The 31Th Città Di Treviso Mini Rugby Tournament
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CONI presents F.I.R. C.I.V.
The 31th “Città di Treviso” Mini Rugby Tournament
18th RUGBY TROPHY 31th “Città di Treviso” Mini Rugby Tournament 18th RUGBY TROPHY
Saturday 9th May 2009 - MORNING AND AFTERNOON -
UNDER 9 - At “La Ghirada” Sports Centre of Benetton Rugby Treviso – Strada di Nascimben 1/B TREVISO. UNDER 11 - At “La Ghirada” Sports Centre of Benetton Rugby Treviso – Strada di Nascimben 1/B TREVISO. UNDER 13 - At “La Ghirada” Sports Centre of Benetton Rugby Treviso – Strada di Nascimben 1/B TREVISO. UNDER 15 - At A.S. Rugby Casale - Via Rivalta Casale Sul Sile (TV).
Sunday 10th May 2009 - MORNING -
UNDER 7 - At “La Ghirada” Sports Centre of Benetton Rugby Treviso – Strada di Nascimben 1/B TREVISO. UNDER 9 - At “La Ghirada” Sports Centre of Benetton Rugby Treviso – Strada di Nascimben 1/B TREVISO. UNDER 11 - At “La Ghirada” Sports Centre of Benetton Rugby Treviso – Strada di Nascimben 1/B TREVISO. UNDER 13 - At “La Ghirada” Sports Centre of Benetton Rugby Treviso – Strada di Nascimben 1/B TREVISO. UNDER 15 - At A.S. Rugby Casale - Via Rivalta Casale Sul Sile (TV).
Sunday 10th May 2009 - AFTERNOON - FINAL MATCHES -
FINAL MATCHES FOR ALL THE CATEGORIES – at the Monigo Rugby Stadium – Viale Olimpia 1- TREVISO
Enclosures: - maps showing the venues location; - maps showing the areas (P1, P2, P3) where buses are allowed to park (outside “La Ghirada” Sports Centre).
31th “Città di Treviso” Mini Rugby Tournament 18th RUGBY TROPHY
UNDER 7 = Players (2002) 6 + 4 Reserves max. UNDER 9 = Players (2000-01) 8 + 4 Reserves max. UNDER 11 = Players (1998-99) 10 + 5 Reserves max. UNDER 13 = Players (1996-97) 12 + 7 Reserves max. UNDER 15 = Players (1994-95) 15 + 7 Reserves max.
The staff allowed for each team is :
During the tournament, in particular when entering the awards ceremony pitch on Sunday afternoon, trainers and team representatives shall always present the PASS which allows them to enter all the pitches. The PASS is distributed together with the information package prepared for each team. During the tournament, anybody who is found without the PASS will be asked to leave the pitches, you are therefore kindly invited to inform parents and supporters to apply to this rule.
The choice of the rounds in the U7-9-11-13-15 categories was based on the final results obtained in the Topolino Rugby Trophy, last year. The first 10 teams are seeded for the first round. Should a club have two teams (for instance: Team A and team B), the two teams will never compete in any of the rounds. The length of the games will be calculated according to the federal regulation for each single category. The list of the rounds will be displayed on the website : 31th “Città di Treviso” Mini Rugby Tournament 18th RUGBY TROPHY “LA GHIRADA” RULES
We would like to remind you, for logistics problems, that inside “La Ghirada” sports centre it is strictly forbidden:
- Access on the pitch for every person without PASS - Access to the sports centre with dogs or any other pet/animal - Camping - Create barbecue zone with fire (every kind); for security’s issues, due to the big amount of people, the authorities have forbidden the starting of fires or any form of barbecue. It is possible to make pic-nic with fresh food.
From 7.00 am to 8.00 pm at the ORGANIZING COMMITTEE’S OFFICE of the TOURNAMENT Each team representative shall present to the Organizing Committee’s office the threefold team roster as well as the F.I.R. cards of the players. Each F.I.R. card shall be presented together with players’ identification (I.Card/Passport). Only for Under 7: The team representative of each team will have to present the threefold team roster as well as the F.I.R. cards of the players presented together with players’ identification (I Card/Passport), starting from 1 p.m. The team roster shall indicate for each player:
- Surname, Name and date of birth complete with day, month, year. - Number of the F.I.R. card
- Number of the trainer’s as well as of the team representative’s F.I.R. cards.
One copy of the team roster will be returned to the team representative as a receipt, to be presented, if requested, to the match Director or to the Organizing Committee staff.
