/ecentre/ LawBook Head Office LawBook Online Non-compliant Non-compliant Co. (part Thomson Legal & Regulatory of Limited Thomson) Mail PO Box 3502 Rozelle NSW 2039 Courier 100 Harris Street Pyrmont
2 AANRO is jointly funded by the members of the Primary Industries and Natural Resource Management Standing Committees together with the Rural Research and Development Corporations. AANRO is owned by about 40 government organisations working together in a unique cooperative arrangement to make AANRO the national decision support system and single access point for knowledge on Australian research and extension information on agriculture and natural resource management.
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 14 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response DX 22424 Balmain Tel (02) 8587 7000 (Customer Support 1300 304 195) Fax (02) 8587 7100 (Customer Support 1300 304 196) Email – [email protected] Website: act.asp National GPO Box 1150 Australasian Art Non-compliant Non-compliant Gallery of Canberra ACT 2601 Obituaries Index Australia. Email: [email protected] Research NGA general inquiries phone +61 2 Library 6240 6502 Wepsite: bituaries/Default.cfm National The National Library of Australia Libraries Australia NLA working Library of Parkes Place PANDORA on compliance Australia Canberra ACT 2600 PictureAustralia projects Fax: 02 6273 1180 Australian Journals Kinetica Helpdesk: 1800 026 155 Online Email: [email protected] Australian Periodical Publications 1840- 1845 Australian Newspapers Online Australia's Oral History Collections: A National Directory
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 15 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response National Level 11, 33 King William Street, VOCED Non-compliant Non-compliant Centre for Adelaide SA 5000 Vocational PO Box 8288 Station Arcade, Education Adelaide SA 5000 Research Ph: +61 8 8230 8641 (NCVER) Fax: +61 8 8212 3436 Website: Pharmace Therapeutics Information AusDI Non-compliant Non-compliant utical Care Resources Australia Pty Limited Informatio PO Box 1654 CASTLE HILL NSW n Services 1765 Pty Ltd ABN: 92 074 983 574 (=Therape e-mail: [email protected] utics website: Informatio n Resources Australia Pty Limited?) Reedbusin [email protected] AARDS Non-compliant Non-compliant ess Website: Customer service phone: 1300 360 128 RMIT RMIT Publishing A&I databases Non-compliant Compliant Publisher has Publishing PO Box 12058, A’Beckett St. recently Melbourne, Victoria, 8006 announced General enquiries: +61 3 9925 8100 they have Fax: 03 9925 8299 made their [email protected] services Open wepsite: URL compliant RMIT [email protected] Informit Library Compliant Compliant Publisher has From Janette
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 16 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response Publishing RMIT Publishing recently Wright, 20 April PO Box 12058, A’Beckett St. announced 2006: Open Melbourne, Victoria, 8006 they have URL compliant Phone: 03 9925 8285 made their since May Fax: 03 9925 8299 services Open 2005. Z39.50 General enquiries: +61 3 9925 8100 URL compliant compliant for [email protected] federated website: searching since Jan 2003. Some issues with Endeavour Encompass client. RMIT Paul Douley Plus Text Non-compliant Compliant Publisher has Publishing RMIT Publishing databases recently PO Box 12058, A'Beckett St, announced Melbourne, Victoria, 8006 they have General enquiries: +61 3 9925 8100 made their Fax: 03 9925 8299 services Open [email protected] URL compliant website: SAI Global SAI Global BCA + Standards Non-compliant Non-compliant GPO Box 5420, Sydney On-Line 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Customer service: Phil Higginson Phone: 61 2 8206 6681 Mobile 0414 19 1300 65 46 46 Fax: 1300 654949 Email: phil.higginson@sai- [email protected]
