Application for Immersion Studies in Spanish, Barcelona
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Application for Immersion Studies in Spanish, Barcelona May 21-June 18, 2016
Current mailing address:
Permanent mailing address:
E-mail address:
Phone number:
Date of birth:
Student ID:
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? ______If so, please explain on a separate sheet of paper.
Have you ever been convicted of possession, use, or distribution of any illegal drug? ______
Have you ever been subject to any disciplinary action at a post-secondary institution? If so, please explain on a separate sheet of paper.
_____ male ______female
_____ smoker ______non-smoker
Vegetarian? (If so, be sure to include this information on your Enforex application.)
Academic Information
Name of institution (if any) where you are currently enrolled:
Year (freshman, sophomore, etc.):
Years of Spanish, level, and grade received:
Reason for application to this program (e.g., to satisfy CPC or core requirements, need or desire to speak Spanish, interest in Barcelona, etc.): Medical information (any chronic health problems about which the program director should know in case of emergency in Barcelona; use additional paper if necessary):
NOTE: While minimum hospitalization insurance is included in the program, you alone are responsible for making sure that you have sufficient health insurance coverage. You need to be certain that it covers you while you are in Spain, and you also need to know the procedures involved in filing claims for any medical services in Spain (and in any country you plan to visit during the program).
Please be aware that getting around in Barcelona involves a lot of walking. While this isn’t normally a problem even for people with asthma, students with knee problems, severe asthma, or any other health issue that may affect their ability to walk several blocks at a time should discuss possible problems with the program director. Class attendance and participation in excursions are required, and a student’s inability to fulfill these requirements because of physical limitations will adversely affect his grade.
Emergency Contact
Phone number:
Reference (must be an instructor but not necessarily a language instructor)
Phone number:
E-mail address:
You must have a passport in order to travel to Barcelona. Getting one usually takes between six and eight weeks. You should apply no later than February 13. YOU are responsible for obtaining your own passport. If you do not have it by the time of departure, you will not be allowed to go, and you will not receive a refund.
Because you will not get as much grammar in Barcelona as you would here at the same level (the emphasis there is on communicating, not on memorizing paradigms), you must do several Power Point presentations BEFORE DEPARTURE. Your syllabus indicates what those presentations are and where to find them. Please see the syllabus for further instructions.
Program Fee
The program fee of $3390 includes the following: lodging in a twin-bedded room, breakfast and dinner, tuition, insurance. It does NOT include airfare, ground transportation in the U.S. or Spain, passport, lunches, books, entrance to places of interest (even those that are required; consider entrance fees to be part of the book fee), or spending money. Upon arrival in Barcelona, students who arrange for the program director to meet them will be escorted to taxis and will pay the driver when they reach their destination. Students are responsible for their own return to the airport at the end of the program, will not be escorted, and are expected to check in themselves.
Following is the payment schedule:
February 1--$650non-refundable deposit ($700 for non-residents) March 1--$1370 payment (non-refundable) ($1470 for non-residents) April 1—remaining $1370 due (non-refundable) ($1470 for non-residents)
Important note: the $650 ($700) non-refundable deposit obligates the student to make the remaining two payments on time. A $20 penalty is applied for each working day that the payment is late. For example, a payment received on March 3 incurs a $20 penalty; a payment received March 4 incurs a $40 penalty; etc. Under no circumstances will the final two payments be accepted later than March 9/April 9, respectively. If the student fails to make those payments by those dates, he forfeits all previous payments made, and he ceases to be affiliated with Gordon’s Immersion Studies in Spanish program in any way.
Authorization and Waiver of Liability:
Please read and sign the following statement:
I acknowledge that participation in a study abroad program involves some risk of injury, illness, or loss of personal property. I agree to release and forever discharge the institution through which I am registering for the program, Gordon College, Enforex, and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, its members individually, and its officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims, demands, rights, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature, arising from and by reason of any and all known and unknown, foreseen and unforeseen bodily and personal injuries, including death, damages to property and the consequences thereof, resulting from my participation in the Immersion Studies in Spanish program at Enforex Schools in Barcelona and related activities. I hereby agree to maintain accident and health insurance in force and effect for the entire duration of my participation in the study abroad program. I further certify that, to the best of my knowledge, I am in good health and physically capable of undertaking an intensive program of foreign study; any medical or health-related problems have been explicitly described in this application.