The Organizing Committee will distribute to the team representatives the information package which includes: - Qualifying games of Saturday morning and afternoon - Map of “ Disney Village” - Length of the games - Meal Vouchers for the Saturday and Sunday lunches - 1st DAY and 2nd DAY - Water Vouchers for Saturday and Sunday – 1st DAY and 2nd DAY - Gift voucher for the promotional bag, which will be distributed from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm on Sunday at the Monigo Rugby Stadium. Only the team representatives or the trainers showing the PASS will be allowed to pick up the gift. There is only gift voucher for the promotional bag which will be included in the information package of the older team of any squad of the tournament (i.e. if a team is coming to the tournament with an Under 9 and an Under 13 team, the voucher will be placed inside the information package of the Under 13 team)
From 8.00 am to 8.30 am Each team shall meet the person responsible for the pitch
From 8.45 am to 12.00 am Qualification games We remind trainers and team’s responsibles to check the results a the end of the games and sign the referee’s card. No complaints will be allowed after.
From12.00 am to 2.00 pm After the games, we recommend the teams to go immediately to the canteens to avoid queues. Lunch break For those willing to have a hot meal, a “food stall” is available at the coffee bar (see map enclosed). THERE WILL BE TWO CANTEENS FOR THE 2009 TOURNAMENT (SEE MAP ENCLOSED) - UNDER 7 AND UNDER 9 CANTEEN - UNDER 11 AND UNDER 13 CANTEEN At the bar (see map enclosed) it is possible to buy canteen’s vouchers for anybody, not playing in the tournament, who would like to have a hot meal; these people will have access to the Under 7 and 9 canteen, letting pass all players before.
From 2.00 pm The qualification games will start to be available at the Organizing Committee’s Office. Any Under 7 team will have to present to their pitch responsible.
From 2.30 pm to approx. 5.30 pm Qualification games. The list of the rounds will be displayed on the notice boards located in the various pitches as well as on the boards near the Organizing Committee’s office. 31th “Città di Treviso” Mini Rugby Tournament 18th RUGBY TROPHY
From 7.00 am to 8.00 am at the ORGANIZING COMMITTEE’S OFFICE The team representatives can pick up the schedule of the morning games. The schedule will be also displayed on notice boards located in the various pitches or on the board near the Organizing Committee’s office.
From 8.00 am to 8.30 am Each team shall meet the person responsible for the pitch
From 8.45 am to 12.00 am Qualification games
From 12.00 pm to 14.00 pm Lunch break – Priority is given to the teams playing the finals. THERE WILL BE TWO CANTEENS FOR THE 2009 TOURNAMENT (SEE MAP ENCLOSED) - UNDER 7 AND UNDER 9 CANTEEN - UNDER 11 AND UNDER 13 CANTEEN At the bar (see map enclosed) it is possible to buy canteen’s vouchers for anybody, not playing in the tournament, who would like to have a hot meal; these people will have access to the Under 7 and 9 canteen, letting pass all players before.
After lunch, you are kindly requested to rapidly reach the Monigo Stadium ( see map enclosed)
1.30 pm Opening of the gates at the Monigo Stadium
2.15 pm 2.30 pm 2.50 pm 3.10 pm 3.30 pm
Final match UNDER 7 Final match UNDER 9 Final match UNDER 11 Final match UNDER 13 Final match UNDER 15
Approx 4.00 pm Opening of the access gates to the pitch for the award ceremony. Only players, trainers and team representatives showing the PASS are allowed to enter the pitch for the award ceremony.
From 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm GIFT BAG Only the team representatives or the trainers showing the PASS and their I.Card/passport are allowed to pick up the gift bag. The gift is available at the Press office of the Monigo Stadium (see enclosed map of access to the Press Office). 31th "Città di Treviso" Mini Rugby Tournament 18th RUGBY TROPHY
1. ADMISSION PROCEDURE The Topolino Rugby Trophy is open to participants holding a regular F.I.R. (Federazione Italiana Rubgy) (or foreign Federation) card for the year 2008/2009. All cards must be accompanied by a valid identity document. The managers responsible for the individual teams must present all documentation and the list of players to the Tournament Organisers located in the various sports centres open from 7.00 to 8.00 on Saturday 09 May 2009. The list of players must be in triplicate and include: - Surname, name and date of birth including day, month and year. - F.I.R. registration no. of each player . - F.I.R. registration no. of the Trainer and Manager accompanying each team . A copy of the list of players signed for approval will be returned to the Manager who must present it if requested by the Match Referee or Organisers. After presentation of the approved list of players to the Organisers' Office, no additions, loans or exchange of players will be permitted, The players may also be recognised by the referee before each match, using the Federation cards, identity document and list of players approved by the Tournament Organisers. Loans during theTournament will be allowed in the Under 7 and Under 9 categories only, following authorisation by the Referee. Referees will oversee the composition of the teams and in particular the age of the players. All athletes on the list must play during the Tournament.
