1. Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions
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EDWG Meeting Minutes October 27, 2017 1
1. Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions
Fred Heutte, Environmental Data Work Group (EDWG) Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. A quorum was present for the conducting of business. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A. Mr. Heutte asked attendees to introduce themselves.
2. Antitrust Policy
Tyler Butikofer, Associate System Adequacy Engineer, read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.
3. Approve Agenda
Mr. Heutte introduced the proposed meeting agenda.
By consensus, the EDWG approved the agenda.
4. Review July 21, 2017 Minutes
Mr. Heutte introduced the minutes from the July 21, 2017 meeting.
By consensus, the EDWG approved the July 21, 2017 minutes.
5. Review of Previous Action Items
Mr. Heutte reviewed action items carried over from the July 21, 2017 meeting of the EDWG. Action items that are not closed and will be carried forward are:
Jon Jensen will create timeframe for the Corridor Optimization to be put in the Environmental Data Viewer. Fred Heutte will follow-up with Sherry Liguori, Mike Best about the APLIC Update Eagle Rule. Fred Heutte will pursue an update on the Conservation and Restoration Strategy including the Science Frame work.
6. Project Updates Nate Wagoner, ICF International (ICF), presented an update on the 2017 Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool (CHAT) update with assistance from the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA). The EDWG discussed the roll-out of the updates to the viewer.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
Scott Whitesides, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), presented an update on the BLM Section 368 Energy Corridors and the reviews being completed on those corridors.
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L EDWG Meeting Minutes October 27, 2017 2 The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
Daly Edmunds, Audubon Rockies, presented an update on the Department of Interior (DOI) review of the Greater Sage-Grouse protection.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
7. California Energy Commission - 10:00 Misa Werner, California Energy Commission (CEC), presented an update on the CEC California environmental information and tool.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
Matt Braun, CEC, presented an update on the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) data being incorporated into the CEC cultural resource.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
8. EDWG 3-Year Work Plan - 11:00 Mr. Heutte presented the draft 2018-2020 Work Plan. The work plan will be taken to the Data Subcommittee (DS) for review. EDWG discussed the work plan.
On a motion by Misa Werner, the EDWG approved adopting the interim EDWG Three- Year Work Plan as amended.
The Three-Year Work Plan is posted to the WECC Website.
The Work Plan spreadsheet is posted to the WECC Website.
The EDWG discussed the EDWG membership.
The current member list is posted to the WECC Website.
9. Public Comment
No comments were made.
10. Review of New Action Items
Announce Environmental Risk Layer update when that is published.
o Assigned To: Fred Heutte and Tyler Butikofer
o Due Date: When published
Forward the Three-Year Work Plan to the Data Subcommittee.
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L EDWG Meeting Minutes October 27, 2017 3 o Assigned To: Fred Heutte
o Due Date: November 30, 2017
Discuss preparations for the open season.
o Assigned To: EDWG Planning Group
o Due Date: First Quarter 2018
Send out information for NGO reimbursements.
o Assigned To: Tyler Butikofer
o Due Date:
11. Upcoming Meetings
January 22-23, 2018...... Salt Lake City, UT
12. Adjourn
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L EDWG Meeting Minutes October 27, 2017 4 Mr. Heutte adjourned the meeting without objection at 12:00 p.m. Exhibit A: Attendance List
Name...... Affiliation
Members in Attendance
Eusebio Arballo...... San Diego Gas & Electric
Andie Biggs...... California Public Utilities Commission
Daly Edmunds...... Audubon Rockies
Rod Fisher...... PacifiCorp
Fred Heutte...... NW Energy Coalition
Irfan Khan...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Kenton Martin...... El Paso Electric Company
Ahlmahz Negash...... Tacoma Power
Sarah Reif...... Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife
Misa Werner...... California Energy Commission
Scott Whitesides...... Bureau of Land Management
Members not in Attendance
Jessica Christianson...... El Paso Electric Company
Karyn De Dufour...... Nevada State Historic Preservation Office
Adham Ibrahim...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Ron Lehr...... American Wind Energy Association
Amy Li...... Southern California Edison Company
Dan Martin...... Bureau of Land Management
Tom Martin...... Tacoma Power
Amelia Reiver-Schlusser...... Green Energy Institute
Jon Shumaker...... Arizona Public Service Company
Tony Willardson...... Western States Water Council
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L EDWG Meeting Minutes October 27, 2017 5 Carl Zichella...... Natural Resources Defense Council
Others in Attendance
Matthew Braun...... California Energy Commission
Tyler Butikofer...... WECC
Travis David...... California Energy Commission
Bill Hosie...... PSI Power System Innovation Corp.
Daniel Moreno...... ICF International
Shelli Nyland...... WECC
Georgeann Smale...... Bureau of Land Management
Holly Taylor...... Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Body
Nathan Wagoner...... ICF International