I further agree that I shall be subject to the supervision and authority of the faculty in charge and to standards of conduct stipulated by the faculty in charge. I further acknowledge that the supervising faculty or program director has sole authority to make decisions regarding the continued participation of any individual in the program whose conduct may necessitate disciplinary action. I further authorize the supervising faculty or program director to obtain and provide medical treatment and/or services that I may require during the study abroad program.
______Signature of Applicant Date
Please read and sign to indicate that you understand that commission of any of the following offenses will result in your removal from the program with NO REFUND:
While the student is in Spain, he is bound by both U.S. and Spanish law. Breaking a law of either country will result in the student's removal from the program. Because 21 is the legal drinking age in the U.S. and because Gordon College policy is to allow no consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus, no program participant under the age of 21 may consume alcoholic beverages while he is participating in the program. (An exception to this policy is alcoholic beverages offered to the student in a private home by the family with whom he resides.)
Students, regardless of age, may not disrupt the home nor soil it. If the family complains that the student has caused loud disturbances or has damaged property, the student will receive a warning. If the offense is so disturbing that the family asks that the student be removed from the home, the student must find and pay for his own lodging if he wishes to remain in the program. The second infraction of any of the rules listed here will result in the student’s expulsion from the program.*
Students may not have friends to their homes unless the family extends an invitation. That is, it is not permissible for the student to say, “May I have someone over?” Only if the family initiates the invitation may a student invite someone over. The first time that the family complains about uninvited guests, the student will receive a warning. The second infraction of any of the rules listed here will result in the student’s expulsion from the program.*
Students may not make any remark or commit any action that could be considered an act of sexual harassment. If a student is accused of such behavior and there is a witness who supports the victim’s statement, the student will receive a warning. The second infraction of any of the rules listed here will result in the student’s expulsion from the program.*
Teachers and/or academic supervisors, including the program director, assistant director, and activities director, may expel from class any student whose behavior is disruptive to the class and/or interferes with the learning of his classmates. If a student is expelled from class, he may not return until the beginning of the next class hour. A two-hour absence will be recorded for him if he returns at the beginning of the next class hour. However, if the teacher chooses not to allow him to return to class that day, he will be considered absent for the remaining hours of that class day. The student will receive a warning after his first expulsion from class. The second infraction of any of the rules listed here will result in the student’s expulsion from the program.*
*This statement means that the second infraction need not be in the same category as the first; an infraction of any rule after the student has received any type of warning is grounds for expulsion.
If a student commits any two infractions, he will be required to turn in his residence key to the program leader. He must make his own arrangements for an early return home. Under no circumstances will he receive a refund for any portion or any element of the program.
Students who fail to arrive in Barcelona in time for the placement test at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, May 23, will receive only three hours of credit and may be asked to find their own lodging until the following Sunday. Students who fail to arrive in Barcelona by Sunday, May 29, will be removed from the program and may not participate in the program nor lodge with their assigned family. In neither case will the student receive any refund.
Students may miss 4 hours of class without being penalized. Any additional absences will result in a lowering of the student's grade. If a student's absences reach 20 hours, he will be removed from the program.
Confirm your understanding & agreement by reading & signing below.
I have read the list of offenses and understand that if I commit more than one infraction of the rules or have absences totaling 20 hours or more, I will be removed from the program and will receive no refund. I also understand that if my payments are more than a week late, I forfeit all money paid up to that point and my involvement with Gordon College’s Immersion Studies in Spanish program is terminated.
______signature date
This applicant is recommended for admission to the Immersion Studies in Spanish program, May 21-June 18, 2016.
______Signature of Program Director Date