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 17 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response website: Standards SAI Global Standards Online Non-compliant Non-compliant Can only set Australia GPO Box 5420, Sydney link to native 286 Sussex Street Sydney NSW interface 2000 Customer service: Phil Higginson Phone: 61 2 8206 6681 Mobile 0414 19 1300 65 46 46 Fax: 1300 654949 Email: phil.higginson@sai- Website: TimeBase Customer service and sales LawOne Non-compliant Non-compliant Pty Ltd Email: [email protected] phone: +61 (02) 6685 5300 fax: +61 (02) 6685 5399 1800 077 088 PO Box 2236 Byron Bay NSW 2481 premises 4/82 Centennial Circuit Byron Bay NSW 2481 Website: University College of Fine Arts Library AustArt - Australian Non-compliant Non-compliant of New University of New South Wales art journals index South PO Box 259 Wales Paddington NSW College of Australia 2021 Fine Arts (02) 9385 0713 Library Website: ege/news/ University level 4 Fisher Library SETIS (Scholarly Non-compliant Non-compliant of Sydney, University of Sydney Library Electronic Text and
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 18 Publisher Contact Name & Database Name Compliance Compliance as Additional Publisher Address as Source target comments response Fisher University of Sydney NSW 2006 Image Service) Library AUSTRALIA Australian Dr. Creagh Cole Federation Full SETIS Coordinator Text Database Phone: 02 9351 7408 Australian key Email: [email protected] journals : Website: periodicals contents index World Asia Pacific: WARC Non-compliant Non-compliant Advertisin Bruce Cormack (Australia) g Email: [email protected] Research Phone: +61 (2) 99082930 Center World Advertising Research Center, PO Box 69, Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 1GB United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0) 1491 411 000 Website:
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 19 International publishers / databases
Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource ABC Clio Ebooks Compliant Compliant SFX KB FTB
ACM (Association Compliant SFX KB JP *,† For Computing Machinery) ACS (American Compliant SFX KB JP ***,† Chemical Society) Add All Compliant SFX KB IB
AGU (American Compliant SFX KB JP Geophysical Union) AIP Scitation Compliant SFX KB Allen Press Compliant SFX KB JP **** AltaVista SFX KB WSE AMA (American Compliant SFX KB JP *** Medical Association) Amazon Compliant SFX KB IB American College Compliant SFX KB JP * Of Physicians AMS (American Compliant SFX KB JP ***, † Mathematical Society) AMS (American Compliant SFX KB Mathematical Society) Mathscinet Annual Reviews Compliant Compliant SFX KB JP **,† ANS (American Compliant SFX KB JP **** Nuclear Society)
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 20 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Anthrosource Compliant SFX KB JP **,† APA Psycarticles Compliant SFX KB JP ****,† APS (American Compliant SFX KB JP **** Physical Society) APS (American Compliant SFX KB JP **** Physical Society) PROLA Compliant Compliant SFX KB EP Ashley Compliant SFX KB JP **** Publications ASTM Compliant SFX KB JP *** Astrophysics Data Compliant SFX KB JP *** System ATLA (American Compliant SFX KB JP **** Theological Library Assoc) Barnes Noble Compliant SFX KB IB Berkeley Compliant SFX KB JP **** Electronic Press Bibsys (Library Compliant SFX KB LC Catalogue) BioLine Compliant SFX KB JP *** International Biomed Central Faculty of Compliant Compliant SFX KB JP **** 1000 BioOne Compliant SFX KB JP **** Blackwell Online Compliant SFX KB IB Bookshop Blackwell Synergy Compliant Compliant SFX KB JP ****,† Bookfinder Compliant SFX KB Books24x7 Compliant SFX KB FTB Caliber Univ Of Compliant SFX KB JP California Press Journal
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 21 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Calis (Library Compliant SFX KB LC Catalogue) Cambridge Compliant SFX KB JP ***,† University Press Canadian Compliant SFX KB JP * Mathematical Society Capture Citation Compliant SFX KB Other Cell Press Compliant SFX KB JP **** Chadwyck Healy PCI Compliant Compliant SFX KB JP **** FullText Chemical SciFinder Compliant SFX KB Abstracts Service SciFinder Scholar CIAO (Columbia Compliant SFX KB JP * International Affairs Online) CIOS Compliant SFX KB (Communication Institute for Online Scholarship) CISTI (Canada Compliant SFX KB Institute for Scientific and Technical Information) Source Computing Compliant Compliant SFX KB Other Reviews ContentScan Dome Compliant SFX KB COPAC3 Compliant SFX KB LC
3 Copac provides free access to the merged online catalogues of major UK and Irish university research libraries, plus the British Library & the National Library of Scotland.
