Appendix. Supplemental Material 2: Survey Items HCP

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Appendix. Supplemental Material 2: Survey Items HCP

Appendix. Supplemental Material 2: Survey Items -- HCP

1. Please select the one setting that best describes your work place: □ Community Clinic □ Public Health Agency □ Community-based Organization □ Public Health Clinic □ Emergency Room or Emergency □ Public Health Lab Department □ Retail Pharmacy □ First Responder/Emergency Services □ School Clinic □ Hospital □ Urgent Care Clinic □ Lab □ Veterinary Clinic □ Outpatient Clinic □ Other: □ Private Practice / Office

2. What is your position or work role? Select all that apply. □ Administration □ Pharmacist □ Infection Control □ Physician □ Laboratory □ Physician Assistant □ Management □ Veterinarian □ Nurse □ Other: □ Nurse Practitioner

3. We're interested in how you currently receive information at work about issues of public health importance. For example, how would you learn that there is a rise in influenza or measles in the community? Select all that apply. □ Public health email/listserv □ Text message or SMS □ Fax from public health □ Information from media source (radio, TV, □ Information forwarded or passed on facebook) through workplace email/listserv □ Other: □ Information forwarded or passed on by a colleague

4. In the past 6 months have you received any message from a public health agency (local public health agency, state health department, CDC)? □ Yes □ No (SKIP TO 8)

5. How did you receive the message? □ Fax □ Public health email/listserv □ Forwarded or passed on by a colleague □ Social media feed (facebook, Twitter) □ Forwarded or passed on through work place □ Text message or SMS email/listserv □ Other: □ Phone 6. When you received this message, did you pass any of the information on to other organizations or to your patients or clients? □ Yes □ No (SKIP TO 8)

7. How did you pass this information on? Please check all that apply: □ Email, internally to colleague(s) or others in □ In person, to colleague(s) outside your □ your workplace workplace □ Email, externally to colleague(s) outside □ In person, to patient(s) or client(s) your workplace □ Phone □ Email to patient(s) or client(s) □ Posted to a social media or blog account or □ Fax website □ In person, to colleague(s) or others in your □ Text message workplace □ Other:

8. Usually, a public health agency sends one-way messages without expecting a reply. We're interested in learning about situations or conditions when replying to a public health message might be useful. Are there situations (emergency, pandemic outbreak, etc.) in which it might be useful to send a reply to a public health message? [OPEN-ENDED]

9. If you were asked to reply to a public health message, how would you prefer to send your reply? Select all that apply. □ Email □ Phone □ Fax □ Text message □ Fillable form on a website □ Other:

9. If public health agencies were able to set up a two-way system so you could send replies to their messages, would you have any concerns about a system like this? Select all that apply. □ Uncertain who is receiving my reply □ Undue burden of extra communications □ Uncertain how information I send will be □ Uncertain the information I send will be used useful □ Message security concerns □ Concern that information I send could be □ Privacy concerns about sending personal misunderstood health information □ Other:

10. Do you currently use SMS (text communications using a cell phone) in your workplace for any of the following? Select all that apply. □ Communication with patients and/or clients □ One-on-one communication with colleagues (for example, appointment reminders, lab or co-workers (for example, consultation, results, care coordination, referrals) sharing patient information, medication or □ Mass communications with or from your prescription consultation) employer or other agencies □ Other: □ We do not use texting in the workplace

15. During a public health emergency would it be better to receive a message by text/SMS or email? □ Email □ Text message □ Both email and text message □ Other:

16. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your experience with texting, use of SMS by public health or two-way vs one-way communications with public health?

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