Name . Acids, Bases, & Salts Practice Test

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Name . Acids, Bases, & Salts Practice Test

9. Which pH change represents a hundredfold increase + in the concentration of H3O ?

Name ……………………………………………………. (1) pH 5 to pHAcids, 7 Bases,(3) & Salts pH 13 Practice to pH 14 Test Period ……. (2) pH 3 to pH 1 (4) pH 4 to pH 3 Don’t forget about the vocab! 10. Which compound releases hydroxide ions in an 1. Which substance is an Arrhenius base? aqueous solution?

(1) CH3COOH (3) HCl (1) CH3OH (3) LiOH (2) CH3OH (4) KOH (2) CH3Cl (4) LiCl

2. One acid-base theory states that an acid is 11. What are the products of a reaction between KOH (aq) and HCl (aq)? (1) an electron donor (3) a neutron donor (2) an H+ donor (4) an OH– donor (1) H2 and KClO (3) KH and HClO (2) H2O and KCl (4) KOH and HCl 3. The compound HNO can be described as an 3 12. The pH of a solution changes from 4 to 3 when (1) Arrhenius acid and an electrolyte the hydrogen ion concentration in the solution is (2) Arrhenius acid and a nonelectrolyte (3) Arrhenius base and an electrolyte (1) decreased by a factor of 100 (4) Arrhenius base and a nonelectrolyte (2) increased by a factor of 100 (3) decreased by a factor of 10 4. What is the color of the indicator methyl orange in a (4) increased by a factor of 10 solution that has a pH of 2? 13. In which laboratory process could a student use 0.10 (1) blue (3) yellow M NaOH (aq) to determine the concentration of an (2) orange (4) red aqueous solution of HBr?

5. In which solution will bromthymol blue indicator (1) chromatography (3) filtration appear blue? (2) pH testing (4) titration

(1) 0.1 M CH COOH (3) 0.1 M KOH 14. Which statement correctly describes a solution with a 3 pH of 9? (2) 0.1 M HCl (4) 0.1 M H2SO4

+ – 6. A hydrogen ion, H+, in an aqueous solution may also (1) It has a higher concentration of H3O than OH be written as and causes litmus to turn blue. – + (2) It has a higher concentration of OH than H3O + (1) H2O (3) H3O and causes litmus to turn blue. – (2) H2O2 (4) OH + – (3) It has a higher concentration of H3O than OH and causes methyl orange to turn red. 7. Given the reaction: – + (4) It has a higher concentration of OH than H3O + – NH3 + HCl → NH4 + Cl and causes methyl orange to turn red.

In this reaction, ammonia molecules (NH3) act 15. Identify two indicators from Reference Table M as a base because they that are yellow in solutions with a pH of 5.5. (1) accept hydrogen ions (H+) (2) accept hydroxide ion (OH–) any two of the following: (3) donate hydrogen ions (H+) (4) donate hydroxide ions (OH–) methyl orange, bromthymol blue, thymol blue 8. Which pH indicates a basic solution?

(1) 1 (3) 7 (2) 5 (4) 12 16. Which chemical equation represents the reaction of an Arrhenius acid and an Arrhenius base?

(1) HNO3(aq) + NaOH(aq) → H2O(l) + NaNO3(aq)

(2) C3H8(g) + 5 O2(g) → 3 CO2(g) + 4 H2O(l)

(3) Zn(s) + 2 HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)

(4) BaCl2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) → BaSO4(s) + 2 NaCl(aq)

17. In a laboratory activity, 0.500 mole of NaOH(s) is completely dissolved in distilled water to form 400. milliliters of

NaOH(aq). This solution is then used to neutralize a solution of HNO3(aq). Complete the equation representing this neutralization reaction by writing the formulas of the products.

NaOH + HNO3 → H2O + NaNO3

18. A student was studying the pH differences in samples from two Adirondack streams. The student measured a pH of 4 in stream A and a pH of 6 in stream B.

(a) Compare the hydronium ion concentration in stream A to the hydronium ion concentration in stream B.

The hydronium ion concentration is greater in stream A than in stream B.

(b) Identify one compound that could be used to neutralize the sample from stream A. a base, NaOH, KOH, etc.

(c) Identify an indicator the student can use to differentiate between the samples from stream A and stream B.

Methyl orange OR litmus OR bromcresol green

19. Samples of acid rain are brought to a laboratory for analysis. Several titrations are performed and it is determined that a 20.0-milliliter sample of acid rain is neutralized with 6.50 milliliters of 0.010 M NaOH. What is the molarity of the H+ ions in the acid rain? Your response must include both a correct numerical setup and the final answer.

MAVA = MBVB …………..MA(20.0) = (0.010)(6.50) ………………MA = 0.00325 M

20. A truck carrying concentrated nitric acid overturns and spills its contents. The acid drains into a nearby pond. The pH of the pond water was 8.0 before the spill. After the spill, the pond water is 1,000 times more acidic.

(a) What is the chemical formula for nitric acid? ______HNO3 (on Table K!)

(b) What is the new pH of the pond water after the spill? ______(1000 = 103; the pH decreases by 3)

Ans: pH = 5.0

21. Indigestion may be caused by excess stomach acid (HCl). Some products used to treat indigestion contain Mg(OH)2.

The Mg(OH)2 neutralizes some of the stomach acid. The amount of acid that can be neutralized by three different brands of antacids is shown in the data table below. (a) What is the chemical name for the base Mg(OH)2?

magnesium hydroxide

(b) If a sample of antacid X has a molarity of 0.50 M, what is the volume required to neutralize 10. mL of 1.0 M HCl? Your response must include both a correct numerical setup

MAVA = MBVB …………..(1.0)(10.) = (0.50)VB ……………… VB = 20. mL

22. Many ancient cultural statues and buildings were made out of marble. Marble is a type of rock which contains the metal calcium in it. Explain, using Table J, why marble statues are damaged by acid rain.

Ca metal reacts with acids to form hydrogen gas and a salt

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