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 22 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Copyright Compliant SFX KB Other Clearance Center CQ4 Electronic Compliant SFX KB JP **** Library CRC Engnetbase Compliant SFX KB FTB Crystallography Compliant SFX KB JP *** Journals CSA (Cambridge Compliant SFX KB JP **** Scientific Abstracts) ATLAS CSA (Cambridge Compliant SFX KB JP Scientific Abstracts) BIOONE CSA (Cambridge Brad T. Rosairo All Compliant Compliant QUT Passing only four digits JP ****,† Scientific Director SFX KB (YYYY) in the OpenURL date Abstracts) Illumina CSA - meta-tag; enhancement Australia/New request for full international Zealand/South date format Pacific/South Africa Building C3, 85 Turner Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: +61 (3) 8645- 0309 Fax: +61 (3) 8645 0368 CSA (Cambridge Compliant SFX KB JP ****,† Scientific Abstracts) Psycarticles
4 Congressional Quarterly Electronic Library from MLNC.
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 23 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource CSA (Cambridge Compliant SFX KB JP ****,† Scientific Abstracts) Sage CSIRO Compliant SFX KB JP *** Current Reports Compliant SFX KB Current Treatment Compliant SFX KB Options Delft University Compliant SFX KB JP * Press Dialog Dialog@Sit Compliant SFX KB e DOAJ (Directory Compliant SFX KB Other Open Access Journals) Free DOI (Digital Compliant SFX KB Object Identifier) Dow Jones Compliant SFX KB FTA Interactive Duke University Compliant SFX KB JP * Journals Eastview Compliant SFX KB JP * Ebrary Academic Compliant SFX KB Complete Ebsco ERIC QUT Requested addition of OpenURL genre tags (e.g. article, book, bookitem, etc.) in outbound data Ebsco Publishing Tim Colvey EBSCOHo Compliant Compliant SFX KB Duplicate empty OpenURL FTB Director of Sales, st title field precedes the valid FTA Australia, New title field in outbound Zealand & South metadata East Asia EBSCO Publishing Suite 8, 10 Hoddle
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 24 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Street Abbotsford, Victoria, 3067 Tel: +61 (0) 3-9418- 5775 Fax: +61 (0) 3- 9419-8300 Mobile: +61 (0) 408-381-574 Email: [email protected]
EDP Sciences Compliant SFX KB JP *,† Ei Village Compliant SFX KB Electrochemical Compliant SFX KB Society Elsevier Andrea Gilbey ScienceDir Compliant Compliant QUT Enhancement request logged JP **** Account ect Griffith to have OpenURL title and Manager(Science & SFX KB atitle fields added to Technology) outbound data passed. Elsevier Australia Confirmed that Open URL 18 Salmon Street, linking does not work for Port Melbourne Book Series, Major VIC3207 Reference Works and journal Tel:+61 (3) 9245 Supplements. No offer from 7523 technical support to pass this Fax: +61 (3) 9245 along as an enhancement 7166 request also. Mobile: +61 (0) 4375 80930 [email protected] om
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 25 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Elsevier Scopus Compliant SFX KB Elsevier Web Compliant SFX KB JP * Editions Emerald Compliant SFX KB JP **** EMIS Compliant SFX KB JP * Endeavor Voyager Compliant Compliant SFX KB LC (Library Catalogue) Epixtech Horizon Compliant SFX KB LC (Library Catalogue) Epixtech Ipac Compliant SFX KB LC (Library Catalogue) Epixtech Notis Compliant SFX KB LC (Library Catalogue) Eric Full Text Compliant SFX KB Other Erudit Compliant SFX KB JP *** Ex Libris Aleph Compliant Compliant SFX KB LC (Library Catalogue) Ex Libris Alephino Compliant SFX KB Ex Libris Digitool Compliant SFX KB Ex Libris Metalib Compliant SFX KB Excite SFX KB WSE Extenza Compliant SFX KB JP *,† EZB Regensburg Compliant SFX KB Jp * Factiva Annette Sneyd Factiva Non- Non- Publisher Database would be most FTA Subscriptions compliant compliant useful as a target; little value Services Executive as a source. May be some ProQuest technical difficulty in Information & implementing OpenURL
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 26 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Learning successfully to newspapers at PO Box 181 this stage due to lack of Drummoyne NSW ISSNs and identifying article 1470 numbers. As a minimum, Australia however, publisher needs to Tel: +61 2 9911 provide a downloadable 6660 spreadsheet of titles with Fax: +61 2 9911 ISSNs (where present) and 6652 title-level URLs so that journal-level access can be k enabled. Family Scholar Compliant SFX KB Publications Future Drugs Compliant SFX KB JP * Gale Thomson Gale InfoTrac Compliant Partial. Griffith FTA 102 Dodds St Databases Usually SFX Southbank, Vic displays a list Australia 3006 of articles Phone: (61) 3 9685 within a 4279 target Fax: 61 3 9685 ejournal 4241 Email: gale@thomsonlear URL: m/world Geoscienceworld Compliant SFX KB JP **** Google SFX KB WSE Google Scholar Compliant Compliant SFX KB Other H W Wilson WilsonWeb Compliant Compliant SFX KB FTA – Selected databases
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 27 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Harcourt Compliant SFX KB JP * Haworth Press Compliant SFX KB JP ** Heinonline Shannon Hein HeinOnline Non- Publisher Archival law resource. JP (sales mgr) compliant Despite repeated requests by [email protected] Compliant SFX KB Deakin, publisher still offers m no suitable downloadable ph 800 828 7571 coverage spreadsheet, so fax 716 833 8100 retrieving a list of holdings is cumbersome and time- consuming. May not be suitable as an OpenURL source, but certainly desirable as a target. Heldermann Compliant SFX KB JP ** Verlag Highwire Press Compliant SFX KB JP **** Highwire Press Compliant SFX KB JP **** Free Hindawi Compliant SFX KB JP **,† Publishing History Compliant SFX KB JP *** Cooperative HLAS Compliant SFX KB HotBot SFX KB WSE Human Kinetics Compliant SFX KB Humana Press Compliant SFX KB JP **** IEE (Institution Of Compliant SFX KB Electrical Engineers) IEEE (Institute of Xplore Compliant SFX KB JP **,† Electrical and Journals Electronics Engineers, Inc.) Il Nuovo Cimento Compliant SFX KB JP ****
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 28 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Infolib (Library Compliant SFX KB LC Catalogue) Informit A+Education Compliant SFX KB JP **** AGIS Plus Text APAFT Elibrary Family and Society Plus Meditext Ingenta Compliant SFX KB DD Ingenta Books Compliant SFX KB FTB Ingenta Connect Compliant SFX KB FTA Innovative Compliant Compliant SFX KB LC Innopac (Library Catalogue) Intelex Poiesis Compliant SFX KB Internet Scientific Compliant SFX KB JP * Publications IOP (Institute of Axiom Compliant Compliant SFX KB JP **** Physics) Electronic Publishing journals Jake Compliant SFX KB Other JSTAGE Compliant SFX KB JP * JSTOR Compliant Compliant SFX KB Karger Compliant SFX KB JP *,† Kluwer Arbitration Gaynor Ingram KluwerArbit Non- Non- Publisher Database includes only a few compliant compliant journals, but article-level gaynor.ingram@klu access to these is desirable.
+31 70 308 1523 Kluwer Law Compliant SFX KB JP *** International Knovel Compliant SFX KB JP
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 29 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Lawrence LEA Online Compliant SFX KB JP **** Erlbaum Associates Lexisnexis Audrey Braun Non- Non- SFX KB Audrey Braun commented FTA Sales Team Leader compliant compliant that LN has compliance in -Academic their product roadmap now LexisNexis
email: Audrey.braun@lexi direct line: + 612 9422 2223 fax: +612 9422 2406 Lexisnexis Audrey Braun LexisNexis Non- Non- Publisher Heavily used legal resource, Audrey.Braun@Lex compliant compliant where article-level access is highly desirable. (02) 94222223 fax +612 94222406 Lexisnexis LN AU Non- Non- SFX KB Audrey Braun commented compliant compliant that LN has compliance in their product roadmap now Lexisnexis Non- Non- SFX KB Audrey Braun commented compliant compliant that LN has compliance in their product roadmap now Library Of Compliant SFX KB LC Congress Lippincott Compliant SFX KB JP * Locus Siams Compliant SFX KB Online Journal Archive Looks (Library Compliant SFX KB LC
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 30 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Catalogue) Manchester Compliant SFX KB JP **** University Press Mary Ann Liebert Compliant SFX KB JP **,† Publishers Masson E2med Compliant SFX KB JP MDconsult Ebooks FTB MDconsult Ejournals Compliant SFX KB JP **** MedIND (Indian Compliant SFX KB JP **** Medlars Centre) MetaLib Compliant SFX KB Metapress Compliant SFX KB JP **** Miscellaneous Compliant SFX KB Ejournals Miscellaneous Compliant SFX KB Free Ejournals Monthly Bulletin Compliant SFX KB Of Statistics Multilingual Compliant SFX KB JP **** Matters And Channel View National Academy Compliant SFX KB FTB Press National Research Compliant SFX KB JP **** Council Canada Nature Compliant SFX KB JP ***,† NCBI Pubmed PubMed Compliant Compliant SFX KB NCTE (National Compliant SFX KB Council Of Teachers Of English) Netlibrary Compliant SFX KB FTB Newsbank Christine Bell Newsbank Non- Non- Database would be most FTA Subscription compliant compliant useful as a target; little value
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 31 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Services - as a source. May be some Electronic and Print technical difficulty in DA Information implementing OpenURL Services Pty Ltd successfully to newspapers at 648 Whitehorse this stage due to lack of Road ISSNs and identifying article Mitcham Victoria numbers. As a minimum, 3132 however, publisher needs to AUSTRALIA provide a downloadable Email: spreadsheet of titles with [email protected] ISSNs (where present) and .au title-level URLs so that Ph: +613 9210 journal-level access can be 7802 enabled. Fax: +613 9210 7788 Web: NISC Biblioline Compliant SFX KB OCLC Compliant SFX KB OCLC Firstsearch Compliant SFX KB FTA Optical Society Of Compliant SFX KB JP *** America Ovid Bibliograph Compliant Compliant SFX KB JP **** ic Databases SilverPlatte r ERL/WebS PIRS Oxford Compliant SFX KB FTB Scholarship Online Oxford University Compliant Compliant SFX KB JP ****
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 32 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Press Palgrave Compliant SFX KB JP ****,† Macmillan Peeters Online Compliant SFX KB JP *** Journals PEP Archive Professor David PEP Non- Non- Publisher Publisher working towards Tuckett, Archive compliant compliant olution. David Tuckett has a Director PEPWEB, good grasp of the issues Psychoanalysis involved and is very keen to Unit, Sub- implement a solution Department of satisfactory to users. Clinical Psychology, University College London, Gower Street, LONDON WC1 6BT
Telephone: +44 20 7679 5961; Fax +44 20 7916 8502
Email: [email protected] k Pica (Library Compliant SFX KB LC Catalogue) Pion Ltd Compliant SFX KB JP * Portland Press Compliant SFX KB JP **** Project Euclid Compliant SFX KB Project Muse Compliant SFX KB JP **** Proquest Julie Stevens Compliant Compliant SFX KB CrossLink settings issues [1. FTA Regional Manager, Known issue with initial load Australiaand New of customised linking logo Zealand graphic; 2. Functionality to