2. CATEGORIES Under 7 (only Saturday 9th May afternoon and Sunday 10th May) Only players born in 2002 are admitted. The team is made up of 6 players + a maximum of 4 reserves. All athletes on the list must play. For organisational reasons, only the first 36 teams registering in this category will be admitted. Under 9 Only players born in 2000 and 2001 are admitted. The team is made up of 8 players + a maximum of 4 reserves. All athletes on the list must play. For organisational reasons, only the first 64 teams registering in this category will be admitted.
Under 11 Only players born in 1998 and 1999 are admitted. The team is made up of 10 players + a maximum of 5 reserves. All athletes on the list must play. For organisational reasons, only the first 64 teams registering in this category will be admitted.
Under 13 Only players born in 1996 and 1997 are admitted. The team is made up of 12 players + a maximum of 7 reserves. All athletes on the list must play.
Under 15 Only players born in 1994 and 1995 are admitted. The team is made up of 15 players + a maximum of 7 reserves. All athletes on the list must play. In this category, female players are not permitted. For organisational reasons, only the first 40 teams registering in this category will be admitted.
3. REGULATIONS OF PLAY 3.1 The Tournament applies F.I.R. regulations covering the UNDER 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 categories, with the exceptions provided for in the regulations. 3.2 For organisational reasons, during the Tournament, there will be no conversion kicks in the UNDER 11 and 13 categories. 3.3 The length of the matches for each category will depend on the number of teams participating.
4. CLASSIFICATION - DRAWS - FAILURE TO TURN UP 4.1 Compilation of the classifications and draws will be governed by article 104-a of the F.I.R. regulations, without prejudice to the following: a. Two points will be awarded for every match won; 1 point for every draw and 0 points for every match lost. b. If at the end of a round two or more teams have equal points, the following criteria will be applied:
1) Largest number of tries by each team in the matches played
2) Greatest number of tries converted (UNDER 15 only)
3) Active or passive difference between the sum of the points won and the sum of the points lost by each team during all matches in the round.
4) Lower average age of all players on the approved list. 4.2 In the case of a draw in the Final, the two teams will both be considered equal winners. In the case of one single prize, this will be awarded to the team with the lowest average age. 4.3 Failure to report for a match implies the loss of that match.
5.1 Each Club must have two changes of shirt in a different colour. 5.2 The players must wear shoes with hard rubber studs.
Aluminium studs are allowed for the Under 15 category only in compliance with the F.I.R.-I.R.B. regulations..
6. UNFAIR PLAY AND PENALTIES 6.1 A player sent off by the Referee may not be used again during the match and may not participate in the next match, without prejudice to further disciplinary sanctions applied by the Referee. 6.2 If a Manager or Trainer is sent off, this person is automatically excluded for the whole Tournament. As he is a cardholder, he will be judged by the Federal Authority. 6.3 Only cardholders included on the list are allowed on the playing area.
The Manager and players not taking part in the match must remain at least two metres behind the sidelines and/or goal lines. Managers are requested to collaborate to the full with the Organisers.
7. PUNCTUALITY 7.1 All teams taking part are requested to report to the pitches no later than 8.30 on Saturday 09 and Sunday 10 May 2008. 7.2 In order to avoid jeopardising the correct running of the event, Managers and Trainers are requested to be punctual throughout all phases of the Tournament.
8. THE TOURNAMENT REFEREE 8.1 The decisions of the Tournament Referee are made on the basis of these Regulations and the F.I.R. regulations. 8.2 The decisions of the Tournament Referee are final and may not be challenged. 31th “Città di Treviso” Mini Rugby Tournament 18th RUGBY TROPHY
Amateur Sports Association Mini Rugby Città di Treviso
“La Ghirada” Sports Centre Strada di Nascimben, 1/b - 31100 TREVISO
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (open only during the Tournament)
Strada di Nascimben, 1/B - 31100 Treviso
Ph. ++39-0422.324.243 Fax. ++39-0422.324.339 ORGANIZING TEAM:
Giovanni Grespan Ph. ++39-0422.324.344 Fax. ++39-0422.324.339 e-mail : [email protected]
Alice Bado Tel. ++39-0422.324.238 Fax. ++39-0422.324.326 e-mail : [email protected]