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 33 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource ProQuest mask the linking display for Information & titles already provided in full Learning text on the platform]. The PO Box181 latter needs an enhancement Drummoyne NSW request directly sent to: 1470 platform_ Australia [email protected] Tel: +61 (0) 2 99116660 Fax: +61 (0) 2 99116652 k Prous Science Compliant SFX KB JP *** Proxis Compliant SFX KB IB PS Compliant SFX KB JP **** (Pharmaceutical Society Of Japan) Psychoanalytic Compliant SFX KB JP Electronic Publications Psychonomic Compliant SFX KB JP ****,† Society Publications Psycontent Compliant SFX KB JP ****,† Psyjournals Publist Compliant SFX KB Other Pubmed Central Compliant SFX KB Pulsus Compliant SFX KB JP **** R R Bowker Compliant Compliant SFX KB IND Ulrichsweb RDN Compliant SFX KB WSE Refworks Export Compliant SFX KB Other Tool
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 34 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource RevisteWeb Compliant SFX KB JP * Ricoh Limedio Compliant SFX KB LC (Library Catalogue) RLG Compliant SFX KB Rocky Mountain Compliant SFX KB JP **** Mathematics Consortium Royal Society Compliant SFX KB JP ****,† Royal Society Of Compliant SFX KB JP ***,† Chemistry Royal Society Of Compliant SFX KB JP ** New Zealand Sage Publications Compliant SFX KB JP SCIELO Compliant SFX KB JP * SFX Citationlinker Compliant Compliant SFX KB SIAM (Society of Compliant SFX KB JP *** Industrial and Applied Mathematics) Silverplatter Compliant SFX KB Sirsi Dra Web2 Compliant SFX KB LC (Library Catalogue) Sirsi Unicorn Compliant SFX KB LC (Library Catalogue) Slac Spires Compliant SFX KB Source OECD Compliant SFX KB JP * SPIE Digital Compliant SFX KB JP ****,† Library Springer Link Compliant SFX KB JP ****,† Swets Jay Glaisyer Compliant Compliant SFX KB Previously requested FTA functionality to mask the
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 35 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Managing Director linking display for journal titles Swets Information already provided in full text on Services the platform. Not under 4 Bennetts Lane consideration by provider. Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia T +61 (0)3 9655 3700 D +61 (0)3 9655 3701 F +61 (0)3 9639 8922 [email protected]. com Symposium Compliant SFX KB JP * Journals Syndetics Compliant SFX KB Other Talis Prism Compliant SFX KB LC (Library Catalogue) Tetrahedron Compliant SFX KB JP *** Thieme Connect Compliant SFX KB JP *,† Thomas Telford Compliant SFX KB JP * Journals Thomson Jeroen Prinsen Web Of Compliant Compliant QUT Current Contents Connect – Scientific Senior Regional Science SFX KB journal title currently passed Sales Manager Researchs in OpenURL stitle (not title) Thomson Scientific oft Endnote field; 2. Enhancement request 100 Harris St; to add OpenURL-compliant Pyrmont NSW 2009 author data (e.g. aufirst, Tel: +61 2 8587 aulast, auinit) and 3. 7948 Enhancement request to add
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 36 Publisher Contact Name & Database Compliance Compliance Source of Additional comments Type of Access Address Name as Source as target information resource Fax: +61 2 8587 genre information. 7848 jeroen.prinsen@tho scientific Triangle Journals Compliant SFX KB JP * Turpion Compliant SFX KB JP *,† University Of Compliant SFX KB JP **** California Press) Univrsity Of Compliant SFX KB JP ***,† Chicago Press VTLS (Library Compliant SFX KB LC Catalogue) Walter De Gruyter Compliant SFX KB JP * Web Quote Com Compliant SFX KB Live Westlaw Dana Poulos Westlaw Non- Non- Publisher Difficult to search database, Australia compliant compliant which also offers no suitable Dana.Poulos@tho coverage spreadsheet. Article-level access desirable for journal component of (03) 96725505 database. mobile 0423027375 Wiley Interscience Compliant SFX KB JP *,† World Scientific Compliant SFX KB JP *,† Journals Zetoc ComplianT Compliant SFX KB Other
Type of Resource Legend
DD Document Delivery
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 37 EP E-Print Archives FTA Full Text Aggregators FTB Full Text Books IB Internet bookstores IND Bibliographic/A&I Databases JP Journal Publishers: Full Text and Tables of Contents LC Library Catalogs Other Other WSE Web search engines:
Access Legend
**** article-level linking *** ssue-level linking ** volume-level linking * journal-level linking † article level linking through CrossRef/DOI
SFX Knowledgebase SFX Targets – SFX Sources (OpenURL Enabled Resources) –
QUT has also reported the following:
On the target (resource) level, here is our understanding of publishers/ titles for which linking is prohibited or restricted by licence agreement: Prohibited: ASCE; Journal of guidance control and dynamics; MIT Press Journals; Rockefeller University Press; Royal Society for the Promotion of Health; TSL Education; University of Chicago Press. Special Permission Required: American Physiological Society; EIU Country Data; Karger.
CAUL CEIRC survey – Database publisher Open URL Compliance